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View Full Version : 10x altered blessable zested razern falchion!!

Composer the Composer
02-10-2008, 04:14 PM
a veniom-hilted razern-edged falchion

The thin blade of the falchion is masterfully forged from glaes and edged with razern, providing the falchion with unparalleled strength and razor sharpness. The falchion's hilt is crafted of pure veniom and intricately etched with tiny sigils, which entwine the hilt in a flowing spiral circling toward the pommel. A small glistening onyx scarab is set into the base of the hilt serving as the pommel, ever vigilantly guarding the magnificant blade. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

>touch my falc
You touch your falchion, admiring the fine craftsmanship.

>wave my falc
As you slice the falchion through the air, it emanates a deep reverberating sound.

>rub my falc
As you rub your falchion lightly, a gold wisp of light appears briefly before your eyes.

Also, it was strengthened before, not that it really matters to 99/225.

I was offered 35 mil on this about 4 months ago, I wasn't selling it then.

MB 30mil

I can be reached at AIM Fifth57 or e-mail Gs3er2003@yahoo.com

02-11-2008, 07:07 AM
I bought this falchion and as of Sunday morning it was in my possession. Logged in later and it was taken from my possession. I wasn't sharing my account with anyone.

Drunken Durfin
02-11-2008, 11:06 AM
Oh, the joy of Jerry Springer has come to the PC. I've been sitting ring-side watching these two for the past three years with their on-again / off-again in-game relationship. It would seem that the last break-up has turned into quite the nasty one.

I'm just glad that it is all out in the open here so that everyone else can have a chance to enjoy the silliness that ensues.

02-11-2008, 12:43 PM
I bought this falchion and as of Sunday morning it was in my possession. Logged in later and it was taken from my possession. I wasn't sharing my account with anyone.

If you're telling the truth then assist ingame. If you registered the item then a GM can take a peek. They will be able to see where you login from and if you've had logins from across the country. If it was a one time occurance then you would have a case for replacement and the person who hacked your account would probably be banned.

I'd be willing to bet that a vast freaking majority of all claims of being hacked turn out to be account sharing gone awry though.

Drunken Durfin
02-11-2008, 01:51 PM
I'd be willing to bet that a vast freaking majority of all claims of being hacked turn out to be account sharing gone awry though.

I let them both have access to my rogue and cleric account for months in return for ranger spells and gem singing. I stopped after about the 8th time that they got into a fight and changed their passwords over the course of as many weeks. Her claim that the account was not shared is a total crock.

02-11-2008, 02:33 PM
I bought this falchion and as of Sunday morning it was in my possession. Logged in later and it was taken from my possession. I wasn't sharing my account with anyone.

Weren't Abysso and Composer husband and wife at one time? Perhaps he has access and you didn't realize it?


Composer the Composer
02-11-2008, 09:39 PM
CB is 30mil to Ilijah

02-11-2008, 09:42 PM
Composer has been stealing shit from people for years; He took a lot of coins from a female player I knew years ago, and told her "he'd pay her back."

She left the game because of it, eventually.

Sucks that he'll make a profit off someone else's stuff again (I'm inclined to believe Abysso).

02-11-2008, 09:52 PM
They're both cunts.

Composer the Composer
02-12-2008, 01:14 AM
What? Who's player? I haven't stolen shit from anybody. Who is this person that left Xaerve, I'd really like to know, because I have no idea what you're talking about.

02-12-2008, 01:16 AM
Why is anyone offering 30m for a 10x weapon with a few scripts?

02-12-2008, 01:35 AM
Because it's Composer, and he likes making up fake bids.

02-12-2008, 01:36 AM
Composer has been stealing shit from people for years; He took a lot of coins from a female player I knew years ago, and told her "he'd pay her back."

She left the game because of it, eventually.

Sucks that he'll make a profit off someone else's stuff again (I'm inclined to believe Abysso).

gonna need more proof than that mang

02-12-2008, 02:01 AM
Abysso was talking to Andraste about this for over an hour tonight. I was there when she got pulled up, and there when she was put back. She seemed displeased with the result.

Know that there seems to be genuine drama surrounding this.

02-12-2008, 02:12 AM
I'm nobody to pick sides, and I'm only tossing my hat into this because I know the actual story behind it. So, let me lay it down for those that may be siding with someone due to glossy rumors.

The blade belongs to Composer. Why do I know this? Because I was friends with both Abysso AND Composer while Composer still owned the DMMB: 8x VHCW 3lb falchion. Why does this matter? Because I bought the DMMB. Before I bought that, he tried to sell me the 10x blessable falchion. Abysso never once claimed ownership over it, and she sat with us during the negotiations, and that didn't pan out because as soon as he brought out the DMMB I said, "That's mine. Give it up."

Several million silvers and RL cash later, as well as a week long of negotiation in which Abysso still didn't claim ownership of the 10x blessable falchion, I had purchased the DMMB, not the blessable weapon.

Sorry for the side-story, but I know that if Abysso's trying to get Andraste to juke the weapon over to her, it's because Abysso isn't happy with how things ended between her and Composer. Let me tell you, I speak of this because I was friends with them both. Enough to log her on to get her an alter instead of my character, and him enough to hand over a spot in an alter line to him. Friends go far. But Abysso's wrong in this and it's deplorable she's resorting to this to hurt someone.

Thanks for reading.


02-12-2008, 02:17 AM
I'm nobody to pick sides, and I'm only tossing my hat into this because I know the actual story behind it. So, let me lay it down for those that may be siding with someone due to glossy rumors.

The blade belongs to Composer. Why do I know this? Because I was friends with both Abysso AND Composer while Composer still owned the DMMB: 8x VHCW 3lb falchion. Why does this matter? Because I bought the DMMB. Before I bought that, he tried to sell me the 10x blessable falchion. Abysso never once claimed ownership over it, and she sat with us during the negotiations, and that didn't pan out because as soon as he brought out the DMMB I said, "That's mine. Give it up."

Several million silvers and RL cash later, as well as a week long of negotiation in which Abysso still didn't claim ownership of the 10x blessable falchion, I had purchased the DMMB, not the blessable weapon.

Sorry for the side-story, but I know that if Abysso's trying to get Andraste to juke the weapon over to her, it's because Abysso isn't happy with how things ended between her and Composer. Let me tell you, I speak of this because I was friends with them both. Enough to log her on to get her an alter instead of my character, and him enough to hand over a spot in an alter line to him. Friends go far. But Abysso's wrong in this and it's deplorable she's resorting to this to hurt someone.

Thanks for reading.


Good info. Lemme make it clear that I didn't mean to "take her side" by what I posted above. I just wanted to warn anyone thinking about buying this that a GM is involved in the drama, so proceed with caution.

I have no reason to think Abysso has been wronged. I know Composer better than her, and have no reason to distrust him.

02-12-2008, 02:23 AM

Simutronics does not endorse or encourage the sharing of account passwords. Almost all breaches of account security can be traced back to the sharing of an account password with another "trusted" individual. Passwords should never be given out to anyone, including family members. Simutronics is not liable for reparations when problems on an account occur due to a shared password. Simutronics staff members will never ask for an account password.

GameMasters conduct official GemStone IV business within the live game. Players have a responsibility to protect themselves by doing the same. If you are ever contacted outside of the live game by someone claiming to be a GameMaster, please inform them they must contact you within the game with their GameMaster persona displaying their GameMaster title. Typically, the only official business handled in emails is with Feedback or with GameMasters in charge of such systems as Weddings, the MHO, and the CHE. Even in those instances, if anything sounds questionable or suspicious, ask to meet the GameMaster in person in the game.

Abiding by the above two important policies will ensure that players can rest easy in knowing that their account and characters remain protected and secure. Each player is responsible for the security of his or her account.


Followed by my witty, and soon to be removed post:

"This security reminder brought to you by a 10x falchion. "

Composer the Composer
02-12-2008, 07:54 AM
The reaqson the post was made by Khariz is because Andraste contacted me outside the game via AIM. It wasn't the first or second time she's contacted me outside the realm via AIM regarding other matters. She isn't the first GM to do so either. I know her screen name is legit. Anyways, she coaxed me into believing that she was going to help my situation and grabbed my falchion from me.

Either way, I know that the right decision will be made and the falchion will be back in my possession. Unfortunately, I have to pull the falchion from being auctioned off, since there's a thorough investigation being placed on the rightful ownership of it since Abysso keeps on lying.

Furthermore, just a tidbit of information that you probably don't even care about.. however, the whole reason this dispute started was because Abysso is jealous of the relationship gone bad. We've been sharing account information for nearly 3 years and have been in contact via outside of the realm (by phone and AIM).

The 8x vhcw falchion that Beldonn mentioned, I had also lent Abysso. When I sold it to Beldonn, Abysso was pissed that her character wouldn't be able to hunt well, which is when I lent her the 10x falchion to shut her up as Composer's girlfriend IG. He didn't need the use of the falchions anymore since I switched him over as a polearm user.

The drama continues: When I broke up with Abysso, told her no more phone calls, no more contact from AIM, she flipped out. She kept on making harassing phone calls to me. My girlfriend IRL which I just started dating about 2 months ago was tired of the harassing phone calls and contacted Abysso via IRL by phone to basically say stop contacting both of us and leave us alone. Abysso's reaction was, "If I can't have him nobody can." She then made a threat to my girlfriend that she has "Another thing coming."

My girlfriend has a 3 year old daughter. So Abysso, retaliated by calling child services from Kentucky to New Jersey as an anonymous phone call to claim a false report on my girlfriend for neglecting her child. That I gave the child care giving and used illicit illegal drugs while in the presence of the 3 year old child (which is totally untrue). Needless to say, child services responded immediately and my girlfriend and I had to meet with a child services worker regarding the false allegation that Abysso made. It really was embarassing and stressful.

So, yes please be careful who you're sharing your accounts with. The person you're sharing your accounts with might've been your best friend for a long time via game. In an instance they can turn on you and possibly cause some damage IG and RL, like Abysso has done to me. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping all goes the way it should.

Composer the Composer

02-12-2008, 07:58 AM

Been there, done that. I feel for you.

02-12-2008, 08:06 AM
Holy shit this is awesome.

Keep going.

02-12-2008, 08:16 AM
all this time i thought composer was ma'ing 4 different characters at once heh

Sean of the Thread
02-12-2008, 08:58 AM
Man if that's true I feel for you. I've been through the spiteful false allegation bullshit and Florida is a "hanging judge" state when it comes to DCF. They snatch kids and sell them like it's no tomorrow.

Anyways... don't stop now guys. :popcorn:

02-12-2008, 09:17 AM
Thread of the year.

02-12-2008, 09:47 AM
And people wonder why I don't have AIM, discourage email contact and generally keep to myself.

Bunch of fucking freaks is why.

Sean of the Thread
02-12-2008, 09:52 AM
Says the one called TheWitch on a txt based role playing bulletin board.

02-12-2008, 09:52 AM
WOW this thread delivers

02-12-2008, 09:53 AM
Way to miss the point, Sean2.

Drunken Durfin
02-12-2008, 10:33 AM
Selected bits from a conversation I had with Aby a couple of days ago:

AbyssoLuv (3:37:38 PM): one day last week he wanted me to give him money
DrunkenDurfin (3:37:52 PM): okay
AbyssoLuv (3:37:59 PM): I told him I would send him the 62$ I had in my paypal if I got the falchion
AbyssoLuv (3:38:05 PM): he agreed
AbyssoLuv (3:38:20 PM): said he would never ask for it back and it would be mine
DrunkenDurfin (3:38:25 PM): okay
AbyssoLuv (3:38:35 PM): I just logged in after registering it this morning
DrunkenDurfin (3:38:37 PM): not bad for $62
AbyssoLuv (3:38:38 PM): it's gone
AbyssoLuv (3:38:48 PM): my pass is changed
AbyssoLuv (3:39:06 PM): can i do anything?
DrunkenDurfin (3:39:09 PM): not following you
DrunkenDurfin (3:39:19 PM): you changed your password and after that it was gone?
AbyssoLuv (3:39:24 PM): yes
DrunkenDurfin (3:39:45 PM): so someone guessed your new password, logged on and took your falchion?
AbyssoLuv (3:39:49 PM): he must have went thru gm's to get it back
AbyssoLuv (3:39:53 PM): no
AbyssoLuv (3:40:01 PM): how could they?
AbyssoLuv (3:40:20 PM): I think he told them I stole it
AbyssoLuv (3:40:24 PM): which I didn't
AbyssoLuv (3:40:29 PM): we had an agreement
DrunkenDurfin (3:40:53 PM): so, after you changed your password the falchion disappeared?
AbyssoLuv (3:40:56 PM): yes
AbyssoLuv (3:41:02 PM): it's gone
AbyssoLuv (3:41:03 PM): now
AbyssoLuv (3:41:10 PM): I registered it this morning
DrunkenDurfin (3:41:24 PM): did you use the same password that you had used before?
AbyssoLuv (3:41:27 PM): nope
AbyssoLuv (3:41:32 PM): nothing even close
DrunkenDurfin (3:41:39 PM): so, how do you know he took it?
DrunkenDurfin (3:41:45 PM): can't you just log him on and check?
AbyssoLuv (3:41:55 PM): he has his passwords changed


AbyssoLuv (3:50:32 PM): can I do anything about this weapon?
DrunkenDurfin (3:50:52 PM): if you changed your password and THEN it vanished, what can you prove?
AbyssoLuv (3:51:04 PM): I am almost certain he repoted I stole it or something
DrunkenDurfin (3:51:07 PM): I mean, do you think a GM took it off of you andgave it to him?
AbyssoLuv (3:51:12 PM): yes
AbyssoLuv (3:51:13 PM): I do
AbyssoLuv (3:51:23 PM): where could it be?
DrunkenDurfin (3:51:27 PM): that is just nuts
DrunkenDurfin (3:51:33 PM): there is no way a GM would do that
AbyssoLuv (3:51:41 PM): ok Imma do an assist
DrunkenDurfin (3:51:49 PM): what are you gonna say?
AbyssoLuv (3:51:58 PM): the weapo is missing
AbyssoLuv (3:52:01 PM): wapon
DrunkenDurfin (3:52:05 PM): "We were sharing passwords and then I changed mine and now it is gone"
AbyssoLuv (3:52:06 PM): grrrrrrrr sorry
AbyssoLuv (3:52:21 PM): why not tell the truth?
DrunkenDurfin (3:52:32 PM): Simu does not help when you share passwords
DrunkenDurfin (3:52:35 PM): that is policy
DrunkenDurfin (3:52:48 PM): what you have got to prove is that someone hacked your password
AbyssoLuv (3:53:01 PM): I asked someone this moenoig about it
AbyssoLuv (3:53:04 PM): they are here now
DrunkenDurfin (3:53:24 PM): well, here is a question for you
DrunkenDurfin (3:53:32 PM): when you changed the passwords on your account
DrunkenDurfin (3:53:42 PM): did you change the passwords on his accounts too? [note the long pause here]
DrunkenDurfin (3:54:39 PM): Aby?
AbyssoLuv (3:55:02 PM): yes on vird and edible
AbyssoLuv (3:55:03 PM): sorry
DrunkenDurfin (3:55:17 PM): so, you changed the passwords on his accounts
AbyssoLuv (3:55:26 PM): cause I paid for them
AbyssoLuv (3:55:30 PM): just the other day
DrunkenDurfin (3:55:41 PM): uh huh
AbyssoLuv (3:55:48 PM): via goa
AbyssoLuv (3:56:41 PM): Valyrka whispers, "Has anyone else used your account."
DrunkenDurfin (3:56:49 PM): I had a long talk with Richie this morning, about more than just the staff
AbyssoLuv (3:56:50 PM): no one has
DrunkenDurfin (3:57:08 PM): Now that I have heard both sides of the story, I have to decide who to believe
AbyssoLuv (3:57:13 PM): thats ok
AbyssoLuv (3:57:52 PM): did he tell you I called child services on his gf?
DrunkenDurfin (3:57:57 PM): yup
DrunkenDurfin (3:58:44 PM): now, ask yourself this
DrunkenDurfin (3:59:10 PM): if you are going through an ugly divorce with a custody battle thrown in, do you think it is a good idea to go and do something like that?
AbyssoLuv (3:59:40 PM): OMG he was shooting drugs around the likl girl
DrunkenDurfin (3:59:43 PM): everything you have said about Richis is pure hearsay, you have no explicit proof
AbyssoLuv (3:59:50 PM): ok
DrunkenDurfin (3:59:55 PM): you are not even in the same state, let alone witness to any drug use
AbyssoLuv (4:00:02 PM): I know
DrunkenDurfin (4:00:20 PM): do you know that if it is proven that you did this with malicious intent that you could be charged?
AbyssoLuv (4:00:25 PM): and ya know..........Im sorry I believed what his gf and he told me
DrunkenDurfin (4:00:32 PM): no, I don't know you
DrunkenDurfin (4:00:40 PM): I only know what I read on this screen
DrunkenDurfin (4:01:20 PM): and, irreguardless of your intent, for someone in YOUR position to call child services on ANOTHER MOTHER when the problem has nothing to do with her is pretty shitty
DrunkenDurfin (4:01:52 PM): quite honsetly I am shocked that you would do such a thing and it makes me wonder what motivated you to do it in the first place
AbyssoLuv (4:02:00 PM): look
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:05 PM): no, I am done
AbyssoLuv (4:02:06 PM): the likl girl is 3
AbyssoLuv (4:02:09 PM): lil
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:16 PM): and you have what proof?
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:21 PM): of anything?
AbyssoLuv (4:02:24 PM): I over reacted
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:27 PM): to what?
AbyssoLuv (4:02:28 PM): just their word
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:31 PM): jealousy?
AbyssoLuv (4:02:40 PM): she said he shot up drugs while he was with the lil girl
DrunkenDurfin (4:02:59 PM): you went way beyond over reacting, you took a vengful stance and acted on it in the way that you thought it would do the most damage
DrunkenDurfin (4:03:29 PM): and you have looped this "poor little 3 year old girl" into the fucked up relationship that you and Richie have been playing around in over the past few years
DrunkenDurfin (4:03:52 PM): you should be ashamed of yourself on so many levels, ESPECIALLY given what you are going through with your husband and child
DrunkenDurfin (4:04:26 PM): if she is saying these things, then SHE, THE CHILD'S MOTHER should be the one doing stuff about it. Not you
AbyssoLuv (4:04:36 PM): yeah
AbyssoLuv (4:04:49 PM): I searched my heart
DrunkenDurfin (4:04:52 PM): bullshit
AbyssoLuv (4:04:53 PM): thats all I can say
DrunkenDurfin (4:05:05 PM): you searched for a phone number and the quickest way to do some damage
AbyssoLuv (4:05:12 PM): nope
DrunkenDurfin (4:06:00 PM): I am starting to wonder if your husband is spouting nothing but lies on those websites, or if there is a wee bit of truth among the words
AbyssoLuv (4:06:21 PM): thats ok
DrunkenDurfin (4:06:38 PM): I am done with both of you. I don't need this kind of drama.

02-12-2008, 10:43 AM
Women are scary... very scary.

Also, irregardless is not a word.

02-12-2008, 10:48 AM
Bravo Durfin.

Drunken Durfin
02-12-2008, 10:50 AM
Women are scary... very scary.

Also, irregardless is not a word.


"Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. "

It may be "nonstandard english," but it is still used and understood.

Sean of the Thread
02-12-2008, 10:50 AM
That bitch is going to jail.

Sean of the Thread
02-12-2008, 10:52 AM

"Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. "

It may be "nonstandard english," but it is still used and understood.

Exactly. Always pisses me off when ignorant asses say "not a word".

FOR FUCKS SAKE "pwnt" will probably be added officially next year.

02-12-2008, 10:59 AM

"Those who use it, including on occasion educated speakers, may do so from a desire to add emphasis. "

It may be "nonstandard english," but it is still used and understood.
Irregardless of if it's a word or not, you misspelled it.

Sean of the Thread
02-12-2008, 10:59 AM

02-12-2008, 11:11 AM
It's in a dictionary I found on the internet, it must be a real word!

02-12-2008, 11:16 AM
Not every dictionary has every word, otherwise we'd only need one dictionary.

That said, irregardless is a word, and this shouldn't even be under debate.

Drunken Durfin
02-12-2008, 11:29 AM
Irregardless of if it's a word or not, you misspelled it.

I prefer the term "kreative spelling," it makes me feel special like when they gave me the helmet to wear in school.

02-12-2008, 11:51 AM
Oi heh, that comment was tongue and cheek didn't want to detract from the awesome high drama here.
(http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=683318#post683318 - Irregardless thread)
Back to the matter at hand... our greatest downfall is the boner.

We should all pay homage to the immortal words of the Snoop Dee Oh Double Gee...

02-12-2008, 11:56 AM
I still can't believe that a game would generate emotions that would cause someone to do something like that... its fucking mind boggeling lvl 10 crazy. I have been pissed about situations in game and even lost my temper once but holy mother of god, to try and destroy someones life.........

02-12-2008, 11:59 AM
I still can't believe that a game would generate emotions that would cause someone to do something like that... its fucking mind boggeling lvl 10 crazy. I have been pissed about situations in game and even lost my temper once but holy mother of god, to try and destroy someones life.........
The game didn't do it... they could have been playing Yatzhee <Methais inserts Hitler Yatzhee gif>.

02-12-2008, 12:07 PM
Wow, where's my popcorn and coke? This is better than any of the flicks nominated for academy award.


02-12-2008, 12:12 PM
I hope they throw the book at that chick..what a fucking bitch! Abusing CPS when there are so many children that really do need help..makes me sick.

That Jay
02-12-2008, 12:14 PM
DrunkenDurfin (3:52:32 PM): Simu does not help when you share passwords

Not necessarily true. In Platinum they restored a character who had been deleted by someone he shared accounts with.

That Jay
02-12-2008, 12:14 PM
The reaqson the post was made by Khariz is because Andraste contacted me outside the game via AIM. It wasn't the first or second time she's contacted me outside the realm via AIM regarding other matters. She isn't the first GM to do so either. I know her screen name is legit. Anyways, she coaxed me into believing that she was going to help my situation and grabbed my falchion from me.

Could someone at Simu wise up and just CAN Andraste already?


02-12-2008, 12:27 PM
Could someone at Simu wise up and just CAN Andraste already?


This much I certainly agree with.

Over the course of today, I'm going to write feedback a dissertation on how their GMs could be setting a precedent that opens the door to big legal troubles for Simutronics. I've been writing this for a while, but this incident is icing on the cake.

If they are going to start acting as caretakers of a potential real life cash sales transaction, they are going beyond their scope as GMs, ignoring their EULA, and setting a dangerous precedent that could allow causes of action regarding the failure of Simutronics' various self-created duties toward people involved in real life cash sales.

I've got it all laid out how, if they continue to do things like this, I'm going to be able to sue them from anything as simple as circumstances like this, to things as complicated as them later implementing breakage, and a weapon that cost me say $1000.00 breaking being THEIR problem to rememdy.

Oh the joys of the law. They really need to reconsider getting invovled in anything but in-game scams and transactions. It's in their best interest. They may need it explained to them before someone a titch more insane than me decides to actually file one of these causes that I've determined has at least enough merit to survive a 12(b)(6). Fun fun.

02-12-2008, 12:31 PM
They'll open it up, read two lines .... and sometime during the fit of laughter, reply with a macro and then delete it.

02-12-2008, 12:53 PM
They'll open it up, read two lines .... and sometime during the fit of laughter, reply with a macro and then delete it.
That sounds shockingly similar to how I react to any of your posts...

02-12-2008, 12:54 PM
hooollly shit how did this thread pass me by... that's some nutjob shit there.. god i hate psycho women.. seriously... and ya fl child services doesn't fuck around.. they got my friend for some bullshit too
was his step child, apparently the kid had some kind of reaction to some shitty plastic on a child seat or booster seat or something and the kid broke out into a huge rash from it, they got reported for some kind of neglect or something.. and it went downhill from there.

02-12-2008, 01:00 PM
That sounds shockingly similar to how I react to any of your posts...

Yet you keep following me around just to read them ... and then respond with something other than a macro.

So maybe similar in an idiot's eyes ... not so similar in reality.

02-12-2008, 01:12 PM
Yet you keep following me around just to read them ... and then respond with something other than a macro.

So maybe similar in an idiot's eyes ... not so similar in reality.
You're right, I'm following you around. I only post in threads in response to you.

I'm also pleased to hear the joke went over your head.

02-12-2008, 03:22 PM
My policy of not dating in-game is looking better all the time.

02-12-2008, 03:31 PM
My policy of not dating in-game is looking better all the time.

Agreed. People sometimes wonder why Xand is the way he is.....

Case in point.

02-12-2008, 03:59 PM
My policy of not dating in-game is looking better all the time.

x 100

02-12-2008, 06:54 PM
Why you owuld need to formalize that into a policy is beyond me.

02-12-2008, 08:00 PM
Why you owuld need to formalize that into a policy is beyond me.

Union regulations.

02-12-2008, 08:20 PM
Wow, what a crazy cunt. If anyone ever deserved to be locked up... damn.

You're right, I'm following you around. I only post in threads in response to you.

I'm also pleased to hear the joke went over your head.


02-12-2008, 08:52 PM
From GS4-Zyllah (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=1&topic=1&message=1660)

IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR YOUR SECURITY &#183; on 2/12/2008 1:11:45 AM Generate a link to this post in a pop-up window. 1660
Simutronics does not endorse or encourage the sharing of account passwords. Almost all breaches of account security can be traced back to the sharing of an account password with another "trusted" individual. Passwords should never be given out to anyone, including family members. Simutronics is not liable for reparations when problems on an account occur due to a shared password. Simutronics staff members will never ask for an account password.

GameMasters conduct official GemStone IV business within the live game. Players have a responsibility to protect themselves by doing the same. If you are ever contacted outside of the live game by someone claiming to be a GameMaster, please inform them they must contact you within the game with their GameMaster persona displaying their GameMaster title. Typically, the only official business handled in emails is with Feedback or with GameMasters in charge of such systems as Weddings, the MHO, and the CHE. Even in those instances, if anything sounds questionable or suspicious, ask to meet the GameMaster in person in the game.

Abiding by the above two important policies will ensure that players can rest easy in knowing that their account and characters remain protected and secure. Each player is responsible for the security of his or her account.

This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above follow the link below.


02-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Yeah, I already posted that. With a witty remark too!

"This security reminder brought to you by a 10x falchion".

Apparently Emeradan felt that was witty enough to leave it there too! I'm so honored. :rofl:

02-12-2008, 08:58 PM
Wasn't even paying attention. But reading it twice still won't hurt some people...

02-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Apparently Emeradan felt that was witty enough to leave it there too! I'm so honored.


02-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Wasn't even paying attention. But reading it twice still won't hurt some people...

Too true.

02-12-2008, 09:00 PM

Bah, don't cut of my indication that I was making a joke, and then proceed to call me a loser, hehe.

02-12-2008, 09:01 PM
Bah, don't cut of my indication that I was making a joke, and then proceed to call me a loser, hehe.

But it's more funnnnny that way :x


02-13-2008, 12:22 AM
DrunkenDurfin (4:06:00 PM): I am starting to wonder if your husband is spouting nothing but lies on those websites, or if there is a wee bit of truth among the words

What websites?

Drunken Durfin
02-13-2008, 09:33 AM
Her soon to be ex-husband posted a long open letter to anyone who would read it on his myspace page talking about how she was using her son's disability check to buy drugs, play on-line games and all sorts of other Jerry Springer kind of stuff. It was quite hilarious actually, real "hell hath no fury like a man scorned" type rantings.

Sadly, I don't have the link anymore.

Drunken Durfin
02-13-2008, 12:04 PM
Okay, I have waited 24 hours and still cannot cool down about this one. Over the years I have given Composer the benefit of the doubt on a lot of stuff and been his friend when most would not. This last incident, however, has pushed me over the limit.

First we have a request from Fifth57 (a.k.a. Composer):

Fifth57 (11:30:45 AM): i tried selling something to Wishes2RemainNameless
Fifth57 (11:30:57 AM): he said he wouldn't deal with me
Fifth57 (11:31:00 AM): until the investigation is over
Fifth57 (11:35:40 AM): can I have him send money via your paypal inturn send to me.. know I lose out on some dollars

I responded in no uncertain terms that I wanted nothing to do with the transaction and keep me the hell out of it.

About a half-hour later I got this:

Wishes2RemainNameless (12:10:40 PM): Arent you Mathew Xxxxxx?
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:22 PM): yes
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:26 PM): why?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:11:46 PM): are you selling me something with another screen name?
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:54 PM): no
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:59 PM): mutherfucking composer
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:02 PM): hang on
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:11 PM): is he using my name?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:34 PM): someone named distantchild is trying to sell me siren scale leather
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:34 PM): siren scale leather?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:39 PM): and have me paypal it to matthew.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:41 PM): which is you
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:49 PM): what a fucking idiot
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:59 PM): does he think i'm retarded?
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:26 PM): apparently he thinks both of us are, he asked me to do the transaction so you would not know it was him and I told him no
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:41 PM): Fifth57 (11:30:45 AM): i tried selling something to Wishes2RemainNameless
Fifth57 (11:30:57 AM): he said he wouldn't deal with me
Fifth57 (11:31:00 AM): until the investigation is over
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:52 PM): Fifth57 (11:35:40 AM): can I have him send money via your paypal inturn send to me.. know I lose out on some dollars
DrunkenDurfin (11:36:11 AM): what?
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:12 PM): go ahead and send it to matthew.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:19 PM): he will never see a cent
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:23 PM): and will serve him right
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:14:42 PM): no hes getting the armor back
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:14:56 PM): im not getting involved in this crap
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:15:30 PM): is it his armor?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:15:47 PM): [Tuesday February 2008 12 01:11 PM] Wishes2RemainNameless: You're not matthew xxxxxx
[Tuesday February 2008 12 01:13 PM] Wishes2RemainNameless: take the armor back
[Tuesday February 2008 12 01:13 PM] distantchild: I am so

While this was on another window:

Fifth57 (12:12:12 PM): you have money
Fifth57 (12:12:23 PM): that needs to be redirected to Gs3er2003@yahoo.com
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:37 PM): what the fuck are you doing?
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:40 PM): I told you no
Fifth57 (12:14:43 PM): oooh
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:50 PM): you stupid ass
Fifth57 (12:14:53 PM): damnit
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:59 PM): Wishes2RemainNameless (12:10:40 PM): Arent you Mathew Xxxxxx?
DrunkenDurfin (12:15:04 PM): fucking retard
Fifth57 (12:15:16 PM): yeah.. and tell him your distantchildtoo
DrunkenDurfin (12:15:18 PM): where is your fucking head getting me mixed up in all this shit like that
DrunkenDurfin (12:16:35 PM): answer me
DrunkenDurfin (12:16:45 PM): I told you to I didn't want anything to do with this monkey shit
Fifth57 (12:16:48 PM): trying to get Composer's account back on
DrunkenDurfin (12:17:01 PM): why did you tell him you were me?
Fifth57 (12:17:09 PM): i didn't
DrunkenDurfin (12:17:20 PM): I am IMing with him now you fucking idiot
Fifth57 (12:17:26 PM): yeah
Fifth57 (12:18:21 PM): fuck
Fifth57 (12:18:34 PM): i'm screwed
DrunkenDurfin (12:18:40 PM): yeah no shit
Fifth57 (12:18:45 PM): i really needed that $65
DrunkenDurfin (12:18:49 PM): you just burned yourself with Wishes2RemainNameless and now with me
Fifth57 (12:18:58 PM): with you?
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:07 PM): you were pretending to be me
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:11 PM): with a different Screen Name
Fifth57 (12:19:20 PM): i just sent him the e-mail
Fifth57 (12:19:23 PM): from the other SN
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:41 PM): you told him to send the cash via pay pal to my businesss e-mail address
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:53 PM): do you have ANY brain cells left?
Fifth57 (12:19:56 PM): yeah
Fifth57 (12:20:18 PM): tons
DrunkenDurfin (12:20:26 PM): well start fucking using them
Fifth57 (12:20:31 PM): i was trying to
Fifth57 (12:20:39 PM): that $65 would've gotten me my accounts opened
Fifth57 (12:20:50 PM): sorry
DrunkenDurfin (12:20:55 PM): you were trying to out smart Wishes2RemainNameless after he had already told you that he was not going to deal with your until all of this was over
Fifth57 (12:21:09 PM): yeah I needed that loot
DrunkenDurfin (12:21:12 PM): you are on shaky ground with the whole community and now you pull this shit?
DrunkenDurfin (12:21:31 PM): if you are that hard up for cash pawn your fucking computer
Fifth57 (12:21:36 PM): nooo
Fifth57 (12:21:44 PM): i can't do that
Fifth57 (12:23:52 PM): sigh
Fifth57 (12:24:36 PM): sorry bro
Fifth57 (12:25:49 PM): hello?
DrunkenDurfin (12:26:24 PM): sorry don't cut it this time
Fifth57 (12:26:33 PM): ok
DrunkenDurfin (12:29:47 PM): you had do some quick apoligizing to Wishes2RemainNameless and get shit straight between me and him
DrunkenDurfin (12:30:15 PM): DURFIN has a good reputation in the game. People trust DURFIN. YOU are fucking with that.

The bastard had the balls to IM me a few minutes ago with this whole "I'm sorry about yesterday" bullshit. :fu:

And to the person who scammed him out of his 10x falchion by convincing him that your were Andraste, good job. Could not have happened to a more deserving person IMHO.

/end of rant.

02-13-2008, 12:08 PM
LOL what a fucking idiot. This keeps getting better and better.

02-13-2008, 12:19 PM
Okay, I have waited 24 hours and still cannot cool down about this one. Over the years I have given Composer the benefit of the doubt on a lot of stuff and been his friend when most would not. This last incident, however, has pushed me over the limit.

First we have a request from Fifth57 (a.k.a. Composer):

Fifth57 (11:30:45 AM): i tried selling something to Wishes2RemainNameless
Fifth57 (11:30:57 AM): he said he wouldn't deal with me
Fifth57 (11:31:00 AM): until the investigation is over
Fifth57 (11:35:40 AM): can I have him send money via your paypal inturn send to me.. know I lose out on some dollars

I responded in no uncertain terms that I wanted nothing to do with the transaction and keep me the hell out of it.

About a half-hour later I got this:

Wishes2RemainNameless (12:10:40 PM): Arent you Mathew Xxxxxx?
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:22 PM): yes
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:26 PM): why?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:11:46 PM): are you selling me something with another screen name?
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:54 PM): no
DrunkenDurfin (12:11:59 PM): mutherfucking composer
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:02 PM): hang on
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:11 PM): is he using my name?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:34 PM): someone named distantchild is trying to sell me siren scale leather
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:34 PM): siren scale leather?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:39 PM): and have me paypal it to matthew.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:41 PM): which is you
DrunkenDurfin (12:12:49 PM): what a fucking idiot
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:12:59 PM): does he think i'm retarded?
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:26 PM): apparently he thinks both of us are, he asked me to do the transaction so you would not know it was him and I told him no
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:41 PM): Fifth57 (11:30:45 AM): i tried selling something to Wishes2RemainNameless
Fifth57 (11:30:57 AM): he said he wouldn't deal with me
Fifth57 (11:31:00 AM): until the investigation is over
DrunkenDurfin (12:13:52 PM): Fifth57 (11:35:40 AM): can I have him send money via your paypal inturn send to me.. know I lose out on some dollars
DrunkenDurfin (11:36:11 AM): what?
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:12 PM): go ahead and send it to matthew.xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.com
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:19 PM): he will never see a cent
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:23 PM): and will serve him right
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:14:42 PM): no hes getting the armor back
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:14:56 PM): im not getting involved in this crap
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:15:30 PM): is it his armor?
Wishes2RemainNameless (12:15:47 PM): [Tuesday February 2008 12 01:11 PM] Wishes2RemainNameless: You're not matthew xxxxxx
[Tuesday February 2008 12 01:13 PM] Wishes2RemainNameless: take the armor back
[Tuesday February 2008 12 01:13 PM] distantchild: I am so

While this was on another window:

Fifth57 (12:12:12 PM): you have money
Fifth57 (12:12:23 PM): that needs to be redirected to Gs3er2003@yahoo.com
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:37 PM): what the fuck are you doing?
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:40 PM): I told you no
Fifth57 (12:14:43 PM): oooh
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:50 PM): you stupid ass
Fifth57 (12:14:53 PM): damnit
DrunkenDurfin (12:14:59 PM): Wishes2RemainNameless (12:10:40 PM): Arent you Mathew Xxxxxx?
DrunkenDurfin (12:15:04 PM): fucking retard
Fifth57 (12:15:16 PM): yeah.. and tell him your distantchildtoo
DrunkenDurfin (12:15:18 PM): where is your fucking head getting me mixed up in all this shit like that
DrunkenDurfin (12:16:35 PM): answer me
DrunkenDurfin (12:16:45 PM): I told you to I didn't want anything to do with this monkey shit
Fifth57 (12:16:48 PM): trying to get Composer's account back on
DrunkenDurfin (12:17:01 PM): why did you tell him you were me?
Fifth57 (12:17:09 PM): i didn't
DrunkenDurfin (12:17:20 PM): I am IMing with him now you fucking idiot
Fifth57 (12:17:26 PM): yeah
Fifth57 (12:18:21 PM): fuck
Fifth57 (12:18:34 PM): i'm screwed
DrunkenDurfin (12:18:40 PM): yeah no shit
Fifth57 (12:18:45 PM): i really needed that $65
DrunkenDurfin (12:18:49 PM): you just burned yourself with Wishes2RemainNameless and now with me
Fifth57 (12:18:58 PM): with you?
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:07 PM): you were pretending to be me
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:11 PM): with a different Screen Name
Fifth57 (12:19:20 PM): i just sent him the e-mail
Fifth57 (12:19:23 PM): from the other SN
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:41 PM): you told him to send the cash via pay pal to my businesss e-mail address
DrunkenDurfin (12:19:53 PM): do you have ANY brain cells left?
Fifth57 (12:19:56 PM): yeah
Fifth57 (12:20:18 PM): tons
DrunkenDurfin (12:20:26 PM): well start fucking using them
Fifth57 (12:20:31 PM): i was trying to
Fifth57 (12:20:39 PM): that $65 would've gotten me my accounts opened
Fifth57 (12:20:50 PM): sorry
DrunkenDurfin (12:20:55 PM): you were trying to out smart Wishes2RemainNameless after he had already told you that he was not going to deal with your until all of this was over
Fifth57 (12:21:09 PM): yeah I needed that loot
DrunkenDurfin (12:21:12 PM): you are on shaky ground with the whole community and now you pull this shit?
DrunkenDurfin (12:21:31 PM): if you are that hard up for cash pawn your fucking computer
Fifth57 (12:21:36 PM): nooo
Fifth57 (12:21:44 PM): i can't do that
Fifth57 (12:23:52 PM): sigh
Fifth57 (12:24:36 PM): sorry bro
Fifth57 (12:25:49 PM): hello?
DrunkenDurfin (12:26:24 PM): sorry don't cut it this time
Fifth57 (12:26:33 PM): ok
DrunkenDurfin (12:29:47 PM): you had do some quick apoligizing to Wishes2RemainNameless and get shit straight between me and him
DrunkenDurfin (12:30:15 PM): DURFIN has a good reputation in the game. People trust DURFIN. YOU are fucking with that.

The bastard had the balls to IM me a few minutes ago with this whole "I'm sorry about yesterday" bullshit. :fu:

And to the person who scammed him out of his 10x falchion by convincing him that your were Andraste, good job. Could not have happened to a more deserving person IMHO.

/end of rant.


02-13-2008, 12:24 PM

Composer the Composer
02-13-2008, 12:35 PM
The person who scammed me out of my falchion WAS Andraste

02-13-2008, 12:36 PM

02-13-2008, 12:39 PM
So in the middle of all this, Composer's account runs out? Thats kinda hilarious.

It sounds to me like these two deserve each other in ways thats blow my mind.

02-13-2008, 12:40 PM
Wow. :popcorn: More please.

02-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Wow. :popcorn: More please.

rofl seriously

02-13-2008, 01:21 PM
Gold, Jerry, Gold!

02-13-2008, 01:24 PM
Where's Tsin or Zimzum in all this?

A dirty love square between all the dudes with Abysso in the middle-center-whatever.

That would make it epic.

Composer the Composer
02-13-2008, 01:31 PM
Dear DrunkenDurfin,

Everything between whatshisface and you is cool, that I don't think you needed to post what you did.

I know I shouldn't have tried doing what I did now that I look back, however, I was under the impression that it would've been cool for said player to send money to your account and you send it via my way. Sorry for saying I was you. Sorry for involving you.

Furthermore, I hope you just made that post via AIM conversation just to clear your name and not to make a desperate attempt for FAME and RECOGNITION by bashing me (someone you considered a friend).

I'm hoping that isn't the case. However, if that is the case you've succeeded in doing an excellent job reporting, and I can't wait, as I'm sure others can't wait as well, to see another one of your manufactured postings regarding any matters about me or any dirt you have on me. Hopefully it doesn't come down to you continuing to be the media and exploiting stuff involving you and myself, or just me.

I know you're really pissed at me. I don't blame you. You don't seem to be one of those people that have to put someone else down to feel better about yourself. I hope I'm right.

Thanks for being a great friend Durfin. Hopefully once everything blows over we can be friends again, since apparently you don't consider me one anymore.

Composer the Composer

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-13-2008, 01:33 PM
Buy my stuff, drama not included.

Drunken Durfin
02-13-2008, 01:41 PM
However, if that is the case you've succeeded in doing an excellent job reporting, and I can't wait, as I'm sure others can't wait as well, to see another one of your manufactured postings regarding any matters about me or any dirt you have on me. Hopefully it doesn't come down to you continuing to be the media and exploiting stuff involving you and myself, or just me.

I have no need to lie here and nothing to gain from such. You attempted to use my name for personal gain, you got busted and deserve to be in the hole that you have dug for yourself.

Furthermore, I hope you just made that post via AIM conversation just to clear your name and not to make a desperate attempt for FAME and RECOGNITION by bashing me (someone you considered a friend).

Actually my intent was three fold. One, to warn others. Two, to clear my name and Three to make sure that you had no doubt that I was serious when I told you that you had burned your last bridge with me.

Go suck on a gun until you get the taste that blows your mind you junkie, the world will be better without you.

02-13-2008, 01:43 PM

Those lil lines of text make people do ALL THIS?

02-13-2008, 01:59 PM
Dear DrunkenDurfin,

Everything between whatshisface and you is cool, that I don't think you needed to post what you did.

I know I shouldn't have tried doing what I did now that I look back, however, I was under the impression that it would've been cool for said player to send money to your account and you send it via my way. Sorry for saying I was you. Sorry for involving you.

Furthermore, I hope you just made that post via AIM conversation just to clear your name and not to make a desperate attempt for FAME and RECOGNITION by bashing me (someone you considered a friend).

I'm hoping that isn't the case. However, if that is the case you've succeeded in doing an excellent job reporting, and I can't wait, as I'm sure others can't wait as well, to see another one of your manufactured postings regarding any matters about me or any dirt you have on me. Hopefully it doesn't come down to you continuing to be the media and exploiting stuff involving you and myself, or just me.

I know you're really pissed at me. I don't blame you. You don't seem to be one of those people that have to put someone else down to feel better about yourself. I hope I'm right.

Thanks for being a great friend Durfin. Hopefully once everything blows over we can be friends again, since apparently you don't consider me one anymore.

Composer the Composer

Yes, because clearly a friend would USE another friend to circumvent a buyer's wishes (collusion), and if thats not enough - pose as that friend to the buyer (impersonation), even when its against the friend's explicit wishes to do so (WTF?), request money to be sent to said friend's paypall account (fraud), deny to said friend that he's impersonating said friend (lying), and then requesting the funds that have landed in said friend's paypall account to be transferred to you.

Yea, you're a great friend to have around.

Its laughable that you're attempting to a: take the high road and admit that 'some' of what was said in Durfin's AIM log happened and then b: claim it was fabricated so Durfin can gain notariety over the issue.


Jesus you're a fucking scumbucket. You need to find another hobby, its losers like you that give GS a bad name and create drama for the rest of us who still like to play.


02-13-2008, 02:00 PM
Amen, Gan.

02-13-2008, 02:00 PM
Dear DrunkenDurfin,

Everything between whatshisface and you is cool, that I don't think you needed to post what you did.

I know I shouldn't have tried doing what I did now that I look back, however, I was under the impression that it would've been cool for said player to send money to your account and you send it via my way. Sorry for saying I was you. Sorry for involving you.

Furthermore, I hope you just made that post via AIM conversation just to clear your name and not to make a desperate attempt for FAME and RECOGNITION by bashing me (someone you considered a friend).

I'm hoping that isn't the case. However, if that is the case you've succeeded in doing an excellent job reporting, and I can't wait, as I'm sure others can't wait as well, to see another one of your manufactured postings regarding any matters about me or any dirt you have on me. Hopefully it doesn't come down to you continuing to be the media and exploiting stuff involving you and myself, or just me.

I know you're really pissed at me. I don't blame you. You don't seem to be one of those people that have to put someone else down to feel better about yourself. I hope I'm right.

Thanks for being a great friend Durfin. Hopefully once everything blows over we can be friends again, since apparently you don't consider me one anymore.

Composer the Composer

Quoted, just in case you change your mind.

02-13-2008, 02:17 PM
Wow, this just keeps getting better and better. :love:

02-13-2008, 04:29 PM
Quoted, just in case you change your mind.

Good deal. He first posted under the 5x a day raise dead staff that everything he was trying to sell was his except for the fal which Adraste had stolen from him....5 minutes later we got this:

Everything and Anything I'm selling is in fact mine. The falchion, the staff, the fel hafter, the scale leather, etc. I can't sell the falchion anymore, because I don't have possession of it. Andraste went beyond the lines of a GM and contacted me via game and via AIM to steal my 10x falchion from me as the investigation continues.


02-13-2008, 04:35 PM
Ohhh man, gotta love when the whitetrash ghetto drama and the fantasy world of GS meet.

Good stuff.

So far 20 points for durfin -20 points for composer and -40 points for abyss

02-13-2008, 04:58 PM
:yeahthat: :yeahthat:

02-13-2008, 06:06 PM
You know, this STILL isn't the most fucked up thing I've ever seen come out of Gemstone.

Klaive loses.

02-13-2008, 06:23 PM
Anyone know the number to a Lifetime exec. ? This could totally be a made for TV movie.

Drunken Durfin
02-13-2008, 06:25 PM
Anyone know the number to a Lifetime exec. ? This could totally be a made for TV movie.

Copyright 2008, DrunkenDurfin Productions - All Rights Reserved.

02-13-2008, 06:25 PM
The worst part about these fights is they are always over amounts of money that could be procured with 1 40 hour week delivering for pizza hut.

02-13-2008, 06:37 PM
The worst part about these fights is they are always over amounts of money that could be procured with 1 40 hour week delivering for pizza hut.

1 6 hr shift delivering pizza

02-13-2008, 06:43 PM
I delievered pizza back in college, made a crap ton of money on the weekends. Jeebus, how much do you guys make to be concerned over 65 dollars... my belt costs more then that.

02-13-2008, 06:46 PM
You know, this STILL isn't the most fucked up thing I've ever seen come out of Gemstone.

Klaive loses.

Link or explanation please; this thread is waning.

02-13-2008, 06:52 PM
The worst part about these fights is they are always over amounts of money that could be procured with 1 40 hour week delivering for pizza hut.

yes that is the funny part. but from the sound of composer's desperation to get 65 dollars in order to reactivate his account, he's probably unemployed living off of welfare in a trailer park.

02-13-2008, 07:10 PM
Just give me the gift of adventure baby, I'll suck yo dick!

02-20-2008, 01:04 PM
Threads like this do wonders for my own self esteem.

02-20-2008, 03:44 PM
I delievered pizza back in college, made a crap ton of money on the weekends. Jeebus, how much do you guys make to be concerned over 65 dollars... my belt costs more then that.


02-20-2008, 05:27 PM
Threads like this do wonders for my own self esteem.

Its better than watching Jerry Springer.

02-20-2008, 06:55 PM
For those of us previously involved in situations with some of those involved with this... it makes for some hilarious justification.

02-20-2008, 08:47 PM
I don't understand this thread. I just wanted to post here.

This whole thing is pretty ridiculous.

02-20-2008, 08:53 PM

:rofl: hahah

02-21-2008, 12:06 AM
So, what's the latest this week? Who married who's father or perhaps it's who married their cousin? Poser hasn't gotten his fal back has he?


03-01-2008, 05:33 AM
Threads like this do wonders for my own self esteem.


03-01-2008, 01:55 PM
Wow, all this over a falchion? Goddamn.

Calling CPS on someone because you didn't get your way over a piece of f'ing text, how much of a f'ing psycho do you have to be to do something like that?

03-01-2008, 01:56 PM
Wow, all this over a falchion? Goddamn.

Calling CPS on someone because you didn't get your way over a piece of f'ing text, how much of a f'ing psycho do you have to be to do something like that?

Yeah, pretty fucking psycho.

03-04-2008, 09:06 AM
Yeah, pretty fucking psycho.

But it's a 10x altered blessable zested razern falchion!!

hahaha...while I don't condone anything that's happened here, I am quite happy with the resulting thread.

03-04-2008, 09:42 AM
Yeah, pretty fucking psycho.


There are some fucked up people who play Gemstone (or any online game/activity).

03-04-2008, 11:18 AM
wow this makes me wanna stop talking to people in GS in general for fear of having the fucking secret service called on me or something.

03-04-2008, 02:13 PM

03-10-2008, 04:25 PM
*laughing* Wondering if anyone else got this PM. I got it from some person with zero posts named Ithzir, posing as Andraste. Whether or not it's factual hell I donno but I apparently got marked because I revealed the story of this BS in the early pages when people were speculating what was goin down. Lemme know whatcha think guys. :bananahit: :club:

Hello, Fellow Player - Ithzir. 0 posts, Joined Mar 08.

Hello, Fellow Roleplayer!


Hello, fellow roleplayer!

I've been following some of your posts on this forum, and I come to you, respectfully, not as a GM, but as a fellow roleplayer, for help. Please do not join the "paper-thin roleplaying" movement, as it only serves to compromise the integrity of GemStone. Also, should you observe any instances of such roleplaying, please be sure to do a REPORT so that I can take care of the situation.

While every day I see sterling roleplayers, I have to also admit that watching places like the Cul-de-Sac, the Glatoph arch, and the Small Park I see what could barely pass for elementary school sandbox behavior or schoolyard bullying. The amount of paper-thin dialogue before someone gets killed is limited to something like:

Player A: Shut up Player B.
Player B: No, you shut up!
Player A: Make me!
Player B: (kills Player A)

And both of them have been slinging this short childish volley from hiding, then go back to hiding when they've killed or decayed, and often continues with:

Player B: Anyone have a problem with what just happened, I can make it your problem, too.


Player A: Wanna try that again, Player B?

Now... in my opinion, this isn't activity to be proud of if you really want to be remembered here as someone important. I'm not surprised or shocked that it occurs -- make no mistake -- I've seen this behavior before, and some of the people involved, seem to be unable contribute to the game environment with any meaningful dialogue or storyline.

Perhaps they're trying to be the next Bleeds or Kree. You know, I can't remember Kree killing anyone, at least, not within my view, and yet he was feared most because of his demeanor. And Bleeds didn't need to kill people to demonstrate his uberness... but he would when things progressed to a point, after a goodly exchange that was more than the silly childish taunting above.

If you think that killing everyone, because you can, is going to make you memorable or famous, think again. You'll be forgotten within a month of leaving GS.

If you think everyone should know why you're killing someone, because you set it up with dialogue a month or two ago, keep in mind that people new to the game have no idea what's going on, and just assume you're a bunch of PKers.

If you're going to roleplay out a conflict, you have to continue that storyline every time you engage -- I'm not saying this is so for simple thievery, although hopefully you have enough sense of self to say something like "And that's what you get for putting your filthy hands in my pockets." I'm not saying you have to perform two acts of a play before you attack, but at least add some richness to the lands and make it clear to others what is going on -- and I pray it's more than "He's an idiot, she's stupid, you're a whore, or you're a wuss."

It's sort of like watching a parade... Eight blocks back the cheerleaders do some running handsprings and a pyramid and get a good amount of cheering. The crowd hears the roar of applause, hoots, and hollers increase, but can't quite see the action. That's why I tell contingents to create a 30-second repeatable routine along the route, so that every block feels the thrill.

Don't assume that just because your family and someone else's family hates each other that everyone in the Small Park hasn't moved along and therefore knows the history. Think of it as having a fresh audience each time.

Otherwise, you might as well take what looks like nothing more than needless attacks and contests fit for measuring with rulers to the Boulder.

Warmest Regards,

GM Andraste


The spelling isn't that superb, the grammar is questionable, and well...I hate parades. Nuff said.

03-10-2008, 04:28 PM
OMFG. And this was put in this thread why?

It was a joke PM. Ignore it.

03-10-2008, 05:22 PM
lol andraste

03-10-2008, 06:16 PM
I got the same PM but the person who sent it was banned.


Composer the Composer
04-19-2008, 05:32 PM
SEND[Andraste] Greetings Composer, if you would like to discuss your recent assist, let me know if this is a good time, via REPORT.

Ericond just arrived.
Raelee just arrived.
Raelee just went east.
Your songs renew.
Raelee just arrived.
Raelee just went south.
Ericond's eyes glaze over and he turns pale. In the space between moments, his body grows more and more translucent until you realize he is no longer there!
You feel at full magical power again.
>report good

REPORT {message}
Please rephrase your report to include a message, not just one word or a name. Thanks!

[Gardenia Commons]
The soft, soothing sound of the carved marble fountain that dominates Gardenia Commons breaks the silence of day. Bright sunlight dapples the area in a warm glow and reflects off the water pouring into the fountain, causing rainbows of ethereal light to dance across the mist that clings to the cobblestone street. A light, thin layer of dew glistens on the wrought iron benches that encircle the fountain. You also see an ivy-covered whitewashed wheelbarrow, a wrought-iron braced haon barrel and an ornate modwir wagon.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>gaze up
You gaze up into the heavens.
Level: 92 Deeds: 7
Experience: 6706294 Death's Sting: None
Exp. until next: 89206 Recent Deaths: 0
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 43057834
Physical TPs: 25 Mana: 256/256 max
(94 Phy converted to Mnt)

Your mind is as clear as a bell.

You feel a strange sense of serenity and find that you are able to reflect on recent events with uncommon clarity and understanding.

* Siobhana just bit the dust!

SEND[Andraste] Greetings Composer, if you would like to discuss your recent assist, let me know if this is a good time, via REPORT.

Staff on duty:
GameHost Valyrka

>report it's a good time
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

Composer just appeared.
You feel yourself being pulled away...
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
[Consultation Lounge]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Obvious exits: none
Low thunder rumbles off in the distance, getting closer with each clap. As it appears to crash overhead, a sudden lightning bolt stabs at the ground with a mighty *BOOM*! As your vision clears, you see GameMaster Andraste standing there.
Andraste says, "Good afternoon."
Andraste smiles at you.
Andraste says, "I understand you recently assisted about the falchion situation."
You say, "Yeah."
Andraste nods to you.
Andraste says, "The issue was investigated thoroughly, and we have reached a decision."
>peer and
You peer quizzically at Andraste.
Andraste says, "Considering how much and how often both you and Abysso had access to each other's accounts..."
Andraste says, "And including what we would call some malicious accessing..."
Andraste says, "The office has determined that your accounts and possibly even some of the assets could be considered joint property, therefore, determining ownership of any one item is difficult."
Andraste says, "Additionally, since way too much time was spent on this rather OOC matter, which manifested itself in the game inappropriately..."."
Andraste says, "By staff, that is..."."
Andraste says, "And considering the access to each other's accounts was initially granted freely..." ."
Andraste says, "The following is our final determination:"
You attempt to renew your songs but your voice gets caught in your throat.
>raise eye
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Andraste says, "One, the next time either of you accesses the other's account and there is a report of malicious activity, we'll consider locking out both accounts."
Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs.
The air stops shimmering around you.
You no longer feel a sense of confidence.
Andraste says, "Two, in the case of the above, our advice is that you leave each other alone completely from here on out."."
Andraste says, "If there is any disruptive behavior or harassment, there will be formal warnings issued, and lockout will still be a consideration."."
Andraste says, "The falchion is staying with the person who it was sold to."."
>'it wasn't sold to anyone
You say, "It wasn't sold to anyone."
Andraste says, "And this final action, as per the office..."
>peer andr
You peer quizzically at Andraste.
You say, "Whoa."


************************************************** ******

Composer, this is an official warning, that Disruptive Behavior is against GemStone IV policy. If you persist in ignoring these warnings, you risk losing permanent access to GemStone IV on all of your accounts.

If you feel this warning was received in error, please speak to a GameHost by typing ASSIST REQUEST.

You can also learn more about GemStone IV policies online, by typing POLICY while in the game or by visiting http://www.play.net/gs4/gamepolicy.asp.

************************************************** ***********

* Hiorghail just bit the dust!
Andraste says, "Each of you will be receiving a Disruptive Behavior warning for bringing this into the game and accusing each other of hacking and other misdoings, when it's clear you not only had access to each other's accounts..."."
Andraste says, "But you also each accessed each other with malicious intent."."
>'okay, knew you were unfair
You say, "Okay, knew you were unfair."
>'whatever get me out of here
You say, "Whatever get me out of here."
Andraste nods to you.
>'I worked hard for the falchion
You say, "I worked hard for the falchion."
>'to get screwed
You say, "To get screwed."
You wave your hand in a dismissive gesture.
Andraste says, "Have a good evening, Composer."
Andraste waves to you.
>'I love how you take my falchion and say it was sold to you
You say, "I love how you take my falchion and say it was sold to you."
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Gardenia Commons]
The soft, soothing sound of the carved marble fountain that dominates Gardenia Commons breaks the silence of day. Bright sunlight dapples the area in a warm glow and reflects off the water pouring into the fountain, causing rainbows of ethereal light to dance across the mist that clings to the cobblestone street. A light, thin layer of dew glistens on the wrought iron benches that encircle the fountain. You also see an ivy-covered whitewashed wheelbarrow, a wrought-iron braced haon barrel and an ornate modwir wagon.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
>roll eye
You roll your eyes.

04-19-2008, 06:00 PM
Wait, so is the end result that Andraste just essentially stole a falchion?

Not that you don't deserve it, but still.

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
04-19-2008, 06:09 PM
Do I need to scroll back to see the part where she bought it, or is this just the moron's stupidity showing itself in the form of a random, paranoid accusation?

04-19-2008, 06:23 PM
Do I need to scroll back to see the part where she bought it, or is this just the moron's stupidity showing itself in the form of a random, paranoid accusation?

Andraste is talking about Abysso supposedly buying it.

Composer is talking about Andraste removing it form his account when he wasn't even playing, because Abysso said she bought it.

Two different issues.

Composer maintains he didn't sell it to her.

She has shown some paypal records or something, showing it was partially paid for.

This whole situation is a clusterfuck.

04-19-2008, 06:39 PM
I still do not know why Andraste is around. She should have gotten such a reprimand over the actions in this situation that she was booted out already.

04-19-2008, 06:40 PM
Fat chicks give good head. Duh

04-19-2008, 06:45 PM
Clipt, your avatar is awesome.

Now go say 5 Hail Mary's and 2 Hello Dolly's.


04-19-2008, 06:55 PM
Clipt, your avatar is awesome.

Now go say 5 Hail Mary's and 2 Hello Dolly's.


I'll do whatever you ask as long as no maggots are involved.

04-19-2008, 09:41 PM
I'll do whatever you ask as long as no maggots are involved.
Scared of maggots here, too!? You people are wusses. It's used to clean infections, dernit!


04-20-2008, 10:55 PM
I don't know why composer thinks people should care or give him sympathy, he's basically a gemstone crackhead, if this was real life he would have robbed his parents house for his next hit by now. Maybe you should stop scamming people and impersonating others, you deserve it you psycho.

got me all srs and shit fuck you

p.s. fuck andraste for good measure, oh no I said shit in a whisper to a friend, good reason for warning me bitch, eat another small child

04-20-2008, 11:05 PM
yeah im a little drunk and a little high what you wanan fight about it

04-21-2008, 12:32 AM
yeah im a little drunk and a little high what you wanan fight about it


04-21-2008, 02:09 AM
hippies don't get drunk faggot

04-21-2008, 02:48 AM
hippies don't get drunk faggot

Sure they do.

04-21-2008, 05:34 PM
hippies don't get drunk faggot


Saying faggot and pretending to be drunk doesn't make you cool.

04-21-2008, 09:28 PM
Saying faggot and pretending to be drunk doesn't make you cool.

yeah, you have to actually BE drunk!

04-21-2008, 09:52 PM
Uh yeah I live in las vegas I'm drunk pretty much every night on weekends but yeah I totally need to pretend to be drunk. You're still a faggot.

04-21-2008, 11:16 PM
Low thunder rumbles off in the distance, getting closer with each clap. As it appears to crash overhead, a sudden lightning bolt stabs at the ground with a mighty *BOOM*! As your vision clears, you see GameMaster Andraste standing there.

Bit of a complex there...

That and she doesn't seem to understand how ' works... you don't need to add a closing quote.

Drunken Durfin
05-03-2008, 10:56 PM
Well, it seems that this story has a happy ending after all...

You see Composer the Scavenger.
He appears to be an Aelotoi.
He is tall and appears to be very young. He has tired grey-green eyes and blotchy skin. He has thinning, sandy blonde hair worn in two ponytails. He has a pock-marked face, a broken nose and stooped shoulders. He has awfully droopy eyelids that eclipse his eyes. He has a pair of oblique black-veined brilliant emerald bruised wings.
He has the tattooed words "shut up" on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a feathered deep pink longcoat, a baby blue chemise, a feathered brocade sack, some feathered light pink trousers, and some delicate light pink slippers.

Composer mutters something about afix.
Composer weakly asks, "Can anyone spare some silver?"

Composer hugs his knees and sways side to side

Composer just crawled south.

05-03-2008, 11:06 PM
Well, it seems that this story has a happy ending after all...

You see Composer the Scavenger.
He appears to be an Aelotoi.
He is tall and appears to be very young. He has tired grey-green eyes and blotchy skin. He has thinning, sandy blonde hair worn in two ponytails. He has a pock-marked face, a broken nose and stooped shoulders. He has awfully droopy eyelids that eclipse his eyes. He has a pair of oblique black-veined brilliant emerald bruised wings.
He has the tattooed words "shut up" on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a feathered deep pink longcoat, a baby blue chemise, a feathered brocade sack, some feathered light pink trousers, and some delicate light pink slippers.

Composer mutters something about afix.
Composer weakly asks, "Can anyone spare some silver?"

Composer hugs his knees and sways side to side

Composer just crawled south.

the lava tube humbles all

10-08-2008, 09:26 AM
5 month bump.

durfin, you still embarrassing this clown?

Drunken Durfin
10-08-2008, 11:37 PM
Chained to a bench in my house singing to gems.

I did take him out of the chicken suit though.

10-09-2008, 12:17 AM
good. fuck that clown.

Drunken Durfin
09-21-2010, 10:48 PM

09-21-2010, 11:07 PM
How did I miss this thread?

Pure gold. Sooo, where is that mythical falchion now?

Drunken Durfin
09-21-2010, 11:20 PM
I got an IM a year or so later from someone admitting they did it. I'll never tell, but if they want to out themselves I think that the statute of limitations has run out on this one.

09-21-2010, 11:46 PM
Is it strange that I don't even remember making the posts I made in this thread? It sounds like things I would say but I have no recollection of posting them.

09-21-2010, 11:58 PM
Is it strange that I don't even remember making the posts I made in this thread? It sounds like things I would say but I have no recollection of posting them.

That's some Tyler Durden shit right there.

09-22-2010, 12:17 AM
Wow this thread was serious entertainment. And only two days left till the next jersey shore episode.

09-22-2010, 12:22 AM
Wow, thanks for bumping this. I just read the whole thing and couldn't stop clicking the next page.

09-22-2010, 10:16 AM
Durfin, you still have this guy on Teras?

09-22-2010, 12:33 PM
Thank you for the bump, good show, good show.

09-22-2010, 01:08 PM
And I thought I'd have nothing to laugh about at work today.

Lord Orbstar
09-22-2010, 01:12 PM
The best part of this thread was on PAGE 12. The bard songs falling coincided PERFECTLY with Adraste smashing Composer on the head with Simutronics decision. that made my roflcopter fly long time.


Andraste says, "The following is our final determination:"
You attempt to renew your songs but your voice gets caught in your throat.
>raise eye
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Andraste says, "One, the next time either of you accesses the other's account and there is a report of malicious activity, we'll consider locking out both accounts."
Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs.
The air stops shimmering around you.
You no longer feel a sense of confidence.

09-22-2010, 01:17 PM
The best part of this thread was on PAGE 12. The bard songs falling coincided PERFECTLY with Adraste smashing Composer on the head with Simutronics decision. that made my roflcopter fly long time.


Andraste says, "The following is our final determination:"
You attempt to renew your songs but your voice gets caught in your throat.
>raise eye
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Andraste says, "One, the next time either of you accesses the other's account and there is a report of malicious activity, we'll consider locking out both accounts."
Your spirits are no longer lifted by stories of Kai's Triumphs.
The air stops shimmering around you.
You no longer feel a sense of confidence.

I noticed that too, how his voice got choked up at that moment. HEH!

09-22-2010, 01:32 PM
I got an IM a year or so later from someone admitting they did it. I'll never tell, but if they want to out themselves I think that the statute of limitations has run out on this one.

Admitting they did what?

Drunken Durfin
09-22-2010, 01:46 PM
Admitting they did what?

Oh, that part. I'm not sure if that bit is in this thread, I did not go back and re-read.

Someone contacted Composer via AIM with the SN GS4-Andraste and told him they could make sure that Abysso could not claim the falchion again. It required him meeting "Andraste's" character in-game and doing an exchange so that she could alter the log for the EXCHANGE event. He totally bought it, logged into the game and did an exchange with some little char on FWI. Said char said "enjoy the silver" then logged out. Falchion le gone.

Drunken Durfin
09-22-2010, 01:46 PM
Durfin, you still have this guy on Teras?

Nope, he has sold twice since then I believe.

09-22-2010, 01:56 PM
Nope, he has sold twice since then I believe.

One was a private sale and the other was public?

09-22-2010, 02:10 PM
Wow this thread was serious entertainment. And only two days left till the next jersey shore episode.


09-22-2010, 02:46 PM

Time to GTL so I can bring some girls back to the GFZ who are DTF cause I am not down to DTC with Snooks.

09-22-2010, 02:57 PM
Just don't drink too much Ron Ron juice or you'll be in the IFF. MVP WHHHAAAAAATTTT.

09-22-2010, 03:21 PM
I read this thread last night and thought I posted but I guess I forgot to hit submit. I found it really funny that Beldonn was posting in this thread. He was the most recent crooked fucker to sell Tijay (well maybe not most recent, but within the last 6 months). I remember him trying to sell that 8x VHCW blade as 8x and ECW. He kept marketing shit with exaggerated stats and was called out on them all the time. I remember one conversation we had where he asked if he could sell the warcamp loot because he "could get a better price because people are dumb and deserved to be scammed". What a winner.

Drunken Durfin
09-23-2010, 12:14 AM
One was a private sale and the other was public?

Richie sold him to some guy.

I bought him from that guy.

I sold him.

The guy I sold him to sold him.

09-25-2010, 09:00 PM
any chance this guy Richie has a last name of 'Maxfield'?

Composer the Composer
10-05-2010, 03:25 PM
This is still going on after 2+ years!?

waves to everyone, "HEY EVERYONE!!!!"

10-05-2010, 03:39 PM
This is still going on after 2+ years!?

waves to everyone, "HEY EVERYONE!!!!"


09-22-2011, 09:16 PM
Wow. I forgot how I found this but GREAT READ.

09-22-2011, 09:29 PM
You must be really bored.

09-22-2011, 09:40 PM
Great.... now Composer is going to come back and say "omgz this is still going on after 3 years!!! LOL!!!!"

09-22-2011, 10:23 PM
You must be really bored.

Uhhhh. You must be even borederer to remind me how bored I am.

09-18-2012, 12:13 AM
timely thread bump.

"2012-08-04-7.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Constal: "except Composer isn't on there anymore since he's not mine, and whoever owns him now, hid his fame" (22:33:29)"

09-18-2012, 11:39 AM
Funny read.

09-18-2012, 12:13 PM
I like the part where Durfin explains the whole scam within the scam and no one really talks about it!

09-18-2012, 01:01 PM
i bid 215, 232

09-19-2012, 06:25 PM
how many people have owned composer?

09-19-2012, 06:49 PM

04-16-2019, 04:33 PM
I'm only on page 3 and this is full of keks

I kek'd

04-16-2019, 06:47 PM
I'm only on page 3 and this is full of keks

I kek'd

You sir have not yet BEGUN the kekining!

EDIT: oh, except it's like, hours later...cool.

04-16-2019, 07:08 PM
I'm only on page 3 and this is full of keks

I kek'd
Aw fuck, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone bumped the craziness...

04-16-2019, 09:34 PM
Oh, that part. I'm not sure if that bit is in this thread, I did not go back and re-read.

Someone contacted Composer via AIM with the SN GS4-Andraste and told him they could make sure that Abysso could not claim the falchion again. It required him meeting "Andraste's" character in-game and doing an exchange so that she could alter the log for the EXCHANGE event. He totally bought it, logged into the game and did an exchange with some little char on FWI. Said char said "enjoy the silver" then logged out. Falchion le gone.


12-05-2019, 04:30 PM

12-05-2019, 04:41 PM

12-05-2019, 04:42 PM


12-05-2019, 04:58 PM
Damn you... Now I have to go and read this train wreck from the start.
