View Full Version : a sleek shadowy crystal pendant?

03-10-2008, 03:44 PM
Yesterday, a friend gave this to me.

I wanted to see if you people know anything about it?

a sleek shadowy crystal pendant

1.You rub your shadowy crystal pendant, sending tenebrous coils of shadow to slither along its sleek surface.
2.You slowly run your fingertips along the edges of the shadowy crystal pendant, and the shadows within it coalesce to form a symbol of a series of stylized flames.
3.You push your shadowy crystal pendant, causing swirls of inky blackness to coalesce about the sphere inset within like a shadowy vortex.
4.You turn your shadowy crystal pendant, and it suddenly turns the shade of a tombstone -- a deep, mossy grey that resolves itself into a glimmering silver as it forms a thin silver crystal pendant.
You turn your silver crystal pendant, and its core is suddenly suffused with a deep golden light as it forms into a brilliant white crystal pendant.

When STARE at the pendant, it comes with various visions (Like around 6 or so). This is just one of them:

The silver thread slowly comes into vision and leads you slowly toward another place, warmed by the flames of a crackling fire... you stare out a window onto a large elven cityscape. Rain pours down in thick sheets, providing a steady pattering melody in the background. A slender woman's hand reaches up to touch the windowsill.

She speaks in a weary voice, "I cannot bear this, Maluverre."

A low voice replies, "I know. I saw the look in your eyes when it happened."

"Why was I chosen? I did not excel like you through the hierarchy. I simply followed and adhered to the ideals of the order. When it happened that night...", you hear a soft sigh, "I cannot stay with the order any longer. I cannot stand by and watch... I have to do something."

"I understand, my love. But the others will not."

"I don't expect they will. They have no idea what it's like... I can't open my eyes without seeing how... how short a time everything exists. Everything dies, I can't ignore it. I don't want to see into infinity, because I can see how everything, everything is so tiny in comparison to it. And such *power* at my fingertips! How I could change things, how I could make things last! But it's forbidden -- and they dare to call this a gift! I'd give anything to return to being an utterly blind and powerless creature like them." Another soft sigh punctuates the woman's speech.

"I will do what I can to stave them off when you go, but you know that they will forever pursue you... and they won't stop. And I..."

The woman's voice interrupts him, "You will have to side with them. I know. You have a life to live... I... I do not know what I have. Or what I am any longer. If She intended this for me, I do not know why I have not been taken beyond and into the silent ranks of her true angels. But I am not, instead I remain here... with all the desires and wants of our kind. I cannot deny my mortality, for even with these..." The ruffle of feathers permeates the small room, and your vision draws back so that you finally see the woman clearly -- a pair of sweeping black wings flow down her back, stopping just short of her ankles, "I think as I always have. And I cannot understand why this is allowed to be so... is it a trial?"

"I do not know. In all the order's history, it never bore witness to what has happened to you. We only have vague excerpts from ancient texts of this ever occurring to normal people." The man sighs, his voice carrying the heavy sound of sadness, "You've been chosen, and if you wish to leave, I will not bar you, nor let esoteric rules do so. If you are intended for great things in the service of She Who Is Eternal, then you must find yourself. I've seen you in those chambers they've built for you. You are not yourself, you are not the woman I fell in love with, and it is their doing."

The man steps into your vision, his long elven ears peeking through his silky grey hair. He unlatches the window, opening the chamber to the cool night air, and embraces the winged woman.

A slight smile touches the woman's lips as she returns the embrace, then leans down to kiss the elf slowly. "I knew there was a reason I loved you," she whispers silently. Turning, she steps towards the window and ascends into the air with a single stroke of her wings, her slender form silhouetted against the moons as she rises away into the night.

03-10-2008, 03:52 PM
Way cool.

Nothing I've ever heard about.

An existing/past storyline? Or a new one?

Anyone? Anyone?

03-10-2008, 03:58 PM
Weren't they from the GSS or something? I know I have one lockered somewhere.

03-10-2008, 03:59 PM
I believe it's one of the pendants that were available when they introduced the NPC clerics to the towns. One per character and it's attuned to your deity.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-10-2008, 04:00 PM
Looks vaguely familiar to me, maybe a WoN thing?

03-10-2008, 04:03 PM
It is the NPC pendant, I just checked mine (Lumnis) ...

You turn your silver crystal pendant, and its core is suddenly suffused with a deep golden light as it forms into a brilliant white crystal pendant.
>rub my pendant
You rub your white crystal pendant, and brilliant sparkles of golden light twinkle upon its surface like stars.
>touch my pendant
You slowly run your fingertips along the edges of the white crystal pendant, and threads of brilliant golden light swirl to form a glittering symbol of a series of overlapped circles.

>stare pendant
Silver light twinkles along the surface of the pendant, and your vision is suddenly swept away...

The void spreads on and on into eternity, its utter blackness unchanging and completely static. Suddenly, a faint silver wisp of light winks into existence and curls a luminescent tendril toward you. The threads of fate stream out into the darkness, and you find yourself following one of millions. The thread appears to lead into a bright white light, one of the mind, the body, and soul...

You hear the cries of a massive battle, and soon the sights and smells immerse you in the bloody campaign. Warriors clad in billowing white capes and impeccably lustrous armor charge into battle, their blades flashing in the sun as they strike with flawless precision into their enemies. You hear the cry of, "Purify the infidels! Let them not encroach upon the Lady's lands with their befouling presence any longer!" You slowly center on one of the soldiers, his helmet concealing any hint of his face. He cleaves through the enemy with the passion of one devoted fully to their goddess and belts out words honoring her as each enemy falls beneath him.

As the battle rages on, a warrior of the enemy falls to his knees before the brightly-clad zealot. His deep green eyes stare up imploringly at the slits of the soldier's helmet and he casts his weapon aside. He speaks, his voice laced with desperate hope as he begs for mercy.

The sharp hiss of a blade being whisked through the air is his only answer, and his head falls, severed, to the ground. The soldier only reserves a disdainful glance toward the man's corpse before he murmurs, "Lady Lorminstra shall judge you. Not me." and storms off into battle once again.

Within moments, he encounters another foe away from the deep chaos of the main battle. They parry against one another, rusted mace clashing against finely-forged steel. The warrior lands a lucky blow as he sweeps his weapon upward in a vicious arc toward the soldier, but it only serves to knock the lustrous helmet off his head. White hair tied into a short ponytail spills past the soldier's back and his ears mark him as one of elven lineage. His dark violet eyes glare at his opponent as he recovers quickly and fluidly slices his blade across both of the warrior's legs, causing his foe to stumble backwards to the ground.

"I am a divine servant of the Lady, I *cannot* fail! How dare you even seek to defy us?!" The soldier screams as he raises his blade in preparation for the final strike. In his holy fury, he fails to glimpse his victim's hand reaching for a concealed dagger at his hip. As the blade and the soldier descend in a fatal arc, the warrior brings his dagger to bear.

You hear twin screams of agony as the soldier's blade impales the warrior, and the razor-sharp edge of the warrior's blade slices across the eyes of the soldier.

The vision comes to a close, and the words of the soldier echo in your mind, "No! I cannot... be harmed... under Her power! Why?! WHY?!?!"

03-10-2008, 04:05 PM
Oh nifty. Does it do anything else special? or is it just that?

03-10-2008, 04:06 PM
Just a RP thing really, as far as I'm aware anyway.

03-10-2008, 04:06 PM
Weird. My Huntress follower gets the same vision as Zuie, who follows Eorgina.

03-10-2008, 04:08 PM
Yeah, I was about to say that. The same vision Elven Lady just posted, is one of the ones I get.

Perhaps when turning the pendant and making it change, it gives you other visions?

This is another one of the visions I got,

A figure turns to glance behind him, his braided white hair falling past his shoulders as his slate grey eyes scan the surroundings. Suddenly, as if the shadows conformed to him completely, another man steps out in front of him, his form completely cloaked in darkness. For a moment, his eyes glow a dark yellow hue, and the white-haired man turns and abruptly kneels before him.

"It is time for you to return to where you began.", the man half-growls into the darkness, "Rally my Order. Cull the minds, for terror looms on the horizon. And you, Draezir, will cultivate it in my name."

The white-haired man nods slightly and says, "It will be done, my Lord Sheru."

The shadowed man turns his head up toward the pale grey light of Lornon, the silhouette of his head punctuated by curls of hair that look far too bestial to be on anything remotely human. "There will be a gathering, like that of before. You will know what to do when the time comes." With that said, the shadows simply coalesce around him as if welcoming one of their own, and he is gone.

The white-haired man slowly gets to his feet and turns in the opposite direction, his footsteps the only thing heard in the darkness of the jungle.

Your vision blurs and you find yourself travelling along the thread once again, but before you can see any further, reality snaps back into awareness.

03-10-2008, 04:09 PM
TOUCH or RUB it, it should give you the Huntress' symbol. There are three visions depending on the appearance of the pendant from each TURN. I think the visions are standard to all the pieces.

03-10-2008, 04:10 PM
Hmmmm, can I still get one of these, or is this a long gone opportunity?

03-10-2008, 04:11 PM
There are three visions depending on the appearance of the pendant from each TURN. I think the visions are standard to all the pieces.

Ah, no wonder. I wasn't switching the appearance.

03-10-2008, 04:12 PM
So if you change the appearance of it, it gives you other visions from seperate deities?

03-10-2008, 04:12 PM
Hmmmm, can I still get one of these, or is this a long gone opportunity?

I think it's still possible. Go see the NPC cleric and I think you have to PRAY. It's something simple like that, anyway.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-10-2008, 04:15 PM
Hmmmm, can I still get one of these, or is this a long gone opportunity?

I have one you can have if you cannot get it in the game. I don't need it.

03-10-2008, 04:19 PM
The NPC cleric who raises you, or the weird one who goes around singing shit about dragons?

03-10-2008, 04:20 PM
rofl. I just tried the hermit in Vaalor, and nada.

03-10-2008, 04:23 PM
Those pendants commemorate the events of the Griffon Sword Saga. Anyone participating in it or around at that time got one, and everyone else could go to the temple altar and pray, and would receive one. They're attuned to you and your deity (the symbols you see in them) and if you stare into them continuously they'll give you a very long series of moments from the GSS. You may still be able to get them by praying, but it's been awhile since the event ended, so you really shouldn't be able to do so.

Oh, and you can turn them to change them from dark to neutral to light (shadowy/grey/white).

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-10-2008, 04:26 PM
I doubt mine is attuned, IIRC I got it from the blind GM run NPC (who's name eludes me), and he was handing em out to all the participants in the room I was in.

03-10-2008, 04:27 PM
Possible. See if it'll display your deity's symbol. They weren't attuned so that they couldn't be picked up or whatnot by other people; they just only had some of the abilities for the original owner.

03-11-2008, 08:30 AM
There are three settings. Light, Neutral, and Dark. Each setting has a different story when you continuously STARE, telling the story from each respective alignment.

11-10-2014, 03:16 AM

11-10-2014, 10:10 AM
I doubt mine is attuned, IIRC I got it from the blind GM run NPC (who's name eludes me), and he was handing em out to all the participants in the room I was in.
