View Full Version : Biggest Cheapskates Ever

03-06-2008, 12:18 AM
This is ridiculous.


03-06-2008, 12:32 AM
Ugh, reusing dental floss? :(

03-06-2008, 09:13 AM
Judging from the 2 AOL articles you've posted in the past few days, I'm guessing you're still an AOL member from the days of pay to play Gemstone. I mention this because our family just cancelled our AOL account after 15 years (!!!!) and I was feeling nostalgic.

BTW, any of you who used to IM me at Pintomike, that SN doesn't exist any more.


03-06-2008, 09:27 AM
My grandaunt reuses coffee filters. She rinses them out and lays them across the kitchen faucet to dry for the next day.

She also has an aluminum ball that she places aluminum pieces on to reuse.

I've seen my grandmother rinse out paper towels and lay them flat on the counter to reuse.

03-06-2008, 09:39 AM
I think he might just be a victim.. a result of George Bush giving tax breaks to the wealthy and leaving the poor to fend for themselves.

03-06-2008, 10:14 AM
There are certain things that being frugal/conservative with I think is fine... it's good for the enviroment, whatever, save your pennys...

Then there is being frugal to the point you're a dick to others. If you waste all your time tracking down minutia, you don't seem to understand the value of your time, and that if your friends started to bill you back you'd just be back where you started, less a bunch of time and stamps.

03-06-2008, 10:26 AM
My grandaunt reuses coffee filters. She rinses them out and lays them across the kitchen faucet to dry for the next day.

She also has an aluminum ball that she places aluminum pieces on to reuse.

I've seen my grandmother rinse out paper towels and lay them flat on the counter to reuse.

The older generation (those that remember the depression) are great at being frugal. I used to laugh at them, but they are pretty inventive...

03-06-2008, 10:30 AM
Oh, and my grandmother is Hungarian. Now that is a woman who knows how to be frugal! She's also slightly OCD (hoarding). Since she didn't have anything when she was a child living in Hungary, she refuses to throw anything away now. If her house ever caught fire, she wouldn't be able to get out before she died. Her house isn't as bad as some of those people you see on TV where they only have a little path to walk through out of a 2500 square foot home, but her garage and basements are packed.

03-06-2008, 10:30 AM
Judging from the 2 AOL articles you've posted in the past few days, I'm guessing you're still an AOL member from the days of pay to play Gemstone. I mention this because our family just cancelled our AOL account after 15 years (!!!!) and I was feeling nostalgic.

BTW, any of you who used to IM me at Pintomike, that SN doesn't exist any more.


You loser. You can still use aim.


One of my co-workers always arrived earlier to work than everyone else. I came in early one day to get ahead on some work and there he was at his desk, eating several people's leftovers from the fridge. I found out that he did this every day and no one knew who the lunch bandit was. We all thought it was the cleaning crew. After that, I made sure to leave leftovers ... but then I added Ex-Lax before putting it away in the fridge. It only took him two weeks before he stopped raiding our fridge.

03-06-2008, 10:39 AM
Yeah, I thought that one was kind of a dick move.

03-06-2008, 10:55 AM
that's not a dick move that's awesome!

I reload some of my own ammo and reuse targets. That's about as frugal as I get.

03-06-2008, 11:04 AM
<<My grandaunt reuses coffee filters.>>

Some coffee filters are meant to be reused.

03-06-2008, 11:11 AM
You loser. You can still use aim.


One of my co-workers always arrived earlier to work than everyone else. I came in early one day to get ahead on some work and there he was at his desk, eating several people's leftovers from the fridge. I found out that he did this every day and no one knew who the lunch bandit was. We all thought it was the cleaning crew. After that, I made sure to leave leftovers ... but then I added Ex-Lax before putting it away in the fridge. It only took him two weeks before he stopped raiding our fridge.

That's great.

03-06-2008, 11:19 AM
<<My grandaunt reuses coffee filters.>>

Some coffee filters are meant to be reused.
Disposable coffee filters are meant to be disposed. She doesn't until it shreds into pieces.

She also never threw away any of her TV guides. She has piles and piles of them everywhere, dating back to the 70's I believe. She's a crazy old bat.

03-06-2008, 12:38 PM
Judging from the 2 AOL articles you've posted in the past few days, I'm guessing you're still an AOL member from the days of pay to play Gemstone. I mention this because our family just cancelled our AOL account after 15 years (!!!!) and I was feeling nostalgic.

BTW, any of you who used to IM me at Pintomike, that SN doesn't exist any more.


I still use AOL for email but that's all, and that's just because I'm too lazy to update 423780423 things with a new email address. I don't even have the software on here anymore, I just go to the webpage to look for real emails in a sea of spam.

She also never threw away any of her TV guides. She has piles and piles of them everywhere, dating back to the 70's I believe. She's a crazy old bat.

Some of those are probably worth money if they're in good condition. Cash in on them on ebay, then tell your grandma she doesn't have to be so cheap now.

Also the ex-lax thing posted earlier was out of the article, for those that didn't read through it.

03-06-2008, 01:02 PM
Disposable coffee filters are meant to be disposed. She doesn't until it shreds into pieces.

She also never threw away any of her TV guides. She has piles and piles of them everywhere, dating back to the 70's I believe. She's a crazy old bat.

Is she single?

03-06-2008, 01:07 PM
Is she single?
Heh, very much so.

Stanley Burrell
03-06-2008, 01:18 PM
I've been trying to drive with the radiator/car heater off to save gas. Some kid from Arch was like, "YO SON, YOU'SE CRAZY TO BE CRANKIN' DAT SHIZZIT WIT' GAS PRICES."

Such wise words must give us pause:

And, eventually, I started driving an icy, colder, deathly-death Antarctic minivan. I'm really tempted to make a thread.

03-06-2008, 02:20 PM
I still use AOL for email but that's all, and that's just because I'm too lazy to update 423780423 things with a new email address. I don't even have the software on here anymore, I just go to the webpage to look for real emails in a sea of spam.

I do the same. I hope you don't pay for it, as AOL e-mail is free now (but they'll keep charging you if you don't call to say you want it free).