View Full Version : The Law
07-01-2003, 10:12 PM
Currently there is a system of justice in play in Elanthia which I find to be back asswards to say the least. Changes are coming, but from what I've found, they won't address the concerns I have.
Hence this post.
Why is Call Wind legal in towns, and Elemental Wave is not ? Calling a wind is much worse, it not only knocks everyone down as a wave would, but it also strips airwalls and forces an offensive stance. So though Call Wind is demonstratably worse, it's legal where an ewave is not.
Punishments like the fines on wave are designed (if they have any point at all) to target abusers of spell privileges. That sort of thinking is daft to say the least. If something can be abused, then make it illegal eh ? If that train of thought was continued, we'd end up doing nothing but talking.
So I'm supposed to use pathetic combat techniques when my town is invaded, cause I might be fined if I do what would work best ? Honestly, I had no problem with the few that abused those few spells before it was illegal. Not once do I recall someone ewaving town center and getting away with it without retribution. That's called rp. Nuff said.
Morstanya, Icewitch (casting something illegal in town even as you read this)
07-01-2003, 11:19 PM
It's illegal to cast stupid spells in town. I don't see the problem. You blow air at someone, as opposed to using the elements to prone and temporarily immobilize them. Legal and stupid, respectively. If something invades in town, what the hell illegal spell do you need to use to kill it? Again, there seems to be no problem.
07-01-2003, 11:24 PM
Call wind does have a legitimate use in town, namely dispersing clouds from traps.
I agree though, that the town justice system needs a major revamp. It's ridiculous to have the constable running around arresting high level characters for knocking people over, while not arresting dark knights, or followers of Sheru, or whatever, for INVADING THE TOWN.
[Edited on 7-2-2003 by Ramos]
07-02-2003, 12:00 AM
I think the Justice System needs an upgrade as well!! Is the constable friggin psychic? And omnipresent? Personally, I would like to get away with murder occasionally! Hrmph!
Babysitter of Irksum and Candor
your just jealous.
prep 912
Meos gestures and utters a phrase of magic
Meos gestures
The wind rips at your sleeves
<insert everyone falling and glances my direction>
'must be a storm brewin
Meos says, "must be a storm brewin."
You Snicker.
p.s. e-wave knocks hiders outta their spots too, wind doesn't, just an fyi if ya think it mmight make a difference
07-02-2003, 03:03 AM
Yes, I agree witch. You have no idea how many fines I've paid for defending a town. Even focused implode is annoying.
On the plus side, as of late..every time I've gotten fined in an invasion, the GM's have removed the fine.
07-02-2003, 07:53 AM
Why is quake legal and tremors are not?
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Why is quake legal and tremors are not?
Ahh, common question there but fairly simple answer.
Quake isn't real. It's merely an illusion. When a Sorcerer Quakes, the ground doesn't shake. The minds of those around the caster THINK the ground is shaking and fall.
Tremors is less powerful than Quake and also gives you a fine. But it IS real. The ground really shakes. Thus, it could endanger the public. When someone quakes, it's the same as if they used eye spy. Yeah, it effects others, but it's just an illusion.
- --[ Klaive ]-- -
There should not be a time limit of one hour real time to get your stuff back. There are casual players that do have kids and a real life. Should be 1 hour game time, not real time. This would be much better. Also, the east tower should be exempt from the Constable. You know when you enter there you could die from a trap. The Constable knows this and should be a sign that says, enter at yout own risk. Also, having the constable leave town is really gay. That sucks and was done out of a petty pet peeve someone had against people dueling at the dingy. Also, the constable should not even be in Pinefar. That is a outpost and a place where players make the law. It's not a city with rules...duh. But some GM had a pet peeve about people fighting up there and threw a tantrum and made it a constable area. Most likely because their character was getting owned by someone. How gay. Always remember. Don't be gay like Sean!
07-02-2003, 10:57 AM
<< Call wind does have a legitimate use in town, namely dispersing clouds from traps. >>
Any wizard who dispells a cloud using call wind instead of hand of tonis deserves to be jailed for stupidity.
07-02-2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Kranar
<< Call wind does have a legitimate use in town, namely dispersing clouds from traps. >>
Any wizard who dispells a cloud using call wind instead of hand of tonis deserves to be jailed for stupidity.
been a wizard from 0 to 61, and i never knew that, funny huh?
Must say that i never had any fine beside a 410 instead of 409
07-02-2003, 11:52 AM
Well now ya know!
07-02-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Tremors is less powerful than Quake and also gives you a fine. But it IS real. The ground really shakes. Thus, it could endanger the public. When someone quakes, it's the same as if they used eye spy. Yeah, it effects others, but it's just an illusion.
Tremors is an illusion, as per the spell description.
07-02-2003, 06:16 PM
The justice system is getting a major overhaul for GS4. The one-hour real time requirement is gone, and according to alpha testers, there is some kind of community service system in place, where you can get sentenced to community service. Sounds interesting.
07-02-2003, 11:02 PM
<<Also, having the constable leave town is really gay.>>
That hasn't happened for a couple months. You can kill anywhere outside the gate, including at the gate (but not at Lands' End).
Originally posted by Taernath
Tremors is an illusion, as per the spell description.
909 · Tremors [TREMORS]
Duration: Immediate
Causes the earth in the area to begin shaking in a very minor earthquake, complete with aftershocks. Everyone in the area must make a roll to remain standing.
- --[ Klaive ]-- -
07-02-2003, 11:28 PM
07-03-2003, 12:12 PM
Well I decided that I wouldn't wait to see what response I got from a GM regarding my quandry. So I set up the Icemule Defense Fund which will pay fines spell casters incur during invasions in Icemule. The fund is off to a roaring start and I expect it to be quite successful. If you care to read about it the posts are on the Towns/Neighborhood->Icemule forum on the official Forums.
07-03-2003, 01:18 PM
Will this pay for my implodes of candor during invasions? ::grins::
-Not Adredrin
07-03-2003, 01:20 PM
Um, no. Best of intentions and all that, but it only covers fines from attacking invaders. And don't spout off about him being an invader, that won't wash with me.
Another thing I think is stupid about the constable system is this. Someone sets off a spore trap. I get spores in me, so I am going to die. Well, since I don't like the person I run back to town and die so he will get a fine. Ya! That should be game mechenics abuse. Whole constable system is so gay. Was made by GM Fago! No really, it is gay.
[Edited on 7-6-2003 by edge]
07-06-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Why is quake legal and tremors are not?
Ahh, common question there but fairly simple answer.
Quake isn't real. It's merely an illusion. When a Sorcerer Quakes, the ground doesn't shake. The minds of those around the caster THINK the ground is shaking and fall.
Tremors is less powerful than Quake and also gives you a fine. But it IS real. The ground really shakes. Thus, it could endanger the public. When someone quakes, it's the same as if they used eye spy. Yeah, it effects others, but it's just an illusion.
- --[ Klaive ]-- -
Hmm... or not.
909 · Tremors [TREMORS]
Duration: Immediate
Causes the earth in the area to begin shaking in a very minor earthquake, complete with aftershocks. Everyone in the area must make a roll to remain standing. Note that the effect is actually an illusion, the disruption is not in the earth but in the magical aura. As such no structural damage will result and the caster is completely immune to the effect.
Attacking a fallen opponent lowers their AS and DS by 50. This is an easy way to get a big advantage over an opponent.
07-06-2003, 12:14 PM
Lowers their DS by 100 if they're in defensive, a good way to slaughter someone who thinks they're being clever.
Oh wait! Another one is. Pick a scale trap box and hand it back to the person and watch them get a huge fine when they kill everyone! Oh ya! Then say. Wow, I thought I disarmed that. Sorry. But to late, they lost all there gear with the 5m fine. Also, the lamo constable will not believe you if you see someone stealing half the time. So how is he able to know 100% for sure you killed someone with a trap? Especially when the rogue picking it clearly set you up. Oh wait. Must have been made with retarded logic. Because nobody understands the law anymore. By they time you assist your shit had been taking away because the 1 hour real time is over
Belthania Pogrom
07-10-2003, 04:21 AM
7.3 mil for killing Sazarr
14.2 for killing some callsino in Vaalor
nuff said what the hell like they are even worth 3 silvers a piece!
07-11-2003, 12:22 PM
I think the new justice system is.... neat? It seems fair from with what I tested, and it seems pretty new. I saw some guy locked up in shackles in front of the bank and had to answer questions about the town all the while people could throw rotten fruit at him. And of coarse...
A burly guard pulls hard on a rope that is attached to the gallows' false floor. The false floor drops away, and Nitid falls quickly through it. Just before the fall comes to an end, you see Nitid's neck snap like a twig!
Nitid's body sways back and forth for a bit.
* Nitid drops dead at your feet!
The madness! With DR points, being a constant lawbreaker will suck....
07-11-2003, 12:42 PM
It is about time.
07-11-2003, 12:43 PM
Damn! That is absolutely sweet! Do you have the whole log with the questions and fruit as well?
07-11-2003, 01:37 PM
Ahhh, just as a test I killed someone with their approval an was given three choices, 40k fine, 21 minutes of incarceration or 32 minutes of community service.
Chose the community service an walked around icemule for half an hour cleaning up after the penguins i.e. their crap down old skeletons and new carcasses.
Was pretty sweet though I did hate having to pick up the crap. :P
07-12-2003, 02:16 PM
[Town Square, West]
Here in the midst of the town stretches the cobblestoned main bazaar, its serpentine lanes abuzz with traders bartering, bickering, and hawking their wares. The freewheeling vendors in the bazaar provide a lively alternative to the somewhat stodgier merchants whose shops border the square. The gilded but peeling stone facade of the First Elanith bank dominates this side of the square. You also see a copper lockpick, a basket of rotting fruit and a city official.
Also here: Gorlar, Xeldria, Maewen, Warrezzer, Zequa, Tarlyton, Mezamra, Lorissia, Warbel, Vanatar who is kneeling and set in stocks
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
Vanatar asks, "You call that a friendly kick?"
>toss frui at vana
Vanatar sighs.
You pick up a piece of rotting fruit and toss it right at Vanatar! It explodes as it hits Vanatar in the face!
07-14-2003, 08:29 AM
Damn.. that is certainly a step up from our current justice system.
Well done!
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