View Full Version : Tayvin what is up

02-04-2008, 12:24 AM
you're pissed becouse you lost your dog, stop beating on people. You're pissed you've got it across now stop.

Now I'm gonna be fucked

02-04-2008, 01:11 AM
What the FUCK are you talking about? Go drink some more.

02-04-2008, 01:14 AM
What the FUCK are you talking about? Go drink some more.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

02-04-2008, 04:34 AM
I should read more than two or three threads a week. It's hard to keep up with PC interpersonal dramatics otherwise.

Stanley Burrell
02-04-2008, 05:17 AM
Seriously. What if my goldfish fucking dies?

I don't understand how people; not unique to Tayvin, surprisingly, will literally have birthday parties for their cats and dogs and put animals through more torture than a premature death by applying a whole shitfeast of anthropomorphic qualities to them (i.e. playing live action dress-up roleplaying with a bonnet on a fucking pug's head.) You people know who you are. And I am racist against you.

I've heard all of the excuses too. Just because you can't have kids/witnessed animal abuse/were made fun of on vBulletin, etc., is a mentally handicapped reason to Sit Shiva for a furball. Sad for one or three days, fine.

I swear to God I'm an animal lover, too. Just not to the point of being socially inappropriate. What a jerk-off I am :rolleyes:

Peanut Butter Jelly Time
02-04-2008, 05:53 AM
Ok, sincerely now, am I the only one wondering how large the pole must have been, that Ash simply cannot stand having it up his ass anymore? He's been bitching and moaning for the last two days like he recently woke up next to Clay Aiken. What the hell is this drunken fuck's problem, and why does he insist on bothering us with it?

Mind you, I had absolutely no issue with the poor bastard until he claimed he would "rip (me) to bits", in which he has no way of ever managing. If he wished to make idle threats, he may aswell tell me to stay beneath my windows tonight? Come now, must we be petty children about it? Simply put, if you want to send a message you sorry little fuck, go about it the right way, instead of the pitiful backhanded way that every other ignorant little pussy seems to on this very message board. END.

02-04-2008, 08:10 AM
If your gold fish dies...

Then we cry and wish it was you.

People grow attached to animals and they become part of your family. I mean, it's easy to see if you aren't always trolling message boards in where the community doesn't really like you all the time.

- Arkans

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-04-2008, 10:44 AM
What'd I do anyway?

02-04-2008, 01:51 PM
What'd I do anyway?

I was wondering the same thing.

02-04-2008, 02:23 PM
If your gold fish dies...

Then we cry and wish it was you.

People grow attached to animals and they become part of your family. I mean, it's easy to see if you aren't always trolling message boards in where the community doesn't really like you all the time.

- Arkans

LOL. PWNED!!!111oneone.

Welcome back (again)

02-04-2008, 02:35 PM
Seriously. What if my goldfish fucking dies?

I don't understand how people; not unique to Tayvin, surprisingly, will literally have birthday parties for their cats and dogs and put animals through more torture than a premature death by applying a whole shitfeast of anthropomorphic qualities to them (i.e. playing live action dress-up roleplaying with a bonnet on a fucking pug's head.) You people know who you are. And I am racist against you.

I've heard all of the excuses too. Just because you can't have kids/witnessed animal abuse/were made fun of on vBulletin, etc., is a mentally handicapped reason to Sit Shiva for a furball. Sad for one or three days, fine.

I swear to God I'm an animal lover, too. Just not to the point of being socially inappropriate. What a jerk-off I am :rolleyes:

I agree to some extent. People on this board are crazy about animals. I remember Stunseed and Jolena said they would save the life of their cat over a complete stranger (human being) in a hypothetical situation.

02-04-2008, 02:36 PM
I agree to some extent. People on this board are crazy about animals. I remember Stunseed and Jolena said they would save the life of their cat over a complete stranger (human being) in a hypothetical situation.

That's wrong? I'd do the same for my cats over a complete stranger.

02-04-2008, 02:42 PM
I wouldn't over a cat.. but probably my dog :)

Cats are so.. cat like.

02-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Oh boy, this thread is going to be fun...

I think determining if I would save the complete stranger would depend on their skin color or apparent social status... or if they were obsese per department of health

02-04-2008, 02:51 PM
I agree to some extent. People on this board are crazy about animals. I remember Stunseed and Jolena said they would save the life of their cat over a complete stranger (human being) in a hypothetical situation.

I'd save my dogs (probably my cat too) over a complete stranger too.

Especially if they were black. Notice how this is written in WHITE?

02-04-2008, 02:52 PM
That's wrong? I'd do the same for my cats over a complete stranger.

Then you are a terrible human being who has a whacked sense of reality.

I'd save my dogs (probably my cat too) over a complete stranger too.

Refer above.

02-04-2008, 02:54 PM
Then you are a terrible human being who has a whacked sense of reality.

Most humans are pieces of shit. Peoples' pets? Not so much.

Refer above.

Refer above.

02-04-2008, 02:55 PM
When you have a dog thats with you every day for 12+ years you are going to become attached. I spent a good amount of money on my dog in his final months trying to figure out what was wrong and if there was any way it could be fixed. I could have donated that money or "helped a complete stranger" but fuck that, I want my best friend around longer.

02-04-2008, 02:56 PM
Try to rationalize it all you want. Saving an animal over a person who is the father/mother/sister/brother/son/daughter of other human beings is something that only a person who has absolutely no feelings for their fellow man would do.

02-04-2008, 02:59 PM
I'd like to know why some stranger is even with my cat where I'd have to make that choice in the first place.

02-04-2008, 03:02 PM
You can avoid answering the hypothetical question to make yourself feel better I guess. For someone who plays Gemstone I'd like to think you'd be able to come up with a situation where a decision you make would save your pet but kill a person and vice versa.

Tea & Strumpets
02-04-2008, 03:03 PM
I'd like to know why some stranger is even with my cat where I'd have to make that choice in the first place.

Let's say your father, mother, stranger, sister, brother, dog and cat were all in a burning building, and you could only save 1...

02-04-2008, 03:09 PM
Let's say your father, mother, stranger, sister, brother, dog and cat were all in a burning building, and you could only save 1...I hate these questions. This is the type of shit my dad would ask my mother, of whether she would save him or her dad and she would say her father just to make him STFU.

I wouldn't know the situation or the conditions of each of those lives so I can't say for sure who I would be able to save.

Hell knowing me I'd be the one stuck in that building in the first place, not them.

P.S. What a fucked up family that no one is able to leave this burning building except me.

02-04-2008, 03:11 PM
Try to rationalize it all you want.

Ok. I'll save a family member over a stranger, and I consider my pets members of my family.

For someone who plays Gemstone I'd like to think you'd be able to come up with a situation where a decision you make would save your pet but kill a person and vice versa.

[Some Evil Place]
There are lots of evil things going on here, and everything wants to kill everything. You also see a bunch of big pissed off critters.
Also here: Some random nub.
Obvious exits: west, east, out.

>tell familiar to go out

A brown frog hops out.

A big mean critter swings a big axe at Nub!
AS: 500 - DS: 400 + AvD: 35 + d100: 99 = 234
. . . and hits for 478920 points of damage!
Head falls off neck and rolls to the ground.

Nub drops dead at your feet!

* Nub has bit the dust!

>tell familiar to return

A brown frog hops in.

02-04-2008, 03:14 PM
Ok. I'll save a family member over a stranger, and I consider my pets members of my family.

And 10 year olds consider their pet gold fish to be a part of their family, too.

You either have the world outlook of a child or you are just a twisted person.

02-04-2008, 03:17 PM
To clarify, I considered my dog a part of my family as well. As an adult, however, I was able to see the distinction between a human family member and a DOG family member.

02-04-2008, 03:21 PM
And I'm able to see the distinction between a dog family member and some random scrub that probably not only wouldn't even bother to say thank you for saving his life, but would probably turn around and sue me after because he skinned his knees while I was dragging him out of the burning building.

And he'd probably win.

02-04-2008, 03:26 PM
And 10 year olds consider their pet gold fish to be a part of their family, too.

You either have the world outlook of a child or you are just a twisted person.
I'm going to play Tsa'ah for a minute and pretend I know everything...

It's just disassociation, losing something that has been a source of happiness in a persons life is not something anyone wants to do, so it's easy to rationalize the value of a pet that has brought many fond memories into our lives over that of someone we've never met. Given a real world circumstance, time to think about it, and an understanding of the magnitude, I don't think any rational person would want the guilt of not saving another human being.

It's very easy for a person to say they would prefer their pet over a human, but under the weight of a real situation I'm sure the tune would change. I had a cat since I was a baby that died when I was 17, it was there my whole life, and anytime I was sad the cat was always a friend I could count on; at the time if you asked me to choose between getting my cat back and some random nub's life, I'd probably 'snap decision' choose the cat... but god damn would I have a shiton of guilt now.

02-04-2008, 03:30 PM
Stop derailing Drayal/Ash/Nevermind/Whatatart's thread.

Your hypotheticals are interesting and all, but his screaming fits are far more amusing.

Carry on Drayal/Ash/Nevermind/Whatatart.

02-04-2008, 03:32 PM
I still don't understand the first offical comment..

02-04-2008, 03:34 PM
nvm I am guessing it is due to the Frustrated thread... But still odd..

02-04-2008, 03:34 PM
It's Drayalese.
Basically, what it means is that SHM is allowed to be upset that his dog died, but not as upset as Drayal that SHM isnt being nice to him.

02-04-2008, 03:34 PM
Hmm... Why I just didn't edit the other one instead of making another post is odd...

02-04-2008, 03:36 PM
Postcounts are srs bznss

02-04-2008, 03:37 PM

Yah that makes it 681! Cha Ching!

02-04-2008, 03:38 PM
Hmm... Why I just didn't edit the other one instead of making another post is odd...
Stanleyism is starting to wear off on you. Gan's got a decent case of it too... but he'd probably get offended if you insinuated it was all the anal sex with stan that gave it to him, if I'm not being too subtle and you get my drift.

02-04-2008, 03:42 PM
I am just so bored nowadays. I have been off of school for 11 days due to storms mixed with Exams. Me only having one I tend to get bored, everyone is studying for exams and I just aced the only one I had todays. Sooo.. here I sit.. Bored.. Posting...

I have been infected with the vicious disease know as stanleyism... not astigmatism... close.... not really... first thing that came to mind when I read stanleyism.. stopping now..

Edited: I spelled stopping wrong...

02-04-2008, 03:43 PM
I am just so bored nowadays. I have been off of school for 11 days due to storms mixed with Exams. Me only having one I tend to get bored, everyone is studying for exams and I just aced the only one I had todays. Sooo.. here I sit.. Bored.. Posting...

I have been infected with the vicious disease know as stanleyism... not astigmatism... close.... not really... first thing that came to mind when I read stanleyism.. stoping now..


Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-04-2008, 03:51 PM
It's Drayalese.
Basically, what it means is that SHM is allowed to be upset that his dog died, but not as upset as Drayal that SHM isnt being nice to him.

Actually, my opinion of Ash has improved a lot since he's been hitting me in U2Us also. I think he may have some sense of my own personal loss and is trying to be helpful.

Other than ripping on Stainley, I really have done nothing besides express my grief over my dogs pain and ultimate death. I'm still impacted by it, and not on drugs or drink so can clearly say that I loved her very much. Much more than most people say they love their pets. But I've always been a pet person -- They bring me join and happiness that no other people or things can do, just by being themselves.

The passing of Misty was a particularly long one for me, but I knew it was coming. I miss her, I miss Toska, and I miss Hisn before her, and JR before her. I will miss and love all my dogs forever. Because they deserve no less. At times in my life, they were the solid piece of reality that helped me through tough times.

I feel for those of you who have never experienced that ultimate, unconditional love they can give you. I woke up this morning and Ellie came over to the spot Misty normally slept, and lay down right next to me, face to my face and licked me just one on each eye -- saying she knew and it was time to move on. My dogs are my life. Just a pieve of it, but they are my life.

I would kill a known person if they were hurting my dogs, of that i can assure you.

02-04-2008, 04:04 PM
Would you save your dog from a burning building before you saved your neighbor? (j/k don't answer that)

02-04-2008, 04:06 PM
A cat wouldn't care if you died.
A dog might.

02-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Yeah, I don't care if anyone thinks i'm a horrible person for that. My cats are part of our family. They're loving and sweet and mean more to me than most things do on this planet. I would save them over some random stranger who could end up being some rapist or wife beater or pedophile. Cuz who really knows? I know my cats are worth it.

And I'm able to see the distinction between a dog family member and some random scrub that probably not only wouldn't even bother to say thank you for saving his life, but would probably turn around and sue me after because he skinned his knees while I was dragging him out of the burning building.

And he'd probably win.


02-04-2008, 07:09 PM
I hate cats and would quickly choose to save a brine shrimp over a cat.

02-04-2008, 07:16 PM
I would save them over some random stranger who could end up being some rapist or wife beater or pedophile. Cuz who really knows? I know my cats are worth it.I'm sure the children of the single mother you (hypothetically) let die will really appreciate how great your cats are.

02-04-2008, 07:17 PM
Which would you save Latrin?
Your neighbour?
Or your plastic Jesus?

02-04-2008, 07:19 PM
Stanleyism is starting to wear off on you. Gan's got a decent case of it too... but he'd probably get offended if you insinuated it was all the anal sex with stan that gave it to him, if I'm not being too subtle and you get my drift.

May a million sand fleas infest your crotch for that.


02-04-2008, 07:20 PM
Which would you save Latrin?
Your neighbour?
Or your plastic Jesus?


The neighbor has already been saved by Latrin. And the plastic Jesus... well, its Jesus - he's been saved already too.

02-04-2008, 07:23 PM
Which would you save Latrin?
Your neighbour?
Or your plastic Jesus?I don't have a plastic Jesus, so that's an easy one - I'd let the heathen BURN IN THE FIRES OF GEHENNA!!! BURN!!!!!!!!


02-04-2008, 07:26 PM
I'm sure the children of the single mother you (hypothetically) let die will really appreciate how great your cats are.

Well maybe that single mother should've been more careful and not put herself in the position where she was gonna die. That ain't my fault.

02-04-2008, 07:29 PM
It's rampant individualism and apathy like this which will spell the doom of Western Culture.

02-04-2008, 07:35 PM
It's very easy for a person to say they would prefer their pet over a human, but under the weight of a real situation I'm sure the tune would change.

I love my dog like he's my kid, but I know realistically, that I could never let a person die in front of me while saving my dog (unless I knew they were a dirtbag ;))

02-04-2008, 07:36 PM
I hate cats and would quickly choose to save a brine shrimp over a cat.

That's just so you could eat the cat later. Damn Asians. j/k


02-04-2008, 08:00 PM
Yeah, I don't care if anyone thinks i'm a horrible person for that. My cats are part of our family. They're loving and sweet and mean more to me than most things do on this planet. I would save them over some random stranger who could end up being some rapist or wife beater or pedophile. Cuz who really knows? I know my cats are worth it.


You're both using some half-assed excuse that the person is 'probably' bad. It's bullshit. If it helps you sleep at night that is fine but do so knowing that you are a fucked up person for thinking any animal life is worth that of a human life.

It's rampant individualism and apathy like this which will spell the doom of Western Culture.


02-04-2008, 08:02 PM
I must be a real piece of shit because I wouldn't save the random person and I don't own any pets.

02-04-2008, 08:04 PM
You're both using some half-assed excuse that the person is 'probably' bad. It's bullshit. If it helps you sleep at night that is fine but do so knowing that you are a fucked up person for thinking any animal life is worth that of a human life.


Boohoo. I don't care if they are good, or bad. They should've had enough smarts to keep themselves out of danger. My cats are more stupid than humans, and they deserve to be saved. AHAHAHAH.

No seriously, I don't give a fuck. I guess i'm fucked up, and that's fine with me. :shrug:

02-04-2008, 08:11 PM
People keep throwing out these hypotheticals, but has anyone here really been presented with having to choose between their pet and another human being?

This kinda melds with the principle that all lives are given worth of some kind to help evaluate if it's worth the effort.

To that stranger I say, "What have you done for me lately?". :D

02-04-2008, 08:19 PM
People keep throwing out these hypotheticals, but has anyone here really been presented with having to choose between their pet and another human being?

This kinda melds with the principle that all lives are given worth of some kind to help evaluate if it's worth the effort.

To that stranger I say, "What have you done for me lately?". :D


02-04-2008, 08:24 PM
Well maybe that single mother should've been more careful and not put herself in the position where she was gonna die. That ain't my fault.Don't trip over said cats while you're backpedaling. It would be too Twilight Zone for you to fall, break your neck, and be abandoned by the creatures so dear to you.

02-04-2008, 08:31 PM
Don't trip over said cats while you're backpedaling. It would be too Twilight Zone for you to fall, break your neck, and be abandoned by the creatures so dear to you.

That's why I have my fiance, since the cats lack the ability to dial 911.

02-04-2008, 08:35 PM
I would grab the cat stuff it down my pants (who gives a fuck if I get the shit scratched out of me in a situation like that) and then grab the person and drag them out too. Hehehe.

Stanley Burrell
02-04-2008, 08:47 PM
I would kill a known person if they were hurting my dogs, of that i can assure you.

I doubt you can kill shit (until your dogs take on the incarnation of Lucifer and start telling you to kill people or be killed.) BUT, anyways, no one is worth fucking 25-life. Period. End sentence.

Think about that, and then apply it that much moreso because you're ready to END LIVES, ESSE in case someone "threatens" Fido.

Yeah, like, choke someone if they kicked your dog. Because that happens all the time, you know: But don't act even more drunk than you have been recently.

02-04-2008, 09:00 PM
I would grab the cat stuff it down my pants (who gives a fuck if I get the shit scratched out of me in a situation like that) and then grab the person and drag them out too. Hehehe.

But what if you aren't wearing any pants!

Stanley Burrell
02-04-2008, 09:06 PM
But what if you aren't wearing any pants!

I know I'm not.

I might produce a tangible fap yet!

Stanley Burrell
02-04-2008, 09:07 PM

Shit, I almost forgot, Jesus, sorry guys:

This thread is unbelievably the ridiculous antithesis to any and everything heterosexual.

I guess, pretty much, I hope you all die. Bye, :heart:

02-04-2008, 09:34 PM
May a million sand fleas infest your crotch for that.



The neighbor has already been saved by Latrin. And the plastic Jesus... well, its Jesus - he's been saved already too.
I think it's hilarious that in the post where I accuse you of stanlyism (posting again after yourself (look at the two posts prior to this)), you solidify the diagnosis.

02-04-2008, 09:35 PM
But what if you aren't wearing any pants!

Then it will be easier for the human to kiss my ass goodbye as I drag my cat out. J/K. :wasntme:

02-04-2008, 09:41 PM
Then it will be easier for the human to kiss my ass goodbye as I drag my cat out. J/K. :wasntme:

lol nice

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-05-2008, 08:49 AM
I doubt you can kill shit (until your dogs take on the incarnation of Lucifer and start telling you to kill people or be killed.) BUT, anyways, no one is worth fucking 25-life. Period. End sentence.

Think about that, and then apply it that much moreso because you're ready to END LIVES, ESSE in case someone "threatens" Fido.

Yeah, like, choke someone if they kicked your dog. Because that happens all the time, you know: But don't act even more drunk than you have been recently.

You are always welcome to come test your theory, Stainley.

02-05-2008, 09:03 AM
I think we all would act according to the situation. How can you really know until you have to chose?

I hope none of you ever have to be a in situation where you have to decide between life (Any human life) and a pet or animal.

And if you do, I hope you make the best decision you can.

Fire is close to me right now.

A close friend's husband is a fire flighter. Some kids set a barn fire, they had no idea if anyone was inside so they went in. A burning beam fell on him. He is paralized and badly burned. he will never walk and he will need help breathing the rest of his life.

Just this past weekend a father was able to rescue his one small child while two others were trapped and burned to death.

Two teens jumped out of a second story window over the weekend to escape a fire and left several cats and 3 dogs inside. They said they thought about trying to get to them, but the smoke was too much, they couldn't see and they were choking to death. They went upstairs because the downstairs was blocked and grabbed a pet rabbit from a cage by the window they jumped from.

Would I go into a barn after some punk kids who were probably doing drugs? I dunno.

Would I run back into my house after my other two kids? I would like to think I would try.

Could I leave my pets and get myself and family to safety if it meant me or them. I think so.

But since I personally have never had to choose between life of a human and life of a beloved pet, I dunno. And I hope I never know.

I hope none of you ever know either.


Stanley Burrell
02-05-2008, 09:23 AM
You are always welcome to come test your theory, Stainley.

I tried to find the e-thug picture and this was the first Google image, so I'm'a post it instead:


Sean of the Thread
02-05-2008, 01:31 PM
I think we all would act according to the situation. How can you really know until you have to chose?

I hope none of you ever have to be a in situation where you have to decide between life (Any human life) and a pet or animal.

And if you do, I hope you make the best decision you can.

Fire is close to me right now.

A close friend's husband is a fire flighter. Some kids set a barn fire, they had no idea if anyone was inside so they went in. A burning beam fell on him. He is paralized and badly burned. he will never walk and he will need help breathing the rest of his life.

Just this past weekend a father was able to rescue his one small child while two others were trapped and burned to death.

Two teens jumped out of a second story window over the weekend to escape a fire and left several cats and 3 dogs inside. They said they thought about trying to get to them, but the smoke was too much, they couldn't see and they were choking to death. They went upstairs because the downstairs was blocked and grabbed a pet rabbit from a cage by the window they jumped from.

Would I go into a barn after some punk kids who were probably doing drugs? I dunno.

Would I run back into my house after my other two kids? I would like to think I would try.

Could I leave my pets and get myself and family to safety if it meant me or them. I think so.

But since I personally have never had to choose between life of a human and life of a beloved pet, I dunno. And I hope I never know.

I hope none of you ever know either.


It was his decision to be a fire fighter. Bravo and all that but tough shit.

Crazy Bard
02-05-2008, 04:39 PM
Oh boy, this thread is going to be fun...

I think determining if I would save the complete stranger would depend on their skin color or apparent social status... or if they were obsese per department of health
