View Full Version : Lich SF emulation question

02-09-2008, 01:40 AM
Hi. Im currently trying to convert a large script over to ruby so i dont have to emulate, but in the time being I wanted to use this script through lich with ;wiz and im wondering why this doesnt work. Any help would be appreciated.

Im of course starting it with ;wiz test test.cmd is in the correct place as well.

setvariable target monkey
put kill %target%
goto putter

setvariable cont long
put put whatever in %cont%

The output is:

[test.cmd]>kill monkey

[test.cmd]>put whatever in 0ont%

Why is it assigning the first variable and not the second?


02-09-2008, 04:07 PM
Well i figured it out. When I replaced the second setvariable with a word that didnt start with a c it worked. Im guessing its a small bug/feature that thought it was the count variable.