View Full Version : 600 million for sale @ $10 per mil.

02-18-2008, 07:04 PM
Selling 600 million silvers

only selling in 50 mil or 100 mil bundles at $10 Per million.
Pm me here or IM me at brielustheninja on AIM

Sean of the Thread
02-18-2008, 07:41 PM
Your main character's name? u2u is fine.

Paypal name?

02-18-2008, 08:07 PM
hes legit

02-18-2008, 08:27 PM
GS really needs some sort of silver drain.. Normal people shouldn't have that many coins..

02-18-2008, 08:28 PM
GS really needs some sort of silver drain.. Normal people shouldn't have that many coins..

Translation: It sucks people are making just as many silvers as I do.. I want to be the only one! WAA!

Sean of the Thread
02-18-2008, 08:55 PM
GS really needs some sort of silver drain.. Normal people shouldn't have that many coins..

You're a fucking joke.

02-18-2008, 09:00 PM
Translation: It sucks people are making just as many silvers as I do.. I want to be the only one! WAA!

Don't you mean losing as much as I am? More silvers and no drain just means coin prices will continue to go down..

Sean of the Thread
02-18-2008, 09:07 PM
Don't you mean losing as much as I am? More silvers and no silver drain just means coin prices will continue to go down..


Get a fucking job you fat fuck.

02-18-2008, 09:23 PM
Okay, I'm ready for the flame but I have to agree with Tsin. GS needs something like EG or some other high end event with nice items to pull silvers out of the economy. I agree with Tsin in that it will help inflate silver prices.


02-18-2008, 09:27 PM
Okay, I'm ready for the flame but I have to agree with Tsin. GS needs something like EG or some other high end event with nice items to pull silvers out of the economy. I agree with Tsin in that it will help inflate silver prices.


I too would like Silver prices to inflate.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-18-2008, 10:35 PM
I agree with Tsin on this also. I raised OVER a billion silver in under a month selling items at fair or low prices. That's a shitload of coins I drew out of the economy with really no difficulty or more importantly, no impact to the economy.

02-18-2008, 10:52 PM
Anyone can make 1 MM in about three hours at end game.

Silver prices have slowly but inexorably been dropping for a long time. You can easily get the same amount of silver for $10 now that you had to shell out $16 for six years ago.

A 40% drop in prices over that time span actually isn't too horrendous, all considering, for a text game anyway.

02-18-2008, 11:20 PM
Ok sorry if this is too long but i've been thinking about it recently so I had a lot to get off my mind..

In the past there have been some very successful methods for removing silvers from the game.. A steady amount of merchant events, big auctions, Dragonbones and others I think were happening often enough to keep things in balance. Not only were these things MUCH more common in the past, but they were removing enough coins RELATIVE to the amount in the game at the time to keep things balanced.. The problem now is that there is 1000x the amount of coins in the lands that there was and only 1/100th the amount being drained relative to that in the past. I think it has just slowly been accumulating over the years as silver draining events continue to steadily decline.

I think the auction at Ebon Gate a couple years ago was a great help to remove some and more like it need to happen if any progress is going to be made. It also showed how much coin had been accumulating and the number of people there with over 100m was staggering. It didn't even remove 1/100th of the silver circulating among the most active players.. I don't think there has been a decent size silver draining event or activity since then.

I have a few ideas that I think would really help to not only save the GS economy but improve it as well.. Old ideas like merchant events, big auctions, Dragonbones, etc are easy and have been used successfully if they actually remove enough silvers. Unfortunately merchant events have changed drastically from tons of auctions in the past to now only raffles or other non-silver methods exclusively which continues to keep the coin in players hands. Besides items from other players what can we actually spend our coins on?

1. Monthly auctions..
This is probably the best idea cause it would excite the most people.. They could even be short auctions with only a few valuable items or rarely something as special as a unique piece of property.. It would at least be something to steadily drain silvers from the incredibly flooded market. Silent auctions could also be fun.

2. Better Stuff In Shops..
Would it really be that unbalancing if you could build and order slightly more advanced weapons or armor in local shops? Instead of having the most expensive weapon/armor possible cost only 1m.. Why not let people make and order weapons for 10 or 20m? For a price you could customize and order different enchanted weapons with abilities like superior or perfectly forged, flared, very lightly weighted or padded armors all at a decent price. If you can do some of these with bounty points why not allow some shops to do the same? Even if you overcharge, people will still like the option to customize a decent weapon themselves and the silvers will slowly be drained.

3. Expensive or Limited # of Tickets Raffles..
Maybe start running monthly raffles for decent stuff with not only expensive tickets but a certain limit able to be bought.. 5.. 10.. 20.. 100.. Not only will it drain 100x the normal amount of silver for each raffle because of more tickets but it will allow those who really want it a better chance to win it. Instead of 100 tickets at 5k each to only drain 500k.. Let people buy 10 each and raise the price a little and sell 1000 tickets at 100k each to end up draining 100m.

4. Sell Limited Premie Point services..
Why not have some of the basic services available through PP also purchased by using coins? Definitely not adding padding or enchanting padding/weighted stuff.. But simple services like flaring, enchanting, alters, lightenings that can be sold for a very expensive price. It would allow options to get these services, either buy the PP from someone else for a way cheaper price IF you can find the points.. Or buy one of these limited services directly for a far higher price..

5. Paying for extended Gift of Lumnis..
This could be a HUGE silver drain if implemented properly.. I don't know the mechanics exactly or if this is even possible, but i'm sure with a little effort the system could be modified to allow for some changes. You could charge some absurd prices for short amounts of extra time that could be added to your next upcoming weekly Lumnis gift.. For instance you could charge 500k for an extra hour.. 1m for an extra 2 hours.. 2m for an extra 4 hours.. It could even be as simple as a buying a separate potion from the priestess.

Anyway i'm sure a lot of you will laugh at some of these ideas but they were just off the top of my head.. If anyone has any better ideas please let me know.

02-18-2008, 11:34 PM
Breakage will fix it all, let's go warden!!

02-18-2008, 11:43 PM
2. Better Stuff In Shops..
Would it really be that unbalancing if you could build and order slightly more advanced weapons or armor in local shops? Instead of having the most expensive weapon/armor possible cost only 1m.. Why not let people make and order weapons for 10 or 20m? For a price you could customize and order different enchanted weapons with abilities like superior or perfectly forged, flared, very lightly weighted or padded armors all at a decent price. If you can do some of these with bounty points why not allow some shops to do the same? Even if you overcharge, people will still like the option to customize a decent weapon themselves and the silvers will slowly be drained.

Not bad ideas, except for maybe this one. If you do this, doesn't the market for those things simply get worse, and the silvers you drain from the economy by implementing them in shops simply get "saved" when buying these items from players, who'll be forced to compete?

Or maybe you think the prices should be so prohibitive as to make the player market not really comparable - IE, someone would use this only if they had something very special to use it on.

Edit: I guess the bigger question is this: Should GS Staff be designing silver drains in the economy so as to prop up the out-of-game silver sales market? There's no negative effect IN game about massive supplies of currency, EXCEPT in auction situations where some people can ridiculously outbid others, but they seem to be moving away from auctions just to solve that problem.


02-18-2008, 11:44 PM
Breakage is actually not a bad idea.. If it was expensive to repair stuff that could be a large silver drain on the economy. As long as nothing could be destroyed permanently and everything was fixable back to ORIGINAL condition with no degradation I think it's not that bad of an idea..

Anyone ever play the new Elder Scrolls: Oblivion? Repair hammers can fix your stuff back to new and once you are a master blacksmith you can even take your stuff up to 125% efficiency. As long as nothing can be destroyed completely or slowly degrade over time I think breakage could be a solution to the flooded market.

02-19-2008, 12:24 AM
I don't think breakage is the solution or that it should be a part of the solution. Breakage was always aimed at removing the high end weapons, armors and shields from the game. I doubt seriously that Warden will implement breakage and then allow repairs especially to high end items with awesome flares or huge amounts of crit weighting/padding. Breakage will only cause huge losses in real dollars, alot more bitching and even more flight from an already declining population.

What needs to happen is one big event or a few smaller events to get alot of silvers out of the market at one time. They could even expand the real estate aspect of the lands to allow one to purchase their own custom home for a huge amount of silvers then require high rents to keep the drain going. Dragonbones is a good idea as is allowing folks to purchase lower tier premium services for silver. Let's face it, the solution is going to have to be multi-tiered and inventive. Those of us who have tons of silvers already have awesome equipment and simu isn't going to release items anywhere near as nice as some of the items already in the game. They're going to have to create services or items that won't impact the balance of the game yet will inspire us to spend hundreds of millions of silvers to bring the economy back into balance.

The most important aspect of any solution is to control the economy once enough silvers are removed from the game. The only way this can be done is with merchant events and other special events or unique services that can keep the drain on silvers equal too or slightly higher than what the treasure system is putting into circulation. More merchant events or even roaming merchants will also have the benefit of increasing populace morale and keep us all coming into the lands to see what the next surprise is gonna be.

Just my 2 silvers.


02-19-2008, 12:29 AM
Breakage is actually not a bad idea.. If it was expensive to repair stuff that could be a large silver drain on the economy. As long as nothing could be destroyed permanently and everything was fixable back to ORIGINAL condition with no degradation I think it's not that bad of an idea..

Quoted for how it better fucking be implemented if it ever is.

02-19-2008, 12:30 AM
A few grand auctions couldn't hurt. Most of the neat shit is in the hands of like twelve people right now.

You can even charge $39 for tickets!

02-19-2008, 12:33 AM
Not sure I agree with that Khit. The amount needed to maintain an item would obviously be based on what type of item it is, similar to the way premium points work. You say "those of us who have tons of silvers already have awesome equipment". That's exactly the point, events aren't really going to do it since you don't need anything. Even an auction doesn't do it. When's the last time anyone has spent 600m in one auction? They can remove those "tons of silvers" by making you maintain your equipment. It doesn't have to be catastrophic failure, just make you maintain it as time and use goes on, kind of like how enhancive items work. Maybe a step further though where it gradually loses it's high poweredness (6x down to 5x to 4x and so on or heavy weighting to somewhat and so on) until it can't be used at all until it's repaired.

You're right, it may drive some away. But I think not having catastrophic failure might prevent some of that. Couple it with a few other anticipated changes that don't impact the economy (meaning not an auction, but things promised forever and not done) and you may be able to balance the negative impact.

Someone should start a new thread on this so we don't screw up the main subject of the thread. Or maybe a mod could pull these last few messages out and plunk them in another thread.

02-19-2008, 12:42 AM
I have no sympathy for someone who's asking for higher-end items to be released, when they'll only leverage their already considerable wealth to suck those items up, then turn around and sell them for an even higher profit to pad their (already large) cash sales.

This isn't directed toward everyone who's commented though.

02-19-2008, 12:51 AM
Not sure I agree with that Khit. The amount needed to maintain an item would obviously be based on what type of item it is, similar to the way premium points work. You say "those of us who have tons of silvers already have awesome equipment". That's exactly the point, events aren't really going to do it since you don't need anything. Even an auction doesn't do it. When's the last time anyone has spent 600m in one auction?

Actually, it won't be that easy to 'repair' a weighted or padded item unless it is a service like premium points as PC's won't be able to work on those items much like they can't be enchanted by the run of the mill mage so that might work, but breakage was never intended to control the economy it was intended to remove high end items from the game.

As to the auction...armors, shields and weapons are mostly overdone right now but there is plenty of room for enhancive items or self mana magical items or even gem eating items that could draw tons of silver from the economy. There are few of us who have spent 600m at auctions but there are those who have and do...mostly the merchant types. One of the problems with the auction system is that few folks get the most items...don't know exactly how to fix that one other than limit the purchases to account owner's rather than accounts...perhaps limit the number of tickets any one PERSON can buy not 1 ticket per account. In the early days the GM's used to monitor silver balances on PC's and not allow transfers 2-3 months prior to the auction or at auction time. This would also limit one's ability to purchase multiple items.

But I would venture that the problem with the economics is that the most active players have what they want or need and the infrequent players really don't have the desire to acquire tons of silver and have uber equipment.

Sorry for highjacking your thread Brielus


02-19-2008, 01:03 AM
Actually, it won't be that easy to 'repair' a weighted or padded item unless it is a service like premium points as PC's won't be able to work on those items much like they can't be enchanted by the run of the mill mage so that might work, but breakage was never intended to control the economy it was intended to remove high end items from the game.

As to the auction...armors, shields and weapons are mostly overdone right now but there is plenty of room for enhancive items or self mana magical items or even gem eating items that could draw tons of silver from the economy. There are few of us who have spent 600m at auctions but there are those who have and do...mostly the merchant types. One of the problems with the auction system is that few folks get the most items...don't know exactly how to fix that one other than limit the purchases to account owner's rather than accounts...perhaps limit the number of tickets any one PERSON can buy not 1 ticket per account. In the early days the GM's used to monitor silver balances on PC's and not allow transfers 2-3 months prior to the auction or at auction time. This would also limit one's ability to purchase multiple items.

But I would venture that the problem with the economics is that the most active players have what they want or need and the infrequent players really don't have the desire to acquire tons of silver and have uber equipment.

Sorry for highjacking your thread Brielus


I'll have to disagree with you there. Breakage is a money sink. Catastrophic breakage (removing high end items from the game) is even more of a money sink since not only do you spend money maintaining, but your item could be destroyed. That leaves room for new (or copied items that broke) items to be introduced via auction for large sums of silver. Then even more silvers leave the game.

And IMO it'd have to be a NPC service to drain the silver from the game, not a PC service. And it'd have to be an NPC service similar to the way the locksmith works on locked boxes or on repairing lockpicks. Prices could still be tiered like premium points though, it'd just take some work to program in the variations for the "uber" items. But some basic pricing tier rules would probably hit a very high % of gear.

This could be extended to magical items too so that they have to be "recharged" or something to continue working, similar to enhancive items. Basically, they need to make it more expensive to hunt so it offsets the money being made during hunting.

Quote taken from wikipedia topic mudlfation and what WoW does:
An example of a Dynamic Money Sink in many MMOs is a reduction in travel times, for example by the purchase of a mount in World of Warcraft. The mounts or other forms of faster travel cost large amounts of money but have a bonus only in convenience thus acting as a dynamic money sink only taking money away from the people who have an excess of it.

World of Warcraft uses a repair system to act as a Dynamic Money Sink. For a starting character, repair costs are very small. As the character progresses, repair costs get more expensive to counter the increased money gain.

02-19-2008, 01:08 AM
uh its a game buy the shit or dont .. and tsin fuck you ya fuckin skinflint, youve been fucking people and hounding them into buying shit they dont really want or cant really afford for years. And thank you for removing the BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of coin you've removed from the econony and purchased fucking cars with. kthx coins are sold! (end drinking rant)

02-19-2008, 01:11 AM
Someone already bought all 600 for 10 per? Damn maybe I should sell a billion..

02-19-2008, 01:14 AM
case and point....... *whine* people sholdnt have that much money to sell ... opens coin hand.. you have a bajillion coin... checks thread... holy shit they sold 600m, maybe i should sell a billion... fuckin douche...

02-19-2008, 01:40 AM
Anyone ever play Diablo back in the day?

We need our own Wirt. Some lil merchant who has some rare/unique items that people would love to own. But priced very high. Items guaranteed to never be duplicated, until the items drains its charges. So you have to be the first one to buy it, if you want it. And it can't be sold to other players. Once you buy it, its yours. And it drains charges slowly even if you don't use it, so it WILL be gone at some point. Say six months to a year if you aren't using it.

Say the enhancives.. Sell a +25 strength bracer, with a great many charges, but that cannot be recharged.

Love it, buy it, use it. Lose it, and hope to buy the next in line. He could sell more then one item at a time.

Or have it so you can use silvers to pay for a portion of your monthly account expense. Doubt Simu would do it at all, but surely not full payment if anything. But say you pay your $15 account, with $10 instead of $15 cause you got a rebate on 'turning in' silvers. Or whatever.

Maybe even turn in X amount of silvers for x% discount on your account, whether its basic or premium. Then your silver is worth more if you have a premium/platinum account since you get the same % for the silver.

By the way, Brielus, you weren't like hording 600m were you? You had like some recent sales to bring in the coins just like Tayvin did? Or no?

02-19-2008, 01:42 AM
Started a new thread about the GS economy to continue this conversation. Got everyone's copied over except this latest one from AD.

02-19-2008, 02:36 AM
in reply to AD: neh i was helping a friend who wasnt too confident in dealing with the sale of the coin.

02-19-2008, 02:36 AM

02-19-2008, 03:05 AM
Diablo and Diablo II were the SHIT

02-19-2008, 03:10 AM
Trading ITH Colossus for 2309482390 SOJ!!!!!!!!

Sean of the Thread
02-19-2008, 07:28 AM
Check your inventory... your SOJ's were duped sucka!!! Now they are DELETED!

02-19-2008, 04:00 PM

I had all my inventory but my cube full of hex charms that added 90 to every stat but energy. White rings, colossus swords. When your character starts doing damage in the hundreds of thousands coupled with Whirlwind, the game isn't as fun.

02-19-2008, 05:59 PM
I never played Diablo II. Seemed kinda crappy compared to other games I was playing at the time. Which was probably NWN.

03-03-2008, 02:38 PM
Diablo and Diablo II were the SHIT

Diablo and Diablo II are the SHIT

03-15-2008, 11:35 PM
Diablo II is good, has more variety than I and fantastic items.
Having our own Wirt would be great! Also have the un-identified items which the merchant gambles off in Diablo. You could get a great enchanted item or a piece of shit, you just never know till you cough up the silvers.

[QUOTE=AestheticDeath;686498]Anyone ever play Diablo back in the day?

We need our own Wirt. Some lil merchant who has some rare/unique items that people would love to own. But priced very high. Items guaranteed to never be duplicated, until the items drains its charges. So you have to be the first one to buy it, if you want it. And it can't be sold to other players. Once you buy it, its yours. And it drains charges slowly even if you don't use it, so it WILL be gone at some point. Say six months to a year if you aren't using it.

03-16-2008, 09:54 AM
lol brielus

03-16-2008, 10:38 AM
GS really needs some sort of silver drain.. Normal people shouldn't have that many coins..


Diablo and Diablo II are the SHIT

good times