View Full Version : Mana Recovery Enhancive

01-04-2008, 08:38 AM
What's this worth?

A mithril fist-scythe.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the mithril fist-scythe in your hand...

It has a bonus of +5 from a normal fist-scythe, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in brawling to use effectively.
The fist-scythe resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus to Mana Recovery.
You think that you could probably find out something more about the fist-scythe's enhancive properties if you tried.
The fist-scythe resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Mana Recovery.
The fist-scythe looks to have a huge number of charges remaining.

Never been used. It also is NOT restricted to brawlers-only, so yeah you could be level 90 waggler walkin around with a shield and a sword and instead of the sword you never swing, you could pull this out and get a mana recovery bonus. So what would this be worth? It loresings at 300k, but I know dang well it's worth quite a bit more than that, being such a large bonus to mana recovery every pulse. What say you, denizens of PC?

01-04-2008, 09:01 AM
100k-200k tops

01-04-2008, 01:25 PM
Why so low? isn't mana recovery a wanted enhancive stat?

Sean of the Thread
01-04-2008, 01:42 PM
37-38 million tops

01-04-2008, 01:51 PM
Why so low? isn't mana recovery a wanted enhancive stat?
Couple of problems with it, being a weapon with a lowish enchant means a few things... no sword/board would be interested because the reason they have sword skill is for parry DS bonus, so the brawl/board is who you're targetting, but empty hand is better than a weapon because then there is no chance of sitting through disarm RT. If someone is using a brawling weapon they want the extra enchant parry DS.

So for me (a Brawl/Shield wizard that hunts with spells) it would mean trading out my vanilla +20 fist scythe when I'm in a circumstance where I want a weapon, so I'm losing something like 5 or 6 DS for mana regen, but I'm never really hunting long enough that 5 extra mana on a given pulse makes a difference, I can fry off my mana in my head anyway (only 1x HP too), so you're looking for someone younger that the 5 mana would help.

I might bid 100k if it goes for sale, but that'd just be to experiment/mess around with, as I probably wouldn't end up using it as my goto weapon.

For something to help you gauge, icemule just had a merchant that was selling longswords: 4x lightning flare with +3 to dexterity stat and agility stat, +1 to hiding ranks, -1 to wisdom stat for 175k.

01-04-2008, 02:33 PM
Why so low? isn't mana recovery a wanted enhancive stat?

I've had this for a while now, and it still sits with me sadly. I thought for sure it would have gone by now...

an archaic drake war hammer
0x 7#

Price = 4M

It has been infused with the power of a fire elemental.
It provides a bonus of 20 to Mana Recovery.
The hammer looks to have a fair amount of charges remaining.
No Restrictions.


01-08-2008, 12:08 PM
Can someone explain what it means when these enhancive items have "a huge amount of charges remaining?"

How is it a charge gets used up?

And a related question, those enhacive items sold at the winterfest merchant in Icemule, do they also have a limited number of charges? How much and how long do they last?