View Full Version : Is my buddy one F'd up person?

12-16-2003, 08:32 PM
This guy is my best friend...

However, I got to thinking the other night... Should I really hang out with him? He is pure evil.

The guy deals drugs
he has shot people
he has been shot at
he used to beat people and "collect" for druglords
He's screwing like 4 girls, who all don't know about eachother and are totally in love with him
He gets high just about every day and has no regard for anything or anybody...

The worst thing, the guy doesn't even need the money. He is well off, comes from a very good family, and has a great regular job. He just does this kind of stuff for kicks. I mean, this guy will be going down the freeway in his beamer at like 140, talking on his cell phone, rolling a blunt, and steering with his knee. While he has a pound of coke, and a loaded gun in the car.

This guy has been my best friend... For like ever. He has never betrayed me, or even done anything to break my trust. However, is it possible to have a friendship without becoming like your friend? I don't want to fall into the things he's doing, or tell him what to do. We have a lot of fun together though. I am just torn, because he's been my best friend since I was in elementary school. Whatcha all think? Is he a bad bad man?

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by G-Unit]

i remember halloween
12-16-2003, 08:34 PM
he needs to die, and yes i mean this sincerely.

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by i remember halloween]

12-16-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by G-Unit
This guy is my best friend...

However, I got to thinking the other night... Should I really hang out with him? He is pure evil.

The guy deals drugs
he has shot people
he has been shot at
he used to beat people and "collect" for druglords
He's screwing like 4 girls, who all don't know about eachother and are totally in love with him
He gets high just about every day and has no regard for anything or anybody...

The worst thing, the guy doesn't even need the money. He is well off, comes from a very good family, and has a great regular job. He just does this kind of stuff for kicks. I mean, this guy will be going down the freeway in his beamer at like 140, talking on his cell phone, rolling a blunt, and steering with his knee. While he has a pound of coke, and a loaded gun in the car.

This guy has been my best friend... For like ever. He has never betrayed me, or even done anything to break my trust. However, is it possible to have a friendship without becoming like your friend? I don't want to fall into the things he's doing, or tell him what to do. We have a lot of fun together though. I am just torn, because he's been my best friend since I was in elementary school. Whatcha all think? Is he a bad bad man?

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by G-Unit]

I was going to say something about him being a friend, and treating you nice, then you should still consider him a friend and talk to him.

Then I saw he drives a BMW. And ALL BMW drivers are assholes.

Get rid of him as soon as possible.

12-16-2003, 08:46 PM
sounds like a nice guy to me, don't know why you'd have to ask.

12-16-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by G-Unit
Whatcha all think? Is he a bad bad man?

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by G-Unit]

your friend needs taken off the streets before he hurts someone innocent.

I dont care about him hurting street warriors. one less mouth my tax money has to house and feed. But it would be best for him to be gone also

12-16-2003, 08:46 PM
You can still kick it with him.

But if he's doing shit that makes you uncomfortable, dash out for awhile.

I still talk to a lot of my friends that do the same shit now that we were doing as teenagers. I'll stay, until something goes down that I could get popped for. Then I split. I'l go back around whenever everything's calm. Works for me.


12-16-2003, 08:47 PM
I have alot of friends like that...except for the well off part. Fuck man, i've done more than half that shit listed there.

If hes not doing that shit out of neccessity, then yea hes probaly a little teched. I don't know anyone from the hood who seriously likes being shot at or seeing their friends killed or spending the rest of their life in jail. However, thats the nature of the beast so to say and you gotta do what you gotta do.

However, just because hes yor buddy it don' t mean you cant be friends. Just have a little balls man. If hes going hey man i wanna go beat this old lady and your studying for finals say "Hey retard, i'm trying to do my shit, leave me the fuck alone". If he decides he doesn't wanna kick it with you no more because your trying to do what YOU have to do, then fuck him. Nobody needs someone in their life dragging them down.

I mean all my friends who are like that know and accept the fact that i'm in the army and trying to get my shit together, legit. They know not to ask me to do no dumb shit, or try and get me caught in the middle of it. Truth be told if something happened like they got locked up or killed i'd still be right there for em, but you ain't gonna see me riding dirty for their ass. And i just had to let em know from the jump that i'ma do whats good for me, and if they don't like it they can eat a dick.

12-16-2003, 08:57 PM
Exactly. The friends that I have now respect that I've got a different agenda. No more getting fucked up day in and day out, doing stupid shit and getting locked up for it. They don't try to pressure me into anything ( not that they could ), and we still kick it all the time.

If he's your boy, he'll have the same respect for you and your decision to not get caught up in all that stupid shit.


12-16-2003, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by G-Unit
Whatcha all think? Is he a bad bad man?

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by G-Unit]

your friend needs taken off the streets before he hurts someone innocent.

I dont care about him hurting street warriors. one less mouth my tax money has to house and feed. But it would be best for him to be gone also

LOL street warriors...

You know, him being a prime example... Not everyone who is a criminal is poor and on welfare. So don't make blanket statements like that. Also, not all people who are poor and on welfare are "street warriors". I will give him one thing though... I can't say he's ever done anything to anyone who didn't deserve it, besides the F'ing a bunch of dif. girls that don't know about eachother... Other than that, I am pretty sure all the people he's shot, beat, etc. were druggies, sons of bitches, etc.

12-16-2003, 09:05 PM
If he's still a good friend, then why disown him as a friend if he's so good to you? I'd just try to tell him to get his shit together before one of those girls go psycho on him or gets shot up. Oh and I've had friends like that, needless to say they're either locked up or dead now. So I'd tell him to get his shit straight, because he's a good friend of yours and you should care that much.

12-16-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by G-Unit

I was talking bout jail.

I understood the part bout him having a job etc

12-16-2003, 09:14 PM
Quit watching movies, Sean.

Weedmage Princess
12-16-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by peam
Quit watching movies, Sean.


You better watch your mouth though, Peam. HE WILL TAKE YOUR ASS OUT TO THE DESERT!:o

12-16-2003, 10:07 PM
Call me silly but I have a need to actually respect the people I call friends. Someone who does all that shit? Buh-bye.


12-16-2003, 10:12 PM
I was just about to ask how someone could get banned that quickly....

I find it funny as hell that you can't seem to get by their ban. You really are as stupid as advertised.

12-16-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I was just about to ask how someone could get banned that quickly....

I find it funny as hell that you can't seem to get by their ban. You really are as stupid as advertised.

what are you talking about?

12-16-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
I was just about to ask how someone could get banned that quickly....

I find it funny as hell that you can't seem to get by their ban. You really are as stupid as advertised.

what are you talking about?

Add one and one. All the answers you seek are in this thread.

12-16-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
what are you talking about?



Posts 12

12-16-2003, 11:04 PM
rofl bye Sean.

12-17-2003, 02:09 AM
Quite obvious.

For those of you not into hip-hop, G Unit is the production company started by 50 Cent. 50 Cent hails from "South Side Jamaica Queens.

I thought all threads started by banned users were deleted now though... why is this still here?

12-17-2003, 05:14 AM
Deleting his post would result in this entire thread being deleted.

The purpose of purging a user is to make it seem like they never existed in the first place. However, since this is still a fresh thread, I figured it might be unfair to delete the posts of everyone who responded.

[Edited on 12-17-2003 by Kranar]

12-17-2003, 07:38 AM
And Sean can still read about us making fun of him... so why ruin our fun?

12-17-2003, 04:21 PM
As long as he respects the fact that you don't want any part of any illegal activity he is doing. And respects the fact that you may not want to ride with him in his car if he has drugs, cus if the police did a car search you could go down too as a willing participant.

If he respects your boundaries then I see no problem with being friends with him. However, you as a friend may want to maybe help him out by influincing him to get out of those dangerous activities.

12-17-2003, 04:26 PM
LOL um it helps to finish reading the thread before posting. Knowing now that it is Sean, and knowing how Sean is, then disregard my previous post.

My new advice: Rot in hell ya mole loving gangsta wannabe.

That is all.