View Full Version : Auction with some really old and not so old stuff

03-12-2008, 10:09 PM
Just recently revived a 10-12 year old account, and am going to auction most of it's items off. I'm also throwing stuff from my locker in as well in attempt to do some cleaning. It's all just mashed together, but if you're wanting to know whether an item is older or not or where something originated just let me know and I'll try to help. I might be adding more items as time goes on. Send all bids and inquiries via PM please.

EDIT: Bidding will go once, twice, sold. I'll likely update once per day. Guaranteed quick delivery to Landing, Solhaven, and Icemule. I don't have Four Winds access, but I'm sure we can work something out if necessary so don't let that worry you!

1) some smokey grey leathers - MB: 1 mil
-5x doubles, 12 pounds

2) a wolf head crested vultite shield - MB: 75k
-4x, crest was added at a merchant long time ago.

3) a veniom-hilted silvery rolaren warsword – CB: 200k Yaocui sold!
-4x lightning flaring, 4 pounds, falchion base.

4) a drakar-edged jagged vultite lance – CB: 250k Yaocui sold!
-4x fire flaring, found off a critter.

5) some dark cuirbouilli leather adorned with an ivory silk sash stitched with an emerald-eyed silver wolf - (make an offer)

6) some flame red chain hauberk - (make an offer)
-7x, permanent slash and fire resistance with weakness to punctures.

7) a jewel-edged golden steel helm – MB: 500k
-head and neck protection with actions/loresong
rub: You polish the jewels of your golden steel helm to a perfect shine.
turn (when in hand): You turn the golden steel helm over in your hands, watching the jewels sparkle in the ambient light.

As you sing to the golden steel helm, you evoke the image of a short man with silver-streaked hair. He holds the golden steel helm in his hands, studying it intently. As he turns it over, its brilliant gems glitter brightly as they catch the light, and he nods his approval. He signals to a liveried servant nearby, and the servant quickly comes to take the helm away. The vision drifts away from you as your verse ends.

Another vision comes -- a fleeting image of a ship's aging gangplank. Muscular human stevedores load the vessel under the wary, watchful eye of a liveried servant. The image of a silver hunting hound cradled in a white lily has been embroidered on the sleeve of his tunic. With sharp words, he orders the stevedores to take care with his master's cargo, and, as your senses narrow upon one particular coffer, you sense this golden steel helm lying inside, so many centuries ago.

The vibrations of the golden steel helm craft the image of a vast treasure room in your mind. This vision is much stronger than the image of the ship had been, for the golden steel helm lay there for a much greater period of time. Guttering torches shed orange light across shimmering piles of gold and gems, all carefully fenced about by a web of sorceric enchantment. You sense human figures in the room, but their presences are frail and fleeting -- they come, they gaze, they touch, but they only rarely take anything away. Only the treasure remains through the years.

The image of the treasure room coalesces once more in your mind's eye, captured by the vibrations of your song.

The torches gutter and die, and people no longer come, but the treasure endures still. There are bejeweled dishes, gilded musical instruments, ceremonial pieces of armor and weaponry, exquisite jewels with a sparkling fire sufficient to make gnomes faint, and more beyond that, but it has all left to gather dust in an age when people no longer come to admire it. In the shadowy darkness, the treasure remains, and the web of sorcery remains, for years... decades... centuries.

The harmonics from the golden steel helm draw you back to the treasure room, but something has changed -- the sorceric web has been damaged, and its enchantments wend over the trove in a different fashion. You sense the uneasy power of the earth, and your music brings you to comprehend that an earthquake that wrought this change, shifting the arcane balance in a small but subtle fashion.

Time passes... you sense the years marching silently past as the vision slips away.

In the last fleeting, faint resonances from the golden steel helm, you see the treasure chamber a fourth time, and you sense presences in the chamber once more. They have conquered the web of sorcery and come to take the spoils, and dust billows up with every step. Somewhere in the chamber, there lies a jewel-edged golden steel helm with a plume of blood red eagle feathers, awaiting the touch of a new owner. A new owner comes, and you feel the hands touching the helm's surface as if that surface were your skin. A wave of dizziness washes over you as the new person picks up the helm, and, in that dizziness, your verse ends.

The vision wavers away into nothingness.

8) *Knight's set* which includes the following - CB:500k Draacon sold!

a pure white knight's shield
a long-handled horseman's axe
-4x blessable
a gem-adorned vultite knight’s helmet
-head and neck protection, helmet is also spiked.

9) a glaes-studded scabbard (3x) - MB: 200k each
- blessing sheath, 20 rubs give 50 swings each.

10) a strong leather gag – CB: 200k Zuie sold!
-pin-worn, think this casts silence on you when worn but I could be wrong, says it has a few charges of a spell from the spirit sphere, might need MIU because it doesn’t work for me.

11) a platinum wedding band set with a star-of-Tamzyrr diamond – CB: 100k Yaocui sold!

12) a midnight blue falchion – MB: 1.5mil
-5x somewhat damage weighted, 3 pounds

13) a heavy rhimar slab – CB: 150k Brielus sold!
-20 pounds

14) a small onyx black doeskin bag – MB: 25k
-3 pounds belt-worn, holds a small amount

15) an uncut star-of-Tamzyrr pendant – CB: 125k Shimeria sold!
-functions as a gold-ring, neck-worn

16) a necklace of scented heather – MB: 10k

17) a well-worn tan suede loot sack - MB: 50k
- weighs 2 holds a medium amount, belt-worn

18) a horse hair crested invar burgonet - MB:500k
-head and neck protection, offers additional protection against crushing attacks.

19) some engraved mithril legguards - MB:1mil
-leg protection, offers additional protection against fire attacks. (These work wonders on boil earth, I might add).

20) some engraved invar armguards - MB:400k
-arm protection, offers additional protection against slashing attacks.

21) a hawk-shaped golden veniom cloakpin – CB:10k Corlith sold!

22) a twisted silver and gold anklet – MB:10k

23) a silvergilt monir piccolo
a small silken piccolo case
-sold as a set, from some merchant years and years ago. CB:100k 7Seconds sold!

24) a lustrous wrought gold clasp – MB:10k

25) a charred scroll – MB:20k
On the charred scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(203) Manna
(211) Bravery
(1102) Limb Repair

26) A burnt scroll – MB:50k
On the burnt scroll you see
(802) Limb Repair I
(801) Heal I
-mostly for nostalgia's sake

27) A light scroll – MB:50k
On the light scroll you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(804) Head Repair I
-mostly for nostalgia's sake

28) A fragrant pine sachet – CB:5k 7Seconds sold!
-rub for pine scent

29) A faded rose sachet – CB:5k 7Seconds sold!
-rub for rose scent

30) A beautiful cinnamon sachet – CB:5k 7Seconds sold!
-rub for cinnamon scent

31) A drunken bard marionette – MB:10k
-has some marionette-like actions to it

32) a delicate silver mail headband – MB:10k

33) a jet black glaes spider charm – CB:100k Amaleth sold!
show: The charm is crafted of flawless jet black glaes, formed into a circle. A piece of parchment slipped under the rim of the charm is visible beneath the clear crystal back.

On the parchment, some words have been penned in an elegant, barely-visible hand.

Read: "Follow me," said the spider to the unenlightened sprite,
"To lands of bold adventure, of darkness and of light.
Join me in my web," she urged, "We'll be so happy there.
Your fantasies await you, there in my dreaming lair."

As you read, the verse fades into invisibility once again...

Read again: "Though quaking with uncertainty the sprite did as she bade
- Following the fragile path of silver thread she made.
Until at last he turned along the final twisting strand
To find he'd journeyed far to reach his own beloved land.

- from "The Journey Home"
by Fraen Wasstont
Early Fourth Age

As you finish reading, the poem fades into invisibility once again.

34) an ornate penguin charm – CB:10k Shimeria sold!

35) a gold charm bracelet, wearable charm bracelet, opens/closes. - MB:250k

includes: a tiny maoral treasure chest charm, a black diamond dahlia charm, a tiny haon bagpipes charm, a puma charm, a pot-bellied halfling charm, a star charm, a little round keg charm, a teardrop charm and a sapphire blue Charl charm

36) a silver-tooled dwarven torque – MB:10k
-neck protection

37) a long elven lockpick - MB:25k

38) a brine-encrusted lockpick - SOLD

39) a good lockpick (x2) - MB:10k each
-unsure of the qualities, I just know the elven lockpick is above the others. Don't think they make the good lockpicks anymore unless I'm mistaken, so mostly a historical item.

40) a ruby and golden musical note – CB:25k Talthan2 sold!
- pin-worn imbeddable

41) An exquisite mithril wolf pendant – CB:25k Emersus sold!
-no idea what this does, when loresung it gives “from the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the pendant is as an implement for use by a mage or other spell-user.”

42) A mithril juggernaut pin – CB:25k Amaleth sold!
-Back from when the juggernaut existed

43) a veniom-plated Ilyan Cloud charm – CB:25k Amaleth sold!
show: The exquisitely formed charm is a souvenir from the famous Loenthran merchant vessel the Ilyan Cloud. Carved of pale, silvery haon, the hull of the tiny skyship has been plated in pure veniom. Its sails are formed of tiny bits of gossamer spidersilk, hardened by a glaze to appear as if the wind billows them outward.
-Back from when the Ilyan Cloud existed, pin-worn

44) a gold dragon fibulae – MB:25k
-pin-worn jewelry

45) a gold braided penannular brooch – MB:10k
-pin-worn jewelry

46) a small invar lockpick case – MB:10k

47) a tiny fragrant pine stickpin – MB:10k
rub: You gently rub the stickpin, releasing the faint scent of fragrant pine for all to enjoy.

48) some ora-plated golden invar gauntlets – MB:25k
-pin-worm, used to be imbedded with strength but all charges used up. Appears to be re-imbeddable, weighs 2 pounds.

03-12-2008, 10:12 PM
I'm not sure a couple of those charms are sellable... other than that... awesome auction!

03-12-2008, 10:19 PM
Unfortunately the juggernaut pin and Ilyan Cloud charm were owner attunable I believe, and had actions to them. Ironically my character apparently was not the original owner, so I think these can change hands as I'd given them to my primary account.

03-12-2008, 10:25 PM
Spider charm was the main one that I don't believe you can get the actions from if swapped... questionable about those two.

03-13-2008, 01:34 AM
13) a heavy rhimar slab – MB: 150k

03-13-2008, 02:48 PM
350k on the knight's set. Thanks!


03-13-2008, 03:44 PM
15) an uncut star-of-Tamzyrr pendant – MB: 50k
34) an ornate penguin charm – MB:10k


03-13-2008, 04:50 PM
28) A fragrant pine sachet – MB:5k
-rub for pine scent

29) A faded rose sachet – MB:5k
-rub for rose scent

30) A beautiful cinnamon sachet – MB:5k
-rub for cinnamon scent

23) a silvergilt monir piccolo
a small silken piccolo case
-sold as a set, from some merchant years and years ago. MB:100k

I'll put the MB down on these.

03-13-2008, 11:31 PM
bump, updated.

03-15-2008, 01:10 PM
bids updated

03-15-2008, 03:13 PM
the cloud charm and the jugg one both were attuned to the original owner, they are transferable but the actions that they produced ( the cloud charm allowed you to levitate for a short time, and the jugg made a rumbling sound that all could hear, made you remember your time aboard the wonderous craft or some such) do not transfer with the items. Just thought I would mention that. The Jugg pin was from the very first Juggie just fyi.

03-16-2008, 11:54 AM

03-16-2008, 01:23 PM
10) a strong leather gag


03-16-2008, 10:52 PM
15) an uncut star-of-Tamzyrr pendant – 125K

03-17-2008, 11:16 PM
daily update

03-18-2008, 11:12 PM

03-19-2008, 11:22 PM
This will be the final update for the auction. If you have any interest in the remaining items feel free to contact me and perhaps we can work something out.