View Full Version : Looking for a high level Sorcerer in Ta'Illistim

02-14-2008, 03:37 PM
Looking for a high level sorcerer, preferrably based in Ta'Illistim to help me unlock scrolls and sort them into locked but nifty and unlocked awesomeness.

Willing to negotiate on payment in coins, recharged wands, or a nifty scroll! I've got a few raise dead ones that I'm not sure the status on.

02-14-2008, 04:07 PM
Evarin, Rheisia, Siphere, and Virilneus are all in Illistim and at least one of them will likely be willing to help you if you seek them out.

02-19-2008, 03:00 AM
Siphere here. I'll do it no problem. If you still need help. Find me in Illistim or AIM swami7180

02-19-2008, 08:37 AM
Just got the Crier approved, but I will be unlocking scrolls for the OT on the last day of Feb, 8PM EST, Briarstone Fountain.

Sean of the Thread
02-19-2008, 08:40 AM
Rheisa is a nice girl and usually willing to help.

I'm not sure who owns Xyelin or his training anymore but he was superb at scrolls.

02-19-2008, 12:10 PM
Thanks guys! I've been bugging who I could find ingame.