View Full Version : 12/15/2003: DEATH RECOVERY POINTS - TOMORROW!

12-16-2003, 06:28 AM
Starting tomorrow at some unspecified time, any player whose death results in a decay will incur 1,000 Death Recovery points. No other penalties will be applied.

Death penalties will continue in this manner until we are more comfortable with the game stability. At such time, death recovery points will be turned on for all deaths, as specified in our documentation.

12-16-2003, 06:33 AM
Finally killing Warclaidhm and Vif means something.

Feel free to join in.

12-16-2003, 06:36 AM
only if they decay ... ill wait till real DR pts roll in.

12-16-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
only if they decay ... ill wait till real DR pts roll in.

auto-drag = decay-licious