View Full Version : Question about selling silver

03-11-2008, 12:59 AM
Since law school is taking up enough of my time that I barely even log into the game anymore, once I'm done getting my stuff together and selling what I don't want, I'll be unloading a bunch of silver.
I've never done this before, so I'm curious about what the standard procedure would be. Is preference given to PayPal? Money orders?
What about payment? On delivery? Prior to? (I'm assuming simultaneous isn't really an option)
If anyone could fill me in on the generally accepted way to handle this, I'd really appreciate it.

03-11-2008, 01:03 AM
Payapl is usually preferred (Only thing I deal with). All you need to do is get an account and you are good to go. I would set up your bank account to your paypal, then when you sell the silver and get the money in your PP account it can go right to your bank account. Alwayse check the persons history on the forum and I usually prefer the person to have a Verified Paypal Account.

* I usually meet the person IG and have them sit at the bank teller together (With your main). Then get him to send the money over to your Paypal and when its done give him the silver. Or in a case since you have no previouse transactions half in the beginning then paypal transfer then the other half when money goes through.

* In case of a E-Check I would look at the buyers history on here and if they don't have much I would wait till the check clears before handing over all the silver.

03-11-2008, 01:03 AM
Most do PayPal. If both parties are verified, it makes it instantaneous.

You should receive payment first, then hand over the silver.

UNLESS you sell to GSAuctions.com.


03-11-2008, 01:08 AM
Yah GSAuctions.com is the safest bet. I don't know if they are buying silver atm tho.

03-11-2008, 01:16 AM
Their page to sell is still available. Put in your amount, fill out the form, send the form, and you should get a response within 24 hours one way or another.


03-11-2008, 01:18 AM
Thanks for the quick replies.
I've done some eBaying, so I'm all set with a verified PayPal account.
When all is said and done, I should have about 30-40 million, which, hopefully, should keep me eating for a couple months.
Also, last I checked, GSAuctions isn't buying right now. My first inclination was to go there, but no dice.