View Full Version : Locker Cleanout

01-05-2008, 08:03 PM
Decided to have a little bid of a locker cleanout. I'll probably add some more items as time goes on. Bidding will go once, twice, then sold. Buyout offers will be considered. I'll likely update once a day, please send all bids via PM or reply to this thread. Also feel free to ask any questions you might have.

A midnight blue falchion
-5x somewhat damage weighted, 3 pounds

MB: 1.5mil

A horse hair crested invar burgonet
-Crush resistant head and neck protection

MB: 750k

a pure white knight's shield enamelled with a golden crown
- 4x medium shield, 6 pounds

MB: 100k

A jewel-edged golden steel helm with a plume of blood red eagle feathers

MB: 200k

A gem-adorned vultite knight’s helmet

MB: 50k

A diamond-edged serrated black vultite falchion
- 4x permanent mechanical flares, 4 pounds
- Flares are of the rod variety, which is crush type I believe. (not an expert on mechanical flares, but I believe there are different kinds).

Show: Two thick metal rods are attached to the handle of the falchion. They are angled so that they lie parallel to one another, against the length of the weapon. Tightly coiled steel springs are clearly visible beneath the rods. The springs appear to be in absolutely perfect condition. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.

CB: 3.5mil Griffith going twice!

A slender gold whistle
-actioned, I can provide the actions if anyone wishes


01-07-2008, 01:08 AM
Bump, some prices reduced

01-08-2008, 06:03 PM
Bump, falchion selling at 8pm eastern if no other interest.