View Full Version : Gemcutter patterns

03-01-2008, 05:36 PM
Like everyone else, I'm also looking to purchase gemcutter patterns. If you have any for sale, shoot me a PM or drop me your contact information.

Thanks for reading.

03-01-2008, 05:53 PM
As an idle question to anyone looking for gem cutters and patterns, what do you intend to use the cut gems for? I know for myself, I'm looking to use them for cobbling, gem holders and RP. I believe they can also be used in lockpicks and warrior sheaths, and are useful in sorting gems such as when using 325. Are there any other uses I'm missing, aside from wanting pretty gems?


03-01-2008, 06:06 PM
I pay decently for these too...


03-01-2008, 06:34 PM
Can't speak for anyone else, but I have several backpacks full of orb gems, and I'm looking to create a bulk of 100% exp retention chrism gems for a Military organization that one of my characters is part of. It would be better for me to organize and separate them from my nexus gem reserves with a different pattern from the lone pattern that I currently own.

Edited: Ger yer own thread Jinsem :P

03-01-2008, 07:06 PM
I've got a couple patterns that I'm looking to get altered in the future. In the meantime, if you want to borrow one to cut some gems to keep separate, just let me know.


03-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Do the gem patterns go poof at any time? Or is it totally reusable?

I have a gem cutter somewhere I think. But I don't know if I have any patterns.

What exactly do the patterns look like though?

Are they like 'shape' gem pattern?

03-01-2008, 10:24 PM
Do the gem patterns go poof at any time? Or is it totally reusable?

I have a gem cutter somewhere I think. But I don't know if I have any patterns.

What exactly do the patterns look like though?

Are they like 'shape' gem pattern?

The gem patterns don't go poof, but on one occasion, the gemcutter had messaging where the strings were no longer functioning - this may be because I had overused it significantly. I stuffed it in the locker, and it autorepaired within a few days, so I guess that the gemcutter itself has a limit, but the patterns don't.

And thanks for the offer Nilandia. I might take you up on that, because it would really help to separate out the chrism gems by their appraisal value. I'm still looking to buy something more permanent though (a sword shaped pattern and book shaped one, specifically, would be more than enough for what I need).

By the by Jinsem, if you are interested in selling your patterns, let me know. I'm willing to deal. At first I wanted a larger set, but looking over what I need to separate the chrism gems, two would be good enough.

03-01-2008, 11:03 PM
I used to have a full set and a cutter.

Sold it all for a good bit of coin a while back.

Wish I bought several sets when I bought them originally.

Wasnt that a dhu item?

All the merchant events seem to have blurred over the years. :(

03-01-2008, 11:58 PM
They were sold on the 2004 Dhu. Cutters sold for 100k and patterns 1k each.

Relain, I have a book-shaped pattern you're welcome to borrow until you find one. Someone was very kind and gave me three more tonight, so now I have hand-shaped, book-shaped, hammer-shaped, tree-shaped, butterfly-cut and orchid-cut patterns. I will be altering some, so if anyone wants any gems cut, lemme know.


03-03-2008, 01:56 PM
I stole this list of 2004 Dhu shelf sold cutters from your site Nilandia:
On the wooden counter you see a bright pink metal bunny, a shiny little metal gnome, a small gold robed figure (not worn, weighs less than 2), a black-striped silver tiger, a wide-eyed blued steel monkey, a scaly dark bronze dragon, a burnished copper fairy, a pudgy black iron bear and a comical steel kobold. (gem cutters, scripted)

Were there cutters sold outside of the 2004 Dhu? Swear I've seen a cutter that's different from those. Maybe it's an alteration.

How much do cutters sell for now a days?

03-03-2008, 02:06 PM
That's the only time I ever recall seeing them for sale. The merchant was there to alter cutters, however, so that's what you might be thinking of.

People have been selling a few cutters on the officials lately. Last one I saw, with three patterns, went for a buyout of 7 mil. Out of the price range of most people, which is why I'm offering use of mine for people who can't afford it.


03-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Need to look at it a little more, but I think we have an altered cutter that we'll be selling over on www.gsauctions.com. Will try to get it up there by tonight. No patterns with it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-03-2008, 03:32 PM
I have two altered cutters, but I think I sold all my patterns. What are cutters worth now?