View Full Version : PM Message about Roleplaying?

03-10-2008, 02:33 PM
What gives with this? Someone claiming to be a GM sends me this PM. Anyone else get this?

Hello, fellow roleplayer!

I've been following some of your posts on this forum, and I come to you, respectfully, not as a GM, but as a fellow roleplayer, for help. Please do not join the "paper-thin roleplaying" movement, as it only serves to compromise the integrity of GemStone. Also, should you observe any instances of such roleplaying, please be sure to do a REPORT so that I can take care of the situation.

While every day I see sterling roleplayers, I have to also admit that watching places like the Cul-de-Sac, the Glatoph arch, and the Small Park I see what could barely pass for elementary school sandbox behavior or schoolyard bullying. The amount of paper-thin dialogue before someone gets killed is limited to something like:

Player A: Shut up Player B.
Player B: No, you shut up!
Player A: Make me!
Player B: (kills Player A)

And both of them have been slinging this short childish volley from hiding, then go back to hiding when they've killed or decayed, and often continues with:

Player B: Anyone have a problem with what just happened, I can make it your problem, too.


Player A: Wanna try that again, Player B?

Now... in my opinion, this isn't activity to be proud of if you really want to be remembered here as someone important. I'm not surprised or shocked that it occurs -- make no mistake -- I've seen this behavior before, and some of the people involved, seem to be unable contribute to the game environment with any meaningful dialogue or storyline.

Perhaps they're trying to be the next Bleeds or Kree. You know, I can't remember Kree killing anyone, at least, not within my view, and yet he was feared most because of his demeanor. And Bleeds didn't need to kill people to demonstrate his uberness... but he would when things progressed to a point, after a goodly exchange that was more than the silly childish taunting above.

If you think that killing everyone, because you can, is going to make you memorable or famous, think again. You'll be forgotten within a month of leaving GS.

If you think everyone should know why you're killing someone, because you set it up with dialogue a month or two ago, keep in mind that people new to the game have no idea what's going on, and just assume you're a bunch of PKers.

If you're going to roleplay out a conflict, you have to continue that storyline every time you engage -- I'm not saying this is so for simple thievery, although hopefully you have enough sense of self to say something like "And that's what you get for putting your filthy hands in my pockets." I'm not saying you have to perform two acts of a play before you attack, but at least add some richness to the lands and make it clear to others what is going on -- and I pray it's more than "He's an idiot, she's stupid, you're a whore, or you're a wuss."

It's sort of like watching a parade... Eight blocks back the cheerleaders do some running handsprings and a pyramid and get a good amount of cheering. The crowd hears the roar of applause, hoots, and hollers increase, but can't quite see the action. That's why I tell contingents to create a 30-second repeatable routine along the route, so that every block feels the thrill.

Don't assume that just because your family and someone else's family hates each other that everyone in the Small Park hasn't moved along and therefore knows the history. Think of it as having a fresh audience each time.

Otherwise, you might as well take what looks like nothing more than needless attacks and contests fit for measuring with rulers to the Boulder.

Warmest Regards,

GM Andraste

03-10-2008, 02:34 PM
Ignore it. It was a prank.

Stanley Burrell
03-10-2008, 02:37 PM
<<Eight blocks back the cheerleaders do some running handsprings and a pyramid and get a good amount of cheering. The crowd hears the roar of applause, hoots, and hollers increase, but can't quite see the action. That's why I tell contingents to create a 30-second repeatable routine along the route, so that every block feels the thrill.>>

:wtf: That part just made me laugh.

Anyway, there's a contingency of the same poster, with a different userhandle, posing time and again as GM Andraste and Private Messaging folks a bunch of bullshit.

Kranar's the man and he's working on it, so... It'll be e-autoclaved, eventually.

03-14-2008, 11:03 PM
Who the F r u turdstorm? i dont pay to play a crappy text game so shut the F up before someone takes a dump in ur mouth.

03-14-2008, 11:05 PM
Andraste r ur pmz stealin ur commen centz.