View Full Version : Cevix is a complete asshat!
12-12-2003, 11:11 PM
You won't see a topic like this from me alot so bear with me.
Cevix is a two bit, half assed, piece of shit that needs to be kicked to sleep. He basically pulled a con job on one of my friends for an 8mil set of armor. My friend was wrong for paying before testing the armor properly but it is still no excuse for this sissy, spineless, prey on others for their silvers by being a complete dick action.
I swear I have more respect for Warscooterhm than I do for this assclown. I want to bring Anticor from EN just to pummel the dude retarded. The only thing keepin this kid from losing every deed he ever thought of buying is my friend saying no. The GM's already said suck it up but to me that's bullshit.
This is one of the few things in GS that ever gets me pissed off, everything else I can take with a grain of salt and laugh off but hiding behind some bullshit like this while taking coins from someone that spent a long time saving is recockulious (not rediculious I don't like using the word dick inside another word )
PS don't deal with the shithead he can't be trusted. Just kick him in the teeth upon site and blame me for the action I'd take the blame and the ban for him getting killed enough to quit.
Ohh yeah the shitstain told my friend, when approached about the lie, sorry I spent all your silvers already on a Fel hafter. A fel hafter he is selling already tonight at a trumped up price. He also claims the fel hafter is a "great ambusher" besides having the slowest OHE base speed no weapon ambushes for shit unless you train in ambushing.
In closing, I want to kill this fucker until his mother feels the pain.
12-12-2003, 11:15 PM
Uhm..huh? What exactly happened? I need more coffee.
12-12-2003, 11:17 PM
Always test. It's not what you want to hear, but in this economy it's "Buyer Beware." I almost had a seizure this past summer when I bought a 10x shield that turned out to be 8x. They wouldn't do anything about it, and he skipped town with my silver. I shrugged it off and moved on, because it was my own fault for trusting someone.
The key here is never trust anyone.
Also, you should have told your friend to make that bitch give him your fel hafter and the leftover coins.
12-12-2003, 11:20 PM
Oh, shit, Anticor! That really sucks for your friend. I, too, hope this jackass gets his balls handed to him by somebody.....anybody!
Is it just me, or do things like this seem to be happening more frequently these days. Flagrant rip-offs like this one, claiming false attributes for items being sold, all kinds of nefarious dealings seem to be the order of the day.
It makes me wonder what in the hell went wrong. I tend to put it down to the disappearance of the old self-policing attitude that once existed in the lands. Someone like this asshole would have been pounced on, killed, raised and killed again until he got the bloody message; and, there would have been no interference from "above". If you asked for trouble you got trouble.
12-12-2003, 11:31 PM
I have seen much to often people not testing the items they are interested in before buying them. Sadly, it is the buyers fault for not testing it to me. Because ig and oog there are people like this, ripping others off. That is most likely why GMs don't give a care.
Advice to give your friend: Test it. If the merchant won't let you, then move on.
12-12-2003, 11:33 PM
I have to disagree. It is NOT the buyer's fault that some people are assholes. That honor goes solely to the asshole.
Now, having said that; of course, one should test the items on which one is about to spend hard-earned silvers. That is simply prudent. However, the honest person should not take the blame for the dishonest one. No damned way!
12-12-2003, 11:46 PM
If you allow yourself to get suckered because you didn't take the minute to test it...then you are at fault. I am not saying that you are the only one at fault. The merchant themselves of course are going to find their life altered for selling the fraud item. Have to admit though, you would not find yourself kicking your own ass if you just tested it before handing over the money.
12-12-2003, 11:54 PM
Using that same circular reasoning, it could be said that there would be no need to test items before buying were there not assholes who are determined to cheat people. The cheated buyer may not have been prudent but the blame, as I see it, falls on the crook!
12-12-2003, 11:59 PM
Unfortunately, as far as policy is concerned, it's the buyer's fault. It's horse shit, but you know what? You can take that into the game and make their life hell. Everytime he tries to sell something, announce that he ripped you off. Everytime you see him die, kick dirt on his corpse. Hell, dispel him everytime he walks out of the gate. There's a hundred different ways to get your point across, all of them fun.
12-13-2003, 12:00 AM
We are all entitled to our opinions. I can appreciate what you are saying. It can go that way. Although, the world is not full of people who are not wayward..neither is GS. If you tend to think that you are free of it because you are in a game..then (in my opinion), you are foolish and should be cheated your silvers.
If you happen to be naive or crazy..I suppose I'll excuse you.
12-13-2003, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Unfortunately, as far as policy is concerned, it's the buyer's fault. It's horse shit, but you know what? You can take that into the game and make their life hell. Everytime he tries to sell something, announce that he ripped you off. Everytime you see him die, kick dirt on his corpse. Hell, dispel him everytime he walks out of the gate. There's a hundred different ways to get your point across, all of them fun.
warn anticor interact
asshat 2
anticor and his buddy 0
sad but true
12-13-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Unfortunately, as far as policy is concerned, it's the buyer's fault. It's horse shit, but you know what? You can take that into the game and make their life hell. Everytime he tries to sell something, announce that he ripped you off. Everytime you see him die, kick dirt on his corpse. Hell, dispel him everytime he walks out of the gate. There's a hundred different ways to get your point across, all of them fun.
Abso-damned-lutely, Edaarin. Because policy favors the assholes, in this case, the only alternative left is to make their lives a living nightmare in whatever manner possible. Now, that can bring some fun back into things. :D
12-13-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Kurapira
We are all entitled to our opinions. I can appreciate what you are saying. It can go that way. Although, the world is not full of people who are not wayward..neither is GS. If you tend to think that you are free of it because you are in a game..then (in my opinion), you are foolish and should be cheated your silvers.
If you happen to be naive or crazy..I suppose I'll excuse you.
You and I will have to agree to disagree, Kurapira. I know that there are plenty of assholes in the world, believe me. I deal with them on a daily basis. I have yet to be convinced that they are in the majority.
To my mind, a person does not DESERVE to be cheated of their silvers unless they happen to be the asshole who cheats others. Being naive, being "foolish", being trusting, being decent...these are not the attributes of people who DESERVE to be robbed. Not in my world, at any rate. :)
12-13-2003, 12:12 AM
Warn interactions do jack shit. They report you, then what. "Go your separate ways please." BFD.
12-13-2003, 12:28 AM
I don't think warn interact would do much at all to stop me from making someone's life hell if it was justified RP wise. I don't think the GMs would disagree.
12-13-2003, 04:01 AM
Regardless of who should have tested what, it was good of Anticor to make us all aware of said asshat.
12-13-2003, 07:16 AM
his name sounds suspiciously like cervix.
12-13-2003, 11:20 AM
Hah! Glad I wasn't the only one who had that keep coming to mind as I read this.
12-13-2003, 11:27 AM
Cast invisibility and stalk him to his hunting area. Wait for something big...then stun and leg him.
Repeat until he gets the message. You might want to wait for DR points.
12-13-2003, 06:01 PM
Why people don't ask a bard to check every single item before they buy them boggles my mind. One reason I've been able to amass the wealth I have is because I can't get ripped off on anything. If somebody won't let me sing to something before I hand over the silvers, they are obviously conning.
12-13-2003, 06:05 PM
I thought so too, Beth and Skirmisher.. the same way the Resistance kept calling themselves Liabans... sounds like Labia.
12-13-2003, 06:07 PM
If they lied about the item the GM should replace the silvers. They did that for me when it was only a 3x weapon.
Killer Kitten
12-14-2003, 11:26 AM
My question is: How do you 'test' the item beforehand? I mean, in order for it to be sung to or whatever it is that is done for testing the seller has to hand it to the buyer, right? What's to stop the buyer from just fleeing with the item?
The GM's apparently back up people who sell items under false pretenses, so why wouldn't they say 'its your fault for handing it to him' when dealing with the above situation?
These aren't rhetorical questions, I've always wondered about how such transactions are really handled.
Guess you can tell I'm a packrat and have never actually sold anything before, huh?
Also, I'm really computer illiterate. How do you guys put up pictures under your name?
12-14-2003, 12:01 PM
Sorry Anticor.. but tell your friend he now has 8 million reasons to completely harass this individual. Period.
I would make it my full time job to harass, belittle, torture, kill, maim, destroy and make that pussy cry to his momma every waking moment I would be in game. Hunting wouldn't matter. Nothing would matter. GM telling me to leave him alone wouldn't matter.
I would make him wish he didn't fuck with me. By the time I was done with him... he would offer me my 8 million silvers back.
12-14-2003, 01:47 PM
Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its serpentine lanes abuzz with traders bartering, bickering, and hawking their wares. The freewheeling vendors in the bazaar provide a lively alternative to the somewhat stodgier merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith Bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Lord Tylanthriel, Cevix who is set in stocks, Kalatrax
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
You pick up a piece of rotting fruit and toss it right at Cevix! It explodes as it hits Cevix in the face!
Roundtime: 5 sec
12-14-2003, 01:55 PM
:( I keep reading his name as Cervix.
Killer Kitten
12-14-2003, 04:49 PM
Thank you Daina! Now I have to actually find a picture. <g>
12-14-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Sorry Anticor.. but tell your friend he now has 8 million reasons to completely harass this individual. Period.
I would make it my full time job to harass, belittle, torture, kill, maim, destroy and make that pussy cry to his momma every waking moment I would be in game. Hunting wouldn't matter. Nothing would matter. GM telling me to leave him alone wouldn't matter.
I would make him wish he didn't fuck with me. By the time I was done with him... he would offer me my 8 million silvers back.
That's why you're my dad :cool:
12-14-2003, 07:37 PM
::sniff sniff::
A Kodak moment.
12-14-2003, 09:02 PM
Anticor, you know perfectly well that Haashek said when he came back he is NOT relinquishing you, and therefore, Falgrin is NOT your dad. I am so sorry.
If you were to kill Haashek, then Falgrin could be your dad like he should be.
Acolyte Kurili, smiling hopefully
12-15-2003, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by Kurili
Anticor, you know perfectly well that Haashek said when he came back he is NOT relinquishing you, and therefore, Falgrin is NOT your dad. I am so sorry.
If you were to kill Haashek, then Falgrin could be your dad like he should be.
Acolyte Kurili, smiling hopefully
Wait a damn minute... How come Anticor gets to kill Haashek? I STOLE THE FOOL'S KID! I MAKE HIS KID DO SHIT FOR ME!
If anyone gets to kill Haashek.. it's Falgrin dammit.
Moist Happenings
12-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Well, personally i've gotten screwed like this before. I went through the whole deal, assist referral "suck it up it's only 8 mil".
Anyway, long story short, I killed the guy every time I saw him from then on. He died 30-40 times before I got pulled up by the GMs. They told me they went through the records and I DID in fact kill him 40 times in one month. They asked why. I told them "you'll note that on both my record and his record you have something that says he scammed me out of 8 million silvers. I had it put on report. He went on the buyer-beware policy. I'm going on the jackass-beware policy.". They sent me back down without another word. The guy left the lands or at least started new characters shortly thereafter.
12-15-2003, 01:52 PM
Falgrin-protect your son. Kill Haashek please.
Better now?
Acolyte Kurili
12-15-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
Falgrin-protect your son. Kill Haashek please.
Better now?
Acolyte Kurili
That does seem to give me a warm, fuzzy feeling...
does this guys name make anyone else think of a cervix?
Moist Happenings
12-15-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
does this guys name make anyone else think of a cervix?
That's actually what I thought was in the name of the thread. I had to read it twice. Then again, I am very tired.
12-23-2003, 07:10 AM
Update. I came back to the landing to buy some armor and Cevix was selling crap on the net. I proceed to send a thought after every one of his merchanting attempts basically callin him out. He sends me a private thought asking who the hell I am, I tell him when I want his lip I peel it off my kilt. Then he's asking for my IM so that he can send logs proving he's not at fault blah blah.
Log shows the guy he got the armor from before he sold it to my friend. Cevix then tells me that he's going to work on returning the 8mil to my friend. I, at this point, could care less I'm still going to start killing but I'll hold off. If he makes an effort I might let him get through a hunt without being carried out by a cleric.
We shall see, I'm not leaving the landing until my friend is paid though because scamming bullshit pisses me off.
12-23-2003, 08:10 AM
Anticor is turning into a little pussy on me. Time for Daddy to slap him around. :smug:
Son.. I always ALWAYS taught you better.. it's SWING first, ask questions SECOND.
12-23-2003, 08:12 AM
Fine I'll kill him when I get home tonight, can't have the 'rents mad at me.
12-23-2003, 08:17 AM
By the way Anticor.. who's your mama/my wife? I hope she's hot. Falgrin needs to get down and copulate this marriage.
Falgrin's gonna do your momma. heh.
12-23-2003, 08:18 AM
Last I heard Edaarin is my mother.
Good luck with that Falgrin :cool:
12-23-2003, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Last I heard Edaarin is my mother.
Good luck with that Falgrin :cool:
Bastard. :(
12-23-2003, 04:09 PM
ROFL You guys are too much. Ahhh sweet family harmony.
12-27-2003, 01:28 PM
<<Unfortunately, as far as policy is concerned, it's the buyer's fault. It's horse shit,>>
If policy was the other way around, the same assholes would be calling GMs left and right screaming "THIS GUY SOLD ME THIS 4X VULTITE SHIELD CLAIMING IT WAS 10X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 I WANT MY 200M BACK!!!!!1!11!!"
01-01-2004, 11:35 PM
Well, I just might have said fel hafter in my possession. Let's just say I ended up with the short end of the stick on a trade for the fel hafter. Thought back to him. he logged, came back later, thought to him again, logged, etc...and yes I know, buyer beware. Been 2 years since I last felt truly screwed on a deal. leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I feel like an ass and I'm sure the other party involved felt like he just pulled one over on somebody. Kudos to him. Too bad for me. At least I can get back a decent percentage of my coins.
I just hope the karma police catch up with these kinds of people.
Hopefully this won't happen for another 2 years.
01-02-2004, 08:13 AM
How did you get screwed out on the fel hafter?
01-02-2004, 10:35 AM
It was 5 pounds heavier that it should have been. An extra 5 pounds REALLY stinks when you're mstriking. Pretty much means the weapon is uesless to me. Guess I'll me selling it as soon as possible.
It wasn't Cevix who sold it to me.
[Edited on 1-2-2004 by Lobster]
01-02-2004, 10:44 AM
Use it to brain him over and over.
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