View Full Version : 5x a day self recharging RAISE DEAD: Giver of Life
Composer the Composer
02-10-2008, 01:00 PM
a charred mahogany staff
The staff has obviously gone through a fire, but you can still make out some masterful carvings of holy symbols. Emblems of the Arkati are deeply carved into the center of the mahogany staff's base, close to the grip twined with soft spidersilk. Barely legibly inscribed into the wood are the words, "Giver of Life."
Loresong for the staff
magic: This is a wavable item, which casts spells from the Cleric Circle. It is usable 5 times per day. It has 5 uses left today.
special ability: The mahogany staff contains the spell Raise Dead, from the cleric circle.
MB 50mil
BO 75mil
My AIM is Fifth57 and my e-mail is feel free to contact me
02-10-2008, 01:13 PM
That's fucking nice.
02-10-2008, 01:56 PM
Maybe Composer can pay people back the money he owes them, after he sells this!
02-10-2008, 03:20 PM
Do you need a WoL item for this to be useful I'm guessing?
Composer the Composer
02-10-2008, 03:42 PM
Yes, you need a well of life item. I just kept using orbed gems and having a cleric imbed well of life for me.
02-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Funny, Neimanz is offering about 10m for one on the officials.
02-10-2008, 05:02 PM
Do non clerics get exp for raising via items and scrolls?
Drunken Durfin
02-10-2008, 05:09 PM
Nope. Lots of folks were bitching about that for a long time, which is why Raise Dead got snatched out of the treasure system. Hard to demand that you be given experience for raising with a scroll when there are no more scrolls.
Composer the Composer
02-10-2008, 05:15 PM
I've been bitching about learning experience via raising the dead ever since Composer was the first Aelotoi to ever ressurect the dead, before Aelotoi could be made into clerics and paladins.
I purposely got the staff to continue ressurecting the dead, probably performed about 300 ressurections.. haven't learned a lick, except when I was the first Aelotoi to harness enough power to ressurect the dead as a bard because I ended up getting an RPA.
Composer the Composer
02-12-2008, 12:03 PM
Lowering price on the Raise dead Staff
MB 40mil
BO 65mil
02-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Is this stolen too?
02-12-2008, 03:35 PM
Is this stolen too?
Funny, I was just about to ask the same thing...
Composer the Composer
02-13-2008, 12:49 PM
Everything and Anything I'm selling is in fact mine. The falchion, the staff, the fel hafter, the scale leather, etc. I can't sell the falchion anymore, because I don't have possession of it. Andraste went beyond the lines of a GM and contacted me via game and via AIM to steal my 10x falchion from me as the investigation continues.
Drunken Durfin
02-13-2008, 01:08 PM
Everything and Anything I'm selling is in fact mine. The falchion, the staff, the fel hafter, the scale leather, etc. I can't sell the falchion anymore, because I don't have possession of it. Andraste went beyond the lines of a GM and contacted me via game and via AIM to steal my 10x falchion from me as the investigation continues.
I don't think she would mind me sharing this:
Howdy Durfin,
Got your email thanks, and as you've probably realized by now, that's not my
screen name in the log... It's not even close to what I use, and have used
continuously for more than almost 14 years now. Additionally, most GMs don't
want players finding them in IMs, since dealings with players should always take
place within the game. That's why I've somewhat resisted setting up an SN
that's so obvious. I'd never get any work done if I was so easily findable!
And, I enjoy my privacy, too.
Rest assured that all avenues are being explored regarding the matters at hand,
and that there's nothing more I can say at this time, due to the ongoing
GM Andraste
Composer the Composer
02-13-2008, 01:47 PM
Sadly enough, she may have created a new screen name. One that doesn't have Andraste in the name at all. Many people have a slew of different screen names. However, the SN she IM'd me from on Sunday night GSIVANDRASTE was infact the same screen name that she contacted me twice from last year. I've had it on my buddylist ever since she's contacted me from it. Both Khaladon (when he was a GM) and her have both contacted me numerous times outside of the game. There was also another GM that contacted me VIA Aim before as well.. but his/her name is better left out of the matter. I know I'm not the only player that knows GM screen names or have ever had outside contact from game with a GM via AIM.
02-13-2008, 02:05 PM
Sadly enough, she may have created a new screen name. One that doesn't have Andraste in the name at all. Many people have a slew of different screen names. However, the SN she IM'd me from on Sunday night GSIVANDRASTE was infact the same screen name that she contacted me twice from last year. I've had it on my buddylist ever since she's contacted me from it. Both Khaladon (when he was a GM) and her have both contacted me numerous times outside of the game. There was also another GM that contacted me VIA Aim before as well.. but his/her name is better left out of the matter. I know I'm not the only player that knows GM screen names or have ever had outside contact from game with a GM via AIM.
I know what you mean buddy. I talk to Tsin in IM's all the time.
02-13-2008, 02:19 PM
Sadly enough, she may have created a new screen name. One that doesn't have Andraste in the name at all. Many people have a slew of different screen names. However, the SN she IM'd me from on Sunday night GSIVANDRASTE was infact the same screen name that she contacted me twice from last year. I've had it on my buddylist ever since she's contacted me from it. Both Khaladon (when he was a GM) and her have both contacted me numerous times outside of the game. There was also another GM that contacted me VIA Aim before as well.. but his/her name is better left out of the matter. I know I'm not the only player that knows GM screen names or have ever had outside contact from game with a GM via AIM.
Being buddies with Khaladon is not something you should use here to make yourself seem MORE credible, just FYI.
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