View Full Version : Katanas
12-14-2003, 11:39 PM
I have never seen such a bunch of pissy whining little babies about this katana shit in my whole life. I for one am 100% in favor of how these are being released. I really don't want to see 99000 little Dragonballz/Ninja/Samurai wanna-fuckin-be Anime idiots running around with katanas.
Accept the fact that they are never going to release them in unlimited numbers....they never said they would. I certainly read the same web sites as the whiners did and I knew they would not release them in great numbers.
Other thoughts?
12-14-2003, 11:44 PM
Who cares really.
The only reason they aren't being released widespread is to keep up the value of the few in the lands.
The only reason people want them is because they are new. There are better weapons available right now.
12-14-2003, 11:52 PM
Taken right off the GSIV mainpage at
"The Katana
It slices! It dices! Order now!"
Just because the release fits YOUR view of how it should be released, does not mean that everyone else who was disappointed because of misleading information is a group of "pissy whining little babies."
DragonBallZ characters usually use hand to hand fighting styles or energy blasts. They don't need a katana to be stupid.
Ninjas didn't use katanas. Samurai did.
Its nice that you were able to see their advertisement and automatically know how they would be released. However for those of us that read what was there, asked for clarification.
Even the Erithian merchant news had..."Have you ever wondered what a Bo-stick was? A Jo-stick? Is your life incomplete without a collection of Nagimakis? Do you yearn for a Yoribo? *Are you keen for a Katana?* Do you find Yumis to be yummy?"
Katanas are mentioned alongside all the other weapon classes with no distinction. It WAS misleading.
Its been maybe a week since the information about the rarity of the item has been released. How can you be so sensitive to the intent of Simu designers yet not understand where other people are coming from?
12-14-2003, 11:53 PM
I've already noticed an increase in the anime related names.
I saw an Inuyashaue or something like that not an hour passed.
Yeah, the erithian/oriental thing has invited this, though. Everyone was expecting this anyways.
12-15-2003, 12:03 AM
Puhlease you didn't really think they would release them in massive quantities did you? Show me where it said they would....
12-15-2003, 12:15 AM
If they planned on a limited release of katanas, they were pretty damned vague about it up until this event. The decision was obviously a toss-up between
a) pissing off the merchants selling katanas for $500 on e-bay
b) pissing off everyone else who wanted a katana but doesn't have $500
For some reason they went with the first one. Who knows
12-15-2003, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Straight-up
Puhlease you didn't really think they would release them in massive quantities did you? Show me where it said they would....
I cut and pasted TWO sections where katanas were mentioned as NORMAL items, just like any other weapon. They had NO set precedent with how they handled katanas.
Look at my previous post and take note of the "Order now." That does not HINT at the level of rarity they're giving it.
Now take notice of katanas, right smack in the middle of all the other off-the-shelf weaponary.
Most *normal* people would read those and conclude that katanas are going to be for sale like any other item.
12-15-2003, 02:46 AM
If you can't handle not having a katana, good lord get over it and go play another game....eeesh. If everyone had one they wouldn't be special. This is the same arguement as always before. The people who want things handed to them easily and cheaply versus the people A. Already have them B. Are willing to work for them or C. Lucky enough to get something by chance.
12-15-2003, 03:00 AM
With a name like Straight-up, your arguements are pretty twisted.
"I have never seen such a bunch of pissy whining little babies about this katana shit in my whole life. I for one am 100% in favor of how these are being released. I really don't want to see 99000 little Dragonballz/Ninja/Samurai wanna-fuckin-be Anime idiots running around with katanas. "
You complained about people complaining in a fairly offensive blanket statment.
"Accept the fact that they are never going to release them in unlimited numbers....they never said they would. I certainly read the same web sites as the whiners did and I knew they would not release them in great numbers. "
You then state unsupported opinion as fact.
"Puhlease you didn't really think they would release them in massive quantities did you? Show me where it said they would.... "
You then asked for proof of my claims.
So I pointed you back to a previous post. Obviously you can't scroll back, so I'll paste it here again.
"The Katana
It slices! It dices! Order now!"
And this little tidbit...
"Have you ever wondered what a Bo-stick was? A Jo-stick? Is your life incomplete without a collection of Nagimakis? Do you yearn for a Yoribo? *Are you keen for a Katana?* Do you find Yumis to be yummy?"
Then in response to my fairly logical statements, you respond with this childish gibberish...
"If you can't handle not having a katana, good lord get over it and go play another game....eeesh."
You don't recognize any of the points that I brought up. You merely pass them by because you don't like to see them. You should have put a title like, "LOOKING FOR PEOPLE TO BITCH WITH ABOUT KATANAS" because that seems like all your digging for.
On the off chance that your intelligent enough to handle this, I'll reiterate my point.
People are upset and posting on the boards asking for katanas because they were led to believe they would not be so rare. It was not mentioned anywhere. Infact, evidence is to the contrary.
As things stand, I really don't want a katana. It won't phase me one way or another if it is released in mass quantities. I took up to posting on the official boards and here about it because the facts concerning them were misrepresented. I don't think its very fair or mature of you to cluster all everyone up and say I'm a "pissy, whiney, little baby, dragonballz, ninja, samurai, anime wannabe" just because I can recognize that Simu didn't advertise this release properly. I don't want to go play another game. I try to get them to improve the one I am playing. I also don't want things handed to me, I do happen to work for my items, thank you.
12-15-2003, 03:47 AM
I am just tired of the people whining about not having something handed to them. Sums my point up rather succinctly. No one ever said "We will sell katanas in unlimited numbers". People CHOSE to believe that. I don't see the statements you posted as being misleading. I understood them for what the were...promotion and advertising. The were not in-depth details of exactly how things were going to work.
12-15-2003, 04:09 PM
Katanas are apparently useless in one-handed mode because you can't use a shield with them without a heft AS drop.
Two-handed, on the other hand, especially when coupled with the recent drop in a claidhmore's usefulness, katanas are quite good weapons.
They never said they would release them in unlimited qualities, true. But they also never said they would treat them differently from other weapons in game, which are in unlimited qualities. If I had a decent amount of money, I could get everyone in game a claidhmore or a short sword or a whip or a longbow or a dagger or a tiger-claw. I could not do this with katanas.
I wish they'd just wide-release the damn things. Sell them off of the cart north of the gate.
12-16-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Straight-upI don't see the statements you posted as being misleading. I understood them for what the were...promotion and advertising. The were not in-depth details of exactly how things were going to work.
You understood that katanas would be released as a very rare item. I, along with a whole bunch of people, understood that they would be released in mass. The reason I understood this was posted already by Kitsun. To me it is obvious why they hint at a mass release but you don't see that. Ok, I can accept that. However you yourself say they were vague and the fact that you understood something different than the next person is already proof that it was indeed misleading.
Oh and just so you're not tempted to post that I'm whining about not having a katana, I'm an archer cleric and never plan on acquiring one should you even be able to buy one for 300 silvers at the armory.
12-16-2003, 09:29 PM
I'm glad they weren't released en masse. I don't care about historical accuracy, you know damn well there'd be 5000 ninjas running around the first day katanas were sold as such.
I do, however, think they should've done the raffles differently. Rather than one every hour or 4 (for crappy items), they should've had a whole days set at once, and you'd only be able to enter for one item at a time. This essentially forces you to choose which items you'd like the most...that katan you have a 1/300 chance of getting, or the sighted yumi you have a 1/150 chance of getting.
12-17-2003, 11:21 AM
I swear I read somewhere that they're going to make it so everyone can go on some kind of mini-quest and get their own non-sellable steel katana or something
Moist Happenings
12-17-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Pallon
I swear I read somewhere that they're going to make it so everyone can go on some kind of mini-quest and get their own non-sellable steel katana or something
I could have sworn that in 1995 they promised that thrown weapons "would be out within a few months!"
Well..I guess a few hundred months is still a few.
Anyone else bothered by this?
The raffle is for "A katana".
The tickets sell for 15000 silvers each.
The drawing has been held with the following winner(s):
12-18-2003, 05:56 PM
“I am just tired of the people whining about not having something handed to them.” - Straight-up
Having katanas available to the masses is not “handing them something”. If that were true then every other weapon in the game would be under the category of “things handed to people”.
This game is already rife with things Joe Player can’t get. The average unwealthy unconnected unebaying character can’t get alterations, can’t get access to quests or merchants or special events. For every new thing Simu puts out for the masses there are two dozen more for people who fork over their paychecks, or their parents’. Katanas or no, I don’t care. The thing that pisses me off is that it’s one more item on the list of ways Simu caters to the few at the expense of the many.
“I've already noticed an increase in the anime related names.” – Halfsilver
Back when the Cartoon Network first started airing Dragonball Z and it became popular there was a massive influx of Gohku’s and Pikkoloh’s and Veggeita’s and every possible variation and combination of characters. I’ve seen Drizzt’s and Valdermort’s and a thousand other literary, historical and cartoon characters and there are only going to be more if GS allows it. Katanas have little, if anything, to do with it. It’s about who’s playing the game and who’s letting them get away with that crap.
“I don't care about historical accuracy, you know damn well there'd be 5000 ninjas running around the first day katanas were sold as such.” – Artha
We’re already going to be getting the ninjas, especially as they use sais and daggers and all the other stuff they’re selling en masse more than katanas. Sure we’ll get samurais too, but when you think about it, how many William Wallace’s do we have running around wearing kilts and swinging claid’s? How many duel-scimitar-wielding Dark Elves do we have not to mention the myriad “evil” Dark Elf sorcerers that you couldn’t tell apart if you were their mother?
The underlying truth is, creativity is dead. Ninety-nine percent of what you see in GS is taken from tv, movies and video games. That will never change unless Simu forces it to and there’s no profit in it for them. So at least let the stupid kids have their katanas; they’ll be annoying either way.
12-18-2003, 06:41 PM
Everyone will have the oppurtunity to get a katana. Everyone.
12-18-2003, 06:43 PM
And pray they don't ever get it eaten by lag, or catastrophically broken.
12-18-2003, 10:07 PM
Why does Augie's good fortune not shock me?
Acolyte Kurili, cynic
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