Carl Spackler
12-13-2003, 01:15 PM
Little log here... Scing walks up to me In town and asks me if I'll punch him, I shrugged and punched him... Next thing I know I get arrested. He did this to more than just me too, he did it to a few people. I got out of jail, went to his house and heres what happened. It was quite funny how his buddy had to help him handle his business
one has noticed your doing so.
[Scing's Home]
Walls of polished golden oak and a parquet golden oak floor covered by a fancifully decorated elven rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a plain dark fel bed, and near the bed sits a large oaken dining table. Above a black marble fireplace hangs an open jawed polar bear head. The room holds a slight scent of pine. You also see the Hammerrhead disk, an ivory silk upholstered chair and a rune-carved ora door.
Also here: Hammerrhead.
Obvious exits: none
* Christie joins the adventure.
* Thrynn joins the adventure.
* Amren joins the adventure.
* Jahel joins the adventure.
* Linsha joins the adventure.
>'how about you come out.
You say, "How about you come out."
* Christie returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Dagalos returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>sign of strik
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
>sign of smit
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
>sign of swo
The voice of Scing says, "How about not."
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
The voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
The voice of Scing says, "Defensive and search."
>l hammerh
I could not find what you were referring to.
* Christie joins the adventure.
The voice of Scing says, "Point and Ill get the bush."
>stance d
You are now in a defensive stance.
* Krystalize joins the adventure.
* Ashleigh joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "L."
You notice Hammerrhead slip into a hiding place.
* Meos returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The voice of Hammerrhead clearly says, "Woah."
The voice of Hammerrhead clearly says, "That was close."
* Mahly joins the adventure.
* Erentz joins the adventure.
>drop arrow
* Henny returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>wear bow
* Ioeth joins the adventure.
You come out of hiding.
You drop a wooden arrow.
You sling a vaalorn long bow over your shoulder.
>rem cross
You sling a heavy crossbow off from over your shoulder.
Scing leaps from hiding to attack!
Scing swings a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi at you!
AS: +171 vs DS: +187 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +88 = +116
... and hits for 6 points of damage!
Quick feint to your right foot.
Little extra damage.
You yawn.
Scing says, "Get him."
You kneel down.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
* Jormefists joins the adventure.
>fire cross at sci
You fire a heavy crossbow bolt at Scing!
AS: +275 vs DS: +113 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +12 = +207
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Shot knocks Scing's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!
* Scing drops dead at your feet!
Scing returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Scing.
Scing becomes solid again.
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in Scing's left eye!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Drijien returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Vigg joins the adventure.
* Scing just bit the dust!
Hammerrhead comes out of hiding.
Hammerrhead hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +272 - MD: +81 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +58 == +249
Hammerrhead hammers you to the ground. Ouch. 19 hits! Hammerrhead quickly jumps to his feet.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
>stance d
...wait 21 seconds.
* Slicem joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "How dare you."
* Ioeth returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
Hammerrhead swings a monir-hafted golvern morning star at you!
AS: +411 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +27 = +446
... and hits for 154 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters your head into a red spray.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
You are no longer moving silently.
The light blue glow leaves you.
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
The powerful look leaves you.
You return to normal color.
The air about you stops shimmering.
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
The guiding force leaves Hammerrhead.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Nail him."
* Rhayz just bit the dust!
* Kryblue joins the adventure.
* Blarrgh joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ok."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "How dare you kill my friend."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
The door's handle suddenly rattles!
* Betrisdar joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead stares at you.
Hammerrhead rattles the handle of the door.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "Got a LK for me Hammerr?"
* Tenser joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Yep."
* Pandaemonium joins the adventure.
* Ashleigh returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ight."
The door's handle suddenly rattles!
Hammerrhead removes a dusty liquid filled jar containing a bloodshot eyeball from in his brown backpack.
* Betrisdar joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "We'll let him rot."
* Chutnee joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead forces Scing's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his liquid filled jar.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Scing, then fades into the body.
* Frezze joins the adventure.
Speaking clearly to you, Hammerrhead says, "How DARE you attack my friend."
* Vlada joins the adventure.
>'Hammerr, you just made a large mistake my frieind.
You say, "Hammerr, you just made a large mistake my frieind."
* Vermenh joins the adventure.
* Xeb joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Rhayz."
* Mogs returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Falene returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Amlaruil returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "You attacked me."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "You made a mistake."
* Frezze returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "And paid for it."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "He's my friend, and came to help."
* Galore joins the adventure.
* Blackeyes joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Let him rot?"
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Plus you weren't invited in."
>'YOu asked me to punch you.
You say, "YOu asked me to punch you."
* Teigin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Chutnee returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Drethron joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "And?"
* Edaarin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Komatsu joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Yes Hammer."
* Ryina returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>'I don't care whether I was or not.
You say, "I don't care whether I was or not."
* Lawtell joins the adventure.
* Struma joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Let him rot."
* Yorich returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Gialynn joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Too bad."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Alright then."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ye punched me."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ye get what ye deserved."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "And now ye rot."
* Tanathalas returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
* Mogs joins the adventure.
>'Funny how your friend has to save.
* Celeerial returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You say, "Funny how your friend has to save."
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Aye sir?"
* Gialynn returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Tsabrak returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Komatsu joins the adventure.
* Valanna returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead starts chortling.
* Amagick joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead peeks through a peephole in the door.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Gherlan."
* Falene joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "I can take him."
* Issialdore joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "No idea who."
* Bagua joins the adventure.
* Velvette returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Nerrik joins the adventure.
* Thudir joins the adventure.
>'Heh, I assume theres more than just gherlan out there.
You say, "Heh, I assume theres more than just gherlan out there."
* Seluna joins the adventure.
>'You upset quite a few people.
You say, "You upset quite a few people."
* Lanithar joins the adventure.
* Dolanus joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Good."
* Snapic returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Pittypat returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "And we can hide in here for the rest of our lives."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Yeah in fact."
* Malisk returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "I'm getting kinda tired."
* Ikahrus joins the adventure.
* Uryens returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead stretches.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Just hold up Hammerr."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Tired of people hurting my friends."
* Frezze joins the adventure.
* Klarissia joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "How much juice you got left?"
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Lots."
* Pandaemonium returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead peeks through a peephole in the door.
* Fyfe joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Lets lets him rot first."
* Ikees joins the adventure.
* Myitkyina joins the adventure.
* Cassiline joins the adventure.
* Lasharam joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Then we can fog."
* Relint returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Rhayz."
* Kyleana returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "You ever hurt my friend again."
* Vilali joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "You made a mistake."
* Erstweal joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Catch worse than this."
* Fedranth joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Home intrusion."
* Abdarlus joins the adventure.
* Tenser returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Galore returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Elthur returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>_covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, the Aeton disk, some haphip root, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some woli
one has noticed your doing so.
[Scing's Home]
Walls of polished golden oak and a parquet golden oak floor covered by a fancifully decorated elven rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies a plain dark fel bed, and near the bed sits a large oaken dining table. Above a black marble fireplace hangs an open jawed polar bear head. The room holds a slight scent of pine. You also see the Hammerrhead disk, an ivory silk upholstered chair and a rune-carved ora door.
Also here: Hammerrhead.
Obvious exits: none
* Christie joins the adventure.
* Thrynn joins the adventure.
* Amren joins the adventure.
* Jahel joins the adventure.
* Linsha joins the adventure.
>'how about you come out.
You say, "How about you come out."
* Christie returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Dagalos returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>sign of strik
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
>sign of smit
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
>sign of swo
The voice of Scing says, "How about not."
You grip your wooden arrow with renewed vigor!
The voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
The voice of Scing says, "Defensive and search."
>l hammerh
I could not find what you were referring to.
* Christie joins the adventure.
The voice of Scing says, "Point and Ill get the bush."
>stance d
You are now in a defensive stance.
* Krystalize joins the adventure.
* Ashleigh joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "L."
You notice Hammerrhead slip into a hiding place.
* Meos returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The voice of Hammerrhead clearly says, "Woah."
The voice of Hammerrhead clearly says, "That was close."
* Mahly joins the adventure.
* Erentz joins the adventure.
>drop arrow
* Henny returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>wear bow
* Ioeth joins the adventure.
You come out of hiding.
You drop a wooden arrow.
You sling a vaalorn long bow over your shoulder.
>rem cross
You sling a heavy crossbow off from over your shoulder.
Scing leaps from hiding to attack!
Scing swings a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi at you!
AS: +171 vs DS: +187 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +88 = +116
... and hits for 6 points of damage!
Quick feint to your right foot.
Little extra damage.
You yawn.
Scing says, "Get him."
You kneel down.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
* Jormefists joins the adventure.
>fire cross at sci
You fire a heavy crossbow bolt at Scing!
AS: +275 vs DS: +113 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +12 = +207
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Shot knocks Scing's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull!
* Scing drops dead at your feet!
Scing returns to normal color.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Scing.
Scing becomes solid again.
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in Scing's left eye!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Drijien returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Vigg joins the adventure.
* Scing just bit the dust!
Hammerrhead comes out of hiding.
Hammerrhead hurls himself at you and connects!
MS: +272 - MD: +81 + MAvA: 0 + d100: +58 == +249
Hammerrhead hammers you to the ground. Ouch. 19 hits! Hammerrhead quickly jumps to his feet.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
>stance d
...wait 21 seconds.
* Slicem joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "How dare you."
* Ioeth returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
Hammerrhead swings a monir-hafted golvern morning star at you!
AS: +411 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +27 = +446
... and hits for 154 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters your head into a red spray.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
You are no longer moving silently.
The light blue glow leaves you.
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
The powerful look leaves you.
You return to normal color.
The air about you stops shimmering.
Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
The guiding force leaves Hammerrhead.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Nail him."
* Rhayz just bit the dust!
* Kryblue joins the adventure.
* Blarrgh joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ok."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "How dare you kill my friend."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
The door's handle suddenly rattles!
* Betrisdar joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead stares at you.
Hammerrhead rattles the handle of the door.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "Got a LK for me Hammerr?"
* Tenser joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Yep."
* Pandaemonium joins the adventure.
* Ashleigh returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ight."
The door's handle suddenly rattles!
Hammerrhead removes a dusty liquid filled jar containing a bloodshot eyeball from in his brown backpack.
* Betrisdar joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "We'll let him rot."
* Chutnee joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead forces Scing's mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his liquid filled jar.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Scing, then fades into the body.
* Frezze joins the adventure.
Speaking clearly to you, Hammerrhead says, "How DARE you attack my friend."
* Vlada joins the adventure.
>'Hammerr, you just made a large mistake my frieind.
You say, "Hammerr, you just made a large mistake my frieind."
* Vermenh joins the adventure.
* Xeb joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Rhayz."
* Mogs returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Falene returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Amlaruil returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "You attacked me."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "You made a mistake."
* Frezze returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "And paid for it."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "He's my friend, and came to help."
* Galore joins the adventure.
* Blackeyes joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Let him rot?"
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Plus you weren't invited in."
>'YOu asked me to punch you.
You say, "YOu asked me to punch you."
* Teigin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Chutnee returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Drethron joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "And?"
* Edaarin returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Komatsu joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Yes Hammer."
* Ryina returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>'I don't care whether I was or not.
You say, "I don't care whether I was or not."
* Lawtell joins the adventure.
* Struma joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Let him rot."
* Yorich returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Gialynn joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Too bad."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Alright then."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ye punched me."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Ye get what ye deserved."
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "And now ye rot."
* Tanathalas returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Hammer."
* Mogs joins the adventure.
>'Funny how your friend has to save.
* Celeerial returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
You say, "Funny how your friend has to save."
Hammerrhead clearly asks, "Aye sir?"
* Gialynn returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Tsabrak returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Komatsu joins the adventure.
* Valanna returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead starts chortling.
* Amagick joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead peeks through a peephole in the door.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Gherlan."
* Falene joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "I can take him."
* Issialdore joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "No idea who."
* Bagua joins the adventure.
* Velvette returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Nerrik joins the adventure.
* Thudir joins the adventure.
>'Heh, I assume theres more than just gherlan out there.
You say, "Heh, I assume theres more than just gherlan out there."
* Seluna joins the adventure.
>'You upset quite a few people.
You say, "You upset quite a few people."
* Lanithar joins the adventure.
* Dolanus joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Good."
* Snapic returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Pittypat returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "And we can hide in here for the rest of our lives."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Yeah in fact."
* Malisk returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "I'm getting kinda tired."
* Ikahrus joins the adventure.
* Uryens returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead stretches.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Just hold up Hammerr."
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Tired of people hurting my friends."
* Frezze joins the adventure.
* Klarissia joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing asks, "How much juice you got left?"
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Lots."
* Pandaemonium returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead peeks through a peephole in the door.
* Fyfe joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Lets lets him rot first."
* Ikees joins the adventure.
* Myitkyina joins the adventure.
* Cassiline joins the adventure.
* Lasharam joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Then we can fog."
* Relint returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Rhayz."
* Kyleana returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "You ever hurt my friend again."
* Vilali joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "You made a mistake."
* Erstweal joins the adventure.
Hammerrhead clearly says, "Catch worse than this."
* Fedranth joins the adventure.
The ghostly voice of Scing says, "Home intrusion."
* Abdarlus joins the adventure.
* Tenser returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Galore returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
* Elthur returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>_covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some torban leaf, the Aeton disk, some haphip root, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some woli