View Full Version : 7x blessable longsword

01-25-2008, 10:20 AM
I have a longsword thats a bit over 7x and is blessable, altered, and pocketed with a show. All the info is below. Anyone with an idea of what it is worth let me know. Thanks.

a rune-incised sylvan kaskara

Show: The exceptionally slender blade of the kaskara is scarred from years of use. Bright silver runes work their way up the full length of the blade. A straight leather-wrapped handle extends beneath a gnarled silver cross hilt, which is forged into the stylized forms of a group of running wolves. Set into the pommel, in the center of a gleaming silver eight-pointed star, is a swirling aetherstone. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the kaskara.

Pocketing: You unscrew the pommel of your sylvan kaskara and slide an uncut maernstrike diamond into the handle. You screw the pommel back into place.

Comes with a time-worn scabbard encircled with archaic Sylvan runes. (Blessing sheath.)

Weed Mage

01-25-2008, 03:13 PM
Probabaly 7-8m. Standard 7x enchant, few extra million for the pocket and sheath

01-25-2008, 10:25 PM
9 mil easy for the set.