View Full Version : Most basic of Lich scripts, help
Frozen Rope
01-04-2008, 11:15 PM
Would it be too much trouble for someone to convert to Lich this very basic .cmd scripts? I'd like to start learning to script with Lich but I have no experience with it or Ruby in general. I thought if I began with a couple basics I maybe be able to learn from there. Many more questions would follow but I'd hope this could kick-start me in the right direction.
put stow right
waitfor you put
put wear my shield
waitfor you sling
move w
move go bank
put deposit all
waitfor hands you
put check balance
waitfor balance
move out
move go door
move go table
put sit
waitfor sit
Is it correct that .lic scripts can be written with my regular editor and saved to the lich scripts directory, and run from there? I tried running my .cmd scripts through Lich and had no success with that.
01-05-2008, 09:06 AM
Type in the command line the following:
;w <name of wizard script>
You should be able to run your wizards scripts via lich just fine that way.
Frozen Rope
01-06-2008, 01:03 PM
Thanks Vulva, I tried that a while back and didn't have any luck. For some reason most of my scripts, even the simple ones, didn't seem to run. I have some fairly involved scripts that can take me from Inns to hunting, hunt, and return...should I expect those to run within Lich as well?
To be clear, its - ;w .scriptnamehere variable variable variable
No space between the ; and w, and 1 space between the w and scriptname. Do I need the . before my script name? And no brackets anywhere?
I have the new variety of PSINET installed too and I read in one post the two together need to be installed in a certain way for them to behave well together. I'll probably have to uninstall the earlier copy of Lich (installed originally 12 months? ago) to make it and PSINET play well together.
I'll drop back in with my findings.
If Lich converts my .cmd script into something it can run, is there any way to actually see what it converts my script into? I could then see exactly what my .cmd script would look like if it were put together with Lich. Would make it much easier for me to learn Lich if I could see my stuff in Lich language.
01-06-2008, 01:21 PM
by doing that it doesnt convert the scripts, it just runs then through lich. The benefits are being able to run multiple scripts and it is a faster engine than the wiz FE. Also it is untracable on Simu's end as far as them knowing when you start and end a script anyway.
01-06-2008, 05:42 PM
You don't need the DOT before the scriptname when using ;w
I'm not sure how the variable thing will work out but I think it works. It's been forever since I've used a wizard script.
01-06-2008, 05:47 PM
Actually, here's the only wizard script I use.
It's for coloring the professions so I know who's what profession.
Goto %1
matchre PALADIN /(Paladin|Holy Crusader|Dark Crusader|Temple Guard|Purifier|Exemplar|Vindicator|Challenger|Repe ntant|Blasphemer|Penitent|Zealot|Holy Warrior|Arbiter|Reaver|Quester|Avenger|Templar|Def ender|Faithbringer|Wrathbringer|Justicar|Redeemer| Vanquisher|Dreadnaught|Preceptor|Paragon)/
matchre BARD /(Bard|Songsmith|Busker|Thespian|PoetPoetess|Skald| Piper|Storyteller|Harper|Gleeman|Gleewoman|Battlec hanter|Jongleur|Spellsinger|Rhymester|Jester|Lores inger|Muse|Balladeer|Bladesinger|Composer|MasterPo et|Minstrel|Songmaster|Songmistress|Troubadour|Mas terStoryteller|Loremaster|Loremistress|BardLaureat e)/
matchre SORC /(Sorcerer|Transmuter|Beguiler|Hexer|Ritualist|Disr uptor|Cabalist|Dissembler|Harrower|Incanter|Incant ress|Tormenter|Sacrificer|Deceiver|Re-Animator|Plaguebringer|Maledictor|Enervator|Soulsl ayer|Necromancer|Doomsayer|Torturer|Summoner|Apost ate|Corruptor|Cursebringer|Demonmaster|Demonmistre ss|Warlock|Witch)/
matchre CLERIC /(Cleric|Initiate|Pilgrim|Proselyte|Crusader|Acolyt e|Renouncer|Sacristan|Missionary|Brother|Sister|De acon|Shaman|Celebrant|Intercessor|Curate|Preacher| Confessor|Priest|Priestess|Inquisitor|Prior|Priore ss|Heretic|Theurgist|Churchwarden|Abbot|Abbess|Sou l Keeper|Prelate|Patriarch|Matriarch)/
matchre ROGUE /(Rogue|Cutpurse|Prowler|Pickpocket|Hoodlum|Footpad |Bandit|Smuggler|Brigand|Thief|Locksmith|Grifter|H ighwayman|Filcher|Stalker|Sapper|Thug|Fingersmith| Knave|Blackguard|Bounty Hunter|Purloiner|Cutthroat|Waylayer|Scoundrel|Mast erLocksmith|MasterRogue)/
matchre EMPATH /(Empath|Mender|Pacifist|Woundtender|Consoler|Heale r|Sustainer|Botanist|Caretaker|Herbalist|Nurse|Phl ebotomist|Bloodletter|Herbmaster|Herbmistress|Pall iator|Curer|Butcher|Meliorator|Apothecary|Rejuvena tor|Physician|Chirurgeon|Scourge|Solacebringer|Wou ndmaster|Woundmistress|Martyr|MasterHealer)/
matchre MAGE /(Wizard|Conjurer|Prestidigitator|Boltwielder|Spell weaver|Spellbinder|Evoker|Rainmaker|Firestormer|He dgewizard|Magician|Invoker|BattleMage|Elementalist |Stormcaller|ZephyrMage|Icebringer|Enchanter|Encha ntress|Thaumaturge|Pyromancer|Geomancer|Mage|WarMa ge|Mystic|Adept|Archwizard|Archmage)/
matchre RANGER /(Ranger|Scout|Forager|Explorer|Forester|Tracker|Se archer|Survivalist|Rover|Woodsman|Woodswoman|Plain sman|Plainswoman|Frontiersman|Pioneer|Pathfinder|T railsman|Trailswoman|Wayfarer|Mountaineer|Guide|Ga mekeeper|Voyager|Watcher|Trailblazer|Forestwalker| Woodsmaster|Woodsmistress|Beastmaster|Beastmistres s|Huntmaster|Huntmistress|ForestWarden)/
matchre WARRIOR /(Warrior|Fighter|Cadet|Barbarian|Squire|Swordsman| Swordswoman|Raider|Militiaman|Soldier|Mercenary|Gl adiator|Myrmidon|Fencer|Hiresword|Man-at-Arms|Amazon|Armiger|Battlerager|Blademaster|Bladem istress|Marauder|Berserker|Protector|Weaponmaster| Weaponmistress|Cavalier|Destroyer|Guardian|Warlord |Champion)/
matchre EXIT /(She|He) appears/
put look %2
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#008000 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#7B3900 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#E2CB6D highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FFD2A1 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#8080C0 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#00FFFF highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FF9000 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FF00FF highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FFFF00 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FF6B73 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
put befriend %2 warm
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#33F390 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
put befriend %2 cold
ADDTOHIGHLIGHTNAMES STRING=%2 foreColor=#FF0000 highlightEntireLine=false matchPartialWord=False
Sean of the Thread
01-06-2008, 06:12 PM
Lich steals your bicycle.
01-09-2008, 09:41 AM
You can use whatever editor you want to use -- just be sure it saves the file in ASCII text format. Plain old .txt; programs like Word complicate things and you get a bunch of really bizarre errors from Lich because the file has strange funky characters that you aren't seeing.
Read the tutorial text files from the Lich program directory, and you should be able to easily convert that script yourself. Basically anything that you would normally have typed to the game yourself, such as "west" should be in quotes. So it would be move "west" -- other than that, it's pretty much the same. You need to lower-case the Exit though, otherwise Lich won't recognize it (it's case-sensitive).
Oh, the quoting thing also applies to stuff you're waiting for. So it would be waitfor "balance", etc.
Frozen Rope
01-09-2008, 08:39 PM
You can use whatever editor you want to use -- just be sure it saves the file in ASCII text format. Plain old .txt; programs like Word complicate things and you get a bunch of really bizarre errors from Lich because the file has strange funky characters that you aren't seeing.
Read the tutorial text files from the Lich program directory, and you should be able to easily convert that script yourself. Basically anything that you would normally have typed to the game yourself, such as "west" should be in quotes. So it would be move "west" -- other than that, it's pretty much the same. You need to lower-case the Exit though, otherwise Lich won't recognize it (it's case-sensitive).
Oh, the quoting thing also applies to stuff you're waiting for. So it would be waitfor "balance", etc.
Thanks, that points me in the right direction for the moment and I appreciate it.
The editor I've been using is Crimson Editor...
Frozen Rope
01-10-2008, 06:25 AM
Until last night I had no idea those help files were in the Lich directory. Up until then I had been looking in the Lich script directory for the help files and obviously only finding the scripts, which are helpful but not nearly as helpful as the .txt files you've written.
01-10-2008, 09:27 AM
Until last night I had no idea those help files were in the Lich directory. Up until then I had been looking in the Lich script directory for the help files and obviously only finding the scripts, which are helpful but not nearly as helpful as the .txt files you've written.
You're welcome :)
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