View Full Version : Stubborn stupid staff.

Moist Happenings
12-18-2003, 11:35 PM
Okay. so demons can deliver messages. and people can WHISPER to the demon to send you a message in return, right? But nowhere does anyone list how to get the message once it's returned. It tells you when it HAS a message, and to get the demon to return to get the message. But I had this conversation with a GM earlier:

>report I'm pretty sure demons are a little broken. When someone sends it a message in return to the message it delivered for me, I can't get it to report it to me. Am I doing it wrong or should I bug this?

SEND[Lothwyn] What you trying to do to get the message, and how much time has passed?

>report Well it just says that I should "get it to return" before it forgets the message. About 20 seconds has passed since it told me it had a message.

>report So I have it return to me, and there's no way I can get the message from it. At least no documented way.

SEND[Lothwyn] You have do a command to the demon to get it to tell you the message. Might want to ask a fellow Sorcerer near you.

>report Demons have been out for like 3 days. Nobody around me has any idea. Shouldn't that be something that's just like..listed? It's a fairly simple function.

SEND[Lothwyn] It's not involved in the TELL mechanics, it's another verb.

>report Well I was under the impression that my character was supposed to know these things to be able to summon demons in the first place. It's a matter of mechanics. I don't think it's exactly in character or some secret quest to be forced to play "guess the verb that is listed nowhere". And think of the lag that we'll be causing when we all have to write dictionary scripts to search for a verb that we should just be told in the first place. Do you think when Familiars were first around there wasn't something listed that said: Hey to get this to work you have to TELL your familiar to do stuff. If it wasn't listed then it would be a terrible pain in the ass to figure it out. What's next, you going to start using four syllable mystery verbs that we're supposed to just guess?

SEND[Lothwyn] I'll speak with GM Nilven to see if we can get it listed somewhere.

>report Uh, thanks. But in the mean time can you just tell me what it is? None of the fifteen plus sorcerer's i've asked have had any clue, because nobody has ever said anything about it anywhere.

SEND[Lothwyn] In the mean time, you LISTEN to the demon to get the message

Is it just me, or was he being very difficult over something that should just be given to you in the first place? It's not exactly in character to say: Okay, you're an incredibly powerful sorcerer. You can summon a demon. It can give you messages from people it delivers messages to for you. But we're not going to tell you how to get them. Because it's part of the game to learn things. So go through the dictionary and guess until you get the right word.

Edit to add: Also, when you are informed that your demon has a message for you, if what you were supposed to do was at least HINTED in the messaging I would have no problem with this. But this is what you get:

You sense that your dark green grik'pwal has some news for you from Lahanna. If you want to hear it, you better bring the grik'pwal back before it forgets.

So naturally you think: Okay if I make it return it'll come back and tell me. Right? Wrong.

[Edited on 12-19-2003 by Neff]

12-19-2003, 11:29 AM
It just sounds like he knows demons, but isn't the one that created them, so there might be boundaries to how much he can tell. He offered to check with Nilven, though. That counts for something.

12-19-2003, 11:32 AM
Am I the only one that knew how to get messages?:?: you should have asked..

12-19-2003, 11:48 AM
the hint was there, just really subtle. Probably too subtle.
If you want to HEAR something.. you LISTEN to it.

12-19-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Czeska
the hint was there, just really subtle. Probably too subtle.
If you want to HEAR something.. you LISTEN to it.

:lol: I'll say.

12-19-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
the hint was there, just really subtle. Probably too subtle.
If you want to HEAR something.. you LISTEN to it.

<White men can't jump>
But because you're white, "You can listen to Jimmy but you can't hear Jimmy"
</White men can't jump>

12-19-2003, 03:24 PM
Just type report FUCK YOU FUCKING GMS and hold down ctrl-enter. Then they'll tell you all the game secrets. Heavy D taught me that one.

<thinks Wezas' new av looks like a bunch of Lego men>

Moist Happenings
12-19-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Czeska
the hint was there, just really subtle. Probably too subtle.
If you want to HEAR something.. you LISTEN to it.

Okay, say Gemstone JUST started out, and you roll up a warrior. You go into the catacombs.

You want to attack a rat.

kill rat

attack rat

destroy rat

assault rat

report How do you attack something?

Send[Idiot] That's a closely guarded secret and it's part of the game for you to figure it out.


12-19-2003, 08:13 PM
or when your starting out...


If you are new to GemStone IV, don't forget to try the ADVICE command for hints on getting started.

Type HELP <subject> for help on...

Assist Combat Commands Constable Creatures
Death Debt Deeds DFRedux Directions
Experience Fame Feedback GameMasters Hurl
Inventory Lockers Magic Merchants Movement
Mstrike NPC Ranged Report Rerolling
Shields Silvers Skills Talking Trip
Tps Valuables Wands Weapons

>help combat
Combat begins with the ATTACK command (you may also use KILL). You need a weapon in your right hand, unless you mean to fight bare-fisted. Use the INVENTORY or GLANCE command to see what's in your hands.
Some examples:


Here's what an attack looks like:

You swing a golden mithril broadsword at a cave troll!
AS: +122 vs DS: +37 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +10 = +127
... and hit for 10 points of damage!
Quick slash to the cave troll's upper right arm!
Just a nick.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Moist Happenings
12-19-2003, 08:14 PM

Help demons

That's my point.

So why exactly would they not tell you a command and then just expect you to figure it out when nothing that even hints to it beyond "maybe you should bring ti back to hear it's message" is listed anywhere?

[Edited on 12-20-2003 by Neff]

12-19-2003, 08:14 PM
I knew how to get a message and as for your bitching that its not all laid out before you Neff. It wasnt all laid out before us when the nations opened up but we made it to the town that night somethings you just have to do yourself. Wasnt hard to figure out.

12-19-2003, 08:16 PM
you have to be what 25 atleast to get a demon? there is a big difference between a gm not giving you all the commands in the help verb when your 25 and when you are just starting out in the game.

Moist Happenings
12-19-2003, 08:16 PM
Khaitiff, i'm not saying it should all be laid out for us. I'm saying that if they're going to make you guess they should at least HINT at what you're supposed to do. All it says is "have it return"

Moist Happenings
12-19-2003, 08:18 PM
You sense that your dark green grik'pwal has some news for you from Lahanna. If you want to hear it, you better bring the grik'pwal back before it forgets.

This is again, what you get.

If they had even changed "hear it" to "listen to it" then I would have no problem with it, and probably would have tried the listen verb. Yes, I would have figured it out without assistance eventually anyway, but i'm just saying they could have at least hinted if it was supposed to be something secret. In my opinion it SHOULDN'T be something you have to guess in the first place. Do you disagree?

12-19-2003, 09:12 PM
I figured it out in Beta in about 5 minutes. It's really not that difficult.

12-19-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Neff

Originally posted by Czeska
the hint was there, just really subtle. Probably too subtle.
If you want to HEAR something.. you LISTEN to it.

Okay, say Gemstone JUST started out, and you roll up a warrior. You go into the catacombs.

You want to attack a rat.

kill rat

attack rat

destroy rat

assault rat

report How do you attack something?

Send[Idiot] That's a closely guarded secret and it's part of the game for you to figure it out.


That happened to me, sans the report part. Guess the verb is fun until you run out of ideas, which doesn't take long. Now I hear those bastards using StormFront get it a little menu with all possible verbs to use on it when they click on a thing.

Let's kill the sky.

12-24-2003, 03:24 AM
"The answer was right in front of me, but I still couldn't figure it out. So here I am griping that someone should've told me what the answer was to begin with, so I wouldn't have had to try and think for myself."

Bah, humbug.

~The Watcher