View Full Version : Hm.

12-10-2003, 11:49 PM
Its funny that I can't enjoy the game I pay very well for. I go there, people locate 100 times, people try to kill me, and try to drag me off, etc. etc. It gets old.
Why do I think its PC people, well because no one else in the game has a problem with me, why? Because I don't do anything there but sell items on the amulet, and I normally don't play anymore anyways. Its sad that all of its enjoyment has gone down the drain because people want to be immature brats and insult you in game because of PC.

Its sad what alot of people do here. Someone comes posts, and then they get backed into a wall and insulted. They get laughed at, hurt, and then told to leave and never come back. Don't you want new people on the boards? Or the same old people backing people into a corner and bashing them?

I promised to leave for a while, I did my share. I left again for a while, I don't even play the game much anymore to avoid the PC users. And don't even try to make this a blanketed statement because its not. You can agree with what I say, and what I don't say. But I'm tired of people being chased off. People have feelings, obviously or they wouldn't have been posting them long essays of why you shouldn't hate them. And then they get laughed at more. Doesn't it get old? It sure does to me.

I'm being called horrible names by Maimara, Spungirl, Xcalibur, and even Tayre who was supposedly a friend (a while back). Alot of people here just don't think about what their doing, they just go on an on an on and never stop to think. Don't you get tired of insulting people? Are you so insecure that you have to bash people over a message board about their real life. I think Kranar wants a growing message board, not a bunch of angry dogs chasing everyone who comes away. Don't let him down, obviously alot of you enjoy it here. There can be several posts by the same trio, but it won't make the site grow. Just back off a little. There is no need to insult eachother constantly. If you have issues with that person, talk to them. Don't go on a message board and call them, 'mu mu's', thats not mature.

I've tried to be friendly, cordial, sweet, sentimental, but theres only so much I can handle until I explode. But I've learned my way around here, take it up the ass and let the babies have their fun. They won't get tired of it, but sooner or later they'll get their share. What goes around comes around, yours may just not happen on PC though. The real world is much tougher I assure you. Just back off is all I ask.

(awaits the same old people to reply with more insults, but perhaps some other people will read this, and get my point, i'm sure they agree)


added: I know I've had my share of bitching, whining, complaining, etc. etc. but I've dropped that a long while ago. I took the advice given to me. And to this day I'm still appreciative of the constructive criticism given to me (being from Daina, HarmNone, CT, and everyone else who contributed.)

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

12-10-2003, 11:54 PM
This is the song that doesn't end...

12-10-2003, 11:55 PM
Now you know how I feel and I don't post anymore. First post in a long while my dear.

12-10-2003, 11:56 PM
You'll be happy to know that I have no opinion of you whatsoever.

12-10-2003, 11:58 PM
and it keeps going on and on my friend

12-10-2003, 11:59 PM
Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was..

12-11-2003, 12:00 AM
and they'll continue singing it forever just because ... ;oP

12-11-2003, 12:01 AM
It's not funny when you do it.

12-11-2003, 12:01 AM
People from pc = 5 people maximum

yet she generalises to victimize herself.

12-11-2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
There are, in fact, loads of new posters who come to the PC every week. I daresay the only one to get 'chased away' recently was not truly chased, only called on her lies and chose to get upset and leave rather than be mature and own up to the truth. That is, of course, everyone's right to choose. However, laying it at the feet of PC posters for calling someone on blatant lies only fuels the fire against you, that you *say* you want to end.

Will you never learn? Every time you come in here with both guns blazing like this, you open yourself up all over again.

It's hard to watch, but you do it to yourself. And this, not being in one of my folders, is out of my hands.

::walks off shaking her head in utter disbelief::

Hon, I wasn't talking about Teeoncy. I was talking about alot of people though. Not everyone on PC does insult others. Never said that, but there are quite a few posters here that enjoy it. This is who I direct my thread to.

12-11-2003, 12:02 AM
why did you quote yourself instead of just editting your post?

12-11-2003, 12:05 AM
::pulls his example of violence from a previous thread::

Athenabitchnut I inform you that I wish to bash your skull in with a small sack containing a chipped brick and a very rusty doorknob. Oh yeah by the way Fuck Off and Die strictly in game of course.

Edited to end my statement with a . instead of a bunch of ....'s in honor of spungirl :o

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Khaitiff]

12-11-2003, 12:05 AM
you are adressing yourself to 5 people maximum, stop acting as if you were HATED BY EVERYONE

you just continue your fucking drama again, go tell your boyfriend to lash you a bit as he seems that it's his role

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 12:10 AM
I know this isn't going to happen, but I'm going to ask you all...please don't say anything to her. Just let this die here. It's just another attempt at getting attention, another reason to post for her. She's not getting her kicks anywhere else so she's back again. Hopefully she'll get the hint that everyone here can't stand her and she's better off pretending this place didn't exist. Hell, maybe she'll go back to her own boards and make it a place worth visiting. Thanks in advance.

12-11-2003, 12:11 AM
I can't even post without being told I want attention. You are posting as well. Do you want attention? If not, then why would you dare say I do?

added: I don't need attention, I'm not even here anymore yet I'm still being talked about :yawn:

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

12-11-2003, 12:12 AM
Atheana has her own boards?

12-11-2003, 12:13 AM
I've created a small one for my friends an I.

12-11-2003, 12:13 AM
<ignores previous singing>
and we'll continue singing it forever just because

12-11-2003, 12:48 AM
Isn't it "and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because"? What's this "continue" folderol?

12-11-2003, 12:55 AM
Was the dissertation neccessary?

12-11-2003, 12:55 AM
and they'll just keep on singing it forever just because

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 12:57 AM

12-11-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
It's actually, "And they'll continue singing it forever just because."

They being the aforementioned "some people" who started singing it not knowing what it was... ;)

Too bad she died, or we could ask her. :( The world is a less.. continually singing place.

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 01:02 AM
Ahem...incase you missed what I said earlier.

Tom Jones is on Jay Leno and DAINA thinks he's HOT!

Weedmage Princess
12-11-2003, 01:04 AM
That would make him younger than you then, Daina!!


12-11-2003, 01:08 AM
Lamb chop rules

12-11-2003, 01:36 AM
Hmm... the folks that post here must have a lot of power! Everyone in the game that has something negative to say or do to the 'one that should not be named' sure are easily swayed if reading posts here caused these things. I sure wouldn't want friends like that.


P. S. Sorry Weedie... had to... Tom Jones you say?

P. P. S. .... .... .... <guilty>

Edited to add: Gee, my post sort of reads like one of Xcalibur's.

Gah... I can't get it right! No more edits.

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Vesi]

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Vesi]

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Vesi]

12-11-2003, 02:51 AM
Ok...who woke the sleeping bear?


12-11-2003, 03:52 AM


12-11-2003, 07:56 AM
I think you all overreact far too much to a very polite post.:)

I know she has in the past had problems, but if you read the post, quite a few things are good thoughts.

-A(keeping positive)

12-11-2003, 08:54 AM
Shit.. I thought this was another topic on bashing Warclaid[b]Hm[/].

12-11-2003, 09:32 AM
this is the song that never ends.......

12-11-2003, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
this is the song that never ends.......

Much funnier when Peam did it the first time.

12-11-2003, 09:43 AM
hey the song never ends im just continuing it

12-11-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver[/i]
She posts quite cordially, and without sarcasm or acidness. Not insulting or yelling at anyone. Just stating valid and very true points, and still she is bitched at.

Just a thought, Weedmage--
You think too highly of yourselves to think that she posts here for attention. She posted because, as she said, she had left for weeks and she comes back and there are still bullshit insults posted about her.

You know what?

I'm finally getting tired of this.

- D (done defending/arguing/insulting unless the subject at hand is interesting or has some purpose)

[Edited on 12-11-2003 by Halfsilver]

12-11-2003, 10:33 AM
Just a quick hint to any and all who might benefit from it:

There is no better way to get the insults flying than to post something that says, in effect, "Don't insult me anymore, okay?".

Life is much easier once one finds the trick to making oneself insult-proof. Think about it. Do you really care what "so-and-so-from-the-internet-whom-I-do-not-really-know" says about you? Will it affect your life in any lasting way? (I mean your life, not your character's life. Fantasy should be left to...well, fantasy.) If not, then just the insults roll off your back. Do not comment. Do not react. Your life will be the easier for the effort.

HarmNone, who does not want a response

12-11-2003, 10:37 AM
So what you're saying is, HarmNone, is that it's all my fault and I'm a tool?

:( I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now because no one on the internet likes me.

12-11-2003, 10:40 AM
Nice post Atheana, just too bad it has to come from you now, something like that should have came from you 881 post ago.

Graysalin, after your post in the "Worried" thread and the fact that you think your girlfriend never does any wrong, what you say goes in one ear and out the other. It's one thing to be a good girlfriend/boyfriend. It's another thing to just be a moron in love.

12-11-2003, 10:40 AM
I have a very thoughtful reply readied...

Should I post it?

It is well thought out.

12-11-2003, 10:47 AM
Post away, Longshot. If everybody has their sensitivities tucked in tight, we can take it! If not, I can still take it! :D

Oh, and it is all Tayre's fault because Tayre is a TOOL!

HarmNone on sensitivity, fault, and the tool ::cackle::

12-11-2003, 10:34 PM

Oh...nevermind. Never liked him anyway.

Acolyte Kurili

12-11-2003, 10:41 PM
Where do we get these people and when can we send them back?

12-11-2003, 11:16 PM
Tom Jones was amazing on Leno.

12-11-2003, 11:28 PM
Post it longshot

12-12-2003, 12:24 AM
Amazing eh? You mean he wasnt in his walker with an oxygen tank in tow?

Acolyte Kurili, cackling as usual

12-12-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Post it longshot

Yeah, I need a new sig. :saint:

12-12-2003, 05:14 AM
We will try to take this slow here...

There's quite a lot to digest. (Pun not intended)

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Its funny that I can't enjoy the game I pay very well for. I go there, people locate 100 times, people try to kill me, and try to drag me off, etc. etc. It gets old.

Okay. So you are upset about a current type of behavior displayed towards your character (you are not your character, remember?) in the game. It gets old, and you are tired. A smart person would say that there are in-game ways to deal with this. But, fine,... you have a beef. At this point, we are listening.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Why do I think its PC people, well because no one else in the game has a problem with me, why?

That is just one hell of a sentence. This has been gone over before many times with you. Try breathing once or twice and maybe proofreading before you hit that "post" button. We might take you more seriously. You can't be expected to be treated like an adult if everytime you come outside to play you've already shit your pants.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Because I don't do anything there but sell items on the amulet, and I normally don't play anymore anyways. Its sad that all of its enjoyment has gone down the drain because people want to be immature brats and insult you in game because of PC.

At this point, it sounds like you are directing blame. We have in the previous jarbled sentence that it's somehow "PC people". Atheana, there are ways to quantify a statement. These words such as "all", "some", "many", "possible", "none", etc. will help you to get your point across without putting everyone on edge. Now we have immature brats hurting you, and it's because of PC. We still don't know who these "people" are. The one time Grays posted about all the locates he recieved, it was quickly agreed that it was pretty lame. You post no such evidence, and just label "these" people as immature. Now, you are starting to lose your audience.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Its sad what alot of people do here. Someone comes posts, and then they get backed into a wall and insulted. They get laughed at, hurt, and then told to leave and never come back. Don't you want new people on the boards? Or the same old people backing people into a corner and bashing them?

The boards are more popular than ever. Kranar has the stats to prove it. It's in another thread. The only people who really get flamed are the ones who truly deserve it. Nobody takes this place that seriously... except for you, of course.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
I promised to leave for a while, I did my share. I left again for a while, I don't even play the game much anymore to avoid the PC users. And don't even try to make this a blanketed statement because its not.

The longest period between your posts (which can be easily found under "search posts by this user) is under two weeks. That may seem like a long time to you, but the dumb shit that you spew out of your mouth resonates for much longer than that.

I'm sure what is a "long time" to you just isn't really such a long time after all. You might have to take that up with your boyfriend. But please, don't do it on these boards! I have a weak stomach.

And how dumb are you now with this blanket statement thing? It is a blanket statement! You blame PC for people thinking that you're an immature brat? You are an immature brat. This is not PC's fault! If you want to write a big person sentence, then say "some" people from PC are causing you grief. What you wrote was yet ANOTHER blanket statement.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
You can agree with what I say, and what I don't say.

What the fuck is this? I weep for your family at this point...

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
But I'm tired of people being chased off. People have feelings, obviously or they wouldn't have been posting them long essays of why you shouldn't hate them. And then they get laughed at more. Doesn't it get old? It sure does to me.

Now you care about Player's Corner. The very boards that you have sworn to never come back to numerous times. The boards where you proclaimed, "You are all such motherfucking assholes. All of you!". And now, you care?? To quote the great philosopher Tayre:


I don't remember anyone posting essays about not wanting to be hated... except you. So, if you are tired of the inevitable shit that will come when you post, then don't come here. It has to do with the fact that you post like a whiney ass girl who is too busy eating her ham and cheddar triple decker to realise the pure drivel and bullshit she is writing.

I would never waste my time hating someone like you. I have no problems pointing out how incredibly stupid you are though.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
I'm being called horrible names by Maimara, Spungirl, Xcalibur, and even Tayre who was supposedly a friend (a while back).

So here are "those people". Tayre does not play Gemstone anymore. Xcalibur might not either. Your initial beef was that things from the boards were spilling into the game... now you are saying it is the fault of these two people? You have no examples of this to back it up either. They now probably do really hate you for such accusations.

Also, now you've let it be known that such things bother you, so they are likely to CONTINUE. This is because they, like myself, have more respect for a guy rummaging through a trash can for empties than for your large doughy ass that whines all day.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Alot of people here just don't think about what their doing, they just go on an on an on and never stop to think. Don't you get tired of insulting people? Are you so insecure that you have to bash people over a message board about their real life. I think Kranar wants a growing message board, not a bunch of angry dogs chasing everyone who comes away. Don't let him down, obviously alot of you enjoy it here. There can be several posts by the same trio, but it won't make the site grow. Just back off a little. There is no need to insult eachother constantly.

So we should now not make fun of you for the sake of Kranar? You make an appeal that somehow not pointing out all of your bullshit will make this site a better place?

This could be the most important thing you read here. Read this next sentence a few times. Let it soak in.

What makes this site better is you not sticking your triple chinned face into every thread that has zero to do with you!

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
If you have issues with that person, talk to them.

This is great advice. Why don't you take it?

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Don't go on a message board and call them, 'mu mu's', thats not mature.

"You guys are all so motherfucking rude!"
I wonder who wrote that one?

I'll bet she has a head like a Jack-o-lantern and the eyes of a Chinese fighting fish on a three day coke binder...

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
I've tried to be friendly, cordial, sweet, sentimental, but theres only so much I can handle until I explode.

I wish your tolerance for text equaled your tolerance for food.

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
But I've learned my way around here, take it up the ass and let the babies have their fun. They won't get tired of it, but sooner or later they'll get their share. What goes around comes around, yours may just not happen on PC though.

You're right. I ran out of things to say about you. But, just when the end is insight, you and your stick figure looking boyfriend come back here and provide us all the fuel we need.

And for the love of god!

I never want to think about you taking it in the ass.

All I can think of is that pit from Star Wars that Boba-Fett falls into...

Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
The real world is much tougher I assure you. Just back off is all I ask.

I have a feeling it will be a long, long time before you actually separate yourself from your character and enter the "real" world.

Good luck with those babysitting jobs.

Try not to eat all of the Easy Mac while the kids are sleeping, okay?

{edited for formatting}

[Edited on 12-12-2003 by longshot]

12-12-2003, 07:24 AM
I'm dying. Thank you, longshot. Just a few things I would like to say, since this was apparently addressed to all of us:

I want to know how those of us you named as "horrible" are taking this into the game, Candi. Has your character ever crossed paths with mine? No. If there's anything I can do about it, they never will. I have no desire to interact in-game your girl, and if I ever saw her, it's likely I'd ignore her completely. I wouldn't waste the mana.

You don't like the way people here treat you and your boyfriend. Well, look at the precedent you've set. 18 pages on your finer points and you don't understand why people dislike you. Your boyfriend coming in here with "thread-killer" as his mood and being arbitrarily ass-tastic to people who have in no way mentioned him. Is it starting to sink in?

One last thing.

Your = Posessive. "Your piece of cake."
You're = Contraction of you are. "You're being stupid."
Their = Plural posessive. "Their pieces of cake."
There = Directional. "Over there."
They're = Contraction of they are. "They're so motherfucking rude."

That was truly for YOUR benefit. For the love of christ, please make flashcards or something.


12-12-2003, 07:59 AM
People who bother others because of what they post on a fucking board is pathetic. People who bother others in a GAME because of what they post on a board is even worse. Heh, perhaps this is why 1, I am not a total fucking AIM whore, unlike many, and 2, I can seperate between - Game and Board, Reality and Game, Reality and Board - unlike many again.

Atheana, we've had our differences, and this goes for other players here as well, but I am ashamed to post on the same boards as the people who are doing this to you. Maybe its why I post here less and less, but I am seeing this "theme" more and more. To be honest, be glad you aren't with the "IN" crowd here. Be fucking glad you are not that pathetic. I know I am.

Miss X
12-12-2003, 08:25 AM
Hmm, bare in mind I didnt really read much of the other threads about you, I'm not interested in flaming other people, this is just my opinion. Honestly, if i were you I would just stop posting and reading here and let it go. I understand that some people may approach you in game regarding these boards, I've had 3 people that post (well used to post) here bothered me about things I've said but you just gotta tell them to get lost, if people are winding you up in game because of a forum, there fucking pathetic and the best thing you can do is ignore them
Really, most people that post here will aggree that no-one should be approaching you in game about it, and like people have said before, when you make blanket statements you alienate your friends, and others that arnt doing what your saying they are, because I honestly feel that most people who post here wouldnt bother you in game.

I know this has been said 100 times, but honestly from the heart (ive been there) when you take things like GS and the forums to seriously its not good. Don't let them flood into your reality, let it pass.

12-12-2003, 08:29 AM
I must say, whoever is taking this in-game is pretty stupid.

I am rather pissed I was 'named' in that post, t hough, because it sure as flying fuck isn't me.

12-12-2003, 08:32 AM
i know this isnt a solution to the problem, and to you it may not be acceptable at all because perhaps you like knowing when your being located but if your locates are getting that out of hand IG you might want to consider squelching the messaging.

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

12-12-2003, 08:36 AM
204, or you could just report.

Abusing locate is harassment. And should be reported.

12-12-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
....I am ashamed to post on the same boards as the people who are doing this to you.

Are you saying you honestly believe her pathetic attempt at sympathy, Stray? Come on. I dislike her as much as anyone, and I've never wasted a second worth of time locating her or otherwise in-game. I'm willing to bet the majority of people here haven't.

What IS plausible, though, is that her idiotic antics in-game have gained her just as many enemies there as here. Remember the merchant log about the garter? Not all of those people post here. I'm sure she's done just fine for herself creating enemies in-game, through in-game actions.

It's not really a stretch.


12-12-2003, 08:37 AM
Yeah I do believe her, SpunGirl, because I've seen it before, not only with her, but with myself and with other people. It happens.

Edited because I'm hung-over.

[Edited on 12-12-03 by StrayRogue]

12-12-2003, 08:41 AM
In that case, to quote Maimara, it sure as flying fuck isn't me EITHER. I have no reason to deal with her in game. She's stupid enough here as it is.


12-12-2003, 08:42 AM
All I have to say is:

1. I love Weedie.
2. Maimara, we need another "Attention Whore" photo
3. "You are an obsession, you're my obsession" -- great 80's song written by Michael Des Barres. That line keeps running through my head every time I read a post by certain someones.

12-12-2003, 08:44 AM
I laughed, I cried, I wet my pants. All an all a good read. He's blunt but he's right. I won't go into it deeper because I don't like getting tired beating a dead horse.

12-12-2003, 08:46 AM
I aim to please.

I think this is funnier.

Change 'say no' to 'say anything'.

12-12-2003, 08:50 AM
Can't you post a picture of someone cutting off someone else's fingers, Beth? Let's be thorough here.


12-12-2003, 08:51 AM
::reads Longshot's post belatedly and dies::

12-12-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Can't you post a picture of someone cutting off someone else's fingers, Beth? Let's be thorough here.



I got no finger cutting pictures.

Instead there's t his.

I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's Graysalin expressing his love.

12-12-2003, 09:03 AM
The only people I've seen "chased off" here... and no one's really chased them off, more likely they've tucked tail and run... are those who have blatantly lied about something and gotten caught in that lie. And then don't have the maturity to admit it. Also people who use limp excuses for unacceptable behavior and people using these boards to get attention, from people they really don't know and really don't need to care about, if it bothers them that much.

[Edited to make a coherent sentance at this ungodly hour of the morning.]

[Edited on 12-12-2003 by Caramia]

12-12-2003, 09:36 AM

12-12-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
People who bother others because of what they post on a fucking board is pathetic. People who bother others in a GAME because of what they post on a board is even worse. Heh, perhaps this is why 1, I am not a total fucking AIM whore, unlike many, and 2, I can seperate between - Game and Board, Reality and Game, Reality and Board - unlike many again.

Atheana, we've had our differences, and this goes for other players here as well, but I am ashamed to post on the same boards as the people who are doing this to you. Maybe its why I post here less and less, but I am seeing this "theme" more and more. To be honest, be glad you aren't with the "IN" crowd here. Be fucking glad you are not that pathetic. I know I am.

Maybe you should use AIM, and you wouldn't have over 4000 posts.

If this is in anyway directed at me, you are a giant hippocrite.

I will leave the frail hippy with terrible teeth refrences out... you of all people have no place attack peoples posting stiles when about 2000 of your posts consist of a single smiley face.

12-12-2003, 01:12 PM

hmm, interesting (damn tayre must be crazy now)

Some people gives themself too much importance...

12-12-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by longshot

Maybe you should use AIM, and you wouldn't have over 4000 posts.

If this is in anyway directed at me, you are a giant hippocrite.

I will leave the frail hippy with terrible teeth refrences out... you of all people have no place attack peoples posting stiles when about 2000 of your posts consist of a single smiley face.

Excuse me? Nice to see you posted here before asking me wtf I was talking about. Idiot. 2000 posts maybe crap, but thats still 2000 posts of insightful, mechanical, historical, policitcal, (and many other things ending in 'l') stuff than you. Do you fancy this girl or something? You keep moaning about Gray keeping her down? Is this jealousy? What is your problem? The nips not giving you enough bullshit?

Weedmage Princess
12-12-2003, 02:54 PM

I have reason to believe (I hope so atleast) that Atheana will not be posting here for a while...and if she does, it wouldn't be anything of this nature (her initial post in this thread) ...so, how about we just let this die a natural death here, now we've apparently gotten what was needed to be said out of our system...and move on. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'd be very grateful. Thanks :)