View Full Version : Spitzer Peaces Out

03-12-2008, 11:47 AM
Still can't believe it took this long. But what choice did he really have?

03-12-2008, 11:51 AM
It only took that long because they had to work on the transition. Making the Republican speaker of the assembly the Lt. Gov'r to a blind black Democrat from Harlem involves maneuvering.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-12-2008, 11:53 AM
That's lawyer speak for he was milking it to see how many strings he could pull as Governor before he got shitcanned.

03-12-2008, 11:54 AM
It only took that long because they had to work on the transition. Making the Republican speaker of the assembly the Lt. Gov'r to a blind black Democrat from Harlem involves maneuvering.

They also had to tranq his wife up enough so she didn't grab the mic and shove it up his ass.

03-12-2008, 11:55 AM
that too.

03-12-2008, 01:43 PM
They also had to tranq his wife up enough so she didn't grab the mic and shove it up his ass.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That's friggin sig-worthy.

03-12-2008, 06:05 PM
He's always welcome in DC!

We've already had a crackhead mayor.

03-12-2008, 06:11 PM
It amazes me how few times I see the "D" or "Democrat" after his name.. compared to Foley or Craig.

03-12-2008, 06:11 PM
I guess if you want to compare it to Foley they'd have to put an R after his name.

Sean of the Thread
03-12-2008, 06:40 PM
personally I don't give a shit who pays for sex R OR D as long as it's their own money and not mine or yours. I no longer give a shit about others morals as their is really no point.

03-12-2008, 06:46 PM
personally I don't give a shit who pays for sex R OR D as long as it's their own money and not mine or yours. I no longer give a shit about others morals as their is really no point.

Yeah, but if you get caught, you should pay the consequences. And unless you're retarded, you should understand that, as the Governor of NY, you're going to be under a lot more scrutiny than Joe Schmo, the local plumber.

He's a moron. And then to not wear a condom? Double moron.

Sean of the Thread
03-12-2008, 06:55 PM
Oh no doubt that is correct. I'm just saying personally I don't give a flying fuck anymore.

03-12-2008, 06:59 PM
If he'd taken a flying fuck (to Nevada) on the private jet I imagine he'd still be governor.

03-12-2008, 07:01 PM
If he'd taken a flying fuck (to Nevada) on the private jet I imagine he'd still be governor.

Apathy was his downfall.

That and he's a horny greaseball.

03-12-2008, 07:05 PM
That and he's a horny greaseball.

Agreed and everytime I see your avatar I throw up a little in my mouth.

03-12-2008, 07:07 PM
Agreed and everytime I see your avatar I throw up a little in my mouth.

Look at my avatar. I think he's throwing up a little in his mouth too.

He's probably worried about the sores that keep popping up on his dong.

03-13-2008, 01:07 AM
I happened to notice an article when my aim opened up about the Spitzer mess and looked through it...


Click through the twelve photos of the various politicians and their sex scandals. Out of the twelve little snippets of various politicians there's 6 Repubs and 7 Dems(they doubled up on one photo). Except that every single Repub has a dandy little R next to his name, while a party identifier is lacking on 3 out of the 7 Dems. Conspiracy? Fuck yeah

On a side note, I love how Spitzer is making the exact same "throwing up in his mouth a little" expression on two seperate occasions.

Dear Spitzer,

If you didn't make that stupid face all the time maybe you wouldn't have to pay for the poonaner.

Sean of the Thread
03-13-2008, 01:14 AM
OH BABY JESUS FFS NOW WE HAVE A BLIND BLACK GOV' ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

03-13-2008, 03:57 AM
Haven't seen this on here yet, here's the chick who he paid for according to the smoking gun:


She's pretty hot, hottest prostitute I've ever seen at least.

03-13-2008, 05:26 AM
I wonder if Hustler or Playboy have approached her for a pictorial?

03-13-2008, 06:58 AM
I'd just like to announce that I would be totally down with inserting my erect penis into her vagina, assuming she was not more toxic than a certain person named in a certain motivational poster on these boards.

- Arkans

03-13-2008, 08:17 AM
She looks a bit like a young Sandra Bullock.

03-13-2008, 08:42 AM
She looks like your typical Jersey girl. Fake tan, big tits, will put on 25 pounds in the next 10 years (but who cares now?), has an insanely high dude count, and has unprotected sex. Yup, that about sums it up.

Elliot, two thumbs up!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2008, 09:10 AM
She's pretty, but she's no more attractive a few of the (not whores) women I work with. There are so many attractive women in the world, not sure why anyone would have to pay a hooker. Maybe it's for the discretion and professionalism you get (haha, that didn't quite work out).

03-13-2008, 09:15 AM
She's pretty, but she's no more attractive a few of the (not whores) women I work with. There are so many attractive women in the world, not sure why anyone would have to pay a hooker. Maybe it's for the discretion and professionalism you get (haha, that didn't quite work out).
Because you have to wine and dine the other regular attractive women to get anything in return. With a pro it's a sure thing.

I can see why professional business men who just want some don't want to have any emotional ties to anything. They just want to get laid.

03-13-2008, 09:20 AM
I can see why professional business men who just want some don't want to have any emotional ties to anything. They just want to get laid.

Yup. You don't pay her for sex, you pay to leave after *flees*.

03-13-2008, 09:21 AM
Hey Spitzer, we're through with your service- your money's on the dresser. :D

03-13-2008, 09:23 AM
Yup. You don't pay her for sex, you pay to leave after *flees*.

03-13-2008, 09:23 AM
Because you have to wine and dine the other regular attractive women to get anything in return.

Only if you're hanging out with money-grubbing whor...oh wait...

People that insist on having to "wine and dine" women to get anywhere need to change their game. Because that's simply not true.

03-13-2008, 09:24 AM
Well if you have a better tactic of finding good looking woman who will give it up for a night and then leave afterwards without a word and not call the next day, then by all means, share that info.

03-13-2008, 09:28 AM
Well if you have a better tactic of finding good looking woman who will give it up for a night and then leave afterwards without a word and not call the next day, then by all means, share that info.

Go back to their place--they feel safer that way, and you're the one who can leave. Also, this way they don't know where you live.
Give them a fake name.
Give them a fake number.

I mean, this is just standard stuff. Or you can do what I do and not hang out with crazies that get emotionally tied to every word that comes out of your mouth.

03-13-2008, 09:30 AM
Go back to their place--they feel safer that way, and you're the one who can leave. Also, this way they don't know where you live.
Give them a fake name.
Give them a fake number.

I mean, this is just standard stuff. Or you can do what I do and not hang out with crazies that get emotionally tied to every word that comes out of your mouth.
That's already too much work.

I'm talking about being able to walk into a place with a guaranteed good looking woman, go up to her, tell her to go to a hotel and have sex with you, she concurs and everyone leaves when the act is done without a word.

Some Rogue
03-13-2008, 09:35 AM

03-13-2008, 09:35 AM
That's already too much work.

I'm talking about being able to walk into a place with a guaranteed good looking woman, go up to her, tell her to go to a hotel and have sex with you, she concurs and everyone leaves when the act is done without a word.

Cost benefit, man. Spend $20-30 on a drink or two. Go back to her place, have sex, done and done. As opposed to...spending (i have no idea how much a prostitute costs for an hour/night/etc) way more than $20-30, having sex with someone who DEFINITELY has a high dude count, and worrying for the next few weeks about your ding-dong falling off.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that people who flat-out pay for sex are fahking pathetic.

And please don't get into the argument about how everyone "pays" for sex through dinners/phone calls/drinks/movies/flowers/etc, because that's a ridiculous argument that inevitably falls short of anything approaching logic.

03-13-2008, 09:38 AM
Go back to their place--they feel safer that way, and you're the one who can leave. Also, this way they don't know where you live...

I can totally see NR operating, "Hey cutie, UR hot. Let's go to UR place and seX0r up!"

It's all about convenience for these guys. A sure thing at a time and place of their chosing without any ongoing relationship. Sure you can find casual sex, but not that neatly.

03-13-2008, 09:40 AM
...having sex with someone who DEFINITELY has a high dude count, and worrying for the next few weeks about your ding-dong falling off...

Cuz the chick you just did for 20 bucks in drinks is probably very discriminating... she just couldn't resist you.


03-13-2008, 09:52 AM
Cuz the chick you just did for 20 bucks in drinks is probably very discriminating... she just couldn't resist you.


$20 in drinks for me. Not for her. She can buy her own drinks.

And I won't brag about how awesome/good-looking I am. But you can imagine what it would be like if I did.

It's all about convenience for these guys.

I'm not sure what you mean by that, but because I don't understand your tone, I'll take it as disrespect--watch your mouth and help me with the sale.

03-13-2008, 09:58 AM
Well if you have a better tactic of finding good looking woman who will give it up for a night and then leave afterwards without a word and not call the next day, then by all means, share that info.

Roofies works well

03-13-2008, 10:01 AM
Cost benefit, man. Spend $20-30 on a drink or two. Go back to her place, have sex, done and done. As opposed to...spending (i have no idea how much a prostitute costs for an hour/night/etc) way more than $20-30, having sex with someone who DEFINITELY has a high dude count, and worrying for the next few weeks about your ding-dong falling off.
Yeah because some chick you met at a bar and give it up after one drink is clean as a whistle. I have this bridge I want to sell you...

I'm gonna go ahead and say that people who flat-out pay for sex are fahking pathetic.
And that's fine for you to think so. I honestly don't see it any differently than some guy who goes to bars, pays drinks for girls, and gets them into bed.

And please don't get into the argument about how everyone "pays" for sex through dinners/phone calls/drinks/movies/flowers/etc, because that's a ridiculous argument that inevitably falls short of anything approaching logic.
Why? Show me how different it is if all a guy/girl may be looking for is dating/sexual relationship?

03-13-2008, 10:05 AM
Seriously. Roofies works.

03-13-2008, 10:08 AM
Yeah because some chick you met at a bar and give it up after one drink is clean as a whistle. I have this bridge I want to sell you...

Note the emphasis on "definitely." i'm going to go out on a limb and say that a hooker is going to have a higher dude count than a random non-hooker at a bar. So you can take that bridge and shove it up your ass.

And that's fine for you to think so. I honestly don't see it any differently than some guy who goes to bars, pays drinks for girls, and gets them into bed.

That's because you're fahking pathetic

Why? Show me how different it is if all a guy/girl may be looking for is dating/sexual relationship?

And I'm pretty sure I said DON'T bring up this argument, because it's patently absurd. But hey, if you're a cheap bastard who is worried about how much money you're spending on a girl and would rather get a sure thing with someone who probably had a d in them the night before (if not the hour before), then by all means, go for it. Your life, your body, your money, blah blah blah.

03-13-2008, 10:08 AM
Whether you want to call it a payment, getting no-strings sex involves effort. Some guys make that effort in time, smooth talk, bodywax, Axel spray, dinner and drinks- and some boil it down to simple business exchange.

When I say "these guys" I mean men who are in the public eye and on travel frequently or extendedly. Going down to the local watering hole to "pick-up" isn't exactly an option when you're being watched by the press and added to a busy itinerary- if you've got a weekend or an evening free and want some nookie- escort service FTW.

I understand motivations easily.

03-13-2008, 10:12 AM
bodywax, Axel spray


when you're being watched by the press

are we still talking about Spitzer? based on that comment, i think we are. let's put aside the fact that he's a greaseball who had unprotected sex with a prostitute. HE'S MARRIED!! HE HAS KIDS!! What a joker.

And CT, I'm really not trying to be a kahk here. So, I apologize. Just the whole situation disgusts me. I move from DC where my mayor is a cokefiend that sleeps with prostitutes. And I get up to New York and my governor is banging hookers. It's just disgraceful.

03-13-2008, 10:15 AM
Note the emphasis on "definitely." i'm going to go out on a limb and say that a hooker is going to have a higher dude count than a random non-hooker at a bar. So you can take that bridge and shove it up your ass.
Note my stress of YOU HAVE NO CLUE short of having them tested. I've known those girls who tease and flirt and play off like they're a prize, when they really need to have the McDonald's arches over their bed.

That's because you're fahking pathetic
Just because I'm not against prostitution doesn't mean I'm a subscriber.

And I'm pretty sure I said DON'T bring up this argument, because it's patently absurd. But hey, if you're a cheap bastard who is worried about how much money you're spending on a girl and would rather get a sure thing with someone who probably had a d in them the night before (if not the hour before), then by all means, go for it. Your life, your body, your money, blah blah blah.
Are you some prissy girl who can't even say dick or something? And yes, if that's what someone wants to do with their time, money and body, who is it for anyone of us to judge him on that?

The problem with Spitzer is that he's a hypocrite and broke the law by having them shipped to him rather than buying locally. Busted by the system he devised, no less. He was a moron. However had he been discreet and had sex with some local ho's, I agree, he'd still be governor.

03-13-2008, 10:16 AM
had unprotected sex with a prostitute. HE'S MARRIED!! HE HAS KIDS!! What a joker.

He had unprotected sex? I guess I'm just not THAT interested in the details of his 'ho encounters.

The risk behavior and fidelity issues are different in my mind than "why would someone hire a hooker." I told you why. Is it worth destroying his life, and humiliating his family. Wouldn't be for me, but hey, I'm happy with my sex life.

03-13-2008, 10:16 AM
It amazes me how few times I see the "D" or "Democrat" after his name.. compared to Foley or Craig.

Do you Republicans get a memo every morning on your talking points today? I swear to God, the first two conservatives I met today (my boss, and the head of the Federalist Society here) mentioned this same thing within the first 5 minutes of conversation with them.


03-13-2008, 10:17 AM
Are you some prissy girl who can't even say dick or something? And yes, if that's what someone wants to do with their time, money and body, who is it for anyone of us to judge him on that?


Because he's the governor of NY and should be held to a higher standard. You want the position of power, you pay the consequences. Deal with it.

03-13-2008, 10:21 AM
Oh sure, if you get busted for having sex with prostitutes as a figurehead, sure, pay the consequences. But I think you have a problem with prostitution on general principle, not because your governor was caught.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2008, 10:32 AM
I'm ok with prostitutes.

03-13-2008, 10:35 AM
I'm ok with prostitutes.

Well, after all, there WAS Beth.

03-13-2008, 10:42 AM
But I think you have a problem with prostitution on general principle, not because your governor was caught.

I do. It's a disgusting practice, and people should have more respect for themselves (both the whores and the customers).

03-13-2008, 10:46 AM
Fair enough.

I'll leave the controversy over prostitution as a practice for another discussion.

03-13-2008, 10:52 AM
Fair enough.

I'll leave the controversy over prostitution as a practice for another discussion.

word. that being said, any idea what the legal ramifications are for spitzer? i mean, after resigning?

03-13-2008, 10:54 AM
He probably worked out a deal. In these political cases, the U.S. Attorney's office will often say, "If you don't resign, we'll charge you with the top charge. If you do, and go away, we'll make it a misdemeanor in exchange for the ruination of your political career."


03-13-2008, 10:56 AM
I don't think he's completely out of the water yet. He still transported her across state lines, which is a federal offense.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2008, 10:58 AM
Naw, Beth was many things, but she wasn't a prostitute (that I'm aware of anyway).

03-13-2008, 10:58 AM
He probably worked out a deal. In these political cases, the U.S. Attorney's office will often say, "If you don't resign, we'll charge you with the top charge. If you do, and go away, we'll make it a misdemeanor in exchange for the ruination of your political career."


I figured as much, E. That...ugh, I guess I should just throw my hands up and accept it, since it's pretty much the same thing that always happens. Whatever.

03-13-2008, 11:01 AM
He probably worked out a deal. In these political cases, the U.S. Attorney's office will often say, "If you don't resign, we'll charge you with the top charge. If you do, and go away, we'll make it a misdemeanor in exchange for the ruination of your political career."


I don't think he's completely out of the water yet. He still transported her across state lines, which is a federal offense.

I think given his history there will be a lot of clamoring from the masses for some sort of prosecution (beyond a slap on the wrist). I heard that there were standing ovations on Wall Street when word was out that he was caught with his hand in the nookie jar.

03-13-2008, 11:02 AM
That's because he's the first person to ever hold Wall Street accountable for their criminality.

03-13-2008, 11:04 AM
That's because he's the first person to ever hold Wall Street accountable for their criminality.

AHHHH...liberal propaganda! I'm meeeeltiiiiiing...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2008, 11:06 AM
Actually, he did do some good stuff, and I hate lawyers, so take that as you will. All that doesn't matter now though, in fact, he just reinforces that image of asshatery amongst lawyers.

03-13-2008, 11:07 AM
AHHHH...liberal propaganda! I'm meeeeltiiiiiing...

In this case it may not be liberal; it could just be the -E-. I'm pretty sure everyone on Wall Street makes more than 50k a year (which is pure greed in E-world). :D.

03-13-2008, 11:10 AM
She has a myspace page:


Good stuff

03-13-2008, 11:17 AM
I do. It's a disgusting practice, and people should have more respect for themselves (both the whores and the customers).

But then whats the difference between spending 200 bucks on a meal and entertainment and getting her to have sex with you? At least the other way everyone knows whats on the table and noone is trying to decieve the other. Thats my opinion anyway.

BTW, this particular prostitute costs over 4000 $ PER HOUR. And 30,000$ for the whole day, FYI.

03-13-2008, 11:26 AM
Pretty woman FTW. :D

03-13-2008, 11:26 AM
I'm pretty sure everyone on Wall Street makes more than 50k a year (which is pure greed in E-world). :D.

Eh, making money doesn't make you greedy. It makes you wealthy. I work in the hedge fund industry, and I am constantly amazed at the ridiculous amounts of money that people make. Case in point:


03-13-2008, 04:52 PM
That's because he's the first person to ever hold Wall Street accountable for their criminality.

And then forced out the CEOs and had his buddies installed in their place.... business as usual buddy, but I'm not surprised you bought into it.

03-13-2008, 04:53 PM
I've known those girls who tease and flirt and play off like they're a prize, when they really need to have the McDonald's arches over their bed.

What does this turn of phrase mean? I've never heard it before.

Some Rogue
03-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Over 1 billion served?

03-13-2008, 04:55 PM
What does this turn of phrase mean? I've never heard it before.

I think it has something to do with Billions Served? I dunno.

Stanley Burrell
03-13-2008, 04:55 PM
What does this turn of phrase mean? I've never heard it before.

That herpes is innate.

03-13-2008, 04:56 PM
That herpes is innate.

baahhahahahaha..."bump" this thread

bump bump bump

03-13-2008, 04:56 PM
Over 1 billion served?

03-13-2008, 04:58 PM
I thought it was because they were cheap and only people with poor taste would eat out there.

03-13-2008, 04:59 PM
I thought it was because they were cheap and only people with poor taste would eat out there.

i can get on board with that explanation too

Some Rogue
03-13-2008, 05:35 PM
or it's dripping with fat and grease and it's not healthy to eat there?


03-13-2008, 05:52 PM
And then forced out the CEOs and had his buddies installed in their place.... business as usual buddy, but I'm not surprised you bought into it.

Can you quote some examples of this, or is it more conservative folklore?

03-13-2008, 06:23 PM
or it's dripping with fat and grease and it's not healthy to eat there?



03-13-2008, 06:32 PM
It is just somebody being butthurt about insurance actually taking some hits I imagine, TheE.

03-13-2008, 07:32 PM
One less super delagate for Senator Clinton.


Stanley Burrell
03-13-2008, 09:41 PM
I'd just like to announce that I would be totally down with inserting my erect penis into her vagina, assuming she was not more toxic than a certain person named in a certain motivational poster on these boards.

- Arkans


Astute :smug:

03-13-2008, 10:23 PM
That's because he's the first person to ever hold Wall Street accountable for their criminality.

How big is your stock portfolio again?


03-14-2008, 07:01 AM
How big is your stock portfolio again?


Come on Gan don't try and make him feel guilty about living off the backs of others. After all, he was in the Peace Corps and that makes it all ok.

03-14-2008, 07:09 AM
How big is your stock portfolio again?



03-14-2008, 08:11 AM
Click through the twelve photos of the various politicians and their sex scandals. Out of the twelve little snippets of various politicians there's 6 Repubs and 7 Dems(they doubled up on one photo). Except that every single Repub has a dandy little R next to his name, while a party identifier is lacking on 3 out of the 7 Dems. Conspiracy? Fuck yeah.

I have to ask .... What's worse, removing the D or replacing the R with a D?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-14-2008, 10:44 AM
Who really gives a shit if it's a Republican or a Democrat? Not me.

Now, the real tragedy of this whole story is the WHORE is being made out to be some sort of celebrity. Penthouse is offering her a pictorial of course, she'll write a book I'm sure and make rounds with all the talk shows probably.

She's a whore, not a national treasure.

03-14-2008, 10:46 AM
She's a whore, not a national treasure.

One word--Juno

03-14-2008, 10:53 AM
Who really gives a shit if it's a Republican or a Democrat? Not me.

Now, the real tragedy of this whole story is the WHORE is being made out to be some sort of celebrity. Penthouse is offering her a pictorial of course, she'll write a book I'm sure and make rounds with all the talk shows probably.

She's a whore, not a national treasure.
I don't even know why she needed to be showcased or outted in the first place. She's just a hooker. BFD.

03-14-2008, 11:03 AM
I don't even know why she needed to be showcased or outted in the first place. She's just a hooker. BFD.

Yeah but she's an expensive hooker :D

Everyone is curious what kind of cooze is worth 4k an hour.

03-14-2008, 11:17 AM
I don't even know why she needed to be showcased or outted in the first place. She's just a hooker. BFD.

Think about it though. Look at all the fame that the women involved in famous/celebrity/political sex scandals have achieved afterwards:

Donna Rice
Monica Lewenski
Chandra Levy
Mary Jo Kopechne
Jessica HahnTo name a few...


03-14-2008, 11:20 AM
Yeah.. I stand by my statement. They don't need the extra attention.

03-14-2008, 03:09 PM
...But hey, if you're a cheap bastard who is worried about how much money you're spending on a girl and would rather get a sure thing with someone who probably had a d in them the night before (if not the hour before), then by all means, go for it. Your life, your body, your money, blah blah blah.

Dude. Wait. What? So it looks like NR doesn't have a problem with a person using a pro after all! Yay.

03-14-2008, 03:36 PM
Dude. Wait. What? So it looks like NR doesn't have a problem with a person using a pro after all! Yay.

jesus christ. do i have to insert <sarcasm> at the end of every one of my fucking posts?

03-14-2008, 03:50 PM
jesus christ. do i have to insert <sarcasm> at the end of every one of my fucking posts?


03-14-2008, 03:53 PM

fine, i'll try that. stop being such a massive douche.

03-14-2008, 03:55 PM
fine, i'll try that. stop being such a massive douche.

Awwww do you need a Midol and a Reeses?

03-14-2008, 04:00 PM
Awwww do you need a Midol and a Reeses?


03-15-2008, 02:00 AM
Who really gives a shit if it's a Republican or a Democrat? Not me.

I don't really care either ... however, if you're going to claim "conspiracy" when the denoting initial is left out .... you're going to have to recognize that other news outlets ::coughs:: Fox ::coughs:: likes to replace the R with a D when it involves republicans caught in sex scandals.

03-15-2008, 09:07 AM
I don't really care either ... however, if you're going to claim "conspiracy" when the denoting initial is left out .... you're going to have to recognize that other news outlets ::coughs:: Fox ::coughs:: likes to replace the R with a D when it involves republicans caught in sex scandals.

Source? And hopefully it is in more than once case.. or it could simply be a typo.

And it's painfully clear that if this were a Republican, we would be hearing "The Republican Governor from New York State" instead of "The Governor from New York State"

03-15-2008, 11:18 AM
One word--Juno

Teenagers that have sex = prostitutes?

Your analogy sucks.

03-15-2008, 01:07 PM
And then forced out the CEOs and had his buddies installed in their place.... business as usual buddy, but I'm not surprised you bought into it.

Can you quote some examples of this, or is it more conservative folklore?

Funny, still no one has answered this question for me, and the (granted, rudimentary, Wiki-restricted) research I did didn't mention any such scandal.


03-15-2008, 06:48 PM
Teenagers that have sex = prostitutes?

Your analogy sucks.

Hey, cockbag, I was referring to SHM's comment about Spitzer's prostitute being a whore, not a national treasure and making a reference to the fact that everyone is sucking off the writer of Juno about how she's a former stripper that overcame all these obstacles and wrote a great movie.

I saw that movie. It sucked. The academy be damned.

And my analogy doesn't suck. You're too fucking dumb to get it. stfu.

03-16-2008, 01:49 AM
Source? And hopefully it is in more than once case.. or it could simply be a typo.

You're just a one trick pony aren't you?

The Foley incident on Fox labeled him with a D on three separate 15 second clips. They never corrected it and only removed all text from Foley's image when they re-ran the Factor.

It didn't stop there ... they again labeled his party "Dems" (no mix up in letters, dems was spelled out) when they ran a segment about the e-mails.

And it's painfully clear that if this were a Republican, we would be hearing "The Republican Governor from New York State" instead of "The Governor from New York State"

The only thing that's clear is that certain media outlets will lie ... I mean typo, others will just omit. Either case is pathetic.

03-16-2008, 03:13 AM
Hey, cockbag, I was referring to SHM's comment about Spitzer's prostitute being a whore, not a national treasure and making a reference to the fact that everyone is sucking off the writer of Juno about how she's a former stripper that overcame all these obstacles and wrote a great movie.

I saw that movie. It sucked. The academy be damned.

And my analogy doesn't suck. You're too fucking dumb to get it. stfu.

Angry much?

Next time you should use the appropriate name. Diable Cody would have made perfect sense. Unfortunately, she is not Juno. Juno, colloquially at the moment, is either (a) a movie or (b) the main character of a movie. Sorry you didn't communicate that more effectively the first time.

03-16-2008, 03:36 AM
Angry much?

Next time you should use the appropriate name. Diable Cody would have made perfect sense. Unfortunately, she is not Juno. Juno, colloquially at the moment, is either (a) a movie or (b) the main character of a movie. Sorry you didn't communicate that more effectively the first time.

Also noteworthy is that Busey earned her BA, went into marketing and then decided to start stripping. She then wrote a book, which got national attention thanks to Letterman. The only "obstacle" she overcame was the monotony of a 9-5 job in marketing.

Two Cody quotes worth knowing:

"I don’t even know that an Academy Award could keep me off the pole.”

"How do I find the time to write as a stripper? I pull my pants up."

03-16-2008, 09:01 AM
You're just a one trick pony aren't you?

The Foley incident on Fox labeled him with a D on three separate 15 second clips. They never corrected it and only removed all text from Foley's image when they re-ran the Factor.

It didn't stop there ... they again labeled his party "Dems" (no mix up in letters, dems was spelled out) when they ran a segment about the e-mails.

The only thing that's clear is that certain media outlets will lie ... I mean typo, others will just omit. Either case is pathetic.

So your answer to Spitzer rarely being labeled as a Democrat in most media news outlets is "Well Fox News Called Foley a DEMOCRAT! THREE TIMES!"

Speaking of one trick ponies... nice jackass.

03-16-2008, 09:10 AM
Funny, still no one has answered this question for me, and the (granted, rudimentary, Wiki-restricted) research I did didn't mention any such scandal.


Well then it must not be true.. GOD SAVE THE DEMOCRATS!!! Maybe he wasn't such a scumbag afterall! Maybe he was a victim of his male testosterone!

Oh wait.. a .22 second google search for Spitzer force out CEO came up with:


Granted it was just the very first article in google.. and it doesn't really go into much detail.. but I'm sure you can visit the other 72,200 pages to find something.

Have fun with it.. and no matter what, you can always claim ignorance by blaming wiki or your rudimentary searching.

03-16-2008, 10:11 AM
From the middle of the article...

The money she earned from that brief encounter pales by comparison with the sums now being offered to her. Dupré, whose real name is Ashley Youmans, was estimated yesterday to have made $200,000 in the last four days from internet downloads of two of her songs.

Hustler magazine has offered her $1m to pose nude; a pornographic film studio has offered her another $1m to star in a film and a leading vodka company has reportedly offered her a six-figure sum to promote a new brand called “Vodka No 9”.

Yet not even a hoard of saucy Dupré photographs unearthed by the New York Post on Friday could distract Wall Street lawyers and bankers from intriguing anomalies in the small print of the prosecution case against Spitzer, who announced his resignation as governor on Wednesday and will formally yield power to his deputy, David Paterson, tomorrow. Paterson will become both the first African-American and first partially blind governor of New York.

While there was little sympathy, there were plenty of questions about how a handful of outwardly innocuous payments from his bank account came to trigger a federal investigation into his sexual activities.

“The movement of the amounts of cash required to pay prostitutes, even high-priced prostitutes over a long period of time, does not commonly generate a full-scale investigation,” noted Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard law professor and former member of OJ Simpson’s legal team. Others on Wall Street were wondering whether Spitzer’s financial dealings had been singled out for scrutiny as revenge for his past prosecutions.

The beginning of Spitzer’s end can be traced to three banking transfers that left his personal account at the North Fork Bank in New York last spring and summer. For reasons that have not been satisfactorily explained, these payments totalling $15,000 attracted the attention of bank employees who monitor accounts for signs of suspicious activity.

After the terrorist attacks of 2001 on New York and Washington, laws relating to money-laundering were significantly tightened, requiring banks to file so-called “suspicious activity reports” whenever there is evidence that clients might be trying to sidestep routine regulations.

Spitzer’s transfers to a company called QAT International Inc – later revealed to be a front for the Emperors Club – were reportedly considered by the bank to be an attempt to avoid another law that requires all transactions over $10,000 to be reported to the US Treasury. Breaking down payments with intent to avoid reporting is an offence known as “structuring”.

Yet Spitzer is the son of a multi-millionaire property tycoon and has substantial assets of his own. The notion that as few as three payments from his account of less than $10,000 might be considered suspicious “raises as many questions as answers”, said Dershowitz.

“We are talking about a man who is a multi-millionaire with numerous investments and purchases,” he said. “It’s simply none of the federal government’s business that a man may have been moving his own money around in order to keep his wife in the dark about his private sexual peccadilloes.”

Prosecution sources said last week they had no idea at first that the money was related to prostitution. Even after a second bank, HSBC, reported suspicious activity at QAT’s account – and a link was found to Spitzer – it was at first assumed that the money might be related to corruption or improper use of political campaign funds.

The case was initially turned over to the section of the Manhattan prosecutor’s office that deals with political corruption. The ensuing investigation duly established QAT was banking payments to a prostitution network and that Spitzer was a client.

When the case against the one man and three women accused of running the international network reached court earlier this month, it was the presence of a federal prosecutor from the political corruption squad that first alerted New York Times reporters to the possibility that a politician might be involved.

It has since been established that both North Fork and HSBC were on the receiving end of Spitzer investigations in his days as attorney-general. In 2003 North Fork was obliged to refund $20,000 to dozens of home-owners after Spitzer claimed that the bank had been charging illegal fees.

No evidence has been produced that the bank reporting of Spitzer’s transactions was maliciously intended, yet Dershowitz and other commentators have noted that the system was designed to ferret out drug dealers, the mafia, terrorists and major financial fraud.

“Once federal authorities concluded that the ‘suspicious financial transactions’ attributed to Mr Spitzer did not fit any of [these categories], they should have closed the investigation,” said Dershowitz.



So Spitzer had considerable funds of his own to use. So much for the affordability theory. Looks like the banks had the last laugh though.

And look at what "Kristen" is banking off of the scandal. I wonder if she'll invest in an education, house, etc. or if she'll just piss it all away. My money is on the latter.

03-16-2008, 10:39 AM
I wonder why a bunch of millionaires are concerned that the government caught another millionaire indulging himself with a prostitute and made it public.

03-16-2008, 11:33 AM
I wonder why a bunch of millionaires are concerned that the government caught another millionaire indulging himself with a prostitute and made it public.


03-16-2008, 11:44 AM
If you found out a bank was shady and prosecuted them for it .. why would you then even want to use that bank?

03-16-2008, 11:48 AM
If you found out a bank was shady and prosecuted them for it .. why would you then even want to use that bank?

I was thinking of that too.

What a fucking idiot.

03-16-2008, 11:53 AM
Nah, he never found the banks shady, it's just that there was a Wall Street pack mentality to it. Most interesting part of the article:

While there was little sympathy, there were plenty of questions about how a handful of outwardly innocuous payments from his bank account came to trigger a federal investigation into his sexual activities.

“The movement of the amounts of cash required to pay prostitutes, even high-priced prostitutes over a long period of time, does not commonly generate a full-scale investigation,” noted Alan Dershowitz, the Harvard law professor and former member of OJ Simpson’s legal team. Others on Wall Street were wondering whether Spitzer’s financial dealings had been singled out for scrutiny as revenge for his past prosecutions

03-16-2008, 11:55 AM
Well then it must not be true.. GOD SAVE THE DEMOCRATS!!! Maybe he wasn't such a scumbag afterall! Maybe he was a victim of his male testosterone!

Oh wait.. a .22 second google search for Spitzer force out CEO came up with:


Granted it was just the very first article in google.. and it doesn't really go into much detail.. but I'm sure you can visit the other 72,200 pages to find something.

Have fun with it.. and no matter what, you can always claim ignorance by blaming wiki or your rudimentary searching.

BTW, jackass, this article says nothing about Spitzer putting his friends in spots where he forced people out. Which is, of course, the "conservative folklore" I wanted proved. Good work at not addressing the point at hand, though, and acting like you've wtfpwned me.


03-16-2008, 11:59 AM
Nah, he never found the banks shady, it's just that there was a Wall Street pack mentality to it. Most interesting part of the article:

No he just accused them of being shady. And yet he still banked with them, expecting them to not notice, overlook, or play nice with his transgressions, especially after causing them to lose thousands of dollars.

Thats laughable. And stupid.

03-16-2008, 06:43 PM
BTW, jackass, this article says nothing about Spitzer putting his friends in spots where he forced people out. Which is, of course, the "conservative folklore" I wanted proved. Good work at not addressing the point at hand, though, and acting like you've wtfpwned me.


I wasn't reading this thread, here you go TheE:


03-16-2008, 07:09 PM

03-16-2008, 09:15 PM

03-16-2008, 09:39 PM
BTW, jackass, this article says nothing about Spitzer putting his friends in spots where he forced people out. Which is, of course, the "conservative folklore" I wanted proved. Good work at not addressing the point at hand, though, and acting like you've wtfpwned me.


Where did I ever say he put his friends in spots?

Do yourself a favor and google up Jeff Greenberg. This is the type of stuff I was referring to.

He was a scumbag. This wasn't a tragedy.. this was a piece of shit finally getting the magnifying glass he should have gotten years ago.. but was given a free pass by the media.

03-16-2008, 10:30 PM
Funny, still no one has answered this question for me, and the (granted, rudimentary, Wiki-restricted) research I did didn't mention any such scandal.


In case you missed Drew's post...

NEW YORK — New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Monday night withdrew the threat of criminally prosecuting Marsh & McLennan (MMC) (http://stocks.usatoday.com/custom/usatoday-com/html-quote.asp?symb=MMC) after the world's largest insurance broker sacked its CEO and agreed to address charges of bid-rigging and collusion.

After an emergency board meeting at company headquarters in Midtown Manhattan that lasted several hours, embattled Marsh CEO Jeffrey Greenberg resigned, making way for former prosecutor Michael Cherkasky.

Cherkasky, once Spitzer's boss at the Manhattan District Attorney's office, joined Marsh only three months ago, after the insurance broker purchased the firm he headed, security consultant Kroll, for $1.9 billion.


03-17-2008, 10:46 AM
Where did I ever say he put his friends in spots?Amazingly enough, not every one of Eschaton's posts refers specifically to you or something you said - in this case, for instance, a comment by Drew (someone who isn't you) prompted Eschaton's initial question.

03-17-2008, 10:47 AM
Amazingly enough, not every one of Eschaton's posts refers specifically to you or something you said - in this case, for instance, a comment by Drew (someone who isn't you) prompted Eschaton's initial question.

He was quoting my post.. and directing the question to me. I apologize that this escaped your limited intellect... but not surprised.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-17-2008, 10:50 AM
ROFL. Now he's going to take 3 words out of your response and tell you why they don't apply.

03-17-2008, 10:52 AM
LOL, you quoted my post and posted google results as if they answered the question in my post. The question in my post (which was directed at Drew) actually asked something much different from the issue you claimed to "answer".


03-17-2008, 10:59 AM
LOL, you quoted my post and posted google results as if they answered the question in my post. The question in my post (which was directed at Drew) actually asked something much different from the issue you claimed to "answer".


And yet presented with Drew's response, you still have nothing to say.


03-17-2008, 11:02 AM
I didn't see Drew's response...let me look..

...I was gone most of yesterday, btw, St. Patty's day, etc.

03-17-2008, 11:06 AM
I didn't see Drew's response...let me look..
Don't you start reading the new posts for you? How could you miss it?

...I was gone most of yesterday, btw, St. Patty's day, etc.
Ah, celebrating early, since TODAY is St. Patty's day. Still wasted?

03-17-2008, 11:07 AM
So he's "installing his friends in positions" because his OLD BOSS got the job after some guy retired? It wasn't like the guy was still slaving away at the Manhattan DA's office, and was suddenly tapped to be the CEO of the company, he was the head of a 1.9b security firm recently bought out by Marsh, and, I assume on the board.

I also assume that Spitzer didn't demand that he be named CEO, and that the company named him CEO - I don't see how you can blame that on Spitzer. Furthermore, none of that article claims a "scandal" of Charnasky being improperly put in the position due to Spitzer's influence.


03-17-2008, 11:08 AM
Ah, celebrating early, since TODAY is St. Patty's day. Still wasted?

Well, if he was at the St. Patty's day parade in boston (i'm assuming you were), he's likely been drunk for 30 hours or so.

Had a group of 6 friends up there. Said it was a complete debacle. Obviously in a good way. I'm still of the opinion that Boston sucks sloth ass. E's presence there only solidifies it.

03-17-2008, 11:10 AM
I would never have a reason to go all the way to Boston for a parade. I'm short. I don't like stampedes. :D

03-17-2008, 11:11 AM
The Church officially moved St. Patty's Day to Saturday, damn it! And I live in Boston! I was in Southie. :(

03-17-2008, 11:14 AM
I would never have a reason to go all the way to Boston


03-17-2008, 11:16 AM
So he's "installing his friends in positions" because his OLD BOSS got the job after some guy retired? It wasn't like the guy was still slaving away at the Manhattan DA's office, and was suddenly tapped to be the CEO of the company, he was the head of a 1.9b security firm recently bought out by Marsh, and, I assume on the board.

I also assume that Spitzer didn't demand that he be named CEO, and that the company named him CEO - I don't see how you can blame that on Spitzer. Furthermore, none of that article claims a "scandal" of Charnasky being improperly put in the position due to Spitzer's influence.


Riiiight. Its all just one BIG coincidence.




03-17-2008, 11:26 AM
He was quoting my post.. and directing the question to me. I apologize that this escaped your limited intellect... but not surprised.Let's review the timeline...

"Funny, still no one has answered this question for me, and the (granted, rudimentary, Wiki-restricted) research I did didn't mention any such scandal." Eschaton, the afternoon of the 15th, quoting himself quoting Drew.
"Well then it must not be true.. GOD SAVE THE DEMOCRATS!!!" You, the next morning, quoting the above Eschaton.
"BTW, jackass, this article says nothing about Spitzer putting his friends in spots where he forced people out. Which is, of course, the "conservative folklore" I wanted proved." Eschaton, later that morning, quoting you - note that there are no questions in this post!

Hence, your question of where you proposed the "conservative folklore" in question is completely irrelevant... unless you're so self-centered as to believe that every one of Eschaton's posts (for instance, the one you initially quoted) refers specifically to you or something you've said. :)

03-17-2008, 01:25 PM
So he's "installing his friends in positions" because his OLD BOSS got the job after some guy retired? It wasn't like the guy was still slaving away at the Manhattan DA's office, and was suddenly tapped to be the CEO of the company, he was the head of a 1.9b security firm recently bought out by Marsh, and, I assume on the board.

I also assume that Spitzer didn't demand that he be named CEO, and that the company named him CEO - I don't see how you can blame that on Spitzer. Furthermore, none of that article claims a "scandal" of Charnasky being improperly put in the position due to Spitzer's influence.


You would assume this.. because a normal person wouldn't. Well a normal person wouldn't do many things that Spitzer has done... so I wouldn't just assume anything.

03-17-2008, 03:08 PM

03-17-2008, 03:30 PM
You would assume this.. because a normal person wouldn't. Well a normal person wouldn't do many things that Spitzer has done... so I wouldn't just assume anything.

Well, then maybe Drew could clarify those issues at contention, so I wouldn't have to assume anything.

03-17-2008, 04:51 PM

Aw.. someone didn't get any attention.. so he had to bump the thread. Cute.

You can refer to me as Chief Conservative if it makes you feel better chump. I lead the entire R - Team and the message that we push to you. Everything goes through me.

So suck it Beotch.

03-17-2008, 05:03 PM
Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen allegedly hired the same call girl involved in the Eliot Spitzer scandal for a fantasy-themed threesome.

Pimp Jason Itzler, 41, claims he sent Ashley Alexander Dupre under the name of Victoria and another girl, Cheryl, to Sheen more than two years ago, the Daily Record reported.

He claims Sheen paid $20,000 for a threesome with the girls dressed up as cheerleaders.

"Sheen got the girls to dress up as cheerleaders and chant his name while performing sex acts. They loved Charlie. They said he was a great guy. A great lover. One time he had them dressed up like cheerleaders, chanting 'Charlie! Charlie! He's our man. If he can't do it, nobody can!'"

Click here to read Heidi Fleiss' views on Charlie Sheen.

A call and e-mail to Sheen's publicist by FOXNews.com were not immediately returned.

Itzler also claims Sheen pretended he was a porn film director and asked the women to act out lesbian scenes for him.


03-17-2008, 05:05 PM
Charlie Sheen is a fucking hero.


Stanley Burrell
03-17-2008, 05:12 PM
R.I.P., Isaac Hayes :'( (http://youtube.com/watch?v=4wkmCQKuy1Y)

03-17-2008, 06:06 PM
Aw.. someone didn't get any attention.. so he had to bump the thread. Cute.

You can refer to me as Chief Conservative if it makes you feel better chump. I lead the entire R - Team and the message that we push to you. Everything goes through me.

So suck it Beotch.Apology accepted. :)

07-22-2008, 12:20 AM

NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) -- A woman has sued the call girl linked to the downfall of New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, claiming Ashley Dupre used her lost driver's license to appear on a "Girls Gone Wild" video.

A federal lawsuit filed this month by Amber Arpaio seeks unspecified monetary compensation for defamation and invasion of privacy.

Dupre has said she was only 17 when she signed a contract to appear in the "Girls Gone Wild" video.

The video displays a New Jersey driver's license in the name of Amber Arpaio and a birth date that would have made her appear to be in her 20s.

Arpaio, 26, of Sussex County, cannot recall where she lost the license and doesn't know Dupre, although the women have similar faces, said Arpaio's lawyer, Joseph J. Fell.

"Somehow, Ashley Dupre got ahold of the license and had it for some period of time," Fell said Thursday.

Arpaio also sued "Girls Gone Wild" founder Joseph Francis.

Lawyers for Francis and Dupre had no immediate comment. Dupre's publicist did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Earlier this month, Dupre dropped her own lawsuit against Francis. She had claimed her name and image were exploited.

Dupre made news in March when she was identified as a high-priced call girl in the Emperors Club VIP prostitution ring whose client list included Spitzer, who resigned soon after the scandal broke.

The lawsuit by Arpaio was filed in U.S. District Court in Trenton on July 11 and reported Thursday in The Star-Ledger of Newark.

more awesomeness in this story.