View Full Version : Kataleena/Teeoncy
12-13-2003, 05:59 PM
Kataleena bashfully says, "You too slow."
Morendo looks a bit unsteady.
Kataleena bashfully says, "You let people die."
Kellsey murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kellsey gestures.
Some cactacae spine suddenly appears at your feet.
Kataleena grumbles at Grandeau.
Kellsey murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kellsey gestures.
Some torban leaf suddenly appears at your feet.
Grandeau just nudged Kataleena.
(edited to remove more herb casting and people spelling up)
Grandeau quietly says, "I was cleanin up scars."
Grandeau mutters bully.
Grandeau sighs.
Grandeau sits down.
Grandeau chuckles.
Krystallbelle gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Kataleena traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Kataleena gestures at Grandeau.
CS: +126 - TD: +48 + CvA: +25 + d100: +30 - -5 == +138
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Grandeau.
You notice Grandeau slip into a hiding place.
Great Lord Milthrim's group just arrived.
Kataleena nods.
Morendo asks, "Healer free ?"
Kellsey says, "It's not an empaths job to heal people, they have a choic in the matter."
Kataleena bashfully says, "I know."
Kataleena nods to Morendo.
Kataleena meditates over Morendo.
Kataleena takes Morendo's left arm damage.
Kellsey says, "Choice, that is."
Kataleena meditates over Morendo.
Kataleena takes all of Morendo's blood loss.
Kataleena murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kataleena concentrates.
Kataleena looks a little better.
Morendo says, "Thank you."
Bramlor just arrived.
Kataleena murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kataleena concentrates.
Kataleena's left arm looks better.
Kataleena bashfully says, "Its our dutey to heal."
Kataleena murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kataleena concentrates.
Kataleena's left arm looks better.
Blueland just went out.
Iluna stretches.
Kellsey says, "No it isn't."
Morendo removes a green glimaerstone from in his vruul skin gem pouch.
Morendo offers Kataleena a green glimaerstone.
Kellsey says, "We have the ability to heal, we don't have to heal if we don't wish."
Kataleena bashfully says, "If we didnt wanna heal we would get another proffession."
In conclusion - Empaths MUST heal now. Wizards MUST spell up everyone. Sorcerers MUST cast spells. Rogues MUST pick boxes and Warriors MUST Bash. Lets not forget Bards and Rangers. They MUST do stuff too simply because of their profession. :flamed: Get a damn clue Tee.
well liars must lie as well too you fogrot that one
12-13-2003, 06:02 PM
Don't forget: We must all set 1 tone and stick to it, even if it makes no fucking sense at all.
Kataleena bashfully says, "Its our dutey to heal."
It's our duty to spell correctly or at least try.
I don't expect empaths to heal my characters. If I ask and no one does, I go use herbs.
Why did she silence Grandeau anyway? Because he wasn't doing things the way she thought he should?
12-13-2003, 06:12 PM
Heh. Silencing Gradeau certainly made it easier to hog wounds, did it not? ;)
12-13-2003, 06:13 PM
She's at it again, she just ran the poor guy off.
12-13-2003, 06:15 PM
Wonderful. The guy was probably trying to talk to his patients and roleplay a bit. So, she silences him, berates him, and generally makes it impossible for him to heal without becoming the same kind of vulture she is. Sad.
Originally posted by HarmNone
Heh. Silencing Gradeau certainly made it easier to hog wounds, did it not? ;)
Harmnone, I was thinking the exact same thing!
Edited to add: This makes me want to eat herbs if I'm ever around her. Must... not... take... these... boards... in... game...<sighs>
[Edited on 12-13-2003 by Vesi]
12-13-2003, 07:48 PM
Kataleena did not do it to hog wounds. If you guys want to take it personal, Grandeau and I are dating in real life. I was playing with him and he knew it at first. Last night I let him heal Teeoncy but he was talking so much he let her die so I was teasing him about that. I silence him all the time and we laugh about it. It wasn’t until Kellsey (justme) started butting in that people started getting upset. May the record show that both Kataleena and Grandeau told Kellsey it was fine and not to worry about it.
Grandeau and I have trouble being around each other in the game, he likes to talk about OOC stuff.... I go to gemstone to escape so, every time he whispers to me about OOC I silence him...
As for my VIEWS on healing people... Kataleena believes it is her duty to heal plane and simple. If someone believed in a certain god I would not put them down. When are you not aloud to believe in something? It seems Justme left out a lot of that log though.
Kataleena Loves to heal and to help people one of her lines she says is..."no tips, I enjoy my duty of healing you."
If she wanted to hunt she would have been a warrior. Does she expect all healers to feel that way no! It is what she BELIEVES people! It is how I ROLEPLAY her. (And no I am not yelling I am stressing my points).
This will be one and only comment on this forum... if you don’t believe in my views... Kataleena will not heal you it is fine, she doesn't care. A lot of the time she sits and heals healers. I find it funny how many of you are rude as hell to Kataleena and Teeoncy in game when there is another healer. But when Kataleena is the only healer around you all of a sudden are angels that will bring nothing in the game!
Have a wonderful day!
12-13-2003, 07:54 PM
I'm not trying to defend anybody here. But um..., what's the problem with having an empath character who believes it's an empath's duty to heal? I assure you that Sarah knows very well that the players of the empaths of Elanthia can role play their empaths however they chose to. As for her silencing Gradeau, don’t worry about this. You do not know the deal with the two. And I am not at liberty to elaborate because it is not my place to say; I am not a gossiper like some of you are. Either of them can come clarify if they chose and think it’s worth it; I personally, would not.
By the way, was this thread really that necessary? Have you never encountered someone in game who said it was an empath’s duty to heal?
Holy shit, someone I don’t like voiced her opinion about empaths in game and I did not like it; let me post and complain about her!
Hmm, I think it may be true that some of you are obsessed with Sarah and have nothing better to do than to complain about her.
P.S. The reason I am mentioning Sarah the player is because of the title of this thread. If this were indeed a character complaint, there would have been no mention of Teeoncy.
Edited: Er, she beat me to it. I guess she does think it's worth it to clarify to you people.
- Me
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Jonty]
12-13-2003, 07:57 PM
Considering she uses Kataleena to harass people when Teeoncy doesn't like something, I'd say they're interchangeable.
12-13-2003, 08:03 PM
For gods sake, don't we have enough threads/posts regarding her... Can't we just ignore it, maybe it will go away?
12-13-2003, 08:03 PM
If this whole scenario developed as a result of OOC influences between the two players, the characters of other players cannot be expected to know that. It will appear to those other characters as bullying, and they will react accordingly.
12-13-2003, 08:03 PM
I agree with Jonty... I've seen people do much, much worse, and a whole lot dumber things then this, and they don't even get mentioned.. yet just cause you know this is Teeo, you get on her case? C'mon.. I probably say something like that every once in a while. Never had it mentioned to me, or on a board. Think you people are being just a bit harsh?
12-13-2003, 08:04 PM
People are jealous
12-13-2003, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Considering she uses Kataleena to harass people when Teeoncy doesn't like something, I'd say they're interchangeable.
Considering Teeoncy had NOTHING to do with what happened...
- Me
12-13-2003, 08:12 PM
She's wise, sharp-witted, and she uses her powers for good instead of evil.
All hail Harm None.
12-13-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Considering she uses Kataleena to harass people when Teeoncy doesn't like something, I'd say they're interchangeable.
Considering Teeoncy had NOTHING to do with what happened...
- Me
It was just an observation.
12-13-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
If this whole scenario developed as a result of OOC influences between the two players, the characters of other players cannot be expected to know that. It will appear to those other characters as bullying, and they will react accordingly.
And? The last comment in the post, which seemed to be the point of the post..., had nothing to do with role play. It implied that Sarah is ignorant and believes that empaths MUST heal people.
Here, read it again:
Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this. ;)
In conclusion - Empaths MUST heal now. Wizards MUST spell up everyone. Sorcerers MUST cast spells. Rogues MUST pick boxes and Warriors MUST Bash. Lets not forget Bards and Rangers. They MUST do stuff too simply because of their profession. Get a damn clue Tee.
- Me
12-13-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Considering she uses Kataleena to harass people when Teeoncy doesn't like something, I'd say they're interchangeable.
Hmm, I haven't witnessed her do this. But if I were to do it, I think I'd do it the other way around.... I'd have my old warrior harass people instead of my younger empath. I'm not saying you're lying; I was just thinking this was weird.
Edited: Yeah, warrior
- Me
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Jonty]
12-13-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by tenlaughs
It wasn’t until Kellsey (justme) started butting in that people started getting upset. May the record show that both Kataleena and Grandeau told Kellsey it was fine and not to worry about it.
Re-read that log again. I am not Kellsey. I was invisible and watched it from an outside perspective. Kellsey seemed to have been bothered by the fact that you said empaths have a duty to heal. I've played an empath before and my empath didn't heal anyone but herself so I can understand where Kellsey was coming from.
12-13-2003, 08:31 PM
All you have to do is read the "Teeoncy and Family" thread to see the details, Jonty. And you know what? You could be right about the whole role-playing or whatever bit, but someone who has come here and pulled the shit she has loses credibility by the bucketful. Too bad, so sad.
12-13-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Considering she uses Kataleena to harass people when Teeoncy doesn't like something, I'd say they're interchangeable.
Considering Teeoncy had NOTHING to do with what happened...
- Me
Teeoncy did have something to do with it she sat in the Dais arguing with the guy and egging it on. I went hunting so my pet saw it but I didn't log it for too much mess to clean up in order to post without it looking like a bunch of jumbled words.
12-13-2003, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
All you have to do is read the "Teeoncy and Family" thread to see the details, Jonty.
Heh, I read it already and don't remember anything significant about Kataleena. And I'd rather not read that thread again! :lol:
- Me
12-13-2003, 08:39 PM
Then either take my word for it or read for yourself. The point is that Kataleena and Teeoncy get mixed up in the same shennanigans because if Teeoncy doesn't like something, Kataleena tends to come in and exacerbate the situation.
This makes them interchangeable to most people. That's all.
12-13-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by JustMe
Teeoncy did have something to do with it she sat in the Dais arguing with the guy and egging it on. I went hunting so my pet saw it but I didn't log it for too much mess to clean up in order to post without it looking like a bunch of jumbled words.
I meant in your post. All I have to go on is your post and what Sarah told me. I didn't read anything about Teeoncy in either of your stories.
12-13-2003, 08:39 PM
She's speaking about the person behind the characters. Not the characters themself.
12-13-2003, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Originally posted by JustMe
Teeoncy did have something to do with it she sat in the Dais arguing with the guy and egging it on. I went hunting so my pet saw it but I didn't log it for too much mess to clean up in order to post without it looking like a bunch of jumbled words.
I meant in your post. All I have to go on is your post and what Sarah told me. I didn't read anything about Teeoncy in either of your stories.
If I really had time to sit there and log 45 minutes of childish behavior I would.
12-13-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by JustMe
She's speaking about the person behind the characters. Not the characters themself.
I realize this, which was my point at the end of my first post in this. *I* was speaking about the characters separately.
But oh well, Teeoncy was there. I don't know what she did, so whatever. I still think the thread was pointless. Many characters in game believe empaths MUST heal people.
- Me
12-13-2003, 08:53 PM
That is fine that they believe that, I just thought it was rude from the outside perspective the way it came out and how she silenced him. The guy also left because of her. It may have been an ooc issue, but anyone sitting in the Dais wouldn't have known that unless they told them, so to people sitting there it looked like immature snert-like behavior.
12-13-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
And? The last comment in the post, which seemed to be the point of the post..., had nothing to do with role play. It implied that Sarah is ignorant and believes that empaths MUST heal people.
Here, read it again:
Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this. ;)
In conclusion - Empaths MUST heal now. Wizards MUST spell up everyone. Sorcerers MUST cast spells. Rogues MUST pick boxes and Warriors MUST Bash. Lets not forget Bards and Rangers. They MUST do stuff too simply because of their profession. Get a damn clue Tee.
- Me
To quote tenlaughs:
>>Kataleena did not do it to hog wounds. If you guys want to take it personal, Grandeau and I are dating in real life. I was playing with him and he knew it at first. Last night I let him heal Teeoncy but he was talking so much he let her die so I was teasing him about that. I silence him all the time and we laugh about it. It wasn’t until Kellsey (justme) started butting in that people started getting upset. May the record show that both Kataleena and Grandeau told Kellsey it was fine and not to worry about it. <<
My response, Jonty, was made with tenlaugh's post in mind, not the orignal post. It is important to remember that what two people know due to whispers or other OOC communication means is not known by the players of other characters in the area. Those other characters will react to what they see, unaware of what goes on behind the scenes between two players. That is why it is necessary to keep your roleplaying relevant to the situation in which you find yourself and not confuse the issue by bringing real-life issues into your roleplay. The result of doing so is, inevitably, misunderstandings. :)
Teeoncy/tenlaughs etc... really why dont you just go away and never come back it would be better for everyone.
12-13-2003, 11:20 PM
Am I the only one who thought Teeoncy had removed herself from the boards?
12-13-2003, 11:25 PM
She's over at Klaive's now, Leloo. But here still too, as you see.
Acolyte Kurili
The Cat In The Hat
12-13-2003, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Am I the only one who thought Teeoncy had removed herself from the boards?
I believe I was told she had the Teeoncy handle removed, but never removed the other two she came in here and used to say she was someone else.
They can have her and good riddance.
12-13-2003, 11:59 PM
You didn't read very well then, Jonty, because I specified an incident to refute her claim that:
1. She doesn't bring her other characters into Teeoncy's conflicts
2. That Teeoncy hasn't had an issue with anyone in the last 6 months.
Both times I brought it up, she ignored it.
Other players are not mindreaders. They don't know the conflict between Kat and Grandeau is joking or the result of OOC. It's looks like someone being a bully and invites comment. It's also a BAD BAD BAD roleplaying example (it's not even really roleplaying) and a great enabler of promoting the use of unwarranted, bullying PvP.
She needs to keep that in mind when people react to what she does, not just blow off people because she was having fun at Grandeau's expense. That is what will likely bring up more criticism. She could simply ignore the whispered OOC stuff since no one else can see it, instead of letting it affect her in-game behavior.
"It's an empath's duty to heal." is a statement of fact.
"I believe that an empath should consider their ability to heal a duty that they should perform at every opportunity (all spelled correctly)." is an OPINION, which others can agree or disagree with... and open the door to healthy roleplaying.
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Caramia]
12-14-2003, 12:01 AM
That's a pretty disturbing avatar Jonty.
12-14-2003, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
You didn't read very well then, Jonty,
No I did not. And I'm not going to. I read the whole thread and skimmed through some of it. Anyway, who cares? This has nothing to do with the first post in this thread.
Other players are not mindreaders. They don't know the conflict between Kat and Grandeau is joking or the result of OOC. It's looks like someone being a bully and invites comment. It's also a BAD BAD BAD roleplaying example (it's not even really roleplaying) and a great enabler of promoting the use of unwarranted, bullying PvP.
She needs to keep that in mind when people react to what she does, not just blow off people because she was having fun at Grandeau's expense. That is what will likely bring up more criticism. She could simply ignore the whispered OOC stuff since no one else can see it, instead of letting it affect her in-game behavior.
Ok, I'm going to clarify why I posted in reference to the first post in this thread; then I'm done with this.
All that was posted was a short log that had nothing to do with Teeoncy. All I saw was a log of Kataleena bulling Grandeau, and Kataleena arguing with someone about the duties of an empath. And at the end of the post there was a conclusion which seemed to me directed as an insult to Sarah implying that she is ignorant and thinks all empaths MUST heal. There was NO mention of anything else in that post. That's what I responded to. It was the other people who started talking about Teeoncy's behavior and what not.
"It's an empath's duty to heal." is a statement of fact.
"I believe that an empath should consider their ability to heal a duty that they should perform at every opportunity (all [Edited on 12-14-2003 by Caramia] spelled correctly)." is an OPINION, which others can agree or disagree with... and open the door to healthy roleplaying.
What the hell is your point? Why the hell can't I take my empath in game and start telling people it's an empath's duty to heal? GemStone is not a legal document. We can say voice our character's opinion in anyway we see fit, regardless if it is a fact or an opinion. It's up to the other people whether to take it as a fact or opinion. If I say "You're stupid.", is that a fact because I didn't say "I *think* you're stupid."? No, it'd be my opinion, regardless of how I say it. *I* said it, of course it's my opinion; I don't have to use qualifiers. We all don't have to speak the way you think we should.
- Me
12-14-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
That's a pretty disturbing avatar Jonty.
Hehe, I took that picture on my birthday, last Holloween. I finally turned 21 (I don't want to get any older damn it!), and I was probably a little drunk when I took that picture.
- Me
12-14-2003, 03:03 PM
Clowns frighten me. I will have nightmares.
Acolyte Kurili
Originally posted by Kurili
Clowns frighten me. I will have nightmares.
Acolyte Kurili
Looks more like a mime to me than a clown. But of course, that's even worse. The Snark is a Boojum and all.
12-14-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
Clowns frighten me. I will have nightmares.
Acolyte Kurili
Bah, I was supposed to be the crow damn it!
- Me
12-14-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Ok, I'm going to clarify why I posted in reference to the first post in this thread; then I'm done with this.
All that was posted was a short log that had nothing to do with Teeoncy. All I saw was a log of Kataleena bulling Grandeau, and Kataleena arguing with someone about the duties of an empath. And at the end of the post there was a conclusion which seemed to me directed as an insult to Sarah implying that she is ignorant and thinks all empaths MUST heal. There was NO mention of anything else in that post. That's what I responded to. It was the other people who started talking about Teeoncy's behavior and what not.
When you post ANYTHING, anything you post is fair game to discuss, attack, disprove, illustrate, support, etc. And so we did.
We pointed out what her actions looked like to other people that don't have clairvoyance to know it she was playing around with Grandeau or that he whispered something OOC.
You also got some responses from people who WERE there, and said Teeoncy did have something to do with it, so you got more information than you apparently originally had.
Of course Sarah will tell you one thing, another person will contribute an additional angle. And while somewhere in both there might be truth, you'll do much better if you keep an open mind and give both credence, instead of blindly insisting Sarah is totally innocent. You're way too close to the subject to be objective, it seems.
What the hell is your point? Why the hell can't I take my empath in game and start telling people it's an empath's duty to heal? GemStone is not a legal document. We can say voice our character's opinion in anyway we see fit, regardless if it is a fact or an opinion. It's up to the other people whether to take it as a fact or opinion. If I say "You're stupid.", is that a fact because I didn't say "I *think* you're stupid."? No, it'd be my opinion, regardless of how I say it. *I* said it, of course it's my opinion; I don't have to use qualifiers. We all don't have to speak the way you think we should.
- Me
The point, which you apparently missed, as I wasn't the only one that attempted to clarify it, there were two or three others who tried as well, is that how people treat you or react to you is often in direct response to what you say and how you say it.
She sounded like a bossy witch when saying that, and then argued with the person who disagreed with her. And after being quick to cast silence on someone, for reasons UNKNOWN to 99% of the people there, she looked like a bully. That's fine, if that's the image she wants, but then she can't complain that people are looking askance at her, either. Or whine that Teeoncy/Kat are nice to people and haven't gotten into conflicts with anyone in the last six months.
What you missed in my little illustration was not that there is a right and wrong way or even only one way to say things, which is how you seem to interpret it, but a better way to invite mature and intelligent roleplaying, if that's what you wish.
Those "No you can't"/"Yes you can" (modified here to "No I don't, yes you should) type of arguments remind me of when I was eight year's old and used them to torture my five-year-old brother.
Oh, and telling someone they're stupid is never a fact, and always an opinion. And always the height of exemplary mature roleplaying! I always make sure those are the kinds of people I associate with, engage, and pay attention to!
Perhaps you can pick a better example.
12-14-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Perhaps you can pick a better example.
Ok, empaths must heal everyone. Don't play an empath if you're not going to heal.
- Me
12-14-2003, 05:33 PM
Ok, empaths must heal everyone. Don't play an empath if you're not going to heal.
Thanks for proving my point.
That's what people thought Kat was saying when they were arguing with her. I know many empaths that don't heal. Not sure why they are empaths but, whatever. They have their roleplaying reasons and handle them nicely without making blanket statements.
12-14-2003, 05:41 PM
Empaths could actually make fairly decent warriors (don't know how that'll work in 3).
They had bravery, heroism, bind, as well as the other AS/DS boosting spells empaths could get. Then, after fighting, they could heal themselves down.
12-14-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Ok, empaths must heal everyone. Don't play an empath if you're not going to heal.
Thanks for proving my point.
That's what people thought Kat was saying when they were arguing with her. I know many empaths that don't heal. Not sure why they are empaths but, whatever. They have their roleplaying reasons and handle them nicely without making blanket statements.
I know that’s what people were doing when she said that. The point of this thread was to tell Sarah to “get a clue”. My point is just like every player can role-play their empath to do whatever they want, Kataleena, and any other character in game, can say whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t violate Simutronic’s TOS. Now, if you want to take her statements as fact and get mad, go ahead; no one is stopping you.
This thread is pointless. It was only created because people don’t like Sarah, and want to talk shit about her. I guarantee that if it was my empath who silenced a friend and told him/her that empaths must heal, there wouldn’t be a thread about it.
In conclusion - Empaths MUST heal now. Wizards MUST spell up everyone. Sorcerers MUST cast spells. Rogues MUST pick boxes and Warriors MUST Bash. Lets not forget Bards and Rangers. They MUST do stuff too simply because of their profession. Get a damn clue Tee.
The above statement is the only reason I posted. I think we all know that each profession doesn’t HAVE to do the above activities. Someone said empaths must heal; it’s as much valid role-play to say that, as it is to play a non-hunting empath. BIG DEAL
- Me
12-14-2003, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Empaths could actually make fairly decent warriors (don't know how that'll work in 3).
They had bravery, heroism, bind, as well as the other AS/DS boosting spells empaths could get. Then, after fighting, they could heal themselves down.
My empath is only 32, but he could hunt if I wanted him to. But he's lazy. The way I would hunt him is have him do a combination of swinging and casting bolts. The ability to double is spell aiming is nice. I'm not used to hunting pures, so it bugs me when mana runs out.
- Me
12-15-2003, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Jonty
I'm not trying to defend anybody here. But um..., what's the problem with having an empath character who believes it's an empath's duty to heal? I assure you that Sarah knows very well that the players of the empaths of Elanthia can role play their empaths however they chose to. As for her silencing Gradeau, don’t worry about this. You do not know the deal with the two. And I am not at liberty to elaborate because it is not my place to say; I am not a gossiper like some of you are. Either of them can come clarify if they chose and think it’s worth it; I personally, would not.
By the way, was this thread really that necessary? Have you never encountered someone in game who said it was an empath’s duty to heal?
Holy shit, someone I don’t like voiced her opinion about empaths in game and I did not like it; let me post and complain about her!
Hmm, I think it may be true that some of you are obsessed with Sarah and have nothing better to do than to complain about her.
P.S. The reason I am mentioning Sarah the player is because of the title of this thread. If this were indeed a character complaint, there would have been no mention of Teeoncy.
Edited: Er, she beat me to it. I guess she does think it's worth it to clarify to you people.
- Me
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by Jonty]
Uhm..I am Sarah. So whats your problem again? Hehe
12-15-2003, 02:40 AM
My point is just like every player can role-play their empath to do whatever they want, Kataleena, and any other character in game, can say whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t violate Simutronic’s TOS. Now, if you want to take her statements as fact and get mad, go ahead; no one is stopping you.
::rolls her eyes::
I'm better off talking to a wall it seems.
I never said she can't say whatever she wants to or that what she is saying is against Simu's TOS -- that would be plain out stupid.
I said that if she wants to say crap like that, then she can't WHINE when people respond to it poorly. It's negative, argumentative crap like that, and witnessing dumb stuff like the unnecessary casting at Grandeau and others that place her in a bad light with people.
That's all I'm saying. If she wants to cry that people don't like her and she's gonna go eat worms, then maybe she has to look at how and what she's saying... and how many of her characters are getting involved.
I'm done with this... it hurts my head to have to keep explaining, over and over, the basics of life.
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Caramia]
12-15-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
My point is just like every player can role-play their empath to do whatever they want, Kataleena, and any other character in game, can say whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t violate Simutronic’s TOS. Now, if you want to take her statements as fact and get mad, go ahead; no one is stopping you.
::rolls her eyes::
I'm better off talking to a wall it seems.
My point is in reference to the original post of thios thread.
I said that if she wants to say crap like that, then she can't WHINE when people respond to it poorly.
Um when did she come here whining about it? She never whined. Someone else came here to complain about it.
- Me
The Cat In The Hat
12-15-2003, 01:26 PM
Jonty, even though I despise her you wanting to stick up for your friend is admirable. (That was me saying something NICE about YOU so don’t twist it around)
Teeoncy/Kataleena or whatever she wants to call herself is in my book, and most everyone else’s here, a troublemaker and a liar, plain and simple.
She came in here spewing lies and playing innocent, and then invented other people and made PC handles for them to come in and back up her lies, SHE LIED YET AGAIN (Tenlaughs and whatever the other name was)
She doesn't have any fans here and in doing things like that she's basically given anyone and everyone license to trash her because we've all seen her to be a liar and a troublemaker.
You can defend until you turn blue, but you should really go read the Teeoncy and family thread before you do so you can see how many lies she was caught in.
Really, just because she's your friend doesnt make her a good person, just makes her a descent actress.
*Edited for a mispelled word.
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]
12-15-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Teeoncy/Kataleena or whatever she wants to call herself is in my book, and most everyone else’s here, a troublemaker and a liar, plain and simple.
She came in here spewing lies and playing innocent, and then invented other people and made PC handles for them to come in and back up her lies, SHE LIED YET AGAIN (Tenlaughs and whatever the other name was)
She doesn't have any fans here and in doing things like that she's basically given anyone and everyone license to trash her because we've all seen her to be a liar and a troublemaker.
You can defend until you turn blue, but you should really go read the Teeoncy and family thread before you do so you can see how many lies she was caught in.
Yes, I know; I read the thread, and I'm not going to read it again. It's too freaking big. I'm not really trying to defend her. I was just stating my opinion on this particular thread here.
- Me
12-15-2003, 02:46 PM
I wish I would have logged the whole thing, then Jonty could see how much of an ass she made of herself at that particular moment. Maybe next time. I'm sure there will be one.
Edited to add: I might have auto-logged it, I'll check tonight.
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by JustMe]
12-15-2003, 03:39 PM
All unecessary people were removed, all obsolete movement was removed. The only things left in the log were the people involved. Remember, I didn't know it was an OOC conflict brought in game and I don't think many other people did. It looked like she was bullying some younger empath around.
Good luck.
>Kataleena murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Grandeau peers quizzically at Kataleena.
>Kataleena concentrates.
Kataleena's left arm looks better.
>Lady Kellsey just arrived.
(Kellsey is casting herbs)
>Grandeau grins.
>Grandeau takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Grandeau's left hand looks better.
>Kataleena bashfully says, "You too slow."
Kataleena bashfully says, "You let people die."
Kataleena grumbles at Grandeau.
Grandeau just nudged Kataleena.
>Grandeau quietly says, "I was cleanin up scars."
Grandeau mutters bully.
>Grandeau sighs.
Grandeau sits down.
>Grandeau chuckles.
Kataleena traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Kataleena gestures at Grandeau.
CS: +126 - TD: +48 + CvA: +25 + d100: +30 - -5 == +138
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Grandeau.
>You notice Grandeau slip into a hiding place.
Kataleena nods.
>Morendo asks, "Healer free ?"
>Kellsey says, "It's not an empaths job to heal people, they have a choic in the matter."
Kataleena bashfully says, "I know."
(Kataleena heals Morendo)
Kellsey says, "Choice, that is."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "Its our dutey to heal."
Kataleena murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Kataleena concentrates.
Kataleena's left arm looks better.
>Kellsey says, "No it isn't."
Kellsey says, "We have the ability to heal, we don't have to heal if we don't wish."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "If we didnt wanna heal we would get another proffession."
>Kataleena bashfully exclaims, "No tips!"
>Iluna says, "Oh I'm not getting into the middloe of this."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "If i wanted to hunt, I woulda been a warrior."
>Kellsey says, "Just like a locksmith doesn't have to pick for you, nor does a wizard have to spell you."
>Grandeau comes out of hiding.
Grandeau stands up.
>Kellsey says, "It's personal choice."
>Grandeau peers quizzically at Kataleena.
>Kataleena waves a hand at Kellsey, dismissing her indifferently.
Kellsey smirks at Kataleena.
Krystallbelle cheerfully says, "Hunting's fun."
>Querthose coldly says, "No, if you wanted to hunt you would've been a sorcerer."
>The pall of silence leaves Grandeau.
>Querthose winks.
>Grandeau quietly says, "Not really necessary."
Grandeau peers quizzically at Kataleena.
Grandeau sighs.
>Grandeau shakes his head.
Kellsey pokes Grandeau in the ribs.
>Kataleena grins at Iluna.
>Kellsey says, "Don't worry about her."
>Iluna giggles.
>Iluna nods to Kataleena.
>Kataleena nods to Blueland.
Blueland grins.
Grandeau put some cactacae spine in his alizarin velvet cloak.
>Kellsey says, "She calls people slow yet shes asleep half the time she's here."
Kellsey rolls her eyes.
Kataleena smiles at Blueland.
>Grandeau nods to Kellsey.
>Blueland just handed Kataleena some coins.
>Grandeau quietly says, "Oh i know."
(Kellsey cast more herbs)
(Kataleena heals Blueland)
>Kataleena bashfully says, "I sleep when other healers here yes."
>Grandeau chuckles.
>Iluna asks, "Teeoncy?"
>Teeoncy softly asks, "Yeah?"
>Iluna points at Blueland.
Iluna says, "He can open boxes."
Iluna grins.
>Teeoncy yells, "Picker!"
Iluna laughs!
Blueland blinks.
Teeoncy kneels down.
Teeoncy begs and pleads with Blueland.
Blueland asks, "Whatd I get blamed for?"
>Iluna says, "At least I think it was him."
>Iluna asks, "Being able to open boxes?"
>Teeoncy softly asks, "Can you open boxies?"
>Blueland says, "I have no idea what boxies are.."
Teeoncy stands up.
>Grandeau quietly says, "Dont open her box."
>Grandeau quietly says, "Make her beg for it."
>Blueland frowns.
>Teeoncy squints.
>Teeoncy softly asks, "How about I give you somthing to heal?"
Teeoncy grumbles at Grandeau.
>Grandeau chuckles.
Teeoncy softly asks, "Like yourself?"
Grandeau bows to Teeoncy.
>Grandeau gives Teeoncy a good pinch!
(blah blah Enormis ask if Blueland can pick a box for him)
Enormis removes an engraved thanot box from in his black warlord's cloak.
>Grandeau quietly says, "There i can heal that."
>Teeoncy gasps.
Enormis offers Blueland an engraved thanot box.
Blueland accepts Enormis's thanot box.
>Teeoncy softly says, "I was in line first."
>Blueland begins to meticulously examine an engraved thanot box.
Grandeau grins at Teeoncy.
Enormis removes a battered silver coffer from in his black warlord's cloak.
>Teeoncy pouts at Blueland.
Teeoncy softly says, "I even begged."
(Grandeau heals teeo's pinch bruise)
>Grandeau laughs!
>Grandeau grins.
(Blueland picks Enormis' boxes)
Teeoncy picks up an engraved thanot box.
>Teeoncy taps an iron-bound fel box.
(Still picking)
Teeoncy softly says, "Garbage."
>Teeoncy points out.
Teeoncy's group just went out.
>Teeoncy's group just arrived.
Grandeau nods to Teeoncy.
>Grandeau picks up some ephlox moss.
Grandeau takes a bite of his ephlox moss.
Grandeau rubs his chin thoughtfully.
>Grandeau put some ephlox moss on a richly finished wooden bench.
>Teeoncy raises an eyebrow in Blueland's direction.
Grandeau picks up some calamia fruit.
(More picking and healing down)
Grandeau grins at Blueland.
(More picking and healing down, Teeoncy and Grandeau were obviously having a conversation because he kept peering at her every once in awhile....)
>Kataleena traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Kataleena gestures at Grandeau.
CS: +126 - TD: +48 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 - -5 == +125
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Grandeau.
>Teeoncy raises an eyebrow in Blueland's direction.
Blueland says, "And if you want me to open your "boxies" try to have atleast a small amount of patience."
Blueland accepts Enormis's onyx scarab.
>Blueland nods to Enormis.
>Enormis grunts in tribute to Blueland as he bangs his fist sharply upon his banded half plate in a barbaric salute.
>Blueland says, "Yer welcome."
>Grandeau just left.
* Grandeau has disconnected.
>Kellsey says, "You should really quit silencing someone just because you don't like his opinion."
>Grandeau just arrived.
* Grandeau joins the adventure.
>Kataleena bashfully says, "Mind your own business."
>The pall of silence leaves Grandeau.
>Kellsey says, "Mind my own business? Quit acting like a child."
>Kellsey says, "If you want to act like you live in the Landing. Go there."
>Kataleena waves a hand at Kellsey, dismissing her indifferently.
Grandeau sighs.
Grandeau sits down.
Blueland turns to face Teeoncy.
>Grandeau rubs his chin thoughtfully.
>Blueland raises an eyebrow in Teeoncy's direction.
Teeoncy softly asks, "Could we go outside pleae?"
>Blueland starts chortling.
>Grandeau shakes his head.
>Blueland says, "Sure.."
>Blueland shrugs.
>Teeoncy's group just went out.
Blueland's group just went out.
Grandeau stands up.
Grandeau rubs his chin thoughtfully.
>Grandeau just went out.
(Bunch of spelling up, people leaving and coming back)
>Grandeau just arrived.
Grandeau sighs.
Grandeau nods to Kellsey.
Kellsey offers Grandeau some wolifrew lichen.
Grandeau shrugs.
>Grandeau accepts Kellsey's wolifrew lichen.
Grandeau manages to take a bite of some wolifrew lichen, which is on a richly finished wooden bench.
>Kellsey grins.
Grandeau drops some wolifrew lichen.
>Kellsey picks up some torban leaf.
>Kellsey offers Grandeau some torban leaf.
Grandeau accepts Kellsey's torban leaf.
>Kellsey rubs her chin thoughtfully.
>Grandeau takes a bite of his torban leaf.
Grandeau's twitching subsides.
Grandeau grins at Kellsey.
Grandeau quietly says, "Thanks."
Kellsey exclaims, "Welcomes!"
>Grandeau put some torban leaf in his alizarin velvet cloak.
Grandeau rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Grandeau sighs.
>Grandeau just went out.
>Grandeau just arrived.
(Teeoncy comes back from getting her boxes picked)
>Grandeau sighs.
>Grandeau sits down.
>Teeoncy just handed Kataleena some coins.
Grandeau rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Kellsey rubs her chin thoughtfully.
>Kellsey glances at Kataleena.
>Kellsey says, "Don't threaten me. Thanks."
Grandeau nods to Kellsey.
>Kellsey says, "I wasn't helping anyone, I thought your comment was irrational and shouldn't have been said."
Grandeau sighs.
Kataleena bashfully says, "I think Healing is my dutey. It is my opinion."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "It is what i believe."
>Kellsey says, "Well it's not everyone's duty just because they are an empath. ."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "I wouldnt make a big deal out of anything if you believed in a god I didnt."
Kellsey says, "The lands don't revolve around you."
Kataleena bashfully says, "People are aloud to have beliefs."
>Grandeau mutters allowed.
>Kataleena bashfully says, "And opinions."
Kellsey says, "Yes, but having a belief and forcing it upon another is a different story."
Kellsey says, "Learn when you cross the line."
Kataleena bashfully says, "How did i force it."
>Grandeau quietly says, "I believe waht i want as does everyone else."
Kellsey says, "You silenced him for no other reason than you didn't like his opnion."
Kellsey says, "Opinon."
Grandeau stands up.
>Kataleena bashfully says, "GOOD."
>Grandeau quietly says, "Ok thats it."
>Grandeau quietly says, "Im going back to Vaalor."
>Grandeau quietly says, "I cant take this."
Grandeau shakes his head.
Kataleena bashfully says, "Good."
Speaking to Grandeau, Nakiro says, "That's only what she wants."
>Grandeau nods to Kataleena.
>Grandeau quietly says, "Its what u want anywayts."
Grandeau nods to Kataleena.
Grandeau quietly says, "So i guess you'll get it."
>Grandeau shrugs.
Grandeau quietly says, "Whatever."
>Kellsey works her way into some pristine diamond-dusted leathers.
Kataleena grumbles at Nakiro.
>Grandeau quietly says, "I didnt start anything."
Kataleena bashfully says, "Leave me alone and Ill leave you alone."
>Grandeau quietly says, "You asked me to come here."
>Kataleena bashfully says, "I dont want you here."
>Grandeau quietly says, "And now you ignore me and dont have tiem for me."
>Grandeau quietly says, "So whatever."
>Grandeau quietly says, "Ill leave."
>Kataleena bashfully asks, "I thought we already decided that?"
Grandeau shrugs.
>Grandeau shrugs.
>Grandeau quietly says, "Whatever."
>Grandeau quietly says, "I dont care Im gone."
Kataleena bashfully asks, "Ok?"
>Kataleena bashfully says, "Leave then."
Kellsey says, "You're a wench."
Kellsey nods to Kataleena.
>Grandeau quietly asks, "So i can go back to vaalor?"
>Kellsey says, "I'll take you."
>Grandeau sighs.
>Kellsey says, "No, you can't."
Grandeau quietly says, "Thanks."
Kellsey gently takes hold of Grandeau's hand.
Kellsey asks, "Ready?"
Kellsey peers quizzically at Grandeau.
>Grandeau nods to Kellsey.
Lady Kellsey's group just went out.
12-15-2003, 04:39 PM
It's not that long. But that log does make a lot more sense to me for your conclusion. I still don't see what Teeoncy had to do with it though.
- Me
12-15-2003, 05:13 PM
(More picking and healing down, Teeoncy and Grandeau were obviously having a conversation because he kept peering at her every once in awhile....)
>Kataleena traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Kataleena gestures at Grandeau.
CS: +126 - TD: +48 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 - -5 == +125
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Grandeau.
That's where she came in. Teeoncy and Grandeau were talking then Kataleena silences him again. He wasn't nodding or peering at Kataleena, he was nodding and peering at Teeoncy.
12-15-2003, 05:19 PM
Meh. When people annoy me, i would ask someone else to do it for me... so just because its your character, makes it out of bounds to help another of your characters? Umm.. No, it doesnt :)
12-15-2003, 05:28 PM
No, it's not if you roleplay it out, but there was no roleplay in that area. ;)
12-15-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Originally posted by Chadj
Meh. When people annoy me, i would ask someone else to do it for me... so just because its your character, makes it out of bounds to help another of your characters? Umm.. No, it doesnt :)
I DARE you to put that question to Andraste.
I guarantee you, she will give you the same answer she gave me. It's not only not acceptable, but it is AGAINST POLICY. If you cannot handle your own conflicts, and you use another of your bodies to do so, you're breaking policy.
And not that it would have mattered ultimately, but she didn't even TRY to RP it. She could have, for example, had Teeoncy ask Kataleena to silence him. It might have blurred the lines of policy abuse a little at least.
I talk to Andraste all the time, so i will ask him next time i see her:)
EDIT: lmfao! i called andraste a him.. :( :(.. sorry, was thinkin Khaladon at the same time.
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Chadj]
12-15-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by JustMe
(More picking and healing down, Teeoncy and Grandeau were obviously having a conversation because he kept peering at her every once in awhile....)
>Kataleena traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Kataleena gestures at Grandeau.
CS: +126 - TD: +48 + CvA: +25 + d100: +17 - -5 == +125
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Grandeau.
That's where she came in. Teeoncy and Grandeau were talking then Kataleena silences him again. He wasn't nodding or peering at Kataleena, he was nodding and peering at Teeoncy.
Well, if I didn't know what the relationship was between Teeoncy, Kataleena, and Grandeau was, I would have just thought Kataleena was being an annoying bully.
- Me
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Jonty]
12-15-2003, 05:42 PM
Another true point.
but in knowing the relationship it appears more like PvsP conflict hence the issue at hand
12-15-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
I talk to Andraste all the time, so i will ask him next time i see her:)
EDIT: lmfao! i called andraste a him.. :( :(.. sorry, was thinkin Khaladon at the same time.
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Chadj]
You're still calling Andraste a him. ;)
- Me
12-15-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
Well, if I didn't know what the relationship was between Teeoncy, Kataleena, and Grandeau was, I would have just thought Kataleena was being an annoying bully.
- Me
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Jonty]
Which is exactly what it looked like to me. That's why OOC conflicts should stay OOC and she should make it a point to keep it that way. Threads like this wouldn't get started if she did.
12-15-2003, 06:13 PM
I HEART BLUELAND for telling Teeoncy he didn't know what a "boxie" was. That's one of my biggest pet peeves, I fucking hate that.
Also kind of funny the way Kataleena made her argument "bashfully." Yea, go roleplaying. /snorts
12-15-2003, 06:43 PM
Okay it's obvious the girl can't roleplay. She enjoys silencing people when they have an opinion she doesn't agree to. Not to mention Miss English Professor to-be can't spell third grade level words. She treats people shitty. She brings her other characters into her conflicts. She lies about people. She brings RL issues into the game. She makes personal attacks about peoples RL children, which is way beyond low.
I mean, seriously, Jonty why do you defend her so much? What exactly is there to defend? Maybe I just don't understand.
12-15-2003, 07:35 PM
All Your Roleplay Are Belong To Us.
Guy 1: you're a puerto rican, why don't you speak spanish?
Guy 2: because i'm 50% puerto rican and 50% italian.
Guy 1: oh
Guy 2: but i'm i'm mostly italian.
12-15-2003, 07:39 PM
Im really busy right now... But im sure i will have time to rant in a sec... so untill i can fill this reserved space, just imagine a really long rant defending Teeo. :)
And yes, i STILL plan on defending her for everyone that asks :moon:
12-15-2003, 08:05 PM
Fact: she sux
Fact: she lies
Fact: she is «pretty»
Fact: she has problems (mentaly and/or social)
Fact: no one really care beside those that are jealous and/or wanting to have a piece of her
Fact: I don't care
So i shall shut up :lol:
12-15-2003, 08:16 PM
Xcalibur has the right idea! Let it die!
Acolyte Kurili
Oh, I agreed with Xcalibur. Is that a bad thing?
12-15-2003, 08:17 PM
I'd say no, but that's my opinon...
12-15-2003, 09:01 PM
opinions are like onions, they have layers.
12-16-2003, 01:33 AM
Edited because what I said wasn't very nice. If you would like to get a whole new veiw on Sarah, Teeoncy Kataleena or whatever you wish to call her... go read Klaives forum. She's sweetpea or something.
[Edited on 12-16-2003 by JustMe]
12-16-2003, 05:38 AM
She(Teeoncy) was pretty uncool and uncooth in Vaalor tonight while waiting for a merchant. She screen scrolled the mock verb to about 20 different people and was talking about strippers and dancing cages on the amulet.
I was not impressed.
12-16-2003, 07:31 AM
Very few are. Tsk, tsk. Maybe she and Vif can form a Vulgar Ladies' club.
12-16-2003, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Devishal
opinions are like onions, they have layers.
I thought that was ogres?
Moist Happenings
12-16-2003, 11:16 AM
Cakes have layers!
When will you people learn Like me JustMe is almost always right.
Weedmage Princess
12-16-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
She screen scrolled the mock verb to about 20 different people and was talking about strippers and dancing cages on the amulet.
That's classy.
12-16-2003, 04:56 PM
Weedmage... we never claimed she possessed any class.
12-16-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
She(Teeoncy) was pretty uncool and uncooth in Vaalor tonight while waiting for a merchant. She screen scrolled the mock verb to about 20 different people and was talking about strippers and dancing cages on the amulet.
I was not impressed.
She was with Brimzstone. Brimz was told be someone not to use the verb mock because it was a "sacred place". Well brim does not like to be told what to do so he continued to mock her and everyone else. And she just went along with him because he is her friend. So she wasnt 'scrolling' it exactly. Just messing around with a friend.
And as for the whole talking about the whole stripper thing.... she actually told the girl who was doing it to go to a private room and stuff. she was, at the most, being a bitch to her... cause she was practically calling her a slut.
Ask Brimz or Ansherak if you want.. :bouncy:
12-16-2003, 06:17 PM
when argueing with idiots, try not to drop to their level, because you always lose to experience.
12-16-2003, 06:21 PM
Arguing, even.
::asks HarmNone if she can borrow the 'do not feed the trolls' sign::
12-16-2003, 06:42 PM
::HarmNone hands spun the revered "Do Not Feed The Trolls" sign::
I am generous by nature. ;)
12-16-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Devishal
when argueing with idiots, try not to drop to their level, because you always lose to experience.
The more refined form of that quote is...Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
12-16-2003, 07:00 PM
ha yes! i shall ruin every post!
12-16-2003, 07:04 PM
I cant see where it matters WHO started scrolling mocks. The fact is, she did it too.
Ever hear the old adage, 'Two wrongs dont make a right'?
Acolyte Kurili
I was there last night. I was not impressed with Teeoncy's behavior, especially her wanton tone abuse. EVERYTHING she said, she said it slyly. I barely held my tongue and kept from making a sarcastic remark about it. I deserve a medal for letting sly dogs lie.
12-17-2003, 12:58 AM
I got the most interesting U2U from her, although I don't understand what the hell she's talking about. Anyone mind telling me what she's talking about and why she decided to U2U me of all people?
From: tenlaughs
To: JustMe
Sent: 12-16-2003 at 18:29
Message: I thought that Both Janisi's father and Neff try to impregnate her? Isn't that why Rainbow and Jani broke up for a bit? Because Jani's father screwed Rainbow when Jani wasnt around? That family is very screwed up! Jani's father is the father of her baby! Stay tuned for the announcement that Jani is also pregnant!
Atleast thats why Teeoncy left her father.. he wanted to have a threesome with her and his daughter :gags:
Reply - Forward
Weedmage Princess
12-17-2003, 02:17 AM
Oh that's lovely...
12-17-2003, 03:20 AM
Who you baby daddie?
12-17-2003, 11:03 AM
In the northern land where I live, people are saying she sux
so it must be true!
Weedmage Princess
12-17-2003, 11:04 AM
Well before people go jumping to conclusions...I'd just like to say, from experience....please don't take whatever Teeoncy's player tells you at face value, and assume it's true. Chances are, it probably isn't. I'm not saying it's true or isn't, but from my experience (and quite a few other people here on the boards apparently) she seems to have issues telling the truth..and I'd hate to see someone demonized for a falsehood.
The Cat In The Hat
12-17-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by JustMe
I got the most interesting U2U from her, although I don't understand what the hell she's talking about. Anyone mind telling me what she's talking about and why she decided to U2U me of all people?
From: tenlaughs
To: JustMe
Sent: 12-16-2003 at 18:29
Message: I thought that Both Janisi's father and Neff try to impregnate her? Isn't that why Rainbow and Jani broke up for a bit? Because Jani's father screwed Rainbow when Jani wasnt around? That family is very screwed up! Jani's father is the father of her baby! Stay tuned for the announcement that Jani is also pregnant!
Atleast thats why Teeoncy left her father.. he wanted to have a threesome with her and his daughter :gags:
Reply - Forward
Oh my fucking god... She just can't stop can she??
I hear about something new daily and ya know, I've actually kept it off the boards in the hopes that this desperate attention seeking cunt would go away and leave us all in peace but I can honestly see she's not going to.
Here's a philosophy for ten laughs you fucking whore.
Dont shit where you eat.
Moist Happenings
12-17-2003, 12:43 PM
Might I add that it's also a blatant lie? This is the last time i'll post in this thread.
12-17-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Originally posted by HouseofElves
She(Teeoncy) was pretty uncool and uncooth in Vaalor tonight while waiting for a merchant. She screen scrolled the mock verb to about 20 different people and was talking about strippers and dancing cages on the amulet.
I was not impressed.
She was with Brimzstone. Brimz was told be someone not to use the verb mock because it was a "sacred place". Well brim does not like to be told what to do so he continued to mock her and everyone else. And she just went along with him because he is her friend. So she wasnt 'scrolling' it exactly. Just messing around with a friend.
And as for the whole talking about the whole stripper thing.... she actually told the girl who was doing it to go to a private room and stuff. she was, at the most, being a bitch to her... cause she was practically calling her a slut.
Ask Brimz or Ansherak if you want.. :bouncy:
heh, well, it was a merchant gathering, that the merchant was very late, and in the end didn't even show up, show me one merchant event where a handful of bored players don't get a little silly and I'll show you a room fulla zombies and sleepers.
That all being said, perhaps a quick message to the GM's to not hold public event like merchants in sensitive areas would be appropriate?
Now I never took part in the silliness, just not my style, but I certainly had no problems with the silliness going on around me, it was either watch them and there antics or stare at the screen and wait for 2 hours while no one said a word.
Originally posted by Ansherak
Now I never took part in the silliness, just not my style, but I certainly had no problems with the silliness going on around me, it was either watch them and there antics or stare at the screen and wait for 2 hours while no one said a word.
When I've been in situations like this (For example... Warclaidhm at any pay event, such as the Ebon Gate fest), I would much rather have waited two hours with no one saying a word. Especially if an annoying twit is screen-scrolling with the mock verb with her little friends.
Maybe that's just me, though. :rolleyes:
Edited to add:
And if anyone had done it in a "sacred" area, such as the Temple in Mule during the Festival of Sorrows... Michiko would have dragged them out of there, killed them, and left them to rot.
[Edited on 12-17-2003 by GS3 Michiko]
12-17-2003, 01:25 PM
Well as grand as an Idea that sounds Michiko, Brimzstone is pretty damn near the cap, On paper that sounds like a good idea, in practice it can get deed intensive and maybe even a little embarrasing!
Seriosly though, it was only a little silliness by two people, and not even that bad, as far as screen scroll goes, Pffft, not even close to screen scroll.
12-24-2003, 12:02 AM
This was absolutely mind numbing. I was picking for a buddy of mine at the dais about 30 minutes ago, and the following takes place. Edited out movement and what not.
Teeoncy hauls off and slaps Wethalhalas up'side the head!
Teeoncy nods to Jonty.
Teeoncy hauls off and slaps Wethalhalas up'side the head!
Wethalhalas says, "Stop."
Wethalhalas nods to Teeoncy.
Trisstan works his way out of some battered elven brigandine inset with large sparkling emeralds on each shoulder.
Teeoncy wearily says, "Make me."
Teeoncy makes a rude suggestion to Wethalhalas and gets a firm punch for it.
Teeoncy hauls off and slaps Wethalhalas up'side the head!
Jonty looks thoughtfully at Teeoncy.
Wethalhalas put a fresh ginger cookie on a richly finished wooden bench.
Castlana traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Castlana gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Castlana.
Teeoncy wearily says, "I havin fun bouncin yeah head back and fourth."
Wethalhalas says, "Seriously... stop."
Wethalhalas offers you a plain gold chest. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Teeoncy hauls off and slaps Wethalhalas up'side the head!
Teeoncy grabs Wethalhalas and drags him out.
Wethalhalas just arrived.
Wethalhalas looks over at Teeoncy and shakes his head.
Teeoncy grabs Wethalhalas and drags him out.
Teeoncy just arrived.
Wethalhalas just arrived.
Teeoncy points at Wethalhalas, ruining his hiding place.
>giv wethal
You offer your gold chest to Wethalhalas, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Teeoncy grabs Wethalhalas and drags him out.
Wethalhalas just arrived.
Wethalhalas looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Teeoncy searches around for a moment.
Teeoncy points at Wethalhalas, ruining his hiding place.
Wethalhalas looks around for a moment before sighing disappointedly.
Teeoncy grabs Wethalhalas and drags him out.
You offer your gold chest to Wethalhalas, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Teeoncy hurls herself at Wethalhalas and connects!
MS: +302 - MD: +129 + MAvA: -22 + d100: +70 == +221
Teeoncy hammers Wethalhalas to the ground. 10 hits! Teeoncy quickly jumps to her feet.
Teeoncy wearily exclaims, "Yay!"
Teeoncy bites Wethalhalas!
12-24-2003, 12:11 AM
And chadj with her... at her home..
He's that boring? shit!
12-24-2003, 12:32 AM
I gather Wethalhalas is a much younger character, incapable of simply reducing the silly wench to a greasy spot on the ground?
What a disgusting display!
HarmNone thinks Teeoncy needs to be splattered
12-24-2003, 12:35 AM
What a moron. But then, most of us aren't suprised I'm sure.
Also.. a big "EWWWW" on the Chadj staying with Teeoncy thing.
12-24-2003, 12:43 AM
zwik zwik zwik
want to hear more?
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 01:27 AM
Wow... I would comment but would that be considered "obcessing"?
12-24-2003, 01:29 AM
I pretty sure commenting about whether or not you're going to comment is still commenting.
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 01:30 AM
Darn, and I thought I was being clever!
accuse teeoncy of assult. works wonders.
12-24-2003, 02:13 AM
Heh, Weth has been around for 7 or so years and he's level 42 I think
Weedmage Princess
12-24-2003, 04:28 AM
Yeah, see I'm not a fan of REPORT or WARN but in that sort of instance, when dealing with a mindless dolt like the one shown there...who happens to have a few levels on you...yeah that's the way to go. What you do time she's doing something like that (and I'm sure they'll be a next time cause she's just that stupid) do a STAT FULL and see if there are GMs on duty. If not, then WARN her. If there are, then REPORT her....they'll see the report, look in on her, make sure you tell her to stop..and they see her keep doing it or say something like "Make me." like she did...heh...that will make her.
I hear she does stuff like this to lots of folks..people like her, Vif, need to report them and KEEP reporting them. Over and over again..every little thing they do, REPORT. It's people like this that make the game disruptive and should be watched constantly by the staff. One day, their dumb asses will wake in the cell.
12-24-2003, 05:56 AM
I observe in this thread alone three different things that pale in comparison to the typical interaction Fizzan has with Teeoncy.
Of course, Fizzan typically ends those intereactions by stunning her for five minutes (though she's always quickly unstunned, by Fizzan himself, or someone else), draining a third of her blood with a shot of Pain, or turning her into a nugget via Limb Disrupt.
Now then, after a few dozen times... you think you'd get the message, eh?
I think the flea curse got it across pretty well, though.
Flatly, whatever results from this excellent altercation between Fizzan and Sarah (again, she can't keep IC and OOC apart, so why should we bother?) I will be sure to post, in detail, for everyone to see.
And if she truly does get her things back, and I do get punished for it, the log of me (it'll be me when you see the real indignation) in the Consultation Lounge will at least be insightfully funny!
-Fizzan's Player
"I won't deny it, I'm a straight rider-- you don't wanna fuck with me."
12-24-2003, 12:09 PM
Heh. From what I have now seen and heard from others about the sterling roleplay exhibited by the player of Teeoncy, I have but one thing to say:
May the Force be with you, Fizzan. :D
Weedmage Princess
12-24-2003, 01:02 PM
Actually..before we condemn her, we should wait. I have a feeling Chadj will have an explanation of her abuse there, and show us that it was really Teeoncy who was suffering some sort of mistreatment, not anyone else. He will make everything crystal clear for us, and I assure you it will be a totally unbiased point of view..yes..the fact that he's looking to score some Teeoncy tail out there while he's visiting will have NOTHING to do with it. ::waits patiently::
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 01:06 PM
Weedie... I love you, I dont think I say that enough.
Weedmage Princess
12-24-2003, 01:09 PM
Yes you say this but you want to hump Maimara :(
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 01:11 PM
Maimara? Maimara who? I want to hump YOU ::flirts::
12-24-2003, 01:12 PM
Man girl on girl fashion is no longer hot, by the way...
Chadj? biased? No damn way, he will never say that he and I were talking of..
ah no, i won't start those crap :D
Weedmage Princess
12-24-2003, 01:18 PM
Eeeek :p
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 03:23 PM
Oh Weedie... Like you DON'T want to be the main object of my effection. Please... ::winks::
12-24-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Maimara? Maimara who? I want to hump YOU ::flirts::
I guess I can tell peam to take you off his hit list!
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 04:45 PM
Bah! I liked being on that list.
12-24-2003, 05:18 PM
No need to talk more of that boring cyber-sexing or whatever, it's boring
let's concentrate on that psychosolution that is Teeoncy
She's into panic as she didn't thought Chadj's visit would had that affect...
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 05:29 PM
Whos talking about Cybersex? I've been camping outside Maimaras house for the last week in this brown sedan... um..
Forget I said that, there is no brown sedan...
[Edited on 12-24-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]
12-24-2003, 05:30 PM
Cool, i'm in the white sedan right behind you...erm what white sedan....
12-24-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Whos talking about Cybersex? I've been camping outside Maimaras house for the last week in this brown sedan... um..
Forget I said that, there is no brown sedan...
[Edited on 12-24-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 05:54 PM
Well no kidding! Im waiting.. Im NOT waiting.. for you to get back.
12-24-2003, 06:50 PM
I know where she works...we could go there....erm ignore me.
12-24-2003, 07:17 PM
You are all very very ill.
12-24-2003, 07:35 PM
I agree with the old and wise lady
12-24-2003, 09:38 PM
We aren't ill, just umm misunderstood..yes that's it
12-24-2003, 09:50 PM
Wow I just read Edaarin's log. I find that highly annoying. He asked her to stop slapping him and she dragged him out while he was getting his boxes picked? Poor guy and why didn't he just take off her legs? Good lawd!
12-24-2003, 10:22 PM
Because he's is a nice person.
12-24-2003, 10:24 PM
You know, I recall somewhere along the lines... it was implied or said that Teeoncy's player was from England.
If that's true, what the fuck is she doing in Oregon or wherever, where Chadj is visiting her?
12-24-2003, 10:30 PM
Teeoncy wearily says, "Make me."
Teeoncy makes a rude suggestion to Wethalhalas and gets a firm punch for it.
Teeoncy hauls off and slaps Wethalhalas up'side the head!
What a stunning example of mature roleplaying and dialogue! NOT!! But it is a great show of what her probable real age is.
And the tackling is an abuse of guild skills and the oath she took... you should be sure to report that too.
I have five more words for her... Policy, page 3. Read it.
Edited to get rid of the annoying italics.
[Edited on 12-25-2003 by Caramia]
12-24-2003, 10:53 PM
If there is not another side to that encounter it is a rather sad commentary.
The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
We aren't ill, just umm misunderstood..yes that's it
Wait... I'm in this car... you're in that car... We should like just share a car and order a pizza.
12-24-2003, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
What a stunning example of mature roleplaying and dialogue! NOT!! But it is a great show of what her probable real age is.
Says the one who still uses lines from 'Wayne's World'. :lol:
Weedmage Princess
12-25-2003, 10:43 AM
Well..I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still waiting for Chadj's take on that log. Like I said, I won't jump the gun until he explains why Teeoncy was doing that. Is she just a snert? Or was she somehow wronged by the universe?
woah wait chadj is visiting her....
Chadj! come on man! you are kidding me right?
12-25-2003, 01:03 PM
Daina, i don't even think I want to know.
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