View Full Version : Chicago bans small ziploc baggies

03-05-2008, 10:32 AM
Tiny plastic bags used to sell small quantities of heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana and other drugs would be banned in Chicago, under a crackdown advanced Tuesday by a City Council committee.

Ald. Robert Fioretti (2nd) persuaded the Health Committee to ban possession of "self-sealing plastic bags under two inches in either height or width," after picking up 15 of the bags on a recent Sunday afternoon stroll through a West Side park.

Lt. Kevin Navarro, commanding officer of the Chicago Police Department's Narcotics and Gang Unit, said the ordinance will be an "important tool" to go after grocery stores, health food stores and other businesses. The bags are used by the thousand to sell small quantities of drugs at $10 or $20 a bag.

Navarro referred to the plastic bags as "Marketing 101 for the drug dealers." Many of them have symbols, allowing drug users to ask for "Superman" or "Blue Dolphin" instead of the drug itself, he said.

Prior to the final vote, Ald. Walter Burnett (27th) expressed concern about arresting innocent people. He noted that extra buttons that come with suits, shirts and blouses -- and jewelry that's been repaired -- come in similar plastic bags.

Burnett was reassured by language that states "one reasonably should know that such items will be or are being used" to package, transfer, deliver or store a controlled substance. Violators would be punished by a $1,500 fine.

Health Committee Chairman Ed Smith (28th) said the ban is part of a desperate effort to stop what he called "the most destructive force" in Chicago neighborhoods.

"We need to use every measure that we possibly can to stop it because it is destroying our kids," he said.


03-05-2008, 10:36 AM
"What are you in for?"

"Selling small plastic bags.. you don't want to fuck with me."

03-05-2008, 10:44 AM
... like the drug dealers won't adapt. Next thing you know they'll sell drugs in condoms, and they'll outlaw condoms.

Infact, under 2 inches in height/width... I bet Backlash can't buy a condom in chicago now.

Whatever, if it gets them one additional drug arrest, good for them.

03-05-2008, 10:56 AM
Constitutional issue: You can't ban people from buying legal products for theoretical illegal use.

Chicago has always been like this, they once tried to ban loitering in the presence of other people, their argument was that it would cut down on gangs hanging out on street violence. SCOTUS said, uh, no, you can't make loitering in the presence of other illegal, you can only make generic loitering illegal, and only impose the penalties of general loitering (IE, telling people to move along).


03-05-2008, 10:58 AM
Right, and they've made this once legal product illegal. (I know, they've got that "reasonably should know thing")

What I think they should do is actually make them outright illegal... and then let the police properly turn a blind eye when it's some kid walking to school with carrots in a bag in his lunchbox.

03-05-2008, 11:05 AM
What I think they should do is actually make them outright illegal... and then let the police properly turn a blind eye when it's some kid walking to school with carrots in a bag in his lunchbox.
Heh, one baby carrot?

Stanley Burrell
03-05-2008, 11:13 AM
They are thinking of doing this in Connecticut sans last night's local news.

Some Rogue
03-05-2008, 11:13 AM
Heh, one baby carrot?

Just one. It's only wafer thin!

03-05-2008, 11:15 AM
Strapped with time, out of baggies just use the cellophane that's wrapped around a pack of smokes.

Junkies smoke right?

Stanley Burrell
03-05-2008, 11:17 AM
Strapped with time, out of baggies just use the cellophane that's wrapped around a pack of smokes.

Junkies smoke right?

That or dealers are too retarded/wry to know how to reset a scale to 0 with added weight. The plastic bag adds to the illusion. You know what I'm talking about, if you know what I'm talking about.

03-05-2008, 11:34 AM
Just one. It's only wafer thin!

Fuck off, I'm full!

03-05-2008, 11:50 AM
Dude, the cellophane is good stuff, since it seals pretty easy at the top if you put a little flame to it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-05-2008, 11:59 AM
I like that press and seal stuff, but it's expensive!

03-05-2008, 12:01 PM
They'll start seeing an increase in the sale of Saran Wrap.

03-05-2008, 12:03 PM
Dude, the cellophane is good stuff, since it seals pretty easy at the top if you put a little flame to it.

Yeah, its good if you want to give just a little bit to somebody. Also good for stashing on your person and sneaking a small amount into someplace like a concert.

Sean of the Thread
03-05-2008, 01:21 PM
I gotta smuggle a uhaul full of these into chitown fast before there are penalties for it.

03-05-2008, 01:48 PM
You know what I'm talking about, if you know what I'm talking about.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone that knows what the fuck you ever talk about.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-05-2008, 01:49 PM
I gotta smuggle a uhaul full of these into chitown fast before there are penalties for it.

After that you'll have to smuggle them in your bung.

Stanley Burrell
03-05-2008, 01:49 PM
That or dealers are too retarded/wry to know how to reset a scale to 0 with added weight. The plastic bag adds to the illusion. You know what I'm talking about, if you know what I'm talking about.

You would be hard pressed to find anyone that knows what the fuck you ever talk about.


Says the retard with Alzheimer's who's in his senior niche down by the Bingo parlour in the Sunshine State.

How can you be grad of one of the big Liberal Sciences SUNYs and have no recollection of using a Mettler analytical balance. It's not that difficult to piece together my analogy. How can you be so dumb? And are you seriously that dumb, Michael?

I believe in a just world where your education reflects some form intelligence. Sue me for your not properly interpreting half of an analogy, you pasty aged mook.

03-05-2008, 04:22 PM
Beside, what kind of self respecting dealer is going to use a balance? Digi for the win. Tare that shit, bitch.

03-05-2008, 07:20 PM
Totally, digi that goes down to the hundreth. Best investment to protect customer's and one's own business at the same time!

- Arkans

Sylvan Dreams
03-05-2008, 07:57 PM
I've never seen ziploc-style baggies that small for sale in the supermarket.

03-05-2008, 07:58 PM
They don't sell them in supermarkets. I remember purchasing my apple bags online.

Stanley Burrell
03-05-2008, 09:08 PM
Beside, what kind of self respecting dealer is going to use a balance? Digi for the win. Tare that shit, bitch.


Mettler analyticals are digital. Analytical balances are digital. Mettler happens to make the one you might use, say, once in your lifetime.

The nearest microgram is usually conveyed through a digital preface. Remember to round off to the nearest significant figure...

Good that you want to learn, though.

There really aren't any other (unified) science posters on these boards are there? How is that possible? We play multi-user dungeons, FFS.

03-05-2008, 09:12 PM

Mettler analyticals are digital. Analytical balances are digital. Mettler happens to make the one you might use, say, once in your lifetime.

The nearest microgram is usually conveyed through a digital preface. Remember to round off to the nearest significant figure...

Good that you want to learn, though.

There really aren't any other (unified) science posters on these boards are there? How is that possible? We play multi-user dungeons, FFS.

Coins and a ruler make the perfect scale. But I'm not selling you drugs...not at all.

Stanley Burrell
03-05-2008, 09:13 PM
Coins and a ruler make the perfect scale.

That or cool peepz who live nearby.

P.S. Buy a controller so I can Jigglypuff a bitch-ass ;)

03-05-2008, 09:21 PM
I'm using a vacation day on Monday to play. Playing Marvel Vs. Capcom right now to hold me over. Jugg/Spiderman/Akuma.

03-06-2008, 01:00 AM

Mettler analyticals are digital. Analytical balances are digital. Mettler happens to make the one you might use, say, once in your lifetime.

The nearest microgram is usually conveyed through a digital preface. Remember to round off to the nearest significant figure...

Good that you want to learn, though.

There really aren't any other (unified) science posters on these boards are there? How is that possible? We play multi-user dungeons, FFS.

I don't usually need to measure my shit to the microgram.

Speaking of things are are measured in micrograms, what would be the easiest way to accurately measure something like a dose of acid from a vial containing a (relatively) large amount? I always wondered how that was done.

03-06-2008, 02:51 PM
If the solution is given in terms of molarity, measuring the volume of the solution (rather than mass) would be by far the simplest way. To get literally microscopic amounts would probably not be a good idea unless you did the stats out to make sure your selection was representative in some way.

If it's given in terms of molality, the easiest way is to punch whichever chemist pulled that shit in the face over and over.

03-06-2008, 03:42 PM
They are thinking of doing this in Connecticut sans last night's local news.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

03-06-2008, 04:42 PM

03-06-2008, 05:12 PM
< Jugg/Spiderman/Akuma >

Akuma/Stryder/Commando ftw + pwn u.

Stanley Burrell
03-06-2008, 05:34 PM
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

sans /sænz; Fr. sɑ̃/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sanz; Fr. sahn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–preposition without.

I meant to say via. I get really flustered and dyslexic when people still don't understand scientific principle and :wtf: my first post about analytical balances meant. I get very angry at people who don't know applied chemistry and "materials used." It makes me make posts like this, Skeet-skeet.

I swear to God. Miscomprehend science again; peons, pawns, and whatever the hell ParkBandit is, and I will get more postharrea dyslexic than you've ever seen as any sort of norm. Consider yourselves warned :medieval:

You made me critique a word repeat in a cool poster. Fuck you Skeet.

I don't usually need to measure my shit to the microgram.

Speaking of things are are measured in micrograms, what would be the

Just one "are" I think. I'm not doing this maliciously, it's just that Skeeter licks the cock at every and all opportunities.

Fuck with my science godliness, PC world-is-flat cretins ::MANIACAL LAUGHTER!!::