View Full Version : Bought a new router...

The Ponzzz
02-21-2008, 01:41 AM
So yea, I bought a new Netgear N router, pretty sweet. But should I be connecting at 5Ghz or 2.4Ghz?

Also, 802.11a (assume this on on with the 5Ghz) or 802.11g?

I have no clue if my laptop is ok with the Ghz at all. Pretty dumb when it comes to wireless. So if I need to check something, tell me how.


02-21-2008, 02:10 AM
If you don't have a wireless N network card in your laptop, you'll basically just be using the router in a backwards compatible, no-point-in-having-an-N-router way.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just sayin'.

02-21-2008, 07:37 AM
Yeah...you need to get an N card to get the speed you are looking for. They sell external ones that connect through USB ports as well as PCMCIA slots.

The Ponzzz
02-21-2008, 09:54 AM
Does my PS3 need one too?

Also, without the card, which do I connect to?

Lastly, why is my brand new router only giving me 3 bars worth of signal and it's sitting right next to? Like, 1 foot. This thing is suppose to have like 8 SMART antennas for MAX RANGE AND PERFORMANCE! Or is it due to the non-N-Card-Shit? Is this going to be ok working wireless for computers 30+ feet away?

The Ponzzz
02-21-2008, 10:11 AM
With no adapters (just read the USB ones don't work worth shit and the cards are touchy, our desktop has built in N series ethernet card, so I would like to keep this router, just not the laptops.), how should I set up my wireless if I must use backwards compatible?

The one I am on now is 802.11g at 2.4 Ghz

I have the option to connect at 802.11a at 5 Ghz.

Out of those two, with no adapter, what should I connect to? (I assume the 2.4)

02-21-2008, 11:19 AM
You other devices are going to be using B or G. So, I'd set it to G.