View Full Version : Bard Society choice

02-29-2008, 03:00 AM
Now that Sunfist power list is out, which society is the best choice for bards? Obviously this depends on your build, but I'll make a general poll anyways.

Some thoughts:

1. If you brawl it makes sense to have voln fu.
2. If you use sonic weapon it is stupid/boring to have to fight undead.
3. Symbol of preservation and need are handy.

1. Wracking.
2. Largest AS/DS boost possible.
3. Big annoyance of obvious spirit drain in public or accidental spirit death.

1. Mana and stamina consuming powers make sense for semis.
2. Mana regen powers aren't as good as wracking probably, but they beat having to spend deeds for mana in voln.
3. HCW with sonic weapons.
4. Sigil of escape only usable once in 24 hours, yet it can be activated in roundtime unlike shout 1040. Most bards teleport back to town with 1020 anyhow right?

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
02-29-2008, 03:13 AM
Not sure why this hasn't already happened, but why aren't a large amount of the insanely powerful sunfist boosts tailored to be relevant only against enemies of the society to begin with? Voln Fu only works on undead, after all.

The Ponzzz
02-29-2008, 03:16 AM
Voln Fu doesn't only work on undead. It's only FREE OF FAVOR on undead. Fu is generally how an invasion creature is whacked...

02-29-2008, 10:27 AM
sign of lol staunching

02-29-2008, 06:45 PM
The more I think about this the more stupid I realize it is for a bard to join voln. Symbol of sleep when bard gets lullaby? Return when he can 1020? Blessing and Holiness when his sonic weapon is permablessed? 6 ranks of voln fu totally useless to anyone without brawling? Locate person when you have psinet locate? And dreams are worthless too.

02-29-2008, 06:55 PM
My char is in voln, but it generally sucks many balls compared to the other societies. The only bright side is symbol of return which works in places some others don't, always takes you to a safe area, takes your whole group, and can be used with no mana, fried nerves, etc. It's the best group teleport in the game, bar none. Other than that, unless you use brawling voln really is a poor choice.

It's always been a poor choice for bards because most of the abilities are redundant, and they can't ward anything with the symbols even if they wanted.