View Full Version : Finiswolf's Stag Horns #2

01-28-2008, 11:00 AM
CB: 10M Mocha SOLD!
a pair of large stag horns

Your careful inspection of a pair of large stag horns allows you to conclude that it is miscellaneous armor that covers the head and neck.

You determine that you could wear the horns on your head.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.

As you sing, a collage of images flashes through your mind. Slowly, the images seem to focus, and you can make out the details. You see a well-kept workshop where a wizened elvensmith is in conversation with a younger elf and pointing at the stag horns in his hands.

As you continue to sing, the images refocus once more. You see a young elvensmith laboriously crafting the stag horns from the raw materials laid out before him. As he works, he is chanting some arcane verses that you can't quite make out.

As you continue to sing, the images refocus once more. The elvensmith is inscribing runes of power upon the stag horns. Each rune glows brightly then fades into invisibility.

Your song continues to clarify and focus the images from the past. The ancient elvensmith raises the stag horns and chants an arcane phrase. A flash of light consumes the stag horns. An irridescent aura envelops the stag horns and is absorbed into it. The elvensmith seemingly looks up and gives you a wink and a smile as if he senses your presence.

Weighs about four pounds / UNLIMITED - NO MIU - 602 Horns - Double Mana - Chance of Curse (IF MIU training is not sufficient.) - Alterable

I realize I had these at 35M or $350.00 and 30M or $300.00, but it is time to listen to offers. Toss me a PM, lets see what we can work out. No trades, sorry, selling for our daughters trip to Japan.



Lord Nelek
01-28-2008, 12:13 PM
If you want to start an auction I'll bid 5 million

02-14-2008, 12:03 PM
Minimum bid is set at ... MB: 10M


02-16-2008, 09:38 PM
10M to Mocha going Twice


02-17-2008, 02:03 PM
SOLD to Mocha.

Please arrange for pick-up, payment, and delivery.


02-19-2008, 11:37 PM
