Nessu Karthorbek
03-07-2008, 05:05 AM
First off, I'd just like to say this was my fault. Completely and totally. It's still complete bullshit. A 2 second mistake in judgement cost me pretty much everything, or so it seems.
Notice how the janitor takes my backpack, which has my registered PP enhancer in it, my 5x enchanting project, and left the 1x crap mail on the floor.
>405 mail
Voodoo '405 mail' to 'PREPARE 405', 'CAST AT mail'.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
The underlying patterns of essence within the chain mail indicate that it has been enchanted, and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You recognize the vibrant red aura surrounding it as indicating a weak level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>rem my back
You take a crimson rune-stitched backpack off your back.
>drop back
You drop a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
>get mail from my back
Get what?
>get mail from back
You remove some chain mail from in a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
>405 my mail
Voodoo '405 my mail' to 'PREPARE 405', 'CAST AT my mail'.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
The layers of essence permeating the chain mail unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of a tempering enchanting project, which you recognize as one of your own. It is currently tempered and ready to be enchanted. It is on the final step of the enchanting process. You recognize the vibrant red aura surrounding it as indicating a weak level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>925 my mail
Voodoo '925 my mail' to 'PREPARE 925', 'CAST AT my mail'.
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Enchant Item...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
Lacking sufficient mana, you struggle to control the magical energy of your spell.
Visible wisps of essence dance across the surface of the chain mail as you chant quietly, your sure gestures guiding them to slowly coalesce into small softly glowing runic symbols. Glancing over the formation of the runes, your chant falters as you notice their forms contorting oddly. You gather something has gone terribly wrong.
Suddenly, the chain mail blossoms into a growing ball of intense white flame, the ensuing explosion sending metallic debris through the air. The chain mail being in your hand, you take the brunt of the blast!
... 43 points of damage!
Hard strike removes the right eye and a goodly bit of skull!
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-32DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Elemental Bias (508) ended. [-20ETD]
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
Spell Prismatic Guard (905) ended. [-16PhysDS, -31BoltDS]
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!
...departing in 16 mins...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Nessu just bit the dust!
[Nessu's Home]
Walls of rough-hewn oak and a dusty oak floor covered by a tasseled cotton rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a simple stick cot, and near the cot sits a sturdy oak table. Above a small firepit hangs an Estate Holder plaque. The room holds a lingering scent of sulphur. You also see a crimson rune-stitched backpack, some chain mail and a door.
Obvious exits: none
DEAD>depart confirm
The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...
You find yourself wandering amidst endless streaming light and vast nothingness. This place feels torn between two powers, polar opposites vying for your loyalty. You are surrounded by the spirits of those who could not choose. The only way out seems to be through light or darkness.
Time has no meaning as you wander aimlessly amidst the uncomfortable tugging for your attention. Hopelessness washes over dreams you once held like the creeping tide of doom.
After what could be moments, or perhaps an eternity, the goddess Lorminstra finds you wandering in the endless space and speaks soothingly to you. She gently reassembles the pieces of your tattered soul and then, taking you by the hand, the goddess leads you back to mortality...
You feel drained!
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Your default chat channel is OOC.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Oleander Avenue]
Somewhere nearby a nest of robins is alive with the cries of hungry young. Awnings, in striped patterns of various shades, stand out from the whitewashed facades of the shops along the street. The pattern of woven ivy and fir garlands, strung from the wrought iron lamps lining the street, creates dancing shadows across the cobblestones below as the moonlight strikes it. You also see an ornate stone building.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Oleander and Rose Avenue]
Long garlands of mixed foliage have been strung over the street in a criss-cross pattern. The decoration wraps around the poles of the tall, wrought iron lanterns that line the lane and drapes along the awnings of each storefront, stretching across their lengths. Cool silver moonlight mixed with the warm yellow tones of the lantern's glow lights the cobblestone street.
Obvious paths: north, south, west
[Gardenia Lane and Rose Avenue]
The cobblestone path becomes more narrow here, while the sidewalk expands to compensate for the increased number of shops and tables that surround the outskirts of the bazaar. A tidy brownstone dwelling is framed by alternating silver and gold banners trimmed in cool pastel shades, the metallic threads in them reflecting the soft moonlight.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Honeysuckle and Rose Avenue]
The candlelit windows of the bank illuminate the sky above creating an eerie, yet comforting sight. The cottages that line the back wall and the corner of Honeysuckle Avenue and Rose Avenue seem small and unimportant compared to the towering bank rising up in the distance. A plot of land just before the corner of the street has been left vacant, and over the years has become a gathering place for the moderately infamous and less desirable citizens of the town. You also see a wood and wrought iron barrel.
Obvious paths: north, south, west
[Tigerlily and Rose Avenue]
Outside a local shop, a small evergreen has been neatly trimmed into the shape of a seated rolton. Someone has attached two small black discs to emulate the eyes. Another bush has been carved into the likeness of a small halfling and stands nearly three feet high, its entire body wreathed in blossoms of an intriguing, pale purple hue. Silver moonlight strikes the figures from an awkward angle, creating shadows that shudder and curl across the cobblestones. You also see a painted driftwood shop.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, west
[Cobblestone Path]
The lights of the town to the southwest appear dim here, while to the northeast the cobblestone path continues on into the open field. The sound of crickets is nearly deafening as they play their song in seemingly chaotic dissension. Across the night sky, the twinkling of fireflies appears only to disappear moments later.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
[Cobblestone Path]
Beneath a moonlit sky full of twinkling stars lies a field of wheat dusted with wildflower blossoms. A breeze blows across it, bending the stalks of grain and giving them a faint golden shimmer as the silver moonlight dances across them. Fireflies dart to and fro playing their endless game of tag across the rolling hills. You also see a wooden gate.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
>go gate
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A cobblestone street leads off into the meadow, thin blades of grass poking up here and there between the stones. Narrow paths of flattened grass wind their way through the tall grasses to various homes, illumination from their windows helping to guide the way. You also see a wooden gate and a plain shack.
Obvious paths: west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A lone wildflower pokes its head up through the cobbles, its normally bright color washed out by the moonlight. The sound of crickets can be heard from the long grass lining the street. A dusty dirt road leads away from the cobblestone street off into another part of the meadow.
Obvious paths: north, east, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A large well rests in the middle of this cobblestone square, a raised thatched roof sitting lopsidedly atop it. Lanterns hang from poles circle the square, providing enough light to make it quite bright here. A few small trees have been planted on two sides of the square, long meadow grasses rising up around them.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The moon illuminates the street and shows a few cobbles missing here and there, providing holes to trip up the unwary. Daisies and asters line the road, their bright colors still visible in the light from homes behind them.
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The street begins to slowly slant upwards here as the meadows begin to give way to the hills. A few berry bushes can be seen scattered about, a bat occasionally swooping down to snatch a berry before flying off again.
Obvious paths: east, northwest
You can't go there.
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The cobblestone street winds up into the hills, continuing on through a wooden gate set into a tidy stone wall. Two lanterns sit on either side of the gate while magnolia trees grow behind the wall, obscuring what lies beyond it. Many of the homes here are clustered closely together near the wall, their windows bright with light.
Obvious paths: southeast
>go gate
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Tidy cottages and homes line the road, their lit windows illuminating the small garden in front of each. Various birch trees dot the ground around and behind the cottages, while a wooden gate with a lantern on each side leads through a stone wall behind a line of magnolias. You also see a cozy grey fieldstone cottage, an oak-framed grey stone bungalow, a large riverstone farmhouse, a vine-covered grey fieldstone cottage, a moss-covered riverstone bungalow and a vine-covered riverstone cottage.
Obvious paths: northwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
The ground slopes upwards a bit towards the north here, as two rows of currant bushes line a street leading off the main road. Small paths wind their way from the road to several well-kept houses, lit lamps hanging next to their doors. You also see a plain cabin, a plain cabin, a weathered dark stone farmhouse, a sun-bleached driftwood cottage, a plain cottage, a weathered driftwood bungalow, a plain cabin and a cozy terra cotta bungalow.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Several well-groomed trees stand here and there, lanterns strung from their branches illuminating the area. The cobblestone road weaves a course between the trees so that the main traffic can continue on through. A wooden swing hangs from one of the large trees, providing a place for children to play or one to sit and dream.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Water trickles down from the mountain above, gently cascading into a pond here before continuing its way through the hills in the form of a small stream. Houses sit around the pond, small paths leading from them to the main road. A small wooden bridge continues the roadway over the stream, lamps strung along it to light the way. You also see a plain bungalow, a vine-covered dark wooden cottage, a plain cabin, a cozy driftwood house, a vine-covered fieldstone cottage, a plain cottage and a rustic cedar frame cottage.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
The hill rises up high enough here to provide an unobstructed view of the meadow below bathed in moonlight. Several tall mahogany trees dot the landscape as the hills continue to grow into the mountain. You also see a polished dark stone home, a plain cabin, a moss-covered grey fieldstone cottage, a plain cabin, a large grey stone house and a vine-covered wood and stone cottage.
Obvious paths: north, east
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
The road continues to slope upwards, gently curving to the northeast. A cascade of rocks has tumbled down from the mountain above, and several small bushes and plants have begun to take hold amongst them. The moonlight throws the rocks into sharp contrast to the surrounding landscape. You also see a slate-roofed dark stone house and a vine-covered grey fieldstone cottage.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
Several large boulders sit here and there amongst the homes, the moss and lichen growing upon them muted by the moonlight. The road curves gently around a large modwir tree, a few of its roots reaching towards the road. Several of the cobblestones tilt upwards, having been dislodged by the roots. You also see an oak-trimmed grey fieldstone farmhouse, a vine-covered dark stone cottage, a plain cabin, a rustic pine log cabin and a plain cabin.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
Slate stairs set into the mountain lead up to the ridge above, while an iron railing gives those venturing upwards something to hold onto. A few lamps have been hung from the railing to provide lighting for the stairs. Several thanot trees grow nearby, ivy winding their way around them and eventually up onto the railing. You also see a plain cabin and a plain house.
Obvious paths: south
>unl cab
You unlock the door to a plain cabin.
>open cab
You open the door to a plain cabin.
>go cab
You walk through the door of the cabin.
[Nessu's Home]
Walls of rough-hewn oak and a dusty oak floor covered by a tasseled cotton rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a simple stick cot, and near the cot sits a sturdy oak table. Above a small firepit hangs an Estate Holder plaque. The room holds a lingering scent of sulphur. You also see some chain mail and a door.
Obvious exits: none
Notice how the janitor takes my backpack, which has my registered PP enhancer in it, my 5x enchanting project, and left the 1x crap mail on the floor.
>405 mail
Voodoo '405 mail' to 'PREPARE 405', 'CAST AT mail'.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
The underlying patterns of essence within the chain mail indicate that it has been enchanted, and you notice your own enchanter's mark on it. You recognize the vibrant red aura surrounding it as indicating a weak level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>rem my back
You take a crimson rune-stitched backpack off your back.
>drop back
You drop a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
>get mail from my back
Get what?
>get mail from back
You remove some chain mail from in a crimson rune-stitched backpack.
>405 my mail
Voodoo '405 my mail' to 'PREPARE 405', 'CAST AT my mail'.
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Elemental Detection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
The layers of essence permeating the chain mail unfold before you to reveal the familiar patterns of a tempering enchanting project, which you recognize as one of your own. It is currently tempered and ready to be enchanted. It is on the final step of the enchanting process. You recognize the vibrant red aura surrounding it as indicating a weak level of enchantment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>925 my mail
Voodoo '925 my mail' to 'PREPARE 925', 'CAST AT my mail'.
You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Enchant Item...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at some chain mail.
Lacking sufficient mana, you struggle to control the magical energy of your spell.
Visible wisps of essence dance across the surface of the chain mail as you chant quietly, your sure gestures guiding them to slowly coalesce into small softly glowing runic symbols. Glancing over the formation of the runes, your chant falters as you notice their forms contorting oddly. You gather something has gone terribly wrong.
Suddenly, the chain mail blossoms into a growing ball of intense white flame, the ensuing explosion sending metallic debris through the air. The chain mail being in your hand, you take the brunt of the blast!
... 43 points of damage!
Hard strike removes the right eye and a goodly bit of skull!
Spell Elemental Defense II (406) ended. [-10DS, -10ETD]
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Elemental Defense I (401) ended. [-5DS, -5ETD]
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
Spell Thurfel's Ward (503) ended. [-32DS]
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Spell Elemental Bias (508) ended. [-20ETD]
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
Spell Prismatic Guard (905) ended. [-16PhysDS, -31BoltDS]
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
Spell Strength (509) ended. [-15Str, -15PhysAS]
You feel your extra strength departing.
Spell Mass Blur (911) ended. [-20Dodging]
You become solid again.
Spell Elemental Defense III (414) ended. [-20DS, -15ETD]
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You realize that you have no outstanding favors which Lorminstra owes you, and without having accomplished a deed for Her, your soul is in danger of vanishing from the land forever!
...departing in 16 mins...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Nessu just bit the dust!
[Nessu's Home]
Walls of rough-hewn oak and a dusty oak floor covered by a tasseled cotton rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a simple stick cot, and near the cot sits a sturdy oak table. Above a small firepit hangs an Estate Holder plaque. The room holds a lingering scent of sulphur. You also see a crimson rune-stitched backpack, some chain mail and a door.
Obvious exits: none
DEAD>depart confirm
The world before you dissolves into a grainy montage of color...
You find yourself wandering amidst endless streaming light and vast nothingness. This place feels torn between two powers, polar opposites vying for your loyalty. You are surrounded by the spirits of those who could not choose. The only way out seems to be through light or darkness.
Time has no meaning as you wander aimlessly amidst the uncomfortable tugging for your attention. Hopelessness washes over dreams you once held like the creeping tide of doom.
After what could be moments, or perhaps an eternity, the goddess Lorminstra finds you wandering in the endless space and speaks soothingly to you. She gently reassembles the pieces of your tattered soul and then, taking you by the hand, the goddess leads you back to mortality...
You feel drained!
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Your default chat channel is OOC.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 4 seconds.
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Oleander Crossing]
Built nearly on top of one another, there is barely a crack between the buildings here. Only the colorful awnings and decorative trim differentiate one from another. Outside one shop, a set of silver wind chimes hangs and issues an eerie melody as the breeze passes through them.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Oleander Avenue]
Somewhere nearby a nest of robins is alive with the cries of hungry young. Awnings, in striped patterns of various shades, stand out from the whitewashed facades of the shops along the street. The pattern of woven ivy and fir garlands, strung from the wrought iron lamps lining the street, creates dancing shadows across the cobblestones below as the moonlight strikes it. You also see an ornate stone building.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Oleander and Rose Avenue]
Long garlands of mixed foliage have been strung over the street in a criss-cross pattern. The decoration wraps around the poles of the tall, wrought iron lanterns that line the lane and drapes along the awnings of each storefront, stretching across their lengths. Cool silver moonlight mixed with the warm yellow tones of the lantern's glow lights the cobblestone street.
Obvious paths: north, south, west
[Gardenia Lane and Rose Avenue]
The cobblestone path becomes more narrow here, while the sidewalk expands to compensate for the increased number of shops and tables that surround the outskirts of the bazaar. A tidy brownstone dwelling is framed by alternating silver and gold banners trimmed in cool pastel shades, the metallic threads in them reflecting the soft moonlight.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Honeysuckle and Rose Avenue]
The candlelit windows of the bank illuminate the sky above creating an eerie, yet comforting sight. The cottages that line the back wall and the corner of Honeysuckle Avenue and Rose Avenue seem small and unimportant compared to the towering bank rising up in the distance. A plot of land just before the corner of the street has been left vacant, and over the years has become a gathering place for the moderately infamous and less desirable citizens of the town. You also see a wood and wrought iron barrel.
Obvious paths: north, south, west
[Tigerlily and Rose Avenue]
Outside a local shop, a small evergreen has been neatly trimmed into the shape of a seated rolton. Someone has attached two small black discs to emulate the eyes. Another bush has been carved into the likeness of a small halfling and stands nearly three feet high, its entire body wreathed in blossoms of an intriguing, pale purple hue. Silver moonlight strikes the figures from an awkward angle, creating shadows that shudder and curl across the cobblestones. You also see a painted driftwood shop.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, west
[Cobblestone Path]
The lights of the town to the southwest appear dim here, while to the northeast the cobblestone path continues on into the open field. The sound of crickets is nearly deafening as they play their song in seemingly chaotic dissension. Across the night sky, the twinkling of fireflies appears only to disappear moments later.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
[Cobblestone Path]
Beneath a moonlit sky full of twinkling stars lies a field of wheat dusted with wildflower blossoms. A breeze blows across it, bending the stalks of grain and giving them a faint golden shimmer as the silver moonlight dances across them. Fireflies dart to and fro playing their endless game of tag across the rolling hills. You also see a wooden gate.
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
>go gate
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A cobblestone street leads off into the meadow, thin blades of grass poking up here and there between the stones. Narrow paths of flattened grass wind their way through the tall grasses to various homes, illumination from their windows helping to guide the way. You also see a wooden gate and a plain shack.
Obvious paths: west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A lone wildflower pokes its head up through the cobbles, its normally bright color washed out by the moonlight. The sound of crickets can be heard from the long grass lining the street. A dusty dirt road leads away from the cobblestone street off into another part of the meadow.
Obvious paths: north, east, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
A large well rests in the middle of this cobblestone square, a raised thatched roof sitting lopsidedly atop it. Lanterns hang from poles circle the square, providing enough light to make it quite bright here. A few small trees have been planted on two sides of the square, long meadow grasses rising up around them.
Obvious paths: east, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The moon illuminates the street and shows a few cobbles missing here and there, providing holes to trip up the unwary. Daisies and asters line the road, their bright colors still visible in the light from homes behind them.
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The street begins to slowly slant upwards here as the meadows begin to give way to the hills. A few berry bushes can be seen scattered about, a bat occasionally swooping down to snatch a berry before flying off again.
Obvious paths: east, northwest
You can't go there.
[Boreas Meadows, Levantera Road]
The cobblestone street winds up into the hills, continuing on through a wooden gate set into a tidy stone wall. Two lanterns sit on either side of the gate while magnolia trees grow behind the wall, obscuring what lies beyond it. Many of the homes here are clustered closely together near the wall, their windows bright with light.
Obvious paths: southeast
>go gate
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Tidy cottages and homes line the road, their lit windows illuminating the small garden in front of each. Various birch trees dot the ground around and behind the cottages, while a wooden gate with a lantern on each side leads through a stone wall behind a line of magnolias. You also see a cozy grey fieldstone cottage, an oak-framed grey stone bungalow, a large riverstone farmhouse, a vine-covered grey fieldstone cottage, a moss-covered riverstone bungalow and a vine-covered riverstone cottage.
Obvious paths: northwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
The ground slopes upwards a bit towards the north here, as two rows of currant bushes line a street leading off the main road. Small paths wind their way from the road to several well-kept houses, lit lamps hanging next to their doors. You also see a plain cabin, a plain cabin, a weathered dark stone farmhouse, a sun-bleached driftwood cottage, a plain cottage, a weathered driftwood bungalow, a plain cabin and a cozy terra cotta bungalow.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Several well-groomed trees stand here and there, lanterns strung from their branches illuminating the area. The cobblestone road weaves a course between the trees so that the main traffic can continue on through. A wooden swing hangs from one of the large trees, providing a place for children to play or one to sit and dream.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
Water trickles down from the mountain above, gently cascading into a pond here before continuing its way through the hills in the form of a small stream. Houses sit around the pond, small paths leading from them to the main road. A small wooden bridge continues the roadway over the stream, lamps strung along it to light the way. You also see a plain bungalow, a vine-covered dark wooden cottage, a plain cabin, a cozy driftwood house, a vine-covered fieldstone cottage, a plain cottage and a rustic cedar frame cottage.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
[Boreas Hills, Etesian Terrace]
The hill rises up high enough here to provide an unobstructed view of the meadow below bathed in moonlight. Several tall mahogany trees dot the landscape as the hills continue to grow into the mountain. You also see a polished dark stone home, a plain cabin, a moss-covered grey fieldstone cottage, a plain cabin, a large grey stone house and a vine-covered wood and stone cottage.
Obvious paths: north, east
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
The road continues to slope upwards, gently curving to the northeast. A cascade of rocks has tumbled down from the mountain above, and several small bushes and plants have begun to take hold amongst them. The moonlight throws the rocks into sharp contrast to the surrounding landscape. You also see a slate-roofed dark stone house and a vine-covered grey fieldstone cottage.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
Several large boulders sit here and there amongst the homes, the moss and lichen growing upon them muted by the moonlight. The road curves gently around a large modwir tree, a few of its roots reaching towards the road. Several of the cobblestones tilt upwards, having been dislodged by the roots. You also see an oak-trimmed grey fieldstone farmhouse, a vine-covered dark stone cottage, a plain cabin, a rustic pine log cabin and a plain cabin.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Boreas Hills, Sundowner Way]
Slate stairs set into the mountain lead up to the ridge above, while an iron railing gives those venturing upwards something to hold onto. A few lamps have been hung from the railing to provide lighting for the stairs. Several thanot trees grow nearby, ivy winding their way around them and eventually up onto the railing. You also see a plain cabin and a plain house.
Obvious paths: south
>unl cab
You unlock the door to a plain cabin.
>open cab
You open the door to a plain cabin.
>go cab
You walk through the door of the cabin.
[Nessu's Home]
Walls of rough-hewn oak and a dusty oak floor covered by a tasseled cotton rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a simple stick cot, and near the cot sits a sturdy oak table. Above a small firepit hangs an Estate Holder plaque. The room holds a lingering scent of sulphur. You also see some chain mail and a door.
Obvious exits: none