View Full Version : Devishal... yet again apparantly

12-11-2003, 12:12 PM
Okay, this log is edited to remove all the leaving and entering Victory court.. except for one individual I believe inadvertantly caused this assinine mixup : (Note my character is only 14 trains... and her name is Rhean.)

>You ask, "Could I please get some healing?"

>Faquer just closed an onyx black raven-feathered cloak.
>Devishal nods to you.
>Rhiannann removes some ambrominas leaf from on a darkly stained wooden bench.
>Rhiannann manages to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a darkly stained wooden bench.
Rhiannann makes a horrible face!
Rhiannann looks a little better.
>Devishal meditates over you.
Devishal takes your back damage.
Soffia gives Devishal a lingering kiss on the lips.
>Devishal meditates over you.
Devishal takes your right arm damage.
>Rhiannann just went south.
Devishal says, "You ask me for healing."
Devishal says, "Then eat herbs in front of my face."
Devishal murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Devishal concentrates.
Devishal's right arm looks better.
>Devishal murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>Devishal concentrates.
Devishal's back looks better.
>Devishal scoffs.
>Devishal waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
You blink.
>Devishal says, "Let us go."
>Devishal pulls Soffia closer to himself.
Soffia grins.
>You ask, "Excuse me?"
Soffia snuggles Devishal, who responds by cradling an arm around her.
Devishal says, "You're excused you ignorant sylph."
Devishal says, "Lemme find Malik."
>Soffia gives Devishal a good pinch!
>Devishal says, "We'll get you a nice leash."
>Devishal says, "And collar."
Soffia grins.
>" I did nothin of the kind idiot.You say, "I did nothin of the kind idiot."
>Devishal traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Devishal gestures at you.
CS: +163 - TD: +48 + CvA: +12 + d100: +6 - -5 == +138
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over you.
Devishal says, "Idiot."
>Devishal says, "Shut up."
>Devishal nods to you.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Devishal says, "Now if you don't tell me why i shouldn't kill you in 10 seconds."
Devishal says, "You're going to die."
>Devishal says, "Alot."
>Devishal nods to you.
>Soffia says, "No huh."
>Soffia shakes her head.
>Soffia says, "You have something else to do."
>Devishal taps his foot impatiently.
>Devishal says, "Times up."
>Devishal nods to you.
>Devishal says, "Run."
>Soffia taps Devishal lightly on his shoulder.
You fold your arms over your chest.
Devishal smiles at Soffia.
>Amug says, "This...feels like Wehnimers."
Amug sits down.
>The pall of silence leaves you.
You say, "If I had wanted to eat herbs, I wouldnt have asked for healing. Check your eyes."
>Bragendier says, "Feels kind of dumb, since this is a sanct."

>Devishal says, "You'd be amazed at what gets through sancts."
>Devishal nods to Bragendier.
>Amug says, "Vitriol and stupidity for one."
>Bragendier says, "Webs, silence and bind."
>Bragendier rubs his chin thoughtfully.
>Devishal says, "Maelstroms."
>Devishal nods to Bragendier.
>Bragendier smirks.
Bragendier says, "You do that here, and I guarantee you wont like it."
>Devishal laughs!
>Devishal taps his foot impatiently.

Devishal says, "I love gaurantee's."
Bragendier grins.
>Devishal says, "Make me feel so."
>Devishal says, "Invigorated."
You roll your eyes.
You sit down.
>Devishal says, "We hunt."
>Bragendier says, "I love people that kill in healing places, and then the whole city is after them."

In short.. wtf did I do??? This is my first time ever dealing with this asshole. And If he were just playing a racist pain in the ass, I could handle that. But as I see it, I did nothing to provoke him. Other than him being a blind bastard that cant tell a RHEAN from a RHIANNANN.

<end rant>

J- player of Kasia's and Rheans.. not RHANNIANN.

(And no this is in no way blaming Rhiannans character for what happened.)

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 12:17 PM
He's just an idiot. Check his other thread. Just squelch him from now on. He's a freak.

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 12:20 PM
He's one of the ones who wouldn't care if he read how stupid he is. He'd justify it and try to spin it around, unsuccessfully, onto the other person.

Like...well you know the people i'm talking about. I don't need to list them.

EDIT: Grammar

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Neff]

12-11-2003, 12:21 PM
Thats so incredibly sad and funny that it borders upon insanity. He never for an instant doubted he was wrong so he didn't even scroll up to check.

Miss X
12-11-2003, 12:33 PM
What an idiot. Gives empaths a bad name!

12-11-2003, 12:50 PM
that is funny.. he is a dumbass who obviously cannot read.

12-11-2003, 01:03 PM
I wish you people would leave him alone and stop picking on him. He's quickly becoming one of my greatest contributors of all time.

He does have a purpose.

12-11-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I wish you people would leave him alone and stop picking on him. He's quickly becoming one of my greatest contributors of all time.

He does have a purpose.

Just be aware of his aresenal of big brothers, Park.

12-11-2003, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Parkbandit
I wish you people would leave him alone and stop picking on him. He's quickly becoming one of my greatest contributors of all time.

He does have a purpose.

Just be aware of his aresenal of big brothers, Park.

Hell.. the more the merrier. Tell his big sisters to bring more silver and gems. :smug:

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Parkbandit]

12-11-2003, 01:19 PM
Seeing his CS, I could have creamed him. And I would have had I seen him cast at someone for HIS stupidity.

Unfortunatly... I can't.

Oh well. Sorry that happened hon.

12-11-2003, 01:25 PM
This guy just proves himself more of an idiot every day.

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 02:02 PM
What an ass.

You should have taken a tooth for a tooth and do a report. Get him in trouble for an unprovoked attack..heh.

12-11-2003, 02:38 PM
Anybody else here notice that he's got a new girl on him in every log?

As for Vaalor...yeah most of them are racist and I will assemble an army of half-breeds, giants, humans, dwarves and halflings to take it over. Guess I got another Vaalor empath to kill.

Moist Happenings
12-11-2003, 02:43 PM
Hehe. I passed him on my way to pick up Teeoncy from the ferry going to EN. I hope he stays there for a while. Good luck to you all!

12-11-2003, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Neff
Hehe. I passed him on my way to pick up Teeoncy from the ferry going to EN. I hope he stays there for a while. Good luck to you all!

WHAAAT?? He can't leave now!! I was just getting used to which pockets he carried gems in, which pocket he kept wands in, etc...

Son of a bitch.. now what am I going to do??

12-11-2003, 03:02 PM
He's still in Vaalor as of right now. Considering dying seems to be my hobby today.. and he keeps fogging to her. What an ass. I keep departing. Like I am going to let him touch her now.

The Cat In The Hat
12-11-2003, 03:19 PM
Well... Considering theres NO penalty to departing right now...

DEPART CONFIRM when he fogs in... he'll get the hint

(Yes I hate seeing this abused right now but it would get the point across with no penalty to her)


*When he FOGS in not LOGS in heehee

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

The Cat In The Hat
12-11-2003, 03:20 PM
Ok yeah im an idiot, I just read your last post =)


*one that cant freakin spell today!

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-11-2003, 06:14 PM
You might also be well off befriending him cold, then he can't touch you, I think, to fog or heal and you can get other help.

If the refusal to let him heal or fog you results in further casting of spells in the game, or harassing behavior, I would agree about reporting.

Apparently he can't read all that well.

12-11-2003, 08:18 PM
As far as being a Vaalorian...he's Faendryl, sadly enough for others of the race.

And he spends considerable time getting these women, I assure you. I've even seen him 'advertise' on the net for girlfriends. Apparently, he has trouble keeping one. Amazing, no?

Acolyte Kurili

12-12-2003, 03:42 AM
He had a big thing with my sorceress. She was rude, nasty and smart assed. He kept coming back for more. Some men are... dense. (No offense to those with brains.)And he's had more than one run in with my baby empath but I don't believe in letting bullies have the last word, so talking back is a godsend! Even when jackasses need to resport to spells rather than spar verbally. Oh well.

12-12-2003, 07:44 AM
I'd like to demeanor cold him and 110 myself and get some nice juicy wounds to make him cry, and then eat herbs and stab him in the face with a fork.

12-12-2003, 09:55 AM
This is the jerk who insulted Myshel for being a half blood. Ardwen then got on the net and out bid him for everything he wanted. He asked if he was going to keep doing it and Ardwen told him yes. Hit him in the pocketbook.

Oh btw, he is the only one on my list of people to hate.

[Edited on 12-12-2003 by Myshel]

12-12-2003, 12:27 PM
Ick.. He was acually tryin to date my sylvan for like two days last year when he was ten trains or so.
He was nice until a member of Tai mori( sp?) was about then he was an ass to her...

Her listening to him lasted like all of one day.

And yes my rogue loves his pockets... always full


12-12-2003, 07:50 PM
:lol: well, this is quite an honor. people actually talk about my character when they're not playing GS?

Devishal's Player

12-12-2003, 08:11 PM
It's already been established that you don't read well, Devishal, but let me try for you.

This is a board about GemStone. This is a section of said board devoted to complaints about certain characters that are assholes, like you.

Does that minimize your surprise a little? It's not exactly something to strut about.


12-12-2003, 08:26 PM
Ah yes, thank you for your continued patronage.

12-12-2003, 08:37 PM
Guess what, Devishal? You could be the first person who has come here because of a negative thread about them and does something constructive with it. I'll show you how.

Read Vixen's first post about what transpired between your character and hers. No, really READ it.

Then address the things she disliked about that interaction.

Then address the things other people have said about their less than stellar interactions with you.

There could actually be a discussion about it that would be two-sided. "Thank you for your patronage" doesn't count as your half of the discussion.



[Edited on 12-13-2003 by SpunGirl]

12-13-2003, 03:57 AM
I didn't think so.


12-13-2003, 05:13 AM
Ah yes, about not thinking so, you have to remember, some people have more important things to do, In Game and Out, than to sit on Unnoficial Game Forums and write witty retorts and clever self indulged idiosynchrocies. Ahh about adressing the problems with the thread. What problems? all the lesser races look alike to me. and an apology for any misdirection of undue blame would be totally out of character.

Imagestar quietly says, "Airwalls are warm and fuzzy, I like Devishal's air walls."

Moist Happenings
12-13-2003, 05:19 AM
But I suppose frying off of a half breed isn't beneath you.

If that's your case, go read your OTHER thread in character complaints and respond to that one.

12-13-2003, 05:28 AM
He just reinforced that he's illiterate apparently, since he can't even admit he made a mistake and then initiated PvP over it.

Have fun reading policy in the consultation lounge one of these days, Devishal. If you ever did that to me, I would report your ass for using such a limp excuse for combat. Try roleplaying... it's what most of us try to do here. And no, casting silence on someone without a reason then threatening to kill them is not roleplaying.

12-13-2003, 05:45 AM
And yet again, i reply.

Gremblar, you are so bitter, i mean, really, really bitter, with a little bit of anxiety? do you fear, that one day, i might be 81 trains, and not have the skill necessary to hide beyond the perception of a 30 train?
that is crazy.

and for girl who likes report? well, i'll just be glad, it wasn't you, and wait, how do you know about the consultation lounge readin policy? mebbe you read it to?

well now, The Player must labor, and i must slumber, i bid all my fans, adieu, and fairwell.

Inexplicably Yours.
The Dev.

>You hear the subdued thoughts of Kyha echo in your mind:
"75k for a dead cat? what's a live one worth?"

12-13-2003, 05:50 AM
Policy is available all the tme.

You're dumb.

12-13-2003, 05:53 AM
i prefer self-indulged over Dumb, but whatever works for you.

The Dev.

Imagestar quietly says, "Airwalls are warm and fuzzy, I like Devishal's air walls

Moist Happenings
12-13-2003, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by Devishal
And yet again, i reply.

Gremblar, you are so bitter, i mean, really, really bitter, with a little bit of anxiety? do you fear, that one day, i might be 81 trains, and not have the skill necessary to hide beyond the perception of a 30 train?
that is crazy.

I highly doubt you'd make it without being banned. Although, Rorac did so there's hope for you yet. Just don't be surprised when you get killed a lot and run out of town before the justice system is even in place like he did.

12-13-2003, 06:05 AM
Self-indulged? Do you even know what that means?

You can read policy any time, Tayre's right, but GMs have this nice habit of making you read it when you've done something entirely idiotic. And yes, I read it in a lounge several years ago because I said a bad word openly in the game. Nowadays, you get soap for saying it instead. But at least it wasn't for something as stupid as attacking the wrong person!

12-13-2003, 06:17 AM
Inexplicable, though, he got that part right. Sorry, Dev, you had your chance. I crown thee Idiot of the Day. Have fun doing your more important stuff, I guess we can expect not to hear from you again?


[Edited on 12-13-2003 by SpunGirl]

12-13-2003, 03:13 PM
Oh no, you'll hear from me, in fact i've made it my personal mission last night, to keep this Forum as Devishals' Voice. Thats right, you can read my thoughts and ideals on various subjects, regarding Me, the afore mentioned Devishal. oh and as pertaining to Rorac. umm, you're not allowed to mention other people's names in postings about me, it takes away the sentimentality of it all for me. and as per the justice system. justice is blind.

"jones cola: chickens think it taste like pizza."

12-13-2003, 03:14 PM
Or, we ignore you, you leave.

I like that plan better.

12-13-2003, 03:16 PM
Troll food is very expensive and tends to draw far too many trolls. For those reasons, I shall refrain from feeding trolls.


02-21-2005, 06:28 AM
They haven't banned Devishal yet? Please he takes every moment he can and his whore soffia to prove what jerks and bullies they are. NO one can convince them they are in the wrong, IG or out they are powerhungry bullies that victimize people continually... EVERYONE is starting to realize this. Too bad he kisses enough GM ass to get away with everything... At least he isn't Snagus anymore or so I am told:die:

02-21-2005, 07:34 AM
I dont think he does kiss GM arse...I just think they are reluctant to kick someone out of the game unless really pushed.

My conversation with a GM after I killed him and Soffia gave me the impression that the GM's think he is a skanky little warn whore and it didnt appear that they were any more keen on him than the rest of us.

02-21-2005, 07:40 AM
He still sucks, but way to bump a 2 year old thread.

02-21-2005, 08:03 AM
Yeah, looks like someone's been using the search feature.

02-21-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
He still sucks, but way to bump a 2 year old thread.

1 year two months < 2 years.

I doubt HMC is even used anymore, so it will probably take bug abuse before he gets a lockout.

02-22-2005, 10:54 AM
Speaking of Devishal, has anyone seen him in the past month? He was playing in our World of Warcraft server, and one day he just up and vanished.

02-22-2005, 06:55 PM
Hopefully he choked on his own stupidity and died.

02-22-2005, 07:07 PM
I havn't seen him for a long time. Last time I really interacted with him IG, I cut off his leg for being a prick.. but that was in GSIII.

He still even play?

Also, on a side note, I miss Neff :(

02-22-2005, 09:28 PM
Oh yes I've seen him...Don't you know him and his whore said I REPORTING THEM 1x mind you... That I ruined GS for them and they went to PREMIUM... They can stay there too!!:rant:

Actually I was looking for something else when I ran across this.

02-23-2005, 03:06 AM
He bought Lasharam so hes on as that character a lot.

02-23-2005, 09:08 AM
LOL..Devishal doesn't own Lasharam...

Beer Goddess
02-23-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by OreoElf
Oh yes I've seen him...Don't you know him and his whore said I REPORTING THEM 1x mind you... That I ruined GS for them and they went to PREMIUM... They can stay there too!!:rant:

Actually I was looking for something else when I ran across this.

Actually no they don't play anymore hehe. I asked him yesterday in fact and he said no but I know for a fact he plays world of warcraft also. :lol: So if you seen him its probably not him at all.

I also know that a few months ago that him and Soffie both put their characters up on ebay together and was going to sell them as a married couple. So who knows that may not even be him or her.

Also there is no distinction between premium and prime cept for more locker space and character room. I'm going to assume that either you have no idea what you are talking about or you meant platinum.

[Edited on 2-23-2005 by Beer Goddess]

02-24-2005, 09:38 PM
Devishal and Soffia have been spotted in Plat very briefly, but that was a while ago. I don't know if they're still there.


02-24-2005, 11:25 PM
If Devishal's been playing World of Warcraft, he hasn't logged into our server in over a month. He was on like...every day, and then he just up and vanished. Haven't seen or heard from him since.

02-25-2005, 02:41 AM
Yeah, Soffia still plays on her other characters. I know that much for a fact. As for Devishal, I don't have a clue. I haven't seen him in GS for a couple of months, but he usually stays in the EN and I haven't been there in awhile.

Eh, who cares. Both of those characters have issues.