View Full Version : Amazing Scripted Hat and Prayerbook

03-18-2008, 09:12 PM
Decided to toss these in their own thread cause they were just too long with all the scripts for the big list.

a black leather hunting hat

The hunting hat is tailored of finely worked leather that has been dyed a midnight hue. Interwoven veniom threads along the brim so fine they are almost indiscernible. Studded with polished veil iron studs, the hat is adorned with an argent insignia of rank.

VERY old unique scripted hat
Holds small amount
Weighs less than a pound

- Close -
You pull your hunting hat down over your eyes, shutting out the world for a while.

Tsin pulls his hunting hat down over his eyes to shut out the world for a while.

- Open -
You push your hunting hat to the back of your head. Time to kick back and relax, is it?

Tsin pushes his hunting hat to the back of his head, looking very relaxed.

- Nudge -
You arrange your hunting hat so that it casts a shadow mysteriously over your eyes.

Tsin adjusts his hunting hat. It casts a shadow mysteriously over his eyes.

- Push -
You tip your hunting hat.

Tsin tips his hunting hat.

- Roll -
You bow with a sweep of your hunting hat.
You put your hat back on your head.

Tsin bows with a sweep of his hunting hat.

- Rub -
You slide your finger smartly along the brim of your hunting hat in a casual salute.

Tsin slides his finger smartly along the brim of his hunting hat in a casual salute.

- Tickle -
You remove your hunting hat and fan yourself with it.

Tsin removes his hunting hat and fans himself with it.

- Toss -
You toss your hunting hat into the air exuberantly!
Your hat flutters to the ground.

Tsin tosses his hunting hat into the air with gleeful exuberance!
A black leather hunting hat flutters to the ground.
a tattered leatherbound prayerbook embossed with a symbol of Lorminstra

Scripted prayerbook
Holds very small amount
Weighs less than a pound

- Clench -
You stare at your leatherbound prayerbook, clenching it tightly in your hand.

Tsin stares at his leatherbound prayerbook, clenching it tightly in his hand.

- Flip -
You flip through the pages of your leatherbound prayerbook.

Tsin flips through the pages of his leatherbound prayerbook.

- Hug -
You clasp your leatherbound prayerbook to your heart, closing your eyes in silent contemplation for a moment.

Tsin clasps his leatherbound prayerbook to his heart, his eyes closed in a moment of silent contemplation.

- Kiss -
You close your eyes for a moment and lift your leatherbound prayerbook to your lips in a reverent kiss.

Tsin lifts his leatherbound prayerbook to his lips in a reverent kiss, closing his eyes for a moment.

- Poke -
You emphatically poke your finger at a page of your leatherbound prayerbook.

Tsin emphatically pokes a finger at the cover of his leatherbound prayerbook.

- Punch -
You slam your fist emphatically against your leatherbound prayerbook.

Tsin emphatically slams his fist against his leatherbound prayerbook.

- Raise -
You raise your leatherbound prayerbook above your head, waving it in emphasis.

Tsin raises a tattered leatherbound prayerbook embossed with a symbol of Lorminstra above his head, waving it emphatically.

- Shake -
You turn your leatherbound prayerbook upside-down and shake it vigorously to see if anything is stuck between the pages. Doesn't seem to be anything in there.

Tsin turns his leatherbound prayerbook over and shakes it vigorously, but it seems there's nothing stuck between the pages.

- Slap -
You slam your leatherbound prayerbook shut with a loud *THWAP*!

- Tap -
You drum your fingers on your leatherbound prayerbook, thinking quietly to yourself.

Tsin drums his fingers on his leatherbound prayerbook, lost in thought.

- Turn -
You turn a tattered leatherbound prayerbook embossed with a symbol of Lorminstra over in your hands, examining its cover.

Tsin turns a tattered leatherbound prayerbook embossed with a symbol of Lorminstra over in his hands, examining its cover.

- Wave-
You draw back your arm with the intent to furiously hurl your leatherbound prayerbook across the room, pulling back at the last moment.

With a furious look, Tsin draws back his arm as if to hurl his leatherbound prayerbook across the room, but he pulls back at the last moment, scowling.


Anyone interested can send me a PM or IM at bubbauno on AIM or an email at bubbauno@aol.com.


03-19-2008, 07:26 PM
Hat sold!

03-20-2008, 02:37 PM
First offer of 10m can have the prayerbook

03-20-2008, 03:30 PM
First offer of 10m can have the prayerbook

whoa. a set price. Tsin, this better not mark the start of a trend. My expectations will be knocked completely out of whack! haha...

free bump

03-22-2008, 07:06 PM
Ok 7m?