View Full Version : Silvers

03-13-2008, 08:51 AM
Been noticing recently the distribution of silvers for cash versus in-game item pricing by silvers. It does not seem to be 1:1 meaning some of the key items like FGB and fel hafters remain the same price or there abouts while the silver for cash market is currently at 9$ per. What gives? Any thoughts on this?

03-13-2008, 08:58 AM
Been noticing recently the distribution of silvers for cash versus in-game item pricing by silvers. It does not seem to be 1:1 meaning some of the key items like FGB and fel hafters remain the same price or there abouts while the silver for cash market is currently at 9$ per. What gives? Any thoughts on this?

Yeah, I have a thought. Shhh....

And in-game items are going to retain a higher value simply because the people that own some of the nicer items are less willing to drop the price. Conversely, any schmo can have silvers. And if they want to unload them quickly ($9-10/million), then they'll sell them at that rate.

For example, look at some shysters like gsauctions (still charging as high as $15/million), you realize that there's still a lot of wiggle room in the market. It's still possible to get great deals on silver from reputable dealers without having to get gouged. You just have to wait.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2008, 09:13 AM
FGB can be created by anyone with a premium account and longevity, hence it's value should only go down over time, so long as the enchant remains below 7x.

Fel hafters I thought continued to go up, albeit slowly.

GSAuctions offers you a reputable dealer and quick delivery. I wouldn't say they are shysters. And I don't think they charge 15 a mill anymore anyway.

03-13-2008, 09:20 AM
GSAuctions offers you a reputable dealer and quick delivery. I wouldn't say they are shysters. And I don't think they charge 15 a mill anymore anyway.

I said "up to $15/million." Go on their site and enter 1 million into their calculator. ::gasp:: $15!! It's complete crap. And yes, I understand that they give discounts and BONUS silvers, which is also complete crap because it's just their response to constantly getting undercut.

And as I said, there are plenty of other reputable dealers that deliver just as quickly for much less.

And fine. Shyster is too harsh. They continue to overcharge for silver IMO. That being said, my opinion is worth precisely *poop* so it doesn't really matter. I was simply stating that I will never buy silver from them unless their prices change drastically, and would encourage everyone to do the same.

03-13-2008, 09:38 AM
Maybe the silver prices should go up to 15$? If people stopped selling out at 9$/m for Fast Sale!!111 then we wouldn't be having the problem.

To much silver in the game is the problem.

03-13-2008, 09:43 AM
To much silver in the game is the problem.

i really hope this doesn't turn into a supply and demand thread. but i completely agree that too much silver is an issue. or too much silver in the game in the hands of too few people. DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, PEOPLE!!

03-13-2008, 09:44 AM
I buy for 9/m unless I'm desperate. Then I hit up someone I know for 10/m. I bought 2 mil from GSAuctions.com when I first bought silvers and then realized I got shafted.

03-13-2008, 09:45 AM
i really hope this doesn't turn into a supply and demand thread. but i completely agree that too much silver is an issue. or too much silver in the game in the hands of too few people. DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, PEOPLE!!

/Agreed. PM me on how to donate to my poor black character.

03-13-2008, 09:45 AM
Some people are just stingy. I get rid of all my crap (albeit, none of hit high end) the second I don't need it anymore. Okay, so you have all the high-end items, grats? So you have the most coin AND the most high-end items... what now? Trade for more high-end items? Boooooring.

03-13-2008, 09:50 AM
Some people are just stingy. I get rid of all my crap (albeit, none of hit high end) the second I don't need it anymore. Okay, so you have all the high-end items, grats? So you have the most coin AND the most high-end items... what now? Trade for more high-end items? Boooooring.

I mean, to be honest, I only have one character on GS. I've never had more than one. I play it until I get bored and then either delete it or sell it. I buy what I need. When I'm done using it, I sell it. I don't hold on to that many things. I don't feel the need to "work the market" or own a shop. The merchant aspect of the game isn't one I'm interested in particularly.

That doesn't mean I begrudge anyone who enjoys that particular element. It just means that I'll point out when there are disparities in pricing. And I'll point them out repeatedly.

GSAuctions overcharges for silvers.

03-13-2008, 09:53 AM
Pretty much exactly what I do except I hold onto the one character I've leveled myself over the last 13 years. Level 31 and counting!

03-13-2008, 01:12 PM
/Agreed. PM me on how to donate to my poor black character.

Fuck you ignorant racist bastard and everyone else who let this shit slide...

03-13-2008, 01:17 PM
Fuck you ignorant racist bastard and everyone else who let this shit slide...


Ahhh did I upset your feelings with a joke that you clearly didn't understand:(

It's okay, you can cry if you want to.

03-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Also if I wanted to be a racist thats none of your god damn business either you Chinese gangsta homo.

Yah I insulted 3 kinda of people there. What you gonna do about it.

03-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Fuck you ignorant racist bastard and everyone else who let this shit slide...

wow. that was...WAY too angry of a response...

it was a joke, man...calm...

03-13-2008, 01:25 PM
I thought it was hilarious. He reminds me of the guys that always say, "Your forefathers put us into slavery!" Big fucking deal. Was I alive back then? Nope. Were you alive back then? Nope. So shut the fuck up already. I'm not racist, but every time someone tries to pull that bullshit card on me I die a little inside.

03-13-2008, 01:28 PM
I'm not racist, but every time someone tries to pull that bullshit card on me I laugh in their face.


03-13-2008, 01:38 PM
Yah, that's what I really wanted to say.

03-13-2008, 03:47 PM
Making jokes based on a stereotype of black people being poor is quite offensive to those of us who have to deal with the types of assumptions drawn from those same stereotypes on a daily basis. If you are too "cool" or whatever to care shows the type of shallow, hurtful, ignorant character you possess.

A correct statement would have been complaining about your poor "white" character since ever piece of empirical evidence I've ever come across concerning poverty statistics clearly recognizes that the average "poor" person living in the U.S. claims a racial classification as "white." The fact that you included race was superfluous to your point and did nothing more than draw upon a damaging stereotype, both reinforcing and claiming the biased view of black people as the bulk of Americas underclass. This stereotype calls into question racial intelligence, motivation and merit, reminiscent of the ideas that were floating around when ignorant people with similar ideas justified the bondage of an entire population.

If the limited intelligence or sociological imagination of the rest of you posters allows you to support this idiot and his "race card" assertion then there isn't much I can do besides point out to you that racism is real. The disparities in prison time meted out to different races, college admission rates, life expectancy and so forth and so on have been well documented and are based on the same ideas you laugh in people's faces about. There is no biological difference between races, it does not exist on a genetic level. Race is an ephemeral socially constructed concept that is constantly in a state of flux. Ideas about race are what make it real, if you have ignorant and bigoted ideas then problems follow. There are some deeply entrenched racial policies and practices in our society which will not be overcome until people start examining their unconscious and conscious biases. Meaning don't laugh next time someone tries to engage you in a conversation about race ("that bullshit card"), think...

03-13-2008, 03:52 PM
So..about that Silver..

03-13-2008, 04:02 PM
So..about that Silver..

allow me, Fallen.

A correct statement would have been complaining about your poor "white" character since ever piece of empirical evidence I've ever come across concerning poverty statistics clearly recognizes that the average "poor" person living in the U.S. claims a racial classification as "white."

"The poverty rate for all persons masks considerable variation between racial/ethnic subgroups. Poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics greatly exceed the national average. In 2004, 24.7 percent of blacks and 21.9 percent of Hispanics were poor, compared to 8.6 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 9.8 percent of Asians."

-from http://www.npc.umich.edu/poverty/

The fact that you included race was superfluous to your point and did nothing more than draw upon a damaging stereotype, both reinforcing and claiming the biased view of black people as the bulk of Americas underclass.

it acted as an adjective to differentiate between a poor white character and a poor black character. it's called detail, not racism.

If the limited intelligence or sociological imagination of the rest of you posters allows you to support this idiot and his "race card" assertion then there isn't much I can do besides point out to you that racism is real.


The disparities in prison time meted out to different races, college admission rates, life expectancy and so forth and so on have been well documented and are based on the same ideas you laugh in people's faces about.

Look at the crime rate. Look at who's dropping out of school. Look at drug use. Look at diabetes. Look at heart disease. I can tell you who's topping the list for all of those by percentage.

There is no biological difference between races, it does not exist on a genetic level. Race is an ephemeral socially constructed concept that is constantly in a state of flux.


In conclusion, before you go off on a ridiculous rant that makes you come across like a fucking moron, think...

03-13-2008, 04:23 PM
Making jokes based on a stereotype of black people being poor is quite offensive to those of us who have to deal with the types of assumptions drawn from those same stereotypes on a daily basis. If you are too "cool" or whatever to care shows the type of shallow, hurtful, ignorant character you possess.

A correct statement would have been complaining about your poor "white" character since ever piece of empirical evidence I've ever come across concerning poverty statistics clearly recognizes that the average "poor" person living in the U.S. claims a racial classification as "white." The fact that you included race was superfluous to your point and did nothing more than draw upon a damaging stereotype, both reinforcing and claiming the biased view of black people as the bulk of Americas underclass. This stereotype calls into question racial intelligence, motivation and merit, reminiscent of the ideas that were floating around when ignorant people with similar ideas justified the bondage of an entire population.

If the limited intelligence or sociological imagination of the rest of you posters allows you to support this idiot and his "race card" assertion then there isn't much I can do besides point out to you that racism is real. The disparities in prison time meted out to different races, college admission rates, life expectancy and so forth and so on have been well documented and are based on the same ideas you laugh in people's faces about. There is no biological difference between races, it does not exist on a genetic level. Race is an ephemeral socially constructed concept that is constantly in a state of flux. Ideas about race are what make it real, if you have ignorant and bigoted ideas then problems follow. There are some deeply entrenched racial policies and practices in our society which will not be overcome until people start examining their unconscious and conscious biases. Meaning don't laugh next time someone tries to engage you in a conversation about race ("that bullshit card"), think...

I love how he is trying to defend a race in 3 paragraphs.

Let me start at the root. The joke was made because my character is black (Dark Elf). I made the joke because I thought it was funny. I don't give two shits whether you thought it was inappropriate or not. Do you know why? Because I can say with a clear conscious is was all in good fun. Just because I make a joke about blacks it's all taboo. Fuck that shit your an idiot. I can go on about Blond Girls, Chinese, or whatever the fuck I wanna. Talking about "we won't overcome this until people start examining their conscious". How about we take a fucking look at all the black people who are so much more racist then white people. B.S to your little statistic regarding poverty in the U.S. How about the world? You go around thinking the whole world is out to get you because you are black.. I say suck it the fuck up. There are plenty of black people who have made their mark on this world and I doubt they went around crying about how they are treated unfairly.

Also, I know plenty of black comedians going around making jokes about white people. Do I flip out at them? No because its funny. I can't make a black joke because I'm white?

So here is me sending you a big FUCK YOU.

03-13-2008, 04:27 PM
The joke was made because my character is black (Dark Elf).

Drisco! You were supposed to let this play out a little longer until you informed him of his IG ignorance.

So here is me sending you a big FUCK YOU.


03-13-2008, 04:28 PM
(Kinda like calling medic)

I need a facepalm! NOW!

03-13-2008, 04:30 PM
In conclusion, before you go off on a ridiculous rant that makes you come across like a fucking moron, think...

Do I smell burning feathers or is that just the smoldering remains of JustIncredible's argument?

LOL Brielus

03-13-2008, 04:30 PM
(Kinda like calling medic)

I need a facepalm! NOW!

Double facepalm, bitches


03-13-2008, 04:41 PM
Ha, and I thought eugenics went out around...1900??

And you are saying the root causes of all of these problems are something somehow tied to the level of melanin in an individuals skin? Or would it be more helpful to maybe look at the social and economic influences that have allowed a segment of a society to be so thoroughly exploited.

"Recent advances in the sequencing of the human genome and in an understanding of biological correlates of behavior have fueled racialized science, despite evidence that racial groups are not genetically discrete, reliably measured, or scientifically meaningful." -http://www.apa.org/journals/releases/amp60116.pdf

2006 poverty numbers from http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/histpov/hstpov2.html



That maybe a little complicated for you to understand so...39,000 is less than 196,000. So odds are 5/6 times your "poor person" will be white (ignoring the complication other racial classification add to this simple dichotomy)

And thanks for bringing up all the disproportionate facts. As you can see there is something going on which limits the success of black people in todays society. You seem like you would like to base it on genetic inferiority, since I am black and quite successful and intelligent and have many successful and intelligent friends I would prefer to think that it is somehow a manifestation of ignorant and misguided beliefs spread and maintained by bigots.

Sorry to hijack the thread, if people feel like continuing the conversation start a new one. I'll be there with bells on

03-13-2008, 04:48 PM
2006 poverty numbers from http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/histpov/hstpov2.html



That maybe a little complicated for you to understand so...39,000 is less than 196,000. So odds are 5/6 times your "poor person" will be white (ignoring the complication other racial classification add to this simple dichotomy)

i'm going to bring this up quickly before anyone else does, so i can edit it later and make you sound stupid now. learn to read, you fucking schmuck. 196,049 (in thousands) = 196,049,000. That's the total population of whites in the US. You are, in fact, not intelligent. You are a fucking idiot. More to be edited later.

edit:Whites- 2006...... 196,049 16,013 8.2%
Blacks- 2006...... 39,013 9,447 24.2 %

Let's check out those percentages, shall we? STFU and die. That maybe a little complicated for you to understand so...24.2%, as a percentage, is higher than 8.2%. So chances are, the average black person is MORE LIKELY to be poor than the average white person. Seriously, go away. You're embarrassing yourself.

03-13-2008, 04:51 PM
You'll be there with this shirt on..


03-13-2008, 04:51 PM
2000 census


White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,460,626 75.1%
Black or African American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,658,190 12.3%

Now, think in terms of percentage of each group that is in poverty. Case closed

Damn, Nocturnal beat me to it!!!

03-13-2008, 04:52 PM

White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,460,626 75.1%
Black or African American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34,658,190 12.3%

Now think in terms of percentage of each group that is in poverty. Case closed

Don't even need to go that far. Just read my post. Then laugh at Justin for being a complete moron.

03-13-2008, 05:12 PM
Selling silvers at 10 per.

03-13-2008, 05:41 PM

all I have to say.

03-13-2008, 07:46 PM
If it weren't for black slave free labour input this country would not as be rich as it is now. I think we're closing in on 45,000 per capita GDP which is insane for a country this size and scale. The U.S. and especially the South would not have industrialized the way it has if it weren't for black slave labour. And for those of you that don't understand the immensity of importance of this, it's probably as important or more important then the Revolutionary War and Civil War combined.

With that being said, the current plight of black "oppression" stems from 2 things.

1.) Massive inferiority complex amongst Blacks. They see themselves in a bad light, and ultimately believe the system is gamed against them. Would you want to play or even make a good honest effort at the game (society) if you believe the game is rigged? Probably not.

2.) Inability to pull themselves (Blacks) from poverty. Relates to the above. It's sort of like a downard spiral. Pulling themselves up from poverty leads to better self confidence which leads to greater prosperity and on and on, also leads the other way.

3.)* Finally, some argue this pretty racist point. Half Krovlin are incapable of pulling themselves up from poverty due to ..lets say "built in" factors. They continuously point to other minorities that are as well to do (actually richer) then Whites and who suffer from the same physical racial characteristics (and thus singling them out for prejudice and racism etc.) We'll call these people 'Elves'. Now some say the 'Elves' get bonuses to INT and that 'Half Krolvin' to STR and CON. Thus, in a society where INT is favored over STR/CON you naturally have 'Elves' doing better. These data though that show this are fairly racist in their own right and supported by racist groups, personally, this arguement is moot.

In all honesty, if Blacks want the same respect as Whites. there is but ONE SOLUTION. I call it, the "Napolean Solution". You get a big ass army, you get some Nukes, and get a competent officer corp and go and conquer Western Europe. Then NOBODY will talk smack about Black people, period!

03-13-2008, 07:56 PM
Even jesus is facepalming over this

Clearly the lesser INT has its drawbacks:

03-13-2008, 07:59 PM
Are you people retarded?

03-13-2008, 08:43 PM
Maybee.. Are you gonna discriminate against us if we say we are?

03-13-2008, 08:56 PM

03-14-2008, 02:01 PM
Join me in justincredible sucks thread?
