View Full Version : Alchemy 401 Cauldron Reps

01-24-2008, 08:41 PM
Yay!!! Finally figured out how to do make a script that will work in the cauldrons. Couldn't find one online so I said "screw it" and figured out how to do it.

This script will figure out if you need the smoky topaz to be ground or not. You might have to change words like "my pack" and "my cloak" depending on where you keep your ingredients. It will work for regular reps and cauldron reps. I'll put more as I make them. Enjoy!

put get mort
put get smok topaz
put put top in mort
put grind top
Match Done Grind What?
Match Grind Roundtime

put get top from mort
put put top in my poke
put put mort in my pack
put ignite cauld
put get water
put put water in cauld
put get aya berr
put put berr in caul
Goto Boil

put alchemy boil
Match Simmer rolling boil.
Match Boil The flame beneath it flickers briefly, but then dies down.

put put top in my poke
put put mort in my pack
Goto 401

pause 6
put grind top
pause 6
put grind top
pause 6
put grind top
pause 6
put grind top
pause 6
Goto 401

put get sm top
put put top in cauld
Put alchemy simmer
Match Chant slow simmer.
Match Resimmer dies down.

put alchemy simmer
Match Chant slow simmer.
Match Resimmer dies down.

Pause 1
Put alchemy chant 401
Match Seal swirling in rhythm
Match Chant recoil

Put alchemy seal
Pause 28
Put put potion in my cloak.

01-24-2008, 08:49 PM
I'd suggest "rummage in my cloak ingredient ayana leaf" and then "put left in cauldron" instead of the get berry/put berry in, just in case you have a weed or a lichen.

Also, "rummage in my cloak ingredient powdered smoky topaz" juuust in case.

01-24-2008, 09:08 PM
Yeah you would have to change it if you're using weed or leaf and make suer you have all your igredients. I'm not so advanced as to make the script stop if you don't have the ingredients. So, if someone wants to use it make sure you have everything you need first.