View Full Version : No pain, no gain. Last try!

07-05-2003, 11:36 AM
Caels said I didn't break the boards. It was something else so these pics should work. This pic is of me ramping a 6 foot dirt ramp. It's the beginning of my jump into a superman. You hold the handle bar and seat and extent your body straight out. Then pull yourself back onto the bike. I did land it. But most of them I don't land clean or go flying off the bike. I been trying to release the handle bars with both hands and just grab the back seat. But lost the bike totally a few times. So hope you enjoy the pic. 33 and fearless still. I may grow up one day, but I hope not.

07-05-2003, 11:40 AM
This pic is deceiving. I hit the ramp on a angle and left it sideways. I tried to pull the bike back under me, but realized I was not going to land on the ramp at all. I was going towards the camera guy. So I threw the bike away from me and and it almost hit the person taking the pic. I fell to the ground about a 10 foot drop or so on my shoulder. That ended my day. Was to tired to wreck anymore. After 10 or so wrecks, it's time to find a Bud Light. Plus the heat was in the 90s.

07-05-2003, 11:43 AM
Taking pics with a digital camera is tough. You have to realize we are hitting this ramp extremely fast. So timing is important. But this was just a cool pic. That is my friend Chad who is 30. Heh. None of the teens would ramp the dirt ramp. It was to big they said....lol

07-05-2003, 11:45 AM
This was just perfect timing on my part taking the pic. Everyone that tried taking pics would either miss the jumper or get you when you just hit the ramp and no air. Chad landed that one perfect. But he took lots of spills.

[Edited on 7-5-2003 by edge]

07-05-2003, 11:55 AM
The toughest thing about doing this for most people is the fear of getting hurt. Which I don't have. So the next toughest thing is the landing. You have to push off the pedals and make them stay still. This is so you know where you are going to put your feet on the landing. If you miss the pedals, you get the back of your legs torn up and wreck most of the time. I broke the seat when I missed the pedals one day, that hurt worse then the 10 foot fall I took. I am wearing jeans today because I got tired of the back of my legs getting torn to hell. I also got shin guards under my pant legs. But shin guards only help so much. Chad broke the bike on the 4th trying to do a 360 off the ramp. Handle bars are mangled so no backflip attempts until we get new bars. But we started wearing full safty gear. Cup, chest protector, arm guards, full face helmet. But this created problems we didn't expect. You lose lots of moblity and you have added weight. So it's going to take a few days to get use to. Plus the heat with all this gear on is insane. You only last a few jumps before you feel like you are going to fall over from heat stroke. But when I do finally land a backflip. I will be so cool.... I hope everyone enjoys the pics. Just me having fun with my life.

07-05-2003, 12:00 PM
What the hell? What do you think you're doing, trying to be all athletic and cool? C'mon, everyone knows the only studly player is Sean the star actor/football player. So get back behind your computer so that we can go back to assuming you're a fugly, fat, beer-guzzling, lazy gamer! Um.. yeah! :P

Let's not forget he's wearing glasses! Geek! (Hope you don't land badly and break your glasses, that would really suck.) ;)

[Edited on 7/5/2003 by CrystalTears]

07-05-2003, 01:43 PM
Really nice photos Edge.:thumbsup:

Black Jesus
07-05-2003, 03:15 PM
what exactly is the gain?

07-05-2003, 03:18 PM
He's enjoying life by jumping mounds of dirt with other middle-aged guys, Black Jesus. What's NOT to gain?



Black Jesus
07-05-2003, 03:19 PM

07-05-2003, 04:10 PM
LoL! Seriously. Who cares about respect? I like casual sex. Do I get respect from sleeping with every chick I can? No. But do I enjoy it? Hell yes. Just like I enjoy jumping mounds of dirt. I enjoy life, unlike some people. I did at one point enjoy others pain. But not any longer. To much in life to enjoy. You just have to get off your lazy ass and find something. Preying on others misery is the weak person way of pleasure.

[Edited on 7-5-2003 by edge]

Black Jesus
07-05-2003, 08:24 PM
You should brag about the shit you did that mattered like in the Navy. Not banging a bunch of undoubtedly ugly whores and jumping off fucking dirt. I like you and all edge, but this recent thing you got of bragging about how cool your new found life is is pretty bad man. Trust me, screwing random sluts and being in an over 30 club is not that cool.

07-05-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Black Jesus
You should brag about the shit you did that mattered like in the Navy. Not banging a bunch of undoubtedly ugly whores and jumping off fucking dirt. I like you and all edge, but this recent thing you got of bragging about how cool your new found life is is pretty bad man. Trust me, screwing random sluts and being in an over 30 club is not that cool.

Oh, clearly.

We all shall submit our lives to Senor Jesus for approval from now on Edge.

Didn't you get the memo?

07-06-2003, 12:25 AM
I gotta agree with the Black Christ here...

We all have fun with our lives... stuff you folks do may seem lame as hell to me... stuff I do may seem retarded or too crazy for all of you. It's all subjective and noone should post stuff just to win approval from other folks online. Who gives a damn, really?


Black Jesus
07-06-2003, 12:33 AM
speaking of memos...


07-06-2003, 11:16 AM
I didn't know I was trying to get anyones approval...lol. But I am just showing people, what I have been up to. Most people here are my friends. So I hope they enjoyed the pics. Clearly you two didn't.

Black Jesus
07-06-2003, 12:51 PM

07-06-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Black Jesus
You should brag about the shit you did that mattered like in the Navy. Not banging a bunch of undoubtedly ugly whores and jumping off fucking dirt. I like you and all edge, but this recent thing you got of bragging about how cool your new found life is is pretty bad man. Trust me, screwing random sluts and being in an over 30 club is not that cool.

Yeah, and the one who uses a Tyson Icon is the guru of cool. Now there's a role model.

Hell I have been in my share of disagreements with Edge but get off his back about this. The man had some fun, didnt hurt anyone and came back and shared some of that experience with his friends. He didnt tell you all bout his hand jobs as you so nicely added in on your own. Just about a fun afternoon.

Go do something of your own and come post about it and then maybe you won't have to keep whining about him.

07-06-2003, 02:24 PM

Black Jesus
07-06-2003, 02:49 PM
yea right dude, here is me and Makkah back when he was a budweiser delivery bitch


07-06-2003, 03:13 PM
The way the 2 guys look in the picture and what they are doing, the only road head they will be getting is from eachother.

07-06-2003, 05:08 PM
I am so good I can talk a hooker out of her merchandise and do a backflip! I am da man!!!! ROFL. You need to be my PR guy.....heh.

07-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Man, you guys are lame. You take something simple and turn it into some big ol' issue.

Nice pics, Edge. Glad you're having fun. I also hope you're using a video cam so that you can edit some of the craziness you're doing because you can end up creating a kick ass video even if some stunts are rarely landed. Having all those one out of [insert lots of tries] will soon add up.

- N

07-06-2003, 06:25 PM
Yeah, when you get a video done and editted, post a link of it here. I'd love to see one.

Black Jesus
07-06-2003, 07:47 PM
real pic

07-07-2003, 01:14 AM
You are trying way to hard....lol I love it though. I sent it to everyone could think of. But kinda scary.

07-07-2003, 05:23 AM
Way to go Edge. Glad you're having fun.

07-07-2003, 10:42 AM
That is a pretty nasty bathroom. Thank god I can afford better digs than that. You need to burn that thing down. God, if you get any action they got to be pretty nasty to go into that thing.

07-07-2003, 11:25 AM
Nice pics Edge. Heck.. nice pics to you as well Black Jesus. The one with Edge on the can cracked me up.

Don't make such a big deal out of simple pics though BJ...

Hehh.. I said BJ

07-07-2003, 11:35 AM
<<That is a pretty nasty bathroom. Thank god I can afford better digs than that. You need to burn that thing down. God, if you get any action they got to be pretty nasty to go into that thing.>>

My guess is he just found a picture of a bathroom off the internet... nice try though.

My whole point in this discussion is that if EVERYone posted to brag or flaunt EVERYthing they do that makes them happy (even if it's "extreme" like BMX jumping), this would be a really cluttered and redundant board. Like you said, you're just trying too hard, bro. And it's funny you keep getting people kissing your ass saying NICE PICS!

... or maybe this is just all so stupid to me because I've BMXed before and I know folks that have been ranked in the nation.

Redundant redundant


[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Makkah]

07-07-2003, 12:08 PM
<< My whole point in this discussion is that if EVERYone posted to brag or flaunt EVERYthing they do that makes them happy (even if it's "extreme" like BMX jumping), this would be a really cluttered and redundant board. Like you said, you're just trying too hard, bro. And it's funny you keep getting people kissing your ass saying NICE PICS! >>

No it wouldn't, and I'd encourage people to do so. We have posts ranging from bickering, to whining, it's good to finally see some posts about people having a good time.

Keep em coming, that goes for anyone who's enjoying themselves and wants to share it. That's what this folder is all about afterall.

[Edited on 7-7-2003 by Kranar]

07-07-2003, 03:50 PM
Keep em coming. You don't have to read any 'redundant, cluttered' threads that you don't have to. I like seeing something other than bickering, argueing and fighting coming from these boards. Then again, even the 'happy' threads like this get turned into a flamefest. Go figure.

Keep it up Edge, I like your pics.

07-07-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
My whole point in this discussion is that if EVERYone posted to brag or flaunt EVERYthing they do that makes them happy (even if it's "extreme" like BMX jumping), this would be a really cluttered and redundant board. Like you said, you're just trying too hard, bro. And it's funny you keep getting people kissing your ass saying NICE PICS!

I have no interaction with Edgeleaf in game and I normally tell him he's full of crap here.

I have no motive to tell him his pics are nice except to actually say that I enjoyed viewing his pictures. I gain nothing by telling him so.

Sounds like you may have some sour grapes that need to be thrown away. Perhaps you can't BMX? Perhaps your dislike for Edge clouds this topic?

Not sure what it is.. but you're off base on this one rht. Like.. you should have ran to first.. and you ended up in the duggout.

Black Jesus
07-07-2003, 04:36 PM
nah i'm not meaning any insults, sorry if i came off like that. I actually like edge and always got along well with him. I figured he'd think the pics were amusing instead of taking them as insults. i hope that was the case.

07-07-2003, 04:48 PM
<< Then again, even the 'happy' threads like this get turned into a flamefest. Go figure. >>

How unfortunate... isn't it?

<< My whole point in this discussion is that if EVERYone posted to brag or flaunt EVERYthing they do that makes them happy >>

I'd say if anything... the only clutter on this BBS are the insults and sour posts. Give it up.

<< I figured he'd think the pics were amusing instead of taking them as insults. >>

That editted picture was God damn hilarious.

07-07-2003, 04:56 PM
<<Not sure what it is.. but you're off base on this one rht. Like.. you should have ran to first.. and you ended up in the duggout.>>

What can I say, I dislike baseball.

rht (ungracefully bowing out of this thread, seeing how many people I've hurt)

07-07-2003, 06:02 PM
I loved the editted pic. No offense was taken. I sent it to several people.

07-07-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Kranar
<< Then again, even the 'happy' threads like this get turned into a flamefest. Go figure. >>

How unfortunate... isn't it?

<< My whole point in this discussion is that if EVERYone posted to brag or flaunt EVERYthing they do that makes them happy >>

I'd say if anything... the only clutter on this BBS are the insults and sour posts. Give it up.

<< I figured he'd think the pics were amusing instead of taking them as insults. >>

That editted picture was God damn hilarious.

I could not agree more Kranar. Very well said.

07-07-2003, 06:09 PM
Heh that pic was hilarious. It reminds me of a pic I'd see in the National Enquirer.

'Man takes dump while jumping BMX bike....details inside'

Anyways, it was classic way to go.

07-08-2003, 01:49 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Nice pics Edge. Heck.. nice pics to you as well Black Jesus. The one with Edge on the can cracked me up.

Don't make such a big deal out of simple pics though BJ...

Hehh.. I said BJ

Lol yea that bathroom picture had be laughing good.

07-08-2003, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Nice pics Edge. Heck.. nice pics to you as well Black Jesus. The one with Edge on the can cracked me up.

Don't make such a big deal out of simple pics though BJ...

Hehh.. I said BJ

Lol yea that bathroom picture had be laughing good.

Post brought you by the associate for a more multitited english good.

07-09-2003, 06:03 PM
I agree, Kranar. I like seeing stuff like this, regardless of how "redundant" it may be. I just find it funny how it's redundant when nobody posts things like this, heh. I'm tired of all the bickering and complaining.

So go ahead and post what you're all doing, I have no problem with it. :smilegrin:

- N

07-09-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Black Jesus
You should brag about the shit you did that mattered like in the Navy. Not banging a bunch of undoubtedly ugly whores and jumping off fucking dirt. I like you and all edge, but this recent thing you got of bragging about how cool your new found life is is pretty bad man. Trust me, screwing random sluts and being in an over 30 club is not that cool.

Now that is one --jealous -- response.

Black Jesus
07-09-2003, 06:36 PM
and you are one gay loser

07-09-2003, 08:52 PM
Come on guys, clean it up. No flaming please. Lets try to handle this like adults.

Black Jesus
07-09-2003, 09:31 PM
it's difficult when i'm getting verbally assailed by an animated used tampon.

07-10-2003, 11:32 AM
"it's difficult when i'm getting verbally assailed by an animated used tampon." (Black Jesus)

Thanks, I was curious how long it had been since you left your elementary school playground. Your last two replies demonstrate you are still trying to escape. I'll leave you to your issues.