01-06-2008, 06:15 PM
Im selling the following items you can reach me on AIM @ brielustheninja with your bids and questions
1. An ale-stained kobold skin neckpouch clasped with a rusty iron nail. neckworn holds medim and supposedly cant be stolen from. MB:1m
2. a superior ebony steel backsword. 4x backsword base with superior forging bonus of +2 avd, +4 damage factor and lightning flares. MB:400k
3. some ora-banded pyrothag hide brigandine 4x slashing and fire resistant, weak against cold. 23lbs. MB:2m.
4. a superior maoral-hilted steel short-sword. 4x short sword based. with forging bonus of +2 avd, and +4% damage factor and lightning flaresMB: 400k
5. A black walnut fighting stick. Ropes of twining ivy are masterfully etched into this razor-sharp stick. The leather wrapped hilt is topped with a black diamond pommel. The black walnut is conditioned and polished to a high sheen. A sharp metal tip has been masterfully inset into the hardened wood. Longsword cane. 4x longsword base. MB:2.5.
6. Some ceremonial gosaena-crested plate. Desc. The plate armor has a skirt and sleeves of golden vaalorn chain, but the rest of the body is covered in segmented plate. Consisting of a collar, pauldrons, cuirass, rerebraces, vambraces, greaves and sabatons, the whole is a harmonious combination of spikes, scythe-like curves and straight lines. The intaglio decoration of gold-chased flames contrasts the blackend plates of the armor. Emblazoned on each of the pauldrons is the standard of gosaena. 4x lightly damage padded augmented breastplate. 16lbs. MB:2.5m.
7. A gnarled infantry lance. 4x lance. has an inscription special for tha krolvin type. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read lance
In the Common language, it reads:
Jungle Love MB:2m
8. some imflass scale mail. +17 brigandine. +1 to every stat, -2 to health recovery. soon to be enchantable MB:1M.
9. a rowan-hafted steel tool and a coil of rolaren wire. for making garrotes or using the metal for alters. MB:2m.
10. a mithril-edged vultite buckler inset with thick steel knobs. +1 to dodge bonus and agility bonus, usable only by rogues and rangers. soon to be enchantable MB:500k
11. an elegant eonake bastard sword. 4x sancted. MB:1M
12. a sand elemental with crystal holder. MB:2m
13. a perfect mithril dagger 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. MB:3M
14. some imflass chain mail armor constructed of alternating silver and light-blue links. +12 chainmail , and +2 to strength stat, constitution stat and dexterity stat, -2 to discipline stat. soon to be enchantable. MB:1m
15. a squared black aegis banded and reinforced with hammered vultite. 4x large shield. +2 to constitution bonus and dexterity stat, usable only by warriors, rogues and savants. soon to be enchantable. MB: 1m
16. a perfect mithril dagger. 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. MB:3M
17. a 2x hcw broadsword. MB:3m
18. a perfect black steel longsword with diamondback snakeskin wound about its hilt. 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. (currently enchanting to 5x)
19. a suit of krolvin platemail. show:Thick blackend sheets of cold forged vaalorn comprise the massive chest carapace of the platemail, and broad wrought iron bands are rivited from plate to plate, holding the frame of the platemail together. Designed to protect the extremeties of the wearer, heavy vaalorn plates are secured to the arms and legs using scavanged strips of leather and cloth. The spine of the platemail curves oddly and gives it a hunched look, and hundreds of dents and rends give testament to its seasons in battle. made of vultite odd for the show. 4x weighs 70'ish. MB:1m
20. a bone-fringed black mail quiver. show:The quiver is formed from tiny rings of night-black mail, pounded flat and welded shut once woven to the next link. From the mouth of the quiver, several leather lashes dangle, with bones of assorted halflings and sylvans braided within. A leather oilskin puddles at the bottom of the quiver to cover it in foul weather. holds large. backworn opens and closes. weighs 3. MB: 1m.
21. a black rolaren mesh pouch. auto closes, beltworn holds small. weighs 3. MB: 100k
I may be adding more to the list daily.
I'll also work coin/trades. Thanks to all for your interest. All bids are closed
1. An ale-stained kobold skin neckpouch clasped with a rusty iron nail. neckworn holds medim and supposedly cant be stolen from. MB:1m
2. a superior ebony steel backsword. 4x backsword base with superior forging bonus of +2 avd, +4 damage factor and lightning flares. MB:400k
3. some ora-banded pyrothag hide brigandine 4x slashing and fire resistant, weak against cold. 23lbs. MB:2m.
4. a superior maoral-hilted steel short-sword. 4x short sword based. with forging bonus of +2 avd, and +4% damage factor and lightning flaresMB: 400k
5. A black walnut fighting stick. Ropes of twining ivy are masterfully etched into this razor-sharp stick. The leather wrapped hilt is topped with a black diamond pommel. The black walnut is conditioned and polished to a high sheen. A sharp metal tip has been masterfully inset into the hardened wood. Longsword cane. 4x longsword base. MB:2.5.
6. Some ceremonial gosaena-crested plate. Desc. The plate armor has a skirt and sleeves of golden vaalorn chain, but the rest of the body is covered in segmented plate. Consisting of a collar, pauldrons, cuirass, rerebraces, vambraces, greaves and sabatons, the whole is a harmonious combination of spikes, scythe-like curves and straight lines. The intaglio decoration of gold-chased flames contrasts the blackend plates of the armor. Emblazoned on each of the pauldrons is the standard of gosaena. 4x lightly damage padded augmented breastplate. 16lbs. MB:2.5m.
7. A gnarled infantry lance. 4x lance. has an inscription special for tha krolvin type. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read lance
In the Common language, it reads:
Jungle Love MB:2m
8. some imflass scale mail. +17 brigandine. +1 to every stat, -2 to health recovery. soon to be enchantable MB:1M.
9. a rowan-hafted steel tool and a coil of rolaren wire. for making garrotes or using the metal for alters. MB:2m.
10. a mithril-edged vultite buckler inset with thick steel knobs. +1 to dodge bonus and agility bonus, usable only by rogues and rangers. soon to be enchantable MB:500k
11. an elegant eonake bastard sword. 4x sancted. MB:1M
12. a sand elemental with crystal holder. MB:2m
13. a perfect mithril dagger 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. MB:3M
14. some imflass chain mail armor constructed of alternating silver and light-blue links. +12 chainmail , and +2 to strength stat, constitution stat and dexterity stat, -2 to discipline stat. soon to be enchantable. MB:1m
15. a squared black aegis banded and reinforced with hammered vultite. 4x large shield. +2 to constitution bonus and dexterity stat, usable only by warriors, rogues and savants. soon to be enchantable. MB: 1m
16. a perfect mithril dagger. 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. MB:3M
17. a 2x hcw broadsword. MB:3m
18. a perfect black steel longsword with diamondback snakeskin wound about its hilt. 4x with forging bonus of +3 avd, and +6% damage factor. (currently enchanting to 5x)
19. a suit of krolvin platemail. show:Thick blackend sheets of cold forged vaalorn comprise the massive chest carapace of the platemail, and broad wrought iron bands are rivited from plate to plate, holding the frame of the platemail together. Designed to protect the extremeties of the wearer, heavy vaalorn plates are secured to the arms and legs using scavanged strips of leather and cloth. The spine of the platemail curves oddly and gives it a hunched look, and hundreds of dents and rends give testament to its seasons in battle. made of vultite odd for the show. 4x weighs 70'ish. MB:1m
20. a bone-fringed black mail quiver. show:The quiver is formed from tiny rings of night-black mail, pounded flat and welded shut once woven to the next link. From the mouth of the quiver, several leather lashes dangle, with bones of assorted halflings and sylvans braided within. A leather oilskin puddles at the bottom of the quiver to cover it in foul weather. holds large. backworn opens and closes. weighs 3. MB: 1m.
21. a black rolaren mesh pouch. auto closes, beltworn holds small. weighs 3. MB: 100k
I may be adding more to the list daily.
I'll also work coin/trades. Thanks to all for your interest. All bids are closed