View Full Version : woot 50

01-17-2008, 09:34 AM
Hit 50 last night... holy crap it's getting even more addicting... I LOVE my hunter.. even more now that I realized my cat didn't have the claw or dash abilities...so I went and tamed bangalesh for em, now snuffkins pwns all in his way...and I sit back and pick at them safely =/ tailoring at 249, enchanting at 260.. I so forgot games could be 'fun'....especially after doing a month of gemstone alchemy... lol

Some Rogue
01-17-2008, 10:10 AM
You can get Claw rank 7 at level 50 off a bear in Felwood.

If you haven't seen it before, this is a pretty good website for pet info.

01-17-2008, 11:59 AM
awesome thanks

01-17-2008, 02:17 PM
Just to give you a heads up before you get too far into your professions. In my opinion, Tailoring and enchanting arent the best choices for a hunter.

It costs a ridiculous amount to level them up, and in the end you really dont end up with anything that someone else cant allready do.

Very very few enchants are self-cast only ( i think a couple ring enchants is it). So you can save your money and just get anything you need from a guildie or someone else who is trying to lvl their enchanting.

A lot of the best and most powerful player created items in the game are Bind on create. so only the tailor/leatherworker/blacksmith who makes them can use them.

I'd suggest,
mining or skinning and one of the following

Leatherworking has some of the better Bind of pickup mail items. Jewelcrafting has some nice BOP trinkets.
Engineering has a lot of utility trinkets/items only useable by engineers including at least 1 45 stamina trinket, (you can also make a few guns that are decent and your own ammo which is useable by anyone and very cheap to make). and a Roto-copter flying mount, which is expensive to make, but its nice having something not everyone else has.

Weaponcrafting would be kind of a waste as the Season 3 arena axe is better than any drop you will find for hunters melee-wise and its hella cheap at 1000 arena points.
Tailoring doesnt have a lot u can use or resell imo

01-17-2008, 02:40 PM
i've got my own guild going, few people around here in my local area and class, I've got tailor and enchant, friends have, skin and leather, one has herbalism/alchemy, another starting mining/jewelcrafting.... pretty much anything we need comes to us from all of our sources. I get all the mageweave I need ;) then I disenchant my crap i make for mats to enchant stuff for the rest of the guild.
oh and I sell enchanting mageweave bags pretty fast in the AH :)

01-17-2008, 03:08 PM
I went the tailor route on Falgrin.. mostly because he was a twink and I had a ton of extra cloth.. Worked out real well.. until I leveled him up to 70. From there, it was really a waste of a profession.

Dark is right.. some of the best pieces are bind on pickup. I know there are a few leatherworking items that are real nice for a hunter.. as well as a headpiece in engineering (It's basically a tier V helm you learn from your trainer).

I went the engineering / Jewelcrafting route on Falgrin. While JC is EXPENSIVE AS ALL HELL! (Most of the gem cuts are drops... and are relatively rare... so they cost upwards of 300-800g on our server for the design) it gives you a relatively steady income once you get it up and running. Especially when new season gear comes out :)

01-17-2008, 03:10 PM
Yeah Jayvn like literally tailoring is the absolute worst profession you could do as a hunter. Seriously stop now.

01-18-2008, 12:59 AM
http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/6371/wowscrnshot011808002038gd7.th.jpg (http://img293.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wowscrnshot011808002038gd7.jpg)

01-18-2008, 01:00 AM
Yeah alot of the hunter loot you want from Leatherworking, is BOP

So start doing LW

01-18-2008, 02:28 AM
Gratz on 50, though I'd be more impressed if you were a Priest or Mage.

01-18-2008, 08:07 AM
why would a mage impress you?

01-18-2008, 10:12 AM
leveling a priest sucks. Mage... not so bad.

01-18-2008, 12:05 PM
My priest is now 17. He's my new thing.

01-18-2008, 12:10 PM
My priest is now 17. He's my new thing.

Druid is where it's at. I've played a priest extensively at 60 and 70. I love him. But I wish I knew the druid class as well as I know the priest class because I think they are the better all around class.

01-18-2008, 12:18 PM
i've got my own guild going, few people around here in my local area and class, I've got tailor and enchant, friends have, skin and leather, one has herbalism/alchemy, another starting mining/jewelcrafting.... pretty much anything we need comes to us from all of our sources. I get all the mageweave I need ;) then I disenchant my crap i make for mats to enchant stuff for the rest of the guild.
oh and I sell enchanting mageweave bags pretty fast in the AH :)

My pally is JC/Enchanting.

I buy any stack of adamantite ore for 23g or less that I find. Then I prospect the ore. With those two professions, I have really great margins because I can efficiently use everything I get from the ore (except the Shadow Draenite, but I can sell that to alchemists). I cut the rare uncut gems into the highest priced gem of that color. As long as it's not a Talasite, that gem alone pays for 1.5x the price of the stack of ore. Per stack of ore, you get about .78 rare gems. Most of those are not talasites. That covers my margin by itself.

But then, with enchanting, I can use all the uncommon "shit" gems that no one wants to socket and make lvl 61-63 uncommon rings to disenchant or if primal earth is cheap, I can mercurial adamantite to help craft "rare" level 70 necklaces. Those disenchant into shards I can sell for 25g+ a pop.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, while tailoring was the ying to enchanting's yang in WoW 1.0, I think jewel crafting is superior now, especially at the end-game.

01-18-2008, 01:40 PM
So we did a nearly perfect run of sunken temple last night, mage died once due to him taking a bad turn and losing the group, And I got my new Eranikus toy. doing blackrock depths tonight :) The gear for hunters looks so much better in BRD. :)

01-18-2008, 01:45 PM
I hated ST. It was one of those necessary evils but I still hated it.

Some Rogue
01-18-2008, 02:19 PM
I hated ST. It was one of those necessary evils but I still hated it.

Because you blended in with the rest of the trolls in there... :D

01-18-2008, 02:37 PM
Because you blended in with the rest of the trolls in there... :D
I took Jemah in there too, dickhead!

omg teh h8