View Full Version : I PLAY GOLF

01-06-2008, 10:31 PM
So I'm getting pretty serious into golf. Anyone on the east coast who can recommend a cheap course/or hotel package? (I'm a poor student). I'm literally getting obsessed, to the point where i want to spend 800 dollars on a new iron set, and i changed my workouts to be geared more towards golf.

Also, if anyone near Maryland wants to play, i'd be glad to play some sort of money game :)

01-06-2008, 10:34 PM
I had no idea there were work outs related to golf.

01-06-2008, 10:46 PM
haha. I mean, i do regular workouts like jogging/sprinting, and weight training using moderate weights, focusing on my lower back/abs and shoulders/chest/arms, and doing some plyometric exercises to get a more explosive swing. you certainly need to be fit if you want to be any good.

01-06-2008, 11:17 PM
woot i heart golf too. i haven't really looked up hotel packages since here in nyc there are a couple of decently priced courses close by.

what kind of irons did you pick up?

01-06-2008, 11:30 PM
i said i wanted to. right now i bought the store set from dicks (Slazenger Wrath), but i hate the hybrids and woods in the set. I want to get either the nike blades, or ping i10's, possibly i5's if i can save a lot on them. However, i have no money. anyone know how i can raise a lot of money, with not a lot of effort? (perhaps donate sperm?)

01-06-2008, 11:51 PM

01-07-2008, 12:35 AM
sell blood and semen...

what? not together

01-07-2008, 12:58 AM
Can someone please explain to my why I just read that entire site?

Sean of the Thread
01-07-2008, 02:09 AM
Golf is expensive this time of year down here but there are always discount cards you can purchase that include like 50 courses.

Just have to do your research. Also unless you're pretty damned good at golf you shouldn't be wasting too much money on equipment.

The Ponzzz
01-07-2008, 02:59 AM
Golf is expensive this time of year down here but there are always discount cards you can purchase that include like 50 courses.

Just have to do your research. Also unless you're pretty damned good at golf you shouldn't be wasting too much money on equipment.


I realy should learn to play better. Most the people I should network with sales play golf...

01-07-2008, 10:03 AM
i'm pretty good. in fact, i challenge anyone in GS to a game, and if they beat me, i'll buy dinner and beers. (of course, if you lose (you will), you buy :))

01-07-2008, 10:05 AM
You sound like Tamral.

01-07-2008, 10:05 AM
Jesus you even have a GOLF AVATAR!!!
I'd definately lose.

PC golf challenge would be a laugh though.

01-07-2008, 10:13 AM
i'm pretty good. in fact, i challenge anyone in GS to a game, and if they beat me, i'll buy dinner and beers. (of course, if you lose (you will), you buy :))

Whats your handicap?
(I know, I'm asking this over the internet so I expect a glib answer - much akin to asking someone how much they lift, can drink, how tough they are, how many bitches they bang, etc.)

Back when I used to play a lot for work and on weekends (enough to track a handicap USGA) it was around 16.

Also, I went through the new iron phase a while back but never relinquished to the desire to upgrade from my beloved Ping Eye 2's. Everytime I use 'other' clubs my game suffers by about 4 or 5 strokes.

01-07-2008, 10:14 AM
i'm pretty good. in fact, i challenge anyone in GS to a game, and if they beat me, i'll buy dinner and beers. (of course, if you lose (you will), you buy :))

If you ever played around Houston I'd take you up on this.

01-07-2008, 12:11 PM
I'm not certain about Maryland, but, if you want to golf in FL and NOT spend an arm and a leg, come down in the summer. It's too hot for the turista's that come down to play golf, so they REALLY drop the rates.

I really don't play often, but I did play a few rounds of twilight/super twilight last summer, and it cost around 20-30 bucks. If you go to the same course in december, you're playing 60-80 for twilight. There's no one on the course, and you can easily get 18 in. Hell, if you REALLY wanted to you could probably almost get two rounds in.

Here's the course we played & Prices:


01-07-2008, 12:34 PM
Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail....google it...nice package deals...great in the spring time if you can afford a trip down to Alabama.

01-07-2008, 12:53 PM
Golf = 7 friends, 4 carts, 4 coolers, 4 cases of beer and a spontaneous polo match in the back nine. Anything else and you're doing it wrong.

01-07-2008, 03:06 PM
If you ever played around Houston I'd take you up on this.

i woud possibly take you up on this somewhere in Va...whats your handicap and how far do you want to travel?
On the clubs Iwould seriously suggest getting knockoffs of w/e set you are looking into and then having them custom fit for you.
I saved around 1k on my set and they play the same as the name brand set. I demoed a name brand set for 5 rounds before I bought the set I have now.

Stanley Burrell
01-07-2008, 03:09 PM
When I get the ball past the third flag on the driving range it wasn't me, it was the hand of God. Or at least the PGA tentacle of Cthulhu.

I just like walking around with a twenty nine iron. Makes me feel all manly and sexy. Tiger, Tiger Woods, y'all.

01-07-2008, 03:26 PM
i woud possibly take you up on this somewhere in Va...whats your handicap and how far do you want to travel?
On the clubs Iwould seriously suggest getting knockoffs of w/e set you are looking into and then having them custom fit for you.
I saved around 1k on my set and they play the same as the name brand set. I demoed a name brand set for 5 rounds before I bought the set I have now.

I think my handicap is floating around 22 right now. I only play once a month at best now that my work does not involve catering to sales or schmoozing executives.

I dont travel for work so travelling to VA from South Texas (Houston) would not support a cost benefit analysis for making a road (airplane) trip to VA for golf. Not to mention the crazy looks (hand gestures, words, etc.) that would generate from the mrs.

Let me know if you ever find your way to the Houston area and I'll show you to some good golf. We have links style and open courses around here so there's plenty of fairway to choose from.

01-07-2008, 03:32 PM
22...ugh..I'd play ya if I got to use my HC...which hovers around 12. Less when I play more.

01-07-2008, 03:40 PM
Skins are a heap more fun. HC'ing the hole, or straight up, if you can find a sucker. Most of the time, you end up drinking it off on the 19th.

Stanley Burrell
01-07-2008, 03:41 PM

The Ponzzz
01-07-2008, 05:19 PM
I think my handicap is floating around 22 right now. I only play once a month at best now that my work does not involve catering to sales or schmoozing executives.

See this is why I NEED TO LEARN!

But if anyone is in the Rochester or Syracuse area, I'll fucking challenge you to a game of mini golf. I use a real mean putter and an orange ball that will dazzle your shit like no other. If I lose, I sneak off and escape the hilarity...

01-07-2008, 07:24 PM
My handicap is running in the mid 20's, but I hit much better than that....i PUTT much worse, i guess I haven't figured that out yet.

01-07-2008, 10:44 PM
The curse of the short game. I love it.

01-07-2008, 11:12 PM
I worked on my short game a ton two summers ago and dropped my handicap significantly. I always have been naturally good at golf but could not chip for the life of me. Luckily I worked at a CC and was able to use their real grass chipping area for free as much as I wanted pretty much.

01-08-2008, 12:59 AM
When I played, my short game was awesome, and my long game sucked, but mainly cause I was using woods which were made A) of actual woof, from B) before I was born. I imagine if I got better clubs, the long game would improve, because once you have the swing down, voila.


01-08-2008, 06:13 AM
[QUOTE=I imagine if I got better clubs, the long game would improve, because once you have the swing down, voila.


rofl, its not that quite easy. I just bought one of the new Nike drivers, and it took me about 3 months of hitting it almost every day to really get it down.

Also, about the older clubs...tiger says he only hits the "wood" woods about 15 yards shorter than today's titanium alloy uber x clubs, which is amazing considering the technology.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2008, 06:23 AM
When I played, my short game was awesome, and my long game sucked, but mainly cause I was using woods which were made A) of actual woof, from B) before I was born. I imagine if I got better clubs, the long game would improve, because once you have the swing down, voila.


Yeah actually when I first started I had some serious ancient hand me downs from my pops. When I finally got a new set of graphites of my own a few years later I felt like Tiger.

01-08-2008, 07:19 AM
I first learned golf with real wood drivers there were significantly older than me. My current driver is only in the 300's, which now they're using over 400's in head size.

My biggest problem is overpowering the drive (curse of being a baseball player) and of course consistant putting. My short game (chipping and the use of irons) is pretty much consistant and on track. In fact, I usually have a better game when I leave the driver in the bag and tee off with a 4/3 iron - which amazes most of the guys I play with since I can match them for distance with my high irons to their woods.

I use an odessey white hot putter that I won on in a tournament on a 'closest to the pin' par 3 hole. (8 inches from being a hole in one)

By far though, I'm most consistant with the irons. Which is why I love my eye 2's.

01-08-2008, 09:12 AM
I first learned golf with real wood drivers there were significantly older than me. My current driver is only in the 300's, which now they're using over 400's in head size.

My biggest problem is overpowering the drive (curse of being a baseball player) and of course consistant putting. My short game (chipping and the use of irons) is pretty much consistant and on track. In fact, I usually have a better game when I leave the driver in the bag and tee off with a 4/3 iron - which amazes most of the guys I play with since I can match them for distance with my high irons to their woods.

I use an odessey white hot putter that I won on in a tournament on a 'closest to the pin' par 3 hole. (8 inches from being a hole in one)

By far though, I'm most consistant with the irons. Which is why I love my eye 2's.

same putter I have and i love the hell out of it ;)

I just got a new set of woods last summer and they have wreaked havoc on my game.. went from a 15 or so handicap to low 20s handicap. Some reason I found my slice again and can NOT get rid of it. I am in sales and have to play usually 3-4 times a month, 7-8 times in good weather. I am thinking about getting a refresher lesson in the spring to figure out wtf happened with my drive. That and spending countless hours on the range shoud straighten me out.

ps mine was an open invitation to anyone in/near va or mid atlantic states, I am always up for golf and am travelling constantly to nc/sc/va/w.va/tn/ga
when the weather warms back up ofc

01-08-2008, 01:34 PM
hit the driving range today. was slamming balls 240-260 consistently, and fairly straight, with my hook showing up here and again. Also tried out my new Nike SV wedge set - very nice. My problem has been with my 3 wood/3 hybrid. I slice them, and i suspect it is because of the crappy shaft. Looking on ebay for nike sasquatch 3 wood in the meantime. Perhaps sometime this spring marlux :) let me know if you go around baltimore.

Sean of the Thread
01-08-2008, 02:49 PM
You suck. Next time you're in central florida lemme know. I'll whoop your ass with my bertha.. literally.

01-09-2008, 11:30 AM
hit the driving range today. was slamming balls 240-260 consistently, and fairly straight, with my hook showing up here and again. Also tried out my new Nike SV wedge set - very nice. My problem has been with my 3 wood/3 hybrid. I slice them, and i suspect it is because of the crappy shaft. Looking on ebay for nike sasquatch 3 wood in the meantime. Perhaps sometime this spring marlux :) let me know if you go around baltimore.

sounds like a plan, I go up to the richmond/tidewater area quite often and will always drive for good golf