View Full Version : Gender Swapping (or Hi Belnia!)
03-06-2008, 07:21 PM
Study uncovers MMORPG gender-swapping epidemic In a watershed discovery last year, researchers at Nottingham Trent University in the UK found that three-quarters of online role-players form close relationships with those they meet in their online worlds, with one in 10 of those connections culminating in real-world coitus.
Building upon that research, and perhaps adding an extra layer of complexity, a new study out of Nottingham Trent has found that 54 percent of all males and 68 percent of all females "gender swap"--or create online personas of their opposite sex. The study found that males and females had different reasons for gender swapping, with female gamers primarily seeking to avoid "unsolicited male approaches" and male swappers finding that they are treated far better by other males.
In the words of one male participant quoted in the study, "Nerd + Boob = Loot."
Titled "Gender Swapping and Socializing in Cyberspace: An Exploratory Study," the study was conducted by Zaheer Hussain and Mark Griffiths and surveyed 115 participants, 83 of which were male and 32 female. The survey was conducted through various MMOG-enthusiast forums, and the researchers noted that flaws to the study may include the relatively small sample size and the self-reporting format.
"What makes these findings important is that in most instances, the gamer has the opportunity to choose the gender of his or her character and to develop other aspects of the character before beginning to play," concluded the researchers. "Choosing to gender swap may have an effect on the gamer's style of play and interaction with other gamers and could even have an effect on guild membership." Researchers also noted that the study supported previous findings that "suggest the female persona has a number of positive social attributes in a male-oriented environment."
03-06-2008, 08:22 PM
I do it for teh sexual thrill.!!
Stanley Burrell
03-06-2008, 08:24 PM
Thank God my only female char' is a Halfling.
Wait. Actually, she gets the shit hit on her all the time, even though I try to leather her out with obvious "a dude plays this character" gear. It's frustrating. I gave her odd protruding ears for her distinguishing mark! Does it remind you mansluts of Elf Ears?! HOW HARD MUST I TRY -- I CANNOT RE-ROLL :'( Too much time lost, arrrrgh.
How much trouble would I get in if I "accidentally" thought out I AM HAVING THE COCK IRL on the Landing net? I hate this. ...I feel bad for gamer chicks (and Belnia!) And also, "Gender Bender" trophy ft-mofo'ing-w for KoL'ers. GemStone needs such an equivalent to The Sleazy Back Alley from The Kingdom :yes: ... Please! I'll threaten to cancel my account like chicks who actually play Empaths if this issue isn't addressed.
03-06-2008, 08:25 PM
How much trouble would I get in if I "accidentally" thought out I AM HAVING THE COCK IRL on the Landing net?
That depends, does the guy giving it to you play Gem, too?
03-06-2008, 08:26 PM
Thank God my only female char' is a Halfling.
Wait. Actually, she gets the shit hit on her all the time, even though I try to leather her out with obvious "a dude plays this character" gear. It's frustrating. I gave her odd protruding ears for her distinguishing mark! Does it remind you mansluts of Elf Ears?! HOW HARD MUST I TRY -- I CANNOT RE-ROLL :'( Too much time lost, arrrrgh.
How much trouble would I get in if I "accidentally" thought out I AM HAVING THE COCK IRL on the Landing net? I hate this. ...I feel bad for gamer chicks (and Belnia!) And also, "Gender Bender" trophy ft-mofo'ing-w for KoL'ers. GemStone needs such an equivalent to The Sleazy Back Alley from The Kingdom :yes: ... Please! I'll threaten to cancel my account like chicks who actually play Empaths if this issue isn't addressed.
I'm better now...I promise.
03-06-2008, 08:27 PM
Ya I thought I posted it after himm...
Stanley Burrell
03-06-2008, 08:28 PM
I'm better now...I promise.
Glad to hear :)
Stanley Burrell
03-06-2008, 08:46 PM
That depends, does the guy giving it to you play Gem, too?
LoL Burn. Nicely done.
The Ponzzz
03-06-2008, 09:34 PM
I honestly play one female character in both prime and platinum with GS. In platinum, I did it just because I liked the idea behind a girl cleric more than a guy one for what I wanted to do with her. She's only level 20 and I only drag her out to raise during invasions or if a friend dies.
As for prime, my ranger is only 15 and she gets hit on, free stuff and the odds whispers all the time. Its pretty bad, to the point I won't play her at all. Some sick fucking males play GS. But she did get a one million coin note handed to her just because she was "cute." The funny part is, I play her as a man hating asshole from a female only tribe.
03-06-2008, 10:05 PM
I tried to play a male character once. He just kept giggling and stuff. I kept forgetting he was male, and when I flirted with guys here and there, they just looked at me funny. I rerolled into a female and that's how Merala was born.
03-06-2008, 10:56 PM
It's rather funny for me. I do have a couple male characters, mostly lockers, but my girls almost never get hit on.
03-06-2008, 11:11 PM
The only girl I've ever played was constantly hit on. Or at least hit on too much for my comfort.
03-06-2008, 11:15 PM
Maybe better known females aren't hit on as much as lesser known ones.
03-06-2008, 11:16 PM
Maybe better known females aren't hit on as much as lesser known ones.
Maybe, but I've noticed the same for characters that aren't known to be me, and are played very differently.
03-06-2008, 11:17 PM
Well, go ahead and list your characters and I will have my locker characters hit on them for you.
03-06-2008, 11:25 PM
I just feel bad for the Gemstone guys who cyber with girls, just to find out they're guys in real life. That has to suck.
03-06-2008, 11:34 PM
Well, go ahead and list your characters and I will have my locker characters hit on them for you.
Nice one, E.
03-07-2008, 12:59 AM
I just feel bad for the Gemstone guys who cyber with girls, just to find out they're guys in real life. That has to suck.
That's why I addressed this thread to Belnia. I'm sure many people have fallen into his web!
(Not really, I just crack myself up a little.)
I had Belnia pegged at dude in the first 5 minutes or so, I'm fine with someone playing a girl as long as they don't hit on my char.
The Ponzzz
03-07-2008, 01:16 AM
I would have never guessed Belnia was a guy from my interaction. However, his posting style is very male-oriented (sorry ladies). Belnia's player is awesome though. Met him at SimuCon.
The Ponzzz
03-07-2008, 01:18 AM
Also, I'd like to add. It is a tad bit disturbing when someone you know and talk to on a regular basis hits on your lil'female character.
Also, I'd like to add. It is a tad bit disturbing when someone you know and talk to on a regular basis hits on your lil'female character.
I’ve posted this before, but I think every male gamer should walk a mile in a woman’s moccasins. Its oddly introspective.
Long, long ago, my GS wife and I logged in as each other. THAT was a fucking trip. And, no, I’m not talking about cybering. Just the interaction, without anyone knowing, with ourselves and our friends was a blast.
The Ponzzz
03-07-2008, 01:47 AM
Hahah no, it wasn't you. But they do post here as well, not often though.
My highest lvl WoW is female because I want to DO HER!!
I dunno... I had a couple of male characters, one of whom I shared with an actual male player, although I played the character more often. Collectively, they didn't get hit on quite as much, but when they did, it was a lot more... aggressive. The flirting would get extremely heavy-handed and a couple of girls practically humped his leg.
All together, I'd rather play a female. Men who hit on my female characters were generally easily ignored. Most of them could take a hint too. Not the girls, though. They had the tenacity of some kind of terrier snapping turtle mutant. I felt... hunted.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-07-2008, 09:43 AM
I have one character that's a chick that I played up to about 25. She just sits lockered now though. It was funny seeing dudes hit on her though.
I never once thought Belnia was a dude until Simucon last year, then I was like, WTF?! She's a dude?!
03-07-2008, 09:58 AM
Collectively, they didn't get hit on quite as much, but when they did, it was a lot more... aggressive. The flirting would get extremely heavy-handed and a couple of girls practically humped his leg.
All together, I'd rather play a female. Men who hit on my female characters were generally easily ignored. Most of them could take a hint too. Not the girls, though. They had the tenacity of some kind of terrier snapping turtle mutant. I felt... hunted.
03-07-2008, 10:21 AM
Maybe better known females aren't hit on as much as lesser known ones.
I don't know, I don't think that's entirely true, I think it's how a female conducts and carries herself most of the time. If you're a giggly, smiling cheery persona, men are more likely to hit on you verses a dour or reserved person.
As I play a light-hearted sweetness and light character and a quiet, evil black-hearted bitch. The reactions they both get are very different.
My sweet character gets a lot more attention, men constantly flirt with her, whisper to her, ect.
While most people won't even brave to say anything to Hadya, if they can help it.
Same with my shy, reserved character.
03-07-2008, 10:24 AM
Kinda shitty to go out of your way to call him out.. considering he played so damn long and kept it a secret... I'm sure he did it because he didn't want somone going around flashing HEY BELNIA IS A DOOD!!! But whatever. I know a few guy players that play girls and they don't do it for hopes of getting gear.
03-07-2008, 10:34 AM
Kinda shitty to go out of your way to call him out.. considering he played so damn long and kept it a secret... I'm sure he did it because he didn't want somone going around flashing HEY BELNIA IS A DOOD!!! But whatever. I know a few guy players that play girls and they don't do it for hopes of getting gear.
If he went to simucon representing himself as Belnia... Besides, I heard this awhile back anyway, it isn't new or something.
He well never kept it a secret.
03-07-2008, 10:49 AM
I played a sarcastic and insulting chick for years. (imagine that)
Occasionally I would get the die-hard horn dog who would try to hit on me, but usually after a few minutes they would get the picture and move on.
I was kicked out of more than one merchant for insulting the assorted rabble.
03-07-2008, 10:55 AM
I dunno... I had a couple of male characters, one of whom I shared with an actual male player, although I played the character more often. Collectively, they didn't get hit on quite as much, but when they did, it was a lot more... aggressive. The flirting would get extremely heavy-handed and a couple of girls practically humped his leg.
All together, I'd rather play a female. Men who hit on my female characters were generally easily ignored. Most of them could take a hint too. Not the girls, though. They had the tenacity of some kind of terrier snapping turtle mutant. I felt... hunted.
I agree here. I had a male character with a name that ended in an 'a' so he got hit on all of the time but the potential suitors were easily discouraged (especially once they noticed the toon was actually a male). The female players/characters who hit on my male ones were much more persistent and even obsessive in some cases. Yikes!
I gave my chick rogue to Sean2 becouse I knew he'd have her slut up RR.
I couldn't handle the lies anymore.
03-07-2008, 03:38 PM
I wasn't really surprised that Belnia was a dude, but I interacted with Belnia mostly during both of our early times in Icemule and the player has toned it down a lot since then.
Somebody at Simucon was surprised that Krakii was played by a dude, but I totally saw that one coming. If you read the boards at all, you know the player's name is Oliver, which isn't a very feminine name.
I played a female character back in the Prodigy days after my first character went demonic and I couldn't get the name I wanted for my new character. It was cool for like two weeks, but then this dude I was grouping with started to get all stalkerish, so I rerolled as a dude and haven't looked back.
03-07-2008, 04:05 PM
I thought Krakii's name was Robert...?
03-07-2008, 04:09 PM
Somebody at Simucon was surprised that Krakii was played by a dude, but I totally saw that one coming. If you read the boards at all, you know the player's name is Oliver, which isn't a very feminine name.
His name is Robert, but I get your point. Oliver is one of the GMs
You can usually tell a lot about a person by their forum posts, very few real females would post the technical stuff that Krakii does. Nilandia is one of the few exceptions.
03-07-2008, 04:11 PM
<<You can usually tell a lot about a person by their forum posts, very few real females would post the technical stuff that Krakii does. Nilandia is one of the few exceptions.>>
So many potential responses...
i thought backlash covered this topic when he cracked the code the nien is a dude because he/she doesn't use proper punctuation and capitalization
03-07-2008, 04:15 PM
Ummm, Krakii the character is a female? I didn't even know.
03-07-2008, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I casually knew Krakii the female character a while ago but not the player at all, so when I mentioned him before I knew he was a dude people were generally confused as fuck.
03-07-2008, 04:20 PM
LOL, I never knew the character was a female, and have always known him as a guy.
03-07-2008, 04:23 PM
His name is Robert, but I get your point. Oliver is one of the GMs
You can usually tell a lot about a person by their forum posts, very few real females would post the technical stuff that Krakii does. Nilandia is one of the few exceptions.
Yeah duh, total brain fart. Oliver is Naos.
03-07-2008, 04:24 PM
LOL, I never knew the character was a female, and have always known him as a guy.
03-07-2008, 04:27 PM
Yeah I had met him in RL long before I ever saw him in game and Krakii as a name could go either way, so I assumed his toon was a guy too.
03-07-2008, 06:15 PM
i thought backlash covered this topic when he cracked the code the nien is a dude because he/she doesn't use proper punctuation and capitalization
and likes sports.
Stanley Burrell
03-07-2008, 06:23 PM
yeah, she'd totally english:
03-07-2008, 07:47 PM
I have a little female bard a tad under title, but I don't play her very often. When I do, though, she's a giggling, bouncy airhead without my having to think about it. I don't know many girls like that, actually, but perhaps it's a subconscious projection of what I find to be an easy-to-understand female persona. Oddly, it's not even something I find attractive in girls I date; I like them much fiestier. There are some odd psychological issues that come into play when you gender-swap.
I tried to play a male character but he came out gay.
Go figure!
Just can't seem to swap the play correctly.
03-07-2008, 08:06 PM
Rue loves cock.
Addendum: Your biography quote ("This above all, to thine own self be true") is rather improperly placed; Polonius was a sneaky dickhead.
and likes sports.
Yeah, I owe her a pint. Hell, a case. She got extremely offended and really let me have it. The girls got some clit.
03-07-2008, 08:09 PM
I have a little female bard a tad under title, but I don't play her very often. When I do, though, she's a giggling, bouncy airhead without my having to think about it. I don't know many girls like that, actually, but perhaps it's a subconscious projection of what I find to be an easy-to-understand female persona. Oddly, it's not even something I find attractive in girls I date; I like them much fiestier. There are some odd psychological issues that come into play when you gender-swap.
I've always thought Nuadjha was a female character.
03-07-2008, 10:21 PM
Nerd + Boob = Loot
03-07-2008, 11:16 PM
I've always thought Nuadjha was a female character.
Yah, that's because people who speak Romance languages are biased toward viewing names that end in vowels as female, because the first declension in Latin has a grammatical female gender and endings in -a/ae/etc. Grammatical gender then gets confused with actual gender.
03-07-2008, 11:21 PM
End in a, as opposed to end in vowels. Names ending in o are traditionally masculine.
I tried to play a male character but he came out gay.
Go figure!
Just can't seem to swap the play correctly.
Same, but it was intentional.
He's the fruity Nalfein you posted in the Outfit Award thread. :D
Same, but it was intentional.
He's the fruity Nalfein you posted in the Outfit Award thread.
Now that is just to funny. :spin: But somehow, I am not surprised!
Rue loves cock.
:jerkit: So do you, whats the big deal?
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