View Full Version : a black silk mesh sack covered with a multitude of bloodstained pawprints

02-02-2008, 02:00 AM
It's a Dhu Kitten I believe. Gots plenty of actions, but I cant even get the thing out of the bag right now since I put it on a mule character and it's not attuned or something anymore? Anyone know the trick to attuning this thing? And after that, what's it worth? Maybe 5 mil? If the answer is yes, I'd be happy to sell it to ya :)

02-02-2008, 02:11 AM
Which ever alt of yours it's attuned to you need to have them take the kitten out of the bag and then have them hand you the kitten, once you have the kitten then they can give you the sack.

Edit: Blood stained paw prints? What are you doing to that poor kitty! :(

Edit again, I've seen a few sell from 4-6 mill.

02-02-2008, 02:22 AM
Ah, yes, that sounds about right for the attuning. I must state that it's not my idea for the alter, but something I "inherited". Maybe I can convince someone it'd be great to RP an empath nursing a poor abused kitten back to health and get an extra million for it ;)

02-02-2008, 09:35 AM
What does the kitten itself look like?


02-02-2008, 03:23 PM
If I could get it out of the sack, I might be able to tell you. I seem to remember it being a tawny tabby kitten or something along those lines. Perfectly normal kitten anyways, not bloodstained, scruffy or abused in any way. I'll try to get the thing re-attuned, but the alt is on teras, and the sack is in landing and I dont feel like coming back just yet.

02-02-2008, 06:27 PM
You may have a buyer if you can tell me what it looks like.:D

02-02-2008, 07:04 PM
Is it possible to alter the cat to look bloody and abused, if so I will bid on it.

Stanley Burrell
02-02-2008, 08:12 PM
Is it possible to alter the cat to look bloody and abused, if so I will bid on it.

Sproink can groom/alter Dhu kittens.

Make sure to include shards of fractured laptop motherboard and ancient runes of starting gay rumors to belittle the hated members of The Rone Academy in its description. That would r0x0r.