View Full Version : Recent Changes/Fixes

12-15-2003, 06:53 AM
The following changes/fixes have been implemented over the weekend:

1. Fixed a bug in the Damage Reduction calculator that was causing the spell penalty to not be applied properly (at all, in many cases).
2. Fixed all two-handed polearms to not be usable for ambushing from hiding, as it was in GS3. A previous game engine update had errantly made it so only lances and halberds had this restriction in GS4.
3. Broken weapons/shields will no longer be usable in defense.
4. 2H weapons, including runestaves, will now provide the proper defensive bonus for weapon enchant.
5. Brawling will no longer provide full defense if the characters right hand is occupied by something other than a brawling weapon.
6. The benefit for left-hand main gauches has been increased slightly, and identical benefits are now given for left-hand sais.
7. Runestaff users will no longer lose DS for having a magic item or scroll in their left hand.
8. The combat critical evaluation will cap the maximum critical rank at 9 before randomizing to determine the final critical rank. Previously, it was possible to achieve pseudo-ranks higher than 9, which would allow certain attack forms to achieve lethal criticals more often than intended.
9. The Constitution bonus to resisting criticals had previously only been applied to PvP combat. It now affects CvP combat as well.
10. The lethality bonus for ambushing has been increased for low-mid level ambushers.
11. Aiming with melee weapons has been revised to allow better accuracy. Dexterity and Intuition, which were previously not factors in determining success, now are modifiers.
12. Hiding has been updated to have the benefits for 601, 617, and 618 factor in Ranger spell knowledge. The former two spells only provide their increased bonus outdoors, out of town, in areas where a Ranger can successfully SENSE any terrain other than hard, flat terrain. This is NOT the revision of the stealth system that we have slated for 2004.

There are still several known bugs/design issues that we are working to resolve.


12-16-2003, 09:11 AM
4. 2H weapons, including runestaves, will now provide the proper defensive bonus for weapon enchant.

I don't know, it seems to be giving the same amount as before.

Going from a 0x runestaff to a 4x runestaff my DS went up by 6 in offensive and 21 in defensive stance.

I hope no one gets suckered into doing those trades for high end runestaves...