View Full Version : GM's? Promote Scripting? Never!

12-14-2003, 02:14 AM
Hrmp..so I finally get in the rogues guild. And if this don't promote scripting, I dono what does!

>cheap foot cuip
Cuip avoids your footstomp.
You raise your heel high, bringing it down solidly on Master Footpad Cuip's foot!
MS: +48 - MD: +45 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +100 == +103
The Footpad Cuip howls in pain, hopping around and clutching its foot!

[You have 11 repetition(s) remaining.]

Cuip snorts at you, "Stealth and surprise!"

Right..so I have a 3% chance of hitting him..and have 11 ranks ta go. Joy.

-Adredrin..who is scripting it.

12-14-2003, 02:15 AM
The Guild Sucks.

12-14-2003, 02:17 AM
why train in cheapshots now anyway ... swift kick is what it was all about and now with the DS push downs you get the stance off DS pretty much anyway.

12-14-2003, 02:19 AM
Ummm....."its" foot? "It" talks. Would it not be "his" or "her" foot?

HarmNone ponders yet again