View Full Version : Disturbing the Peace
07-04-2003, 04:43 AM
People are not allowed to converse in public. It is an unwritten rule. (I just learned this myself tonight!)
I had been having a conversation with a friend in public, revisiting pastimes with him. I’ve changed the names to protect the innocents. (And the guilty)
You say, "Ah.. memories."
You shake your head, clucking your tongue.
MeanCleric deeply says, "if yas naw shhh it soon or whisper ill make it so no one kin here ya for a whiles"
You say, "That had to have been at least 3 years ago"
You see Great Lord MeanCleric :mad:
He appears to be a Giantman of the Grishknel Clan.
He appears to be young. He has green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, auburn hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a bunch of stuff.
>SomeCleric says, "such barbaric wasy around her"
SomeCleric glances at MeanCleric.
You see SomeCleric.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be very young and taller than average. He has piercing crystal blue eyes and tanned skin. He has short, sandy blonde hair. He has a small goatee.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a few things.
MeanCleric grins at SomeCleric.
You glance at MyFriend.
You ask, "he talking to us?"
You glance at MeanCleric.
>SomeCleric says, "I believe he was”
MeanCleric nods to you.
SomeCleric nods to you.
You say, "Oh wow.. I didn't know conversations were up for approval..."
You shake your head, clucking your tongue.
You say, "and here I was thinking I had free speech."
You flail your arms about.
You say, "Geez... how things change."
SomeCleric says, "another misconception of a commoner"
SomeCleric nods to you.
You shrug.
You say, "Must be."
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see the Kiny disk, the SomeRanger disk, the SomeCleric disk, a table leg, a tree bark amulet, a short sword and a carved ice bench with some stuff on it.
Also here: Kiny, Thaxius, Rezzor who is kneeling, SomeRanger who is kneeling, Morrlanka who is sitting, SomeCleric, MyFriend, Great Lord MeanCleric, Lady SomeEmpath, Nazguil who is sitting
Obvious paths: north, south, east, west
(A couple minutes pass)
You hum distractedly as your mind wanders.
SomeRanger stands up.
SomeCleric says, "is there another weapon better then this mace i have"
SomeCleric removes a mystic mace from in his climbing pack.
SomeRanger nods to SomeCleric.
SomeCleric says, "are they sancted"
SomeRanger ponders.
SomeRanger calmly says, "some are."
You look at SomeRanger and shake your head.
You touch one finger to your lips.
You say, "You can't talk without his permission."
You point at MeanCleric.
SomeRanger calmly says, "oh."
>SomeCleric says, "well I need a sancted blunt weapon"
>SomeRanger calmly says, "never was good with rules"
You nod to SomeRanger.
>SomeCleric says, "that is better then this mace"
You say, "Tell mes about it."
SomeRanger grunts.
SomeCleric says, "I talk when I want"
>SomeFriend asks, "Is Des awake?"
>SomeCleric says, "I am not his servant"
SomeRanger calmly says, "use feras"
SomeRanger nods to SomeCleric.
You say, "I don't know. We're not allowed to talk."
You touch one finger to your lips.
You nod to SomeFriend.
SomeRanger calmly says, "within yur price range"
>SomeFriend peers quizzically at you.
>MeanCleric deeply asks, "look no one wants here a lovers tiff and yas were going on and on why dont yas whisper?"
SomeCleric says, "some chose to be servants and some chose to lead"
You ask, "Why should we be forced to?"
You peer quizzically at MeanCleric.
SomeFriend whispers, "I'm afraid I don't know what's going on?"
You ask, "Because we're disturbing your precious peace?"
You say, "There are several other places to rest if ye like."
You nod to MeanCleric.
You say, "Most of which aren't nearly as busy."
SomeRanger mutters touchy.
SomeCleric says, "I believe all mighty MeanCleric was speaking for respect to those who dont give a damn about your love life"
You shrug.
You say, "Then don't listen."
You say, "I was talking to someone who did."
You say, "Not you."
You smile at SomeCleric.
SomeCleric says, "but then again I think he would make a great servant"
SomeCleric nods to you.
SomeFriend whispers, "What the hell is going on here??"
SomeEmpath softly says, "aye dont listen"
SomeCleric shrugs.
SomeCleric says, "everyone has a price"
SomeCleric nods to you.
SomeRanger begins chuckling at SomeCleric!
You quietly whisper to SomeFriend, "Apparently we aren't allowed to have conversations MeanCleric doesn't approve of."
MeanCleric deeply asks, "if i silence just one will that work?"
SomeCleric says, "now SomeRanger what where you saying about a better weapon"
SomeCleric says, "havent you learned by now"
SomeFriend whispers, "What happened?? He's not usually pissy like that..."
SomeCleric glances at MeanCleric.
SomeCleric says, "people will talk more when you threaten"
SomeCleric says, "and people will do it to annoy"
You say, "I wasn't aware there was a conversation regulator present."
SomeCleric says, "all your barbaric threats make you look weak in the eyes of others"
You bow to MeanCleric.
You sarcastically say, "My deepest apologies."
You nod to MeanCleric.
SomeCleric says, "so by all means silence me if you want"
MeanCleric utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
SomeRanger chuckles.
MeanCleric gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +338 - TD: +136 + CvA: +12 + d100: +21 - -5 == +240
Warding failed!
You are firmly webbed in place.
SomeCleric says, "shows your true nature"
You say, "Oh wow.. a web."
You say, "I've never seen one of those."
SomeFriend says, "Wow..."
You say, "You are the first ever to web someone for saying something you didn't want to hear."
You say, "Congradulations."
SomeRanger shifts his weight.
The webs dissolve from around you.
You nod to MeanCleric.
SomeCleric says, "imagine a fly MeanCleric, then imagine a spider eating the fly, then a bird eating a spider and remember this"
SomeCleric says, "there is always someone bigger"
You nod to SomeCleric.
You say, "That's what I was about to say.. or somethin glike it."
SomeCleric says, "and always someone better"
(Myiera enters and licks everyone, then leaves.)
You say, "But he'd think of it as an empty threat."
You shrug.
SomeCleric says, "is no threat"
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
You say, "True"
You nod.
You say, "Just a fact of life."
SomeCleric says, "just a reminder what goes around comes around"
MeanCleric deeply says, "sure does"
You say, "And all because I was having a conversation."
You shake your head, clucking your tongue.
07-04-2003, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
blah blah blahblah blah
Hmm... yes... enlightening. :lol:
i fell asleep reading that
07-04-2003, 09:09 AM
Part of the room description:
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, ,,,
So how come the cleric isn't RPing his disdain for those chattering halflings? Is it because his player has chosen to ignore the fact that virtual people exist in the world of Elanthia?
In addition, where were you, precisely, when you and your friend were having your conversation? I mean, it's a busy town square, not just a single table or spot under a tree. Were you bumping elbows with this guy, or were you, perhaps, standing on the OTHER side of the square, where only a lipreader could possibly have overheard the entire conversation?
Does anyone in GS actually take these things into consideration? I don't remember anyone doing it when I played..and the thought never even occurred to me back then. But maybe it's something to think about for future interactions in big city parks, no? Your proximity to the other people in the area, the size of the area, and all those virtual people who aren't hard-coded into the game, that your character might want to assume exists.
Just some thoughts on both sides of the situation :)
(edited because I forgot you have to spell out the word 'quote' when quoting on UBB)
[Edited on 7-4-2003 by Bestatte]
07-04-2003, 10:29 AM
And do you want to know why we never do that in GemStone? Because it's too much. If I'm going to play a game, I'm going to do it for entertainment, not to be a stupid bastard who walks around all day making up a story whenever he walks into a different room. When you assume, you just make an ass out of you and me. My character wants nothing to do with people who do things like that, but they can do it all they want. I just won't pay attention to them..or harass them. Depending on my mood.
07-05-2003, 07:22 AM
Meancleric sounds like a control freak. If he didn't want to hear public conversations in the middle of town where it's perfectly natural to chat openly to a friend, well, he shouldn't have been there.
I love it when older characters web/sleep/thump just because they can. I wonder how much he bought that character for?:lol:
disclaimer: Last question did not mean all older characters are bought, just the immature bully idiots with no sense.
07-05-2003, 11:41 AM
aww, common, who was the cleric? Adredrin is back in town, I'd love to strike up conversations with friends and see 'em web me!
07-05-2003, 01:39 PM
Yes, please do cough up the name.
These are not the official boards, no retribution can come your way and its always amusing to see who has egos larger than nature intended.
07-05-2003, 08:40 PM
Hehehehe yeah she right.
Crovenant is some pathetic guy that goes around buying characters. He needs to be beaten severely. Definatly not like the old Crovenant at all.
- Arkans
07-18-2003, 12:39 AM
Was he meditating?
I kinda miss meditating at tables. It cut down on a lot of meaningless "Isn't this node noisy enough?" crap, especially in an environment where nodes are scarce.
Granted, clerics and bards and anyone with a 213 scroll/imbed can make an EXP node, but chances are what someone's after in a resting area is the mana and spirit regeneration.
I can't believe you got yelled at for RPing. I didn't read the entire log, it was really long, but that's pretty stupid.
07-22-2003, 06:14 AM
What a frigging liar. You know something Tayre, Icemule's getting real tired of your whining. Whine whine, she's a whore, whine whine, she isn't putting out for me any more, whine whine, she was supposed to put up with me staying away from the game for months, whine whine, no one was ever jilted before in Gemstone ... give it a fuggin rest already!!!! (':flamed:')
Some of us know about what you did to Kasia, only now 'cause you can't get into her pants any more because she wanted a real man you're being the biggest baby since Candor. Great little edited buffer there, ole chum. you weren't slagged for roleplaying, you were slagged for being a horse's ass just one too many times.
Nut up and be a man, move on already.
07-22-2003, 06:27 AM
Die. You're a faggot. You stupid Urchin.
07-23-2003, 12:45 AM
What's that, Bobmufag? Take your bumbuddy's dick out of your mouth, we can't hear you.
07-23-2003, 12:47 AM
Thanks for that insightful piece of shit, BEVAN.
07-23-2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Beldannon
What a frigging liar. You know something Tayre, Icemule's getting real tired of your whining. Whine whine, she's a whore, whine whine, she isn't putting out for me any more, whine whine, she was supposed to put up with me staying away from the game for months, whine whine, no one was ever jilted before in Gemstone ... give it a fuggin rest already!!!! (':flamed:')
Some of us know about what you did to Kasia, only now 'cause you can't get into her pants any more because she wanted a real man you're being the biggest baby since Candor. Great little edited buffer there, ole chum. you weren't slagged for roleplaying, you were slagged for being a horse's ass just one too many times.
Nut up and be a man, move on already.
First of all, I don't give a rats ass if the entire city wanted Tayre gone, he would stay just in spite. The only opinion that matters to him, is his. So your babble about the entire town being tired of him is totally irrelevant, as it is rubbish. And if IceMule is so tired of him, why are you the only one to say so? There are very few people around (especially those who have been around long enough to know anything at all about Tayre and Kasia) that wouldn't tell Tayre flat out he's being obnoxious.
Second of all, you have no idea what you're talking about between Kasia and Tayre. I'm not even going to waste my energy explaining it to you, so just mind your own damn business and take your half-assed pathetic gossip somewhere else.
Thirdly, cowering behind an anonymous handle... I'm not the one that needs to "be a man", ass. If I'm going to tell you you're a fuck, I'll tell you you're a fuck, and I'll sign my name, because you're a fuck.
07-23-2003, 04:48 AM
Beldannon is Bevan, Tayre.
07-23-2003, 04:54 AM
I don't know who the hell Bevan is. I've never seen them in Icemule.
07-23-2003, 04:58 AM
Bevan = Another registered Players' Corner member. As in, Bevan is a little pussy so he created Beldannon to do his dirty work. They are also conveniently listed as being over 1000 miles away.
07-23-2003, 04:59 AM
Ah. I won't ask how you know.. I'll just go with it.
07-23-2003, 07:13 PM
It turns out I do know Bevan... just not as Bevan.
Believe it or not, I've always known you're two-faced. I knew what you were doing behind Tayre's back while he was with Kasia... but Tayre never found out so he was forced to be nice to you. Don't be jealous because you'll never have her... be jealous because you'll never be as cool as me. :lol:
I would take much pleasure in revealing you for the asshole you are... but I'm not a fuck like you.
"that wild funny stuff"
"yet odly disturing oh Great one.... YES"
07-23-2003, 08:54 PM
I dont think Beldannon is Bevan, really. I know the name Beldannon well...from Plat. And it's not Bevan
07-23-2003, 08:58 PM
No, Kurili, it's Bevan.
07-23-2003, 09:00 PM
Soo...Bevan just takes a character name from someone else to post here? Cause I DO know in Plat, Beldannon isnt Bevan's player
07-23-2003, 09:01 PM
I don't know why he chose Beldannon, but they're the same person. He did it because he's too scared to post these things as Bevan.
07-23-2003, 09:03 PM
I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just kinda cheesy to take another char's name for this.
07-23-2003, 09:24 PM
Why would Bevan use another characters name, when he has his own? And why would be afraid of saying what he thinks? It's never stopped him before! :P
07-23-2003, 09:33 PM
Whatever.. let's just drop it. It's off topic from this thread at any rate. I'm sorry someone feels that way, but it's not the place for it. Create a Tayre bashing thread if ya like.
07-23-2003, 10:15 PM
When you play a game like Gemstone you have to expect conflict of some nature. This cleric may have had love trouble and didn't want to hear yours. The experience enriched the atmosphere in someway, if that way was annoying you could type 'w' and avoid it. If it was harassing (some people are saying Crovenant, he harasses) just whisper you'd like to not participate in Gemstone with him and for him to kindly leave you alone. Then report him if he can't understand a simple request like that. Really not much of a big deal. Ever have some black gangstas in your face calling you out with weapons? Some african american gentleman break into your home while you're there? That's something to get upset about. Not Gemstone. It's petty.
07-23-2003, 10:22 PM
<<Some african american gentleman break into your home while you're there?>>
Nope, never happened to me, Archie Bunker.
07-23-2003, 10:31 PM
<<Some african american gentleman break into your home while you're there?>>
That's like a tripped out oxymoron.
07-23-2003, 10:33 PM
<< I dont think Beldannon is Bevan, really. >>
Beldannon is Bevan. Atleast as far as this BBS goes.
If it is an impersonation of a GS character, then please notify me. Impersonating another Gemstone character or Simutronic's staff member on this BBS is grounds for banning.
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Kranar]
07-24-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Beldannon
What a frigging liar. You know something Tayre, Icemule's getting real tired of your whining. Whine whine, she's a whore, whine whine, she isn't putting out for me any more, whine whine, she was supposed to put up with me staying away from the game for months, whine whine, no one was ever jilted before in Gemstone ... give it a fuggin rest already!!!! (':flamed:')
Some of us know about what you did to Kasia, only now 'cause you can't get into her pants any more because she wanted a real man you're being the biggest baby since Candor. Great little edited buffer there, ole chum. you weren't slagged for roleplaying, you were slagged for being a horse's ass just one too many times.
Nut up and be a man, move on already.
You're talking about a fucking computer game and telling him to be a man. Are you fucking serious? How about you "nut up" and get a goddamn life? At least Tayre seems to be able to separate the game from his life. People like you who live and breathe Gemstone make me sick to my stomach.
I don't usually condone suicide, but in your case I'll make an exception.
07-24-2003, 01:23 AM
I'm not quite sure by whatever twisted notion, hackers' tricks or just plain idiocy people are claiming that I'm not me or that I'm someone else or whatever, but kind thanks to Zary's player for tipping me off that this garbage is going on here. One would think that a cursory review of the e-mail addresses assigned to the accounts or IP addresses would reveal a bit, but that's just me. As Angela quite accurately said, I don't have problems telling people what I think of them if I have anything particular to say. You don't need a pseudonym to tell people they're being jerks.
I just skimmed some of the last few posts in what seems a distasteful topic, and I'll say this much. One of my characters has always been friendly with the people involved, though I've very seldom played that character in recent months. Regardless of anything else, this situation is and has been painful and unpleasant all around, and is really the business of no one but the participants. If Tayre has a burning desire to know what Altasren thinks about it, he can ask him when next they meet. It sure as hell isn't any of the rest of your collective businesses, one way or the other.
To the degree I WILL say anything more about that, that Tayre's player seems to have set up a discussion topic specifically about the situation is disturbing at best ... perhaps you folks will forgive me if I don't wade through all the crap I'm sure is there to see for myself, because I'd rather not if I can avoid it make metagaming decisions about Tayre's player that will affect how my character views his.
I *would* hate for others to make the cracks about my honor, maturity level and character that would be justified were I to open topics bashing the characters - with, mind you, the characters safely unaware of their being slammed behind their backs - with whom I had IC problems and why I thought they were scum. Tayre, if you're reading this, ask yourself this: were a link to this discussion copied to the main Simu Icemule topic, is everything you've written here something you'd be comfy with your friends and acquaintances reading?
(If this IS Tayre's player, of course. It'd be silly to ignore the possibility.)
That's not what I really wanted to say, though.
Quite aside from the thought of hackers running around, from spending just a couple days on this board, it seems to have a quorum of unpleasant people for whom its main attractions seem to be the freedom to launch personal attacks and profanity that Simu forbids on its own BBs ... and after that "retarded" crack Makkah made yesterday, I'd already decided that I could talk about Gemstone all I wanted on the Simu boards without bothering with the gutter here. The wisdom of Simu's civility policy could scarcely have a better example, and I'm more than happy in letting you folks carry on with the filth and venom without me. Enjoy.
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Bevan]
07-24-2003, 01:37 AM
Bevan, your post made no point whatsoever. I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about. Anyway..
<<One would think that a cursory review of the e-mail addresses assigned to the accounts or IP addresses would reveal a bit, but that's just me.>>
They revealed that you're the same person as Beldannon, I doubt Kranar would post that you are and lie about it..
Yeah, you're you, but you also created the Beldannon account just to be an ass. I'm afraid you need two e-mails to create two accounts and it's perfectly possible, so checking e-mail addresses doesn't mean shit. I have two hotmail accounts, two accounts at another website, and countless others from over five different websites. Two e-mail addresses = N00b.
07-24-2003, 01:55 AM
Kranar most likely (99% I'm sure) check your IP address, which matched up as the same. In other words, both accounts were made, and have been posting from the same computer. So both accounts are the same person.
07-24-2003, 02:09 AM
i would like to say that this is Beldannon from plat. and that is not me posting or bevan. Try again bob. I have no idea who it is but we need to figure it out
07-24-2003, 02:11 AM
Then your charming board here has a hacker problem. As if I needed more reasons.
By the way, if the adminstrators are listening, two more comments:
1) I'd be pleased as punch if you'd just remove my account, PW and e-mail address here altogether from your system. I'd just as soon deal with no more theft, thank you.
2) The only reason I'm logged on right now is that I'm talking Beldannon's player -- the REAL Beldannon, mind you (thanks again, Dee!) -- through this system, and what it does not seem to have is a Contact Management button or equivalent thereof, and nowhere in your FAQ does it say how to contact administrators. Perhaps you might consider adding such capability.
07-24-2003, 02:14 AM
<<Try again bob.>>
There is a fucking account named Beldannon. It was created by the same person that created Bevan.
God, you people are too stupid for me.
07-24-2003, 02:16 AM
<<nowhere in your FAQ does it say how to contact administrators.>>
Kranar and Caels. LordKranar and Lord Caels on AIM. Or e-mail them. I'm not going to bother looking up the e-mail addresses.
07-24-2003, 02:25 AM
<<Then your charming board here has a hacker problem. As if I needed more reasons.>>
It's quite easy to change your IP address.... however it's impossible by anyone here to change an IP address to someone elses. I can change mine, but there is no way in hell I could make my IP address match yours. There is no hacker, just a liar.
07-24-2003, 04:25 AM
<< Then your charming board here has a hacker problem. >>
That is false. Please read the thread "Hacked!", as I do believe you are trying to hide behind the hacked excuse for your actions.
<< I'd be pleased as punch if you'd just remove my account, PW and e-mail address here altogether from your system. I'd just as soon deal with no more theft, thank you. >>
Since I have confirmed that you are the person impersonating Beldannon I will be banning your account from ever posting on this BBS again. There have simply been too many imposters this week, and it's getting rediculous.
<< One would think that a cursory review of the e-mail addresses assigned to the accounts or IP addresses would reveal a bit, but that's just me. >>
Quite correct, they did reveal quite a bit.
<< Contact Management button or equivalent thereof, and nowhere in your FAQ does it say how to contact administrators. Perhaps you might consider adding such capability. >>
Although you're being banned, it really doesn't matter, but if you weren't being banned, you may want to re-read the FAQ. There are very simple, and clear instructions on how to not only contact the administrators, but how to contact any member of this BBS in an instant.
<< The wisdom of Simu's civility policy could scarcely have a better example, and I'm more than happy in letting you folks carry on with the filth and venom without me. >>
And may I be the first to show you the door.
I take impersonations very seriously. I always have, I always will.
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Kranar]
07-24-2003, 04:41 AM
<< It's quite easy to change your IP address.... however it's impossible by anyone here to change an IP address to someone elses. >>
Not only that, but this BBS comes with an I.P. authentication system. When you first create an account on this BBS, your I.P. is logged and saved as the "Signup IP:"
That I.P. address must be authenticated before you can become a member. Bevan's IP address and Beldannon's IP address have both been authenticated and are both from the exact same source.
This was not possible on the old UBB BBS, which is why Tandrek was able to fake his IP address.
That... and the fact that every single post Bevan and Beldannon have made, originate from the exact same IP address, means that they are the same person.
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Kranar]
07-24-2003, 04:58 AM
Okay... um. I have a stupid question.
Me being the illiterate person I am, the IP is an internet provider address, yes? So if I say.. uh. Switch internet providers, or move, and try to login with my account onto this BBS -- am I going to be unable to login?
Yes or no will work... because I probably won't comprehend anything more elaborate.
07-24-2003, 05:02 AM
<< Me being the illiterate person I am, the IP is an internet provider address, yes? >>
Yes, you will be able to still login.
An IP address is like a phone number. It's your own unique reference number on the internet. Now if you're on dialup, that number changes all the time, but if you're on high speed cable internet, that number changes VERY rarely. Most members here have high speed internet, so their IP numbers stay the same.
07-24-2003, 05:05 AM
I learn something new every day.
Thank you!
07-24-2003, 05:06 AM
Your Internet Protocol address (99.9% of the time) isn't going to affect whether you can log on to a certain thing or not. The only thing that will be different is your IP, and nothing more. It's used for the computer savvies, and people like Kranar, who have to check these things for security.
07-24-2003, 05:17 AM
Well, at least someone's playing big brother here. Impersonation is kind of rediculous. It's the only reason I chose my character's name as my account name... so that kind of crap wouldn't happen. Though I doubt it would.
07-24-2003, 06:21 AM
Being the Kasia in question.. can we just let it drop already. Its a game. whatever happens to me.. or was done to me... I will deal with it... in game.
07-24-2003, 06:23 AM
Originally posted by Bevan
I just skimmed some of the last few posts in what seems a distasteful topic, and I'll say this much. One of my characters has always been friendly with the people involved, though I've very seldom played that character in recent months. Regardless of anything else, this situation is and has been painful and unpleasant all around, and is really the business of no one but the participants. If Tayre has a burning desire to know what Altasren thinks about it, he can ask him when next they meet. It sure as hell isn't any of the rest of your collective businesses, one way or the other.
To the degree I WILL say anything more about that, that Tayre's player seems to have set up a discussion topic specifically about the situation is disturbing at best ... perhaps you folks will forgive me if I don't wade through all the crap I'm sure is there to see for myself, because I'd rather not if I can avoid it make metagaming decisions about Tayre's player that will affect how my character views his.
Tayre, if you're reading this, ask yourself this: were a link to this discussion copied to the main Simu Icemule topic, is everything you've written here something you'd be comfy with your friends and acquaintances reading?
(If this IS Tayre's player, of course. It'd be silly to ignore the possibility.)
That's not what I really wanted to say, though.
[Edited on 7-24-2003 by Bevan]
Although he can't post, he can read. And even if he doesn't, I'm going to clear something up...
This topic had nothing to do with anything he discussed. It had to do with Tayre and Crovenant. Nobody else.
And by the way.. I DID, in fact, put a link to this exact thread on the Offical boards at the beginning of the month.. when I made it. So your point is moot.
07-24-2003, 06:25 AM
Nobody believes a liar anyway... he turned out to be a liar.
Tayre > Bevan, or whoever the hell he is.
07-24-2003, 08:08 PM
I figured Anteb had more integrity than that... however much Tayre dislikes him.
07-24-2003, 08:33 PM
Ok in the past few months i see alot of childish drama happening in the make believe land of ice mule. Sorry to say it but you all sound like 13 year old kids. My 3 year old act more mature then most of you. I think some of you forgot why we pay for Gemstone. FOR FUN. Not for drama. If you want drama go out side see the world. You bicker and bicker. my god get along stop acting like kids and grow up some. I know the average age of a GS player is between 19-28 but sheesh can you at least act like an adult for the few hours your on?
Come on this person hates this person they act like jerks all i ever here from anyone is how Alana, Keemac, Skyfawn are body hogs....why does skyfawn heal when she cant learn etc etc. Now people getting webbed for having a conversation out loud? My god people it is a game after all grow the hell up
07-24-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Reyek
Ok in the past few months i see alot of childish drama happening in the make believe land of ice mule. Sorry to say it but you all sound like 13 year old kids. My 3 year old act more mature then most of you. I think some of you forgot why we pay for Gemstone. FOR FUN. Not for drama. If you want drama go out side see the world. You bicker and bicker. my god get along stop acting like kids and grow up some. I know the average age of a GS player is between 19-28 but sheesh can you at least act like an adult for the few hours your on?
Come on this person hates this person they act like jerks all i ever here from anyone is how Alana, Keemac, Skyfawn are body hogs....why does skyfawn heal when she cant learn etc etc. Now people getting webbed for having a conversation out loud? My god people it is a game after all grow the hell up
Umm..this is the Gemstone Complaints boards..thats what they are here for. If you dislike hearing about it, just don't read this topic anymore? :bouncy:
07-24-2003, 08:41 PM
Umm..this is the Gemstone Complaints boards..thats what they are here for. If you dislike hearing about it, just don't read this topic anymore? :bouncy:
-Adredrin [/quote]
:P shush you. I know its the complaint board but some people take it to the extreme and even off the game into the real world. and this is a complaint board. Not the im a whiny baby and wanna act 3 board :lol:
07-24-2003, 08:45 PM
Hey, I am one of those that tend to dislike Alana/Skyfawn/Keemac's actions in Icemule. So yes I do complain about it from time to time. I mainly get upset about my healer trying to do saves..and BAM, the bodies are gone before my locate finishes flashing through my eyes, and not a single word is said on the amunet about it. If that bothers people that I complain about it..then I feel they should help me try to beat the idea of using the amulet to TELL people your going, so they don't walk all the way out for nothing at all, into these three peoples head. ;)
07-24-2003, 08:46 PM
Reyek, if you have something good to say about Gemstone... by all means:
07-24-2003, 08:53 PM
Im not saying i dont have a problem with ALana Skyfawn and Keemac i happen to Agree with ya on them being body hogs i just put them on cold demeanor and moved on. solved that problem in an instant. And i dont see why people older then dirt ::mutter:: skyfawn... even heals. your beyond the cap you cant learn ANYTHING even come GS4 your probably not gonna learn ANYTHING why play? give your gear to someone else and make a new character. Tada you reached the end of the road get off and walk yer butt back.
07-24-2003, 08:55 PM
<< your beyond the cap you cant learn ANYTHING even come GS4 your probably not gonna learn ANYTHING why play? >>
I could be wrong, but I could have sworn that Gemstone had some roleplay aspect to it.
I suppose what you're saying is, that empaths should only heal others not because they want to help out, not because they want to be sincere in their gesture, but only to gain experience. Interesting take on it.
07-24-2003, 08:59 PM
Well you can RP without taking away from others gaining from it. I see the RP side and the Knowledge gaining side as 2 parts. they do intertwine but not nessesary. And if your that old you can at least help the youngins out. you know grab the body bring them to the nears healer/cleric and let them have a go. I dont know when i seen Skyfawn RP.
07-25-2003, 02:32 AM
Skyfawn? RP? The only way I can view her as RP'ing is if she purposely acts to be the most selfish, demanding, and controlling figure in Icemule. You have any idea how many times she has threatned my alts because she "has a really high CS, so I better do what she says or she will make it so I can't do anything at all for a while".
07-25-2003, 03:13 AM
(Skyfawn skips around Tayre)
>(Skyfawn skips around Tayre)
You raise an eyebrow in Skyfawn's direction.
Skyfawn giggles.
(Skyfawn skips around the bench)
(Skyfawn skips around the statue)
You say, "You feeling okay?"
You peer quizically at Skyfawn.
Is that roleplaying? ::stares off::
07-25-2003, 09:12 AM
See i like her thinking. Help out someone else. thats the nature of an empath's power anyway.
08-02-2003, 10:30 PM
Crovenant is still a bitch... if ya look at him funny.... you get the following.
Crovenant gestures at you.
Strands of webbing shoot forth towards you.
CS: +344 - TD: +148 + CvA: +12 + d100: +98 - -5 == +311
Warding failed!
You are firmly webbed in place.
Crovenant hauls off and slaps you up'side your head!
With a somber expression, Errolyn begins playing a melancholy theme.
Neco says, "Well Tayre... Mindlessly fling insults and they will go away"
Grimfire put a green tourmaline in his climbing pack.
>warn crov interaction
...wait 3 seconds.
Grimfire accepts Logaran's snowflake zircon.
>warn crov interaction
...wait 1 seconds.
Neco says, "Eventually"
>warn crov interaction
You inform Crovenant that you wish no further interaction with him. Having done this, you realize that the two of you should move to separate areas, so as not to escalate the conflict.
Logaran removes some blue lapis lazuli from in his wolf-hide cloak.
Logaran just went east.
Grimfire put a snowflake zircon in his climbing pack.
>'What you mean?
You ask, "What you mean?"
>peer neco
You can't do that while entangled in a web.
Crovenant deeply says, "then leave"
Svardin bounces around happily.
Logaran just arrived.
Logaran sits down.
Crovenant waves to you.
He even threatened Adredrin...
He's a little too big for his britches, i think.
08-02-2003, 10:54 PM
Convenient how you left out what you said and did to cause that. Not that I really condone brute force, but I think you should be thankful you didn't die. There was a time that the phrase "kill first, ask questions later" came to mind.
Is it just me, or does Tayre post how bad he is being treated without showing the whole story?
08-03-2003, 01:16 AM
I noticed you were in RT, what did you do that caused you to be stuck in RT right before Crov webbed you?
08-03-2003, 06:11 AM
I had just thought something to Adredrin.
08-03-2003, 09:24 AM
You left out stuff, all he did was web you and you warned interacted him. Oh man I hate that damned verb. People like you do whatever you want prior to it and when you don't like where it goes you warn them. Maybe you shouldn't have opened your big mouth to get webbed eh?
So what did you say that even someone else commented on your insults? Hmm?
08-03-2003, 12:07 PM
It would be my guess, that he walked into the room. Covenant started crap with me too, when all i was trying to do was get him to a dead body, him being a cleric and all. Its a pet peeve of mine, clerics sleeping openly in TC. Clerics and empaths..cause you need them..they are the only person there..and they don't respond, ugh. Anyway, he threatend to kill me yadda yadda for trying to drag him to the dead body. Meh
-Adredrin, Grump
08-03-2003, 12:11 PM
Crovenant is an idiot from what I've seen.
08-03-2003, 04:19 PM
I think the funniest part is after you warn interacted him, he told you to leave...while you were webbed.
08-05-2003, 08:15 AM
Isn't Crovenant a purchased character?
08-05-2003, 12:05 PM
Bought huh? Okay that explains it then because the one I used to know wasn't like that. Nevermind! :D
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