View Full Version : GSPC Perfect MMO
01-30-2008, 01:17 PM
Alright, I have a bad, better yet, horrible idea:
We lead a tirade of text-based gaming posts in response to angst from politics on political BBs. 3, 2, 1, go. High-five.
So I thought I'd make a stupid thread that's a text-based gaming post. Since it's been undisputibly stated that "Gemstone Sucks" by at least one poster, what would make a text based RPG not suck. What components do we need to string together to make the idealistic MUD.
What mechanics do you like/dislike, suggestions for improvement.
What fluff do you like/disklike.
Alterations - better when they're rare/valuable, or better when everyone can design exactly what they want to look like.
Combat - What systems do you like the most, how does realism balance with fun.
Tedium - Is less tedium really more fun, clearly not for GSers.
Risk/Reward - What motivates the players? Are timesinks the right method of keeping power rare, or would the game still be fun if everyone was godlike?
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-30-2008, 01:23 PM
I personally think GS is the best text game ever made. Nothing I've played, ever, has held my attention for more than a year or so, much less 10.
I like that it's constantly evolving.
Tea & Strumpets
01-30-2008, 01:31 PM
I personally think GS is the best text game ever made. Nothing I've played, ever, has held my attention for more than a year or so, much less 10.
I like that it's constantly evolving.
I think the game is pretty fun, just not a fan of Warden and a lot of the GS4 changes. Plus the company is kind of wacko nuts--so much silly drama.
Stanley Burrell
01-30-2008, 01:36 PM
Sorcerers need to be able to flash a big symbol of a skull & crossbones using ASCII art whenever they cast a spell at someone. Grrr, yo.
01-30-2008, 01:43 PM
Sorcerers need to be able to flash a big symbol of a skull & crossbones using ASCII art whenever they cast a spell at someone. Grrr, yo.
Anyway... able to identify what in particular it is about GS that holds you... I'll agree that GS has been the one constant through the years... like baseball, except I don't sound like James Earl Jones when I say it.
The 3-4 year grind to cap it took me, discourages me from wanting to start a new profession and do it again. Once bored with capped hunting I choose to quit instead.
The deaths sting pissed me off especially since the cap is hard enough to reach and so completely boring for people who want to concentrate on making their character stronger.
The merchants are too few and far between in Prime. Employ someone to do them :O
I love the RP. That's the only think I like about it.
But it's far outweighed by the tedium. Which, the lasting players have had to be big fans of GS to stick out.
01-30-2008, 01:58 PM
Well first, get rid of the point blank range all encompassing combat. Yet at the same time ... don't make an over complicated engagement system.
Second ... make a decision one way or another ... AOE spells either effect everything or they only effect aggressive spawns.
Third ... enforce some sort of name policy. None of these portmanwto names and have a limit on the frilly foo foo "I've got no imagination names" and variations of those names. See the numerous gem names, "drop" names ... etc.
Fourth ... well I'd need to take a break because so many things in GS pissed me off.
01-30-2008, 02:20 PM
My profession (whatever it is) should have a lot more powerful abilities with a lot less training required and everyone else has it too easy. Plus my profession should be able to hunt every creature in the game without any problems because I PAY TO PLAY THIS GAME. I PAY TO PLAY.
Also, there should be a zero tolerance RP policy for everyone except when I'm just screwing around with my friends, in which case GMs should keep their noses out of my business.
Tea & Strumpets
01-30-2008, 03:25 PM
My profession (whatever it is) should have a lot more powerful abilities with a lot less training required and everyone else has it too easy. Plus my profession should be able to hunt every creature in the game without any problems because I PAY TO PLAY THIS GAME. I PAY TO PLAY.
Also, there should be a zero tolerance RP policy for everyone except when I'm just screwing around with my friends, in which case GMs should keep their noses out of my business.
That seems to be a gross exaggeration of some people's problems with the game. I bet you didn't expect anyone to see through your subterfuge.
01-30-2008, 03:57 PM
That seems to be a gross exaggeration of some people's problems with the game. I bet you didn't expect anyone to see through your subterfuge.
Unfortunately, that's not really all that much of an exaggeration. Have you read the sorcerer boards lately? I sometimes stumble into there when I read through the rogue forums and those fuckers are the most ridiculousest.
01-30-2008, 04:22 PM
No game will ever be perfect, least of all Gemstone. Even if it is one of the better ones out there. Too many people putting in opinions. You need to base it off one persons idea, and people can either like it or fuck off.
The insane amount of stupid time sinks take a lot of the joy out of the game. We like instant gratification. Games are suppose to allow you to relax or have fun, not waste ALL your free time to get something accomplished.
And having roll players and role players mix is always a bad thing. Give us the Fallen.
If they are going to have a cap, allow that cap to be more easily attained, and then let us roll up another guy. They shouldn't try to keep customers around by making them progress so slow they never reach their goal/end game.
People grow up and move on, you are going to lose people at some point anyways. Spend more time and effort recruiting new people than trying to force the old players to stay around. If they like it enough they will stay around even after they achieved their goals. They will restart or just stay around and hang with friends.
No game will ever be perfect, least of all Gemstone. Even if it is one of the better ones out there. Too many people putting in opinions. You need to base it off one persons idea, and people can either like it or fuck off.
The insane amount of stupid time sinks take a lot of the joy out of the game. We like instant gratification. Games are suppose to allow you to relax or have fun, not waste ALL your free time to get something accomplished.
And having roll players and role players mix is always a bad thing. Give us the Fallen.
If they are going to have a cap, allow that cap to be more easily attained, and then let us roll up another guy. They shouldn't try to keep customers around by making them progress so slow they never reach their goal/end game.
People grow up and move on, you are going to lose people at some point anyways. Spend more time and effort recruiting new people than trying to force the old players to stay around. If they like it enough they will stay around even after they achieved their goals. They will restart or just stay around and hang with friends.
X2 to every aspect.
01-30-2008, 04:54 PM
So I thought I'd make a stupid thread that's a text-based gaming post. Since it's been undisputibly stated that "Gemstone Sucks" by at least one poster, what would make a text based RPG not suck. What components do we need to string together to make the idealistic MUD.
It can be done in two simple steps:
1. Take GS as it was 10-12 years ago.
2. Don't nerf it.
01-30-2008, 06:01 PM
It can be done in two simple steps:
1. Take GS as it was 10-12 years ago.
2. Don't nerf it.
As much as I like that... there are some things that have happened that are extremely revitalizing to the game.
The bounty system gives new life to the game, but has it's flaws for certain.
XXX was a great addition, but at the same time can cause a very frantic pace because you don't want to waste it
Both of these ideas might make leveling too easy and if you outgrow content; are you supposed to just become a locksmith?
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