View Full Version : Why hasn't said person been warned...
12-12-2003, 07:44 PM
Vif [subdued]: "Happy Thrakukkah to all my friends and family - I love you all!"
12-12-2003, 07:48 PM
She's been reported quite a few times that I'm aware of. I don't know what her problem is, other than she's a fucking idiot.
12-12-2003, 07:50 PM
Don't pick on Edaarin's wife.
12-12-2003, 07:58 PM
Stupid virgin.
12-12-2003, 09:30 PM
I think it's rather funny. All this Thrakmas shit - in a month (in game) that supposed to represent everything that isn't warm and cuddly is a load of OOC bullshit. Why are they just catering to Christmas? Shouldn't they have Thrakwanza, too?
12-12-2003, 09:42 PM
Like the separation of church and state, so must we have a separation of reality and MMORPG.
Take your thrakmas, you butchered Quanza, your butchered Ramadan, the fucked up Chanukah and stick em. I play to kill, maim, steal, pillage, and to feed other characters their own asses.
I don't think we need holidays in-game that mirror or mutilate those that exist in reality. Want a card on Valentines Day? Here, let me cut out your virtual heart and hammer it up your virtual nether region.
Per topic –
I say we forget any further reporting. Wait until death means something again and give her a 5-year deficit.
12-12-2003, 09:46 PM
So how do you really feel Tsa'ah?
12-12-2003, 09:49 PM
That actually was rather tame.
12-12-2003, 10:27 PM
Wow, Tsa'ah doesn't like Vif.
12-12-2003, 10:39 PM
Tsa'ah is my new hero, I think.
12-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Suggestion: Since this thread's handy, post bits of her idiocy here. When it gets nice and long, e-mail it to Melissa.
12-13-2003, 01:20 AM
<dies laughing>
Way off topic but I just had to post that.
Please go on with your daily business.
12-13-2003, 05:33 AM
How do you know she hasn't been warned? The answer is, you won't know unless Vif tells you she was.
On the other hand, letting the GMs know she's being an OOC whackjob is the only way to make sure they're aware she's being OOC... again.
12-13-2003, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Vif [subdued]: "Happy Thrakukkah to all my friends and family - I love you all!"
Have I mentioned I fucking hate Vif. I know many many people have reported her. Myself and two others were in a consultation room with a GM and the only result was we will watch her.
12-13-2003, 07:20 AM
vif needs to go play an online dating simulator instead of GS.
Weedmage Princess
12-13-2003, 08:26 AM
No, what Vif needs is to take a titanium foot long stake, and drive it into her skull.
The Cat In The Hat
12-13-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
vif needs to go play an online dating simulator instead of GS.
You mean GS isnt an online dating simulator??? Shit! What have I been wasting all my time there for then!?!:grin:
she is quite freaky in game.. one time in TSC i saw her pick up a thick stick or a thick rod and proceed to lick it and do all sorts of interesting things to it.
12-13-2003, 12:44 PM
Welcome Soulpieced into the "Vif must die" Yahoogroup.
12-13-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Vif [subdued]: "Happy Thrakukkah to all my friends and family - I love you all!"
after hearing that again I ran like a little biatch to the constable
accuse vif
The town constable listens attentively to your plea before saying, "Another one to throw in the clink, eh? I'll get the town constable to issue a warrant against Vif immediately."
12-13-2003, 06:59 PM
Unfortunately, TOJ, GMs aren't supposed to tell complaintants what they're doing to the people they're complaining about. Sometimes they slip up and say the wrong thing, but they can't be like, "What a hobag, we're going to ban her at once."
Someday, hopefully, she'll just quit showing up in-game and Elanthia will be a better place for it.
[Edited on 12-14-2003 by SpunGirl]
12-14-2003, 06:10 AM
I just don't understand why Vif hasn't gotten banned or something by now. I mean, I KNOW several people have reported her for her actions. How is she staying in the game? Why hasn't a GM told her to stop the sexual innuendo crap that she constantly does, or the ooc things she says?
Who is she that keeps her in game? Or rather, who is she blowing?
12-14-2003, 06:25 AM
Vif should be gang-raped by a hoarde of gnomes.
12-14-2003, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by Maimara
Vif should be gang-raped by a hoarde of gnomes.
I would rip out my eyes, but that mental image is burned into my brain.
12-14-2003, 06:37 AM
You're welcome :D
12-14-2003, 08:23 PM
A few minutes ago:
Vif [subdued]: "Happy Thrakkukah"
Hashum [subdued]: "looking for 6x+ brig, or padded brig! TTM please"
Vif [subdued]: "Happy Thrakukkah from me and my family to you and yours"
Edited to add:
Kelandria [subdued]: "Happy Thakukkah to you and yours too, Vif!"
Vif [subdued]: "thanks kelandria"
Warfeng [subdued]: "I think Vif is a chocolate turnip snicker"
I swear we could have a thread with just her thoughts:
Vif [subdued]: "Why am I wanted in jail again I'm gonna whup someone"
Sithral [subdued]: "Do they arrest for being stupid now?"
Warclaidhm [subdued]: "aye, folks like me who are poor"
Hashum [subdued]: "No warclaidhm still walks around"
Vif [subdued]: "If so maybe they'll arrest you soon Sithral"
Sithral [subdued]: "Guess not, I still hear Warclaidhm."
[Edited on 12-15-2003 by Wezas]
12-22-2003, 08:22 PM
She does some ti person blah blah disease blah
I then think Hi, I want attention too!
[Private (Vif - subdued)]: "I have an IV in my arm sorry"
Think to Vif I don't remember saying I care.
[Private (Vif - subdued)]: "pfft"
12-22-2003, 08:30 PM
She has an IV in her arm, too? Is half the population of Elanthia in the damned hospital on IV drips?
Gah! It must be the Elanthian plague!
HarmNone :rolleyes:
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
She does some ti person blah blah disease blah
I then think Hi, I want attention too!
[Private (Vif - subdued)]: "I have an IV in my arm sorry"
Think to Vif I don't remember saying I care.
[Private (Vif - subdued)]: "pfft"
isnt she like your "sooper" auntie viffie?
12-22-2003, 08:45 PM
Ok, Anticor is hearby banned from adding any family members without a full vote on the PC endorsing such a move.
Sorry, it's for your own good.
12-23-2003, 12:38 AM
Maybe a group of people should wait for her in one of her haunts, wait for her to go OOC or start making innuendos and then all report her at once.
12-23-2003, 06:22 AM
One of her haunts? It's called the amunet. She's on the damn thing being an asshat all the damn time.
12-23-2003, 03:57 PM
so next time she makes one think to your friends and such and have everyone report her. If say 20+ people all reported her constantly hopefully the GM's would take notice.
12-23-2003, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
[Private (Vif - subdued)]: "I have an IV in my arm sorry"
I don't know her that well, but she has whispered to me on multiple occasions about her health problems and the fact that money is definatley *not* a problem. Evidently she is (or claims to be) quite wealthy.
Besides the blatant OOC-ness she speaks (and the occasional sexual suggestions), she seems to be a somewhat decent person.
12-23-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Besides the blatant OOC-ness she speaks (and the occasional sexual suggestions), she seems to be a somewhat decent person.
Occasional!! She can barely talk without making some inappropriate reference or innuendo -- sort of like being perpetually pubescent.
12-24-2003, 07:21 AM
While I'm typically inclined to agree with you, Soulpieced, I can't find any fault in her saying Thrakkukah. As you well know, there are currently tons of tiny elven toymakers running around acting jolly. In my opinion, that's just as OOC as what she did, and it's GMs perpetuating that problem.
"I am level 153!!!" An unidentified GSer in RL, as he sinks a beerpong shot in his apartment with 20+ non-players standing around, and I laugh uncontrollably.
12-24-2003, 09:54 PM
At least the snow elves use elven words that don't make their holiday greeting sound like some real-world knock off, which deserves credit.
Thrakmas came into being courtesy of Twilight Hall, who gave their annual winter event that name. Before they existed, the word was never uttered here. The only other reference used was solstice.
And since neither snow elf greeting means "Merry Christmas", I don't agree that it's OOC -- look beyond the parallel to the dates and customs, and enjoy it.
12-24-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
And since neither snow elf greeting means "Merry Christmas", I don't agree that it's OOC -- look beyond the parallel to the dates and customs, and enjoy it.
Now that's just absurd. By that same token, if I sang "I Melt" by Rascal Flatts in game, and then called it "Filid'Alkathera" instead of "I Melt", and said it was some elven song that I made up... by your rule, that wouldn't be OOC.
They are creating CHRISTMAS in game. Just because they don't call it that doesn't mean it's not OOC. A rose by any other name is a rose.
12-24-2003, 10:37 PM
Let's just pretend they're celebrating Winter Solstice, and Solstice in Elanthia happens to take place across three days...
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