View Full Version : The Balance Problem: Square Vs. Pures.

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03-21-2008, 03:52 PM
[QUOTE=Drunken Durfin;702208] Cman tackle, ambush left leg, etc. QUOTE]

CMAN tackle... Ooops, failed!... Walks in 5 other critters Durfin Owned. Ambush left leg! Ooops didn't work the first time better try again, critter owns Durfin. And on and on.

03-21-2008, 03:54 PM
Warrior improvement suggestion: Make all attempts by the warrior to injure a creature result in rank 3 wounds regardless of endroll.


Stanley Burrell
03-21-2008, 04:00 PM
Tackle would actually be ... At least working, if the BCS didn't make wholly irrational critters, and their concurrent critter sizes, absolutely untackle'able until you gained fifteen levels over them.

Tackle should only have a max of like 3 seconds RT tops and maybe the full seven if you botch up an attempt (which is always.) It's completely ineffective and a lost art due to SIMU's fuckery. Seriously: If a magic-using gimp is unable to run room-to-room from a Square, then they do endanger themselves; what I feel is logically, that much more. I mean, what the hell is the shaman doing? Having a stare-down contest with a hiding Rogue or trying-to-hide Warrior? BAH, SO SAYETH I.

03-21-2008, 04:01 PM
CMAN tackle... Ooops, failed!... Walks in 5 other critters Durfin Owned. Ambush left leg! Ooops didn't work the first time better try again, critter owns Durfin. And on and on.
If this is a typical hunt for you as a warrior, you seriously suck and even playing a monk won't help you be a better player.

03-21-2008, 04:05 PM
Tackle would actually be ... At least working, if the BCS didn't make wholly irrational critters, and their concurrent critter sizes, absolutely untackle'able until you gained fifteen levels over them.

Tackle should only have a max of like 3 seconds RT tops and maybe the full seven if you botch up an attempt (which is always.) It's completely ineffective and a lost art due to SIMU's fuckery. Seriously: If a magic-using gimp is unable to run room-to-room from a Square, then they do endanger themselves; what I feel is logically, that much more. I mean, what the hell is the shaman doing? Having a stare-down contest with a hiding Rogue or trying-to-hide Warrior? BAH, SO SAYETH I.

I agree that tackle should be dropped to 5 seconds. The ability to cause damage with higher endrolls was severely curtailed, the endroll should have dropped as well. Right now, it is too time consuming.

Stanley Burrell
03-21-2008, 04:08 PM
I agree that tackle should be dropped to 5 seconds. The ability to cause damage with higher endrolls was severely curtailed, the endroll should have dropped as well. Right now, it is too time consuming.

Oh, for sure @ Fallen + CrystalTears. I will bicker in the in-between time.

03-21-2008, 04:09 PM
Hell, how about dropping the extra damage all together and just dropping the RT to make up for it?

Stanley Burrell
03-21-2008, 04:10 PM
I think it's been suggested on the officials that Tackle be paired with an attack as a sensible one-two combo.

People make suggestions on the officials. It's really weird.

03-21-2008, 04:11 PM
I know, i'm one of those odd people that have suggested both ideas, lowering tackle RT and combining strikes with CMANs. Crazy how that works.

Stanley Burrell
03-21-2008, 04:15 PM
I think the problem is that no one reads the officials except for officials themselves, who are officially unofficial at officialism of officialness.

03-21-2008, 04:19 PM
I think that the officials are over-moderated, and that many times, ideas are put up, discussed ad nausium (sp), and subsequently rolled off the board before any GM with the power to impliment said changes sees them. This of course certainly isn't the case all the time, and there have been countless instances where player suggestions on the boards HAVE made it into IG improvements. It is also one of the only sources of getting official information on any number of topics, though I try to X-post anything useful I come across.

On topic,

There hasn't been anything useful in the warrior folder other than Coase tweaking warrior sheaths and promising to do a bit of work for warriors, including Armor Use changes.

Drunken Durfin
03-21-2008, 04:24 PM
CMAN tackle... Ooops, failed!... Walks in 5 other critters Durfin Owned. Ambush left leg! Ooops didn't work the first time better try again, critter owns Durfin. And on and on.

Come to Teras and go hunting with me in Nelemar temple, I'll show you what really happens. I might even let you suck my dick.

03-21-2008, 04:35 PM

03-22-2008, 02:46 AM
Hell, how about dropping the extra damage all together and just dropping the RT to make up for it?
Because then it would be sweep.