View Full Version : Finiswolf's Wolf Sale (The LARGEST Elanthia Has Ever Seen!)

01-02-2008, 05:34 PM
ALL MB's Have been lowered!

[No matter what I did the other thread just froze on edit, so please ignore it, and if a mod could delete it, I would be most appreciative.]

Finiswolf's Wolf Sale (The LARGEST WOLF Sale Elanthia Has Ever Seen!)

I am selling off the majority of my wolf collection that I have collected six of the eight years.

As many of you are aware, our daughter has earned the privledge to go to Japan. So all these items that are being sold are to help pay for her trip. Our goal is $2,000.00 so that we can pay for the trip, get her a digital camera, and send her with some spending money as well. She has worked extremely hard for this privledge to be able to go to a host family in Osaka, Japan for two weeks.

This is an auction. I set the minimum to the least amount I am willing to accept for the item. Feel free to overbid, it will only help her trip be that much more cool.

First bids are taken based on the date stamp in my e-mail (lhck@fromtiernet.net) or the date stamp on the PM you send me. You can also utilizes either one of these to contact me about any questions that you may have.

Items are deliverable to IFW and Wehnimers.

I did the best I could obtaining properties. Every item was sung to by my bard.

Thanks in advance for looking at some of my most treasured items. many of which hold alot of sentimental value.

On to the items-->


Finis – IFW Locker

1) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (20K)
a. Head Worn
b. 4 Pounds
c. Head and Neck Protection

2) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (20K)
a. Head Worn
b. 4 Pounds
c. Head and Neck Protection

--CB: 100K Morrff (Bid placed: 01-04-2008, 05:32 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:15pm PST

4) a wolf-headed mithril war hammer (20K)
a. 6 Pounds
b. +5
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithril war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

5) a wolf-headed mithglin war hammer (40K)
a. 6 Pounds
b. +15
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithglin war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

--CB: 25K Morrff (Bid placed: 01-04-2008, 05:32 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:15pm PST

7) a carved thanot wolf amulet (20K)
a. Neck Worn
b. Under a Pound
c. Thought Net

8) a small chocolate wolf (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Edible

9) a silver wolf head buckle (20K)
a. Worn by Attaching it to Your Belt
b. Blank Imbed
c. Under a Pound

10) a golden wolf-shaped scroll (20K)
b. Spell
i. 118 Web
ii. 113 Undisease
iii. 201 Calm
c. Under a Pound

11) a small wolf-painted stone (20K)
a. Not Wearable
b. Under a Pound

--CB: 250K Durgrimst (bid placed at 2:50pm PST) - SOLD!
==Delivered @ 10:15pm PST

13) an exquisite peridot wolf simple (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound
c. The simple is as an implement for use by a mage or other spell-user.

--CB: 25K justincredible (bid placed 01-09-2008, 11:21 PM PST) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:45pm PST

==Delivered @ 6:45pm PST

--CB: 25K justincredible (bid placed 01-09-2008, 11:21 PM PST) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:45pm PST

17) a black vultite wolf's head clasp (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

18) a wolf-crested black velvet epaulet (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

19) a granite wolf amulet (20K)
a. Neck Worn
b. Under a Pound
c. Thought Net

20) a dark onyx wolf talisman (20K)
a. Neck Worn
b. 2 pounds

21) a jasper-dusted wolf pin (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

22) a wolfhound and silver tankard pin (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

23) a silver wolf's head pin (20K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

24) a wolf-headed invar war hammer (20K)
a. +2
b. 7 Pounds
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithril war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

25) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (20K)
a. Ear Worn
b. Under a Pound

--CB: 250K thefarmer (Bid placed: 01-03-2008, 09:39 PM) - SOLD!
==Delivered @ 8:20pm PST

27) a silver-edged black rolaren backsword with a wolf-head sculpted pommel (2.7M) (alter)
a. +25
b. Lightened (alter)
c. Lightening Flares (alter)
d. Several Zests (alter)
e. 5 Pounds

--CB: 500K dszabo (Ashuron) (Bid placed: 01-06-2008, 04:13 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 12:11pm PST

--CB: 450K Orp (Bid placed: 01-05-2008, 11:42 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 12:51pm PST

30) a golden wolfskin surcoat crested with a snarling white wolf (5M)
a. Under a Pound
b. Holds LA (75 lbs.)
c. Deepened twice
d. Pinworn

31) a white wolfskin vest with a carved diamond snarling wolf clasp (3M)
a. 3 pounds
b. Holds MA (one deepening away from holding LA)
c. Pinworn

--CB: 25K Summertime (bid placed at 3:14pm PST) - SOLD!
==Delivered @ 2:50pm PST

33) a diamond-dusted mithril ice pick etched with a snarling white wolf (20K)
a. Currently Blessed
b. +5

34) a wolf-etched skinning knife (on Stand) (40K)
a. Under a Pound
b. +15

--CB: Summertime- SOLD!
==Delivered @ 2:50pm PST

--CB: 5M Shimeria (bid placed 01-09-2008, 01:06 PM PST) - SOLD!
==Delivered @ 7:00pm PST

37) a diamond-set round golden mirror (200K)
a. Golden filaments bright with diamond dust frame the small round of glass. Small dragon's-tear diamonds have been carved into miniature snarling wolf heads and set into the golden frame. A slender silver chain is secured at both ends to the back of the mirror. Etched across the back are the words, "The weak follow. Peer at me to see whom shall protect the meek."
b. Neck worn
c. Under a Pound

38) a golden vultite diamond-dusted shield with a white wolf emblazoned on its blindingly bright surface (2.7M)
a. On the reverse of a golden vultite diamond-dusted shield with a white wolf emblazoned on its blindingly bright surface, a complex webbing of oiled leather straps and polished buckles forms an intricate arm harness. The straps are arranged in a pattern that appears able to secure a weapon within.
b. Actioned
c. 12 Pounds
d. +25
e. Medium (Un-Converted)

--CB: 500K Summertime (bid placed at 3:14pm PST) - SOLD!
==Delivered @ 2:50pm PST

40) a polished orase round shield centered with a wolf-head boss (90K)
a. 10 Pounds
b. +20
c. Large Shield
d. ZESTS – Own Sub-Menu

41) a shaggy grey mother wolf toy (40K)
a. The mother wolf is covered in a soft, shiny fur of many shades of grey and brown blended together. It is seated on its haunches with its tail curved around its body and its head is lowered. Eye slits can be seen on the head but they are currently closed. Its ears poke up attentively, as if listening for something.
b. I believe this has zests, but I am not positive.

42) a diamond wolf-head pommeled razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade (1M)
a. 4 Pounds
b. Falchion Based
c. +25
d. Enchanted by Cryobolt (one of my old mages)
--CB: 1M slim427 (bid placed at 8:56pm PST)

43) a grey wolf costume (20K)
a. Chest Worn
b. 2 Pounds

44) a sturdy golden leather gem pouch (2M)
a. wear the pouch, attaching it to your belt
b. Holds MA (deepened several times, one time away from large amount)
c. Lightened many times, weighs under a pound
d. The sturdy pouch is adorned with two white wolves standing proudly before their warrior master; their teeth bared displaying their menacing bloody grins. Standing proudly on a mound of their defeated foes, with a mountain of treasure behind them, is the warrior with his fearsome blade and the wolves in front of him. The team of three appears capable of providing relentless carnage to those who would oppose them. Finely stitched under the visage it reads, "Live fer the Pack, Die fer the Pack."

45) a howling rainbow glaes wolf statuette (20K)
a. 2 Pounds
b. Blank Imbed

46) a wolf charm silver chain anklet (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Blank Imbed

47) an amber wolf amulet (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Rechargeable
c. Many Charges
d. Thought Net

--CB: 25K justincredible (bid placed 01-09-2008, 11:21 PM PST) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:45pm PST

49) a luxurious silver wolf pelt (40K)
a. 4 pounds
b. Not Wearable

50) a slashed shadowy wolf tabard (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Pinworn
c. Holds VSA (Holds a Couple Items)

51) a slashed shadowy wolf tabard (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Pinworn
c. Holds VSA (Holds a Couple Items)

--CB: 25K justincredible (bid placed 01-09-2008, 11:21 PM PST) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:45pm PST

53) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (20K)
a. Hangs From Ear
b. Under a Pound

54) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (20K)
a. Hangs From Ear
b. Under a Pound

55) an ivory wolf figurine (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Blank Imbed

56) a fuzzy grey wolf-patterned pillow (40K)
a. Huggable
b. Not Wearable
c. Under a Pound
d. When sung to: Some things are exactly as they appear. Follow your instincts.

--CB: 100K Morrff (Bid placed: 01-04-2008, 05:32 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:15pm PST

58) a miniature howling wolf topiary (20K)
a. Not Wearable
b. 3 Pounds

59) a wolf-footed grey clay pot (40K)
a. Head Worn
b. Holds VSA – Couple of Items
c. 2 Pounds

60) a dark chocolate wolf-shaped treat (20K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Edible

61) a fuzzy grey wolf-patterned blanket (40K)
a. Can be hung from shoulders
b. 5 Pounds

62) a translucent ghost wolf handpuppet (40K)
a. Wrist Worn
b. ZESTS: WEAR You attach a translucent ghost wolf handpuppet to your wrist. PUSH The ghost wolf handpuppet takes a swipe at your arm with its right foreleg. PULL The ghost wolf handpuppet sniffs the ground cautiously, then raises its head to howl at the moon. TAP The ghost wolf handpuppet's ears perk up quickly, as if it heard a twig snapping in the woods.
c. Under a Pound

63) a peridot-eyed black toy wolf pup (20K)
a. Huggable
b. Not Wearable
c. Under a Pound

64) a sorrel wolf skin pouch (20K)
a. VSA – couple items
b. Attaches to Belt
c. 2 Pounds

--CB: 50K Morrff (Bid placed: 01-04-2008, 05:32 PM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:15pm PST

--CB: 100K Morrff (Bid placed: 01-05-2008, 09:10 AM) SOLD!
==Delivered @ 6:15pm PST

67) a stout metallic wolfhound (90K)
b. 2 Pounds

68) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (20K)
a. Head Worn
b. Protects Head and Neck
c. 4 Pounds

69) a wolf-head helm set with large opals for eyes (20K)
a. Leather
b. Head Worn
c. Covers Head
d. 4 Pounds

70) a glaes-spiked vultite wall shield etched with a snarling white wolf (1M)
a. Medium Shield
b. 8 Pounds
c. +25

71) a wolf jaw-hilted no-dachi (20K)
a. Modified Two-Hnded Sword
b. Steel
c. 13 Pounds

Please NOTE: Feel free to negotiate.


#42 slim247 - 1M


#3 Morrff - 100K - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST
#6 Morrff - 25K - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST
#12 Durgrimst - 250K - Delivered @ 10:15pm PST
#14 justincredible - 25K - Delivered @ 6:45pm PST
#15 justincredible - 25K - Delivered @ 6:45pm PST
#16 - Delivered @ 6:45pm PST
#26 thefarmer - 250K - Delivered @ 8:20pm PST
#28 dszabo (Ashuron) - 500K - Delivered @ 12:11pm PST
#29 Orp - 450K - Delivered @ 12:51pm PST
#32 Summertime - 25K - Delivered @ 2:50pm PST
#35 Summertime - 50K - Delivered @ 2:50pm PST
#36 Shimeria - 5M - Delivered @ 7:00pm PST
#39 Summertime - 500K - Delivered @ 2:50pm PST
#48 justincredible - 25K - Delivered @ 6:45pm PST
#52 justincredible - 25K - Delivered @ 6:45pm PST
#57 Morrff - 100K - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST
#65 Morrff - 50K - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST
#66 Morrff - 100K - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST
FishSpineSword Morrff - 3M - Delivered @ 6:15pm PST


ALL MB's Have been lowered!

01-02-2008, 05:43 PM
an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf (100K)

I'll bid on this...100k to start the auction rolling.

01-02-2008, 05:50 PM
12) an ora-stemmed ebonwood pipe with an inlaid ivory wolf (250K)


01-02-2008, 06:11 PM
29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf (100K)

I'll go 125k on this one here.

Also, how do you grip the spear two handed? Because the grip verb one normally uses activates a script, and doesn't change the actual grip on the weapon. I have one, so I'd like to know!

01-02-2008, 06:14 PM
I'll go 200k on the war pack

01-02-2008, 06:20 PM
29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf 200k

01-02-2008, 07:06 PM
Could you get the actual capacity on the containers?

war pack and the pin worn LA

01-02-2008, 07:25 PM
Best way to make an edit work when the PC is acting up Finis is to "Go Advanced" with it. Usually that will make the edit go through when you edit from the advanced frame.

01-02-2008, 07:31 PM
66) a white wolf-stamped box

Three questions, does it have charges of any kind? If an unlocked scroll is used, does it lock the scroll? Does it work on parchments, papers, vellum and the like?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-02-2008, 07:49 PM
the boxes I think had 20 charges in them, and they work on anything that can be invoked from, that I remember anyway. I once put bark (scroll) in it that I'd bought and it turned it into a white wolf-stamped bark or however it worked.

01-02-2008, 07:55 PM
[No matter what I did the other thread just froze on edit, so please ignore it, and if a mod could delete it, I would be most appreciative.]

Finiswolf's Wolf Sale (The LARGEST Elanthia Has Ever Seen!)

I am selling off the majority of my wolf collection that I have collected six of the eight years.

As many of you are aware, our daughter has earned the privledge to go to Japan. So all these items that are being sold are to help pay for her trip. Our goal is $2,000.00 so that we can pay for the trip, get her a digital camera, and send her with some spending money as well. She has worked extremely hard for this privledge to be able to go to a host family in Osaka, Japan for two weeks.

This is an auction. I set the minimum to the least amount I am willing to accept for the item. Feel free to overbid, it will only help her trip be that much more cool.

First bids are taken based on the date stamp in my e-mail (lhck@fromtiernet.net) or the date stamp on the PM you send me. You can also utilizes either one of these to contact me about any questions that you may have.

Items are deliverable to IFW and Wehnimers.

I did the best I could obtaining properties. Every item was sung to by my bard.

Thanks in advance for looking at some of my most treasured items. many of which hold alot of sentimental value.

On to the items-->


Finis – IFW Locker

1) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (25K)
a. Head Worn
b. 4 Pounds
c. Head and Neck Protection

2) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (25K)
a. Head Worn
b. 4 Pounds
c. Head and Neck Protection

3) a polished orase round shield centered with a wolf-head boss (100K)
a. 10 Pounds
b. +20
c. Large Shield
d. ZESTS – Own Sub-Menu

4) a wolf-headed mithril war hammer (25K)
a. 6 Pounds
b. +5
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithril war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

5) a wolf-headed mithglin war hammer (50K)
a. 6 Pounds
b. +15
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithglin war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

6) a wolf-etched skinning knife (In Chest) (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. No Enchant
7) a carved thanot wolf amulet (25K)
a. Neck Worn
b. Under a Pound
c. Thought Net
8) a small chocolate wolf (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Edible
9) a silver wolf head buckle (25K)
a. Worn by Attaching it to Your Belt
b. Blank Imbed
c. Under a Pound
10) a golden wolf-shaped scroll (25K)
b. Spell
i. 118 Web
ii. 113 Undisease
iii. 201 Calm
c. Under a Pound

11) a small wolf-painted stone (25K)
a. Not Wearable
b. Under a Pound

12) an ora-stemmed ebonwood pipe with an inlaid ivory wolf (250K)
a. Held Between Teeth
b. Under a Pound
c. Zests: WEAR You clench the pipe between your teeth and move it to the side of your mouth a bit. REMOVE You remove the pipe from your mouth and brush it off slightly. (And the rest of the pipe zests from Anfelt.)

13) an exquisite peridot wolf simple (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound
c. The simple is as an implement for use by a mage or other spell-user.

14) a stalking wolf-emblazoned tabard (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. 2 Pounds

15) a black onyx wolf charm (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

16) a snarling wolf cloak clasp (25K)
a. RUB few charges 101
b. Pinworn
c. Under a Pound

17) a black vultite wolf's head clasp (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

18) a wolf-crested black velvet epaulet (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

19) a granite wolf amulet (25K)
a. Neck Worn
b. Under a Pound
c. Thought Net

20) a dark onyx wolf talisman (25K)
a. Neck Worn
b. 2 pounds

21) a jasper-dusted wolf pin (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

22) a wolfhound and silver tankard pin (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

23) a silver wolf's head pin (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound

24) a wolf-headed invar war hammer (25K)
a. +2
b. 7 Pounds
c. Blunt
d. Zests: PUSH You hold your mithril war hammer menacingly in front of you, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight. PULL You pull your mithril war hammer in close to your body in a defensive posture. LEAN You set the end of your hammer into the ground and stand confidently behind it. (May be others.)

25) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (25K)
a. Ear Worn
b. Under a Pound

26) a wolf-etched silver beech staff / a silver beech-hafted spear (250K)
a. Weight
i. Staff
1. Under a Pound
ii. Spear
1. 8 Pounds
b. +20
c. Own Sub-Menu
d. Spear is Polearm
e. Zests
i. Staff
1. LEAN You plant the tip of your staff on the ground firmly and lean on it, taking advantage of the support it offers.
2. SPIN You spin your staff through the air in front of you, the length of it blurring into a continuous circle.
3. SLAP You idly slap the tip of your staff against the palm of your open hand.
4. GRIP You swing your staff from side to side, getting a feel for its balance and adjusting your grip accordingly.
5. TAP You tap the tip of your staff on the ground, making it echo hollowly.
6. PUSH You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your staff and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place.
ii. Spear (Can be gripped two-handed)
1. LEAN You plant the tip of your spear on the ground firmly and lean on it, taking advantage of the support it offers.
2. SPIN You spin your spear through the air in front of you, the length of it blurring into a continuous circle.
3. SLAP Carefully turning your spear to take advantage of a flat edge, you slap the blade of your spear against your open palm.
4. GRIP You swing your spear from side to side, getting a feel for its balance and adjusting your grip accordingly.
5. TAP You tap the tip of your spear on the ground.
6. PULL You pull a small lever on the base of your spear and the blade retracts swiftly, leaving you holding an innocent seeming staff.

27) a silver-edged black rolaren backsword with a wolf-head sculpted pommel (3M) (alter)
a. +25
b. Lightened (alter)
c. Lightening Flares (alter)
d. Several Zests (alter)
e. 5 Pounds

28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests

29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf (100K)
a. Holds VLA
b. Back worn
c. Deepened to max capacity
d. Lightened to what three GM’s told me was the limit
e. 6 Pounds

30) a golden wolfskin surcoat crested with a snarling white wolf (6M)
a. Under a Pound
b. Holds LA
c. Deepened twice
d. Pinworn

31) a white wolfskin vest with a carved diamond snarling wolf clasp (4M)
a. 3 pounds
b. Holds MA (one deepening away from holding LA)
c. Pinworn

32) a pair of white wolfskin gloves each with intricately carved diamond snarling wolf heads (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. VSA – Couple Items
c. Deepened once
d. Under a Pound

33) a diamond-dusted mithril ice pick etched with a snarling white wolf (25K)
a. Currently Blessed
b. +5

34) a wolf-etched skinning knife (on Stand) (45K)
a. Under a Pound
b. +15

35) a wolf-etched skinning knife (on Rack) (50K)
a. Under a Pound
b. +20

36) a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin (5M)
a. Altered Goat Pin
b. You know the zests
c. Under a Pound

37) a diamond-set round golden mirror (250K)
a. Golden filaments bright with diamond dust frame the small round of glass. Small dragon's-tear diamonds have been carved into miniature snarling wolf heads and set into the golden frame. A slender silver chain is secured at both ends to the back of the mirror. Etched across the back are the words, "The weak follow. Peer at me to see whom shall protect the meek."
b. Neck worn
c. Under a Pound

38) a golden vultite diamond-dusted shield with a white wolf emblazoned on its blindingly bright surface (3M)
a. On the reverse of a golden vultite diamond-dusted shield with a white wolf emblazoned on its blindingly bright surface, a complex webbing of oiled leather straps and polished buckles forms an intricate arm harness. The straps are arranged in a pattern that appears able to secure a weapon within.
b. Actioned
c. 12 Pounds
d. +25
e. Medium (Un-Converted)

39) a white wolfhide harness (500K)
a. 4 Pounds
b. Zests
c. Weapon Displaying

40) a polished orase round shield centered with a wolf-head boss (100K)
a. 10 Pounds
b. +20
c. Large Shield
d. ZESTS – Own Sub-Menu

41) a shaggy grey mother wolf toy (50K)
a. The mother wolf is covered in a soft, shiny fur of many shades of grey and brown blended together. It is seated on its haunches with its tail curved around its body and its head is lowered. Eye slits can be seen on the head but they are currently closed. Its ears poke up attentively, as if listening for something.
b. I believe this has zests, but I am not positive.

42) a diamond wolf-head pommeled razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade (1.25M)
a. 4 Pounds
b. Falchion Based
c. +25
d. Enchanted by Cryobolt (one of my old mages)

43) a grey wolf costume (25K)
a. Chest Worn
b. 2 Pounds

44) a sturdy golden leather gem pouch (2.5M)
a. wear the pouch, attaching it to your belt
b. Holds MA (deepened several times, one time away from large amount)
c. Lightened many times, weighs under a pound
d. The sturdy pouch is adorned with two white wolves standing proudly before their warrior master; their teeth bared displaying their menacing bloody grins. Standing proudly on a mound of their defeated foes, with a mountain of treasure behind them, is the warrior with his fearsome blade and the wolves in front of him. The team of three appears capable of providing relentless carnage to those who would oppose them. Finely stitched under the visage it reads, "Live fer the Pack, Die fer the Pack."

45) a howling rainbow glaes wolf statuette (25K)
a. 2 Pounds
b. Blank Imbed

46) a wolf charm silver chain anklet (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Blank Imbed

47) an amber wolf amulet (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Rechargeable
c. Many Charges
d. Thought Net

48) a wolf-headed coin (25K)
a. ZEST: TOSS 1) You deftly toss a wolf-headed coin into the air with your right hand and catch it with the same hand. It comes up heads! 2) You deftly toss a wolf-headed coin into the air with your right hand and catch it with the same hand. It comes up tails!

49) a luxurious silver wolf pelt (50K)
a. 4 pounds
b. Not Wearable

50) a slashed shadowy wolf tabard (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Pinworn
c. Holds VSA (Holds a Couple Items)

51) a slashed shadowy wolf tabard (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Pinworn
c. Holds VSA (Holds a Couple Items)

52) a black onyx wolf charm (25K)
a. Pinworn
b. Under a Pound
c. Currently No Charges, Can be Recharged, E-Wave

53) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (25K)
a. Hangs From Ear
b. Under a Pound

54) a carved black wolf-shaped earcuff (25K)
a. Hangs From Ear
b. Under a Pound

55) an ivory wolf figurine (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Blank Imbed

56) a fuzzy grey wolf-patterned pillow (50K)
a. Huggable
b. Not Wearable
c. Under a Pound
d. When sung to: Some things are exactly as they appear. Follow your instincts.

57) a dark wolf print (100K)
a. LOOK This parchment was obviously first colored black and then, using white charcoal, the image of a lone wolf has been drawn as he howls beneath a full moon.
b. Under a Pound

58) a miniature howling wolf topiary (25K)
a. Not Wearable
b. 3 Pounds

59) a wolf-footed grey clay pot (50K)
a. Head Worn
b. Holds VSA – Couple of Items
c. 2 Pounds

60) a dark chocolate wolf-shaped treat (25K)
a. Under a Pound
b. Edible

61) a fuzzy grey wolf-patterned blanket (50K)
a. Can be hung from shoulders
b. 5 Pounds

62) a translucent ghost wolf handpuppet (50K)
a. Wrist Worn
b. ZESTS: WEAR You attach a translucent ghost wolf handpuppet to your wrist. PUSH The ghost wolf handpuppet takes a swipe at your arm with its right foreleg. PULL The ghost wolf handpuppet sniffs the ground cautiously, then raises its head to howl at the moon. TAP The ghost wolf handpuppet's ears perk up quickly, as if it heard a twig snapping in the woods.
c. Under a Pound

63) a peridot-eyed black toy wolf pup (25K)
a. Huggable
b. Not Wearable
c. Under a Pound

64) a sorrel wolf skin pouch (25K)
a. VSA – couple items
b. Attaches to Belt
c. 2 Pounds

65) a blackened wolf hide sheath (50K)
a. Holds SA – One Item
b. Attaches to Belt
c. Howls
d. 3 Pounds

66) a white wolf-stamped box (500K)
a. Under a Pound
b. ZEST: PUSH Just before your finger finishes depressing the panel of a white wolf-stamped box, you realize there is no scroll inside. Whew! That would've been a waste! PUT SCR IN BOX You place an arcane scroll in the wolf-stamped box. PUSH A whooshing noise followed by the sharp sound of metal scraping against metal emanates from a white wolf-stamped box.
c. GET SCR FROM BOX - a white wolf-shaped scroll

67) a stout metallic wolfhound (100K)
b. 2 Pounds

68) a wolf-crested vultite great helm (25K)
a. Head Worn
b. Protects Head and Neck
c. 4 Pounds

69) a wolf-head helm set with large opals for eyes (25K)
a. Leather
b. Head Worn
c. Covers Head
d. 4 Pounds

70) a glaes-spiked vultite wall shield etched with a snarling white wolf (1.25M)
a. Medium Shield
b. 8 Pounds
c. +25

71) a wolf jaw-hilted no-dachi (25K)
a. Modified Two-Hnded Sword
b. Steel
c. 13 Pounds

I've seen longer sales :P

Sean of the Thread
01-02-2008, 08:00 PM
I've seen longer sales :P

I think he meant largest wolf item sale but I'm not sure. He has trouble communicating sometimes.

01-02-2008, 08:24 PM
Guess that would make sense. I didn't actually look at any of the items to notice they're wolf themed.

I will go /wrists now.

01-03-2008, 12:13 AM
Also, how do you grip the spear two handed? Because the grip verb one normally uses activates a script, and doesn't change the actual grip on the weapon. I have one, so I'd like to know!

I made the assumption that the grip could change. If it's simply a script, then that's my bad regarding my spear.

Do the gloves (#32) close?


I've seen longer sales :P

What Sean2 said. Largest WOLF sale. That's why I titled it the way I did. Sorry it was confusing.

66) a white wolf-stamped box

Three questions, does it have charges of any kind? If an unlocked scroll is used, does it lock the scroll? Does it work on parchments, papers, vellum and the like?

Sounds like Super Hobbit Mage has the low down on this item. With that said, in this case the box has ONE charge used. Someone on the officals basically stated the same thing as Super Hobbit Mage as well.

Best way to make an edit work when the PC is acting up Finis is to "Go Advanced" with it. Usually that will make the edit go through when you edit from the advanced frame.

Thanks Drew. :)

Could you get the actual capacity on the containers?

war pack and the pin worn LA

I will work on that after this update, tomorrow at the latest.

I believe that's all the questions.

Auction has been updated with current bids.


01-03-2008, 12:24 AM
Pinworn Surcoat holds 75ish

Invar Pack holds 100ish


01-03-2008, 12:36 AM
That shouldn't be max capacity on back worns..

01-03-2008, 01:18 AM
I checked again AD. I still came up at about 100 pounds. I know it is back worn, but I wear my greatcloak (shoulder) and this pack (backworn), and a harness (back/shoulder) all at the same time.

So my thinking is that on inspect it should actually read back/shoulder, not just back.


01-03-2008, 01:38 AM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests

100k please Finis.

~ Kontii

01-03-2008, 02:12 AM
Gotchya Kontii


01-03-2008, 07:36 PM
I should have said this in my first post, but ...

Bids will be posted, go once, twice, and then sold.

Delivery will be on IFW or Wehnimers Landing.

Bids just updated. Will add going once later tonight. Be sure to buy my horns, and the consignment items in my other threads.


01-03-2008, 07:55 PM
29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf (100K)


01-03-2008, 10:56 PM
29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf 300k

01-04-2008, 12:57 AM
All bids placed and updated!


01-04-2008, 11:02 AM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests
150k on this please

29) an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf (100K)
a. Holds VLA (100 lbs.)
b. Back worn
c. Deepened to max capacity
d. Lightened to what three GM’s told me was the limit
e. 6 Pounds
350k on this please

Thanks! Ashuron

01-04-2008, 01:09 PM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests
150k on this please

Thanks! Ashuron

I'll show you a snarling wolf! :flaming:

28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests

200k please Finis.


01-04-2008, 02:32 PM
Bids placed.

Gotchya Kontii and Ashuron!


01-04-2008, 08:32 PM
I would like to place the MB on the following items please 3, 6, 57, and 65.
Also I'd like to bid - #28 250K - Thanks

Player of Morrff

01-04-2008, 09:02 PM
I'll go 375k on the war pack

01-05-2008, 02:26 AM
#28 - You happen have a clip of the zests?
#36 - Could you paste me the zests?(I don't remember them, plus never seen a wolf one)
#66 - Can you recharge it with bounty points? If so how many points does it require? Last, does it crumble when all remaining charges are used up?
#101 -
Player of Morrff

Hope you don't mind Morrff, but I chose to answer your questions here as best I could, in case another prospective customer had any of the same questions that you have.

(GET is the actual script.)
WEAR You attach a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf to your ankle.
CLOSE You close a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf.
OPEN You open a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf.
PUT You put a silver-edged black rolaren backsword with a wolf-head sculpted pommel in your wolf hide ankle-sheath.
GET As you remove your black rolaren backsword from your wolf hide ankle-sheath you hear the faint, faraway howl of a lone wolf.
NOTE ON #28: If you hunt orcsworld, or the dogs in Bonespear, the ankle-sheath can close on it's own, and you may have to walk away from the dog you are hunting in order to regain the weapon held inside. I have had this occur more then once, and initially it scared the hell out of me cause my weapon had just disappeared. It has something to do with the ankle-sheath being somewhat intelligent and NOT wanting you to hunt dogs I believe.

WEAR As try you put on a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin it seems to nuzzle up close to your body like it was trying to find a comfortable spot to rest.
You put on a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin.
POINT (DOESN'T LIKE) Pointing your arctic wolf pin at some sugary ambrominas leaf you hold flat in the palm of your hand, you indicate the scrumptious morsel is for him if he would like it. You could swear it blinked before it turned its head away. It doesn't seem interested in that.
POINT (MAGICAL ITEM) Pointing your arctic wolf pin at a coral-inlaid white marble disk you hold flat in the palm of your hand, you indicate the scrumptious morsel is for him if he would like it. You could swear it blinked before it turned its head away. Magical things give it gas.
POINT (EDIBLE) Pointing your arctic wolf pin at a piece of rose quartz you hold flat in the palm of your hand, you indicate the scrumptious morsel is for him if he would like it. Without hesitation it greedily snatches the quartz from your hand and gobbles it down!
TAP You tap your arctic wolf pin. Its reaction could only be viewed as delighted.
RUB You rub a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin you are wearing, calming it. Your arctic wolf pin relaxes and takes a small nap.
TAP (after putting it to sleep) You tap a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin causing it to stir. Its reaction could only be viewed as delighted.
KISS You start to kiss the arctic wolf pin and soon realize your error. That was rather silly wasn't it. It tastes terrible and you make a horrid face as the result of the hairs stuck to your tongue. You quickly reach to remove some of the fur from your mouth.
TICKLE You brush your fingers lightly against your arctic wolf pin.
REMOVE As you try to remove a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin you hesitate a moment when it tries to run to you! It's as if it were delighted. Your treatment of it might have something to do with that.
You take off a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin.
*May be more, I just couldn't find them.

RECHARGE Duane looks down at the box in your right hand and quips, "I don't know what you think you're enhancing with that, but I can't help you with it."
CRUMBLE? No idea. Only one way to find out. My guess would be no though. I believe Jinsem (not sure) said he had one. I am sure others did as well. I know I only picked it up because it was a WOLF item.
I did drop the minimum I would accept for this item today because of the limited uses.

You're welcome.


I answered your questions to the best of my ability. I tried Krakipedia and Nilandia's site to find info on the box, but was unable to. Apologies. Should you have more questions, please feel free to ask.


01-05-2008, 02:26 AM
Bids posted, and updated.


01-05-2008, 12:10 PM
Hope you don't mind Morrff, but I chose to answer your questions here as best I could, in case another prospective customer had any of the same questions that you have.

Not in the least, I just didn't want to make your thread longer then it had to be. I'll let you do that! :respect:

I answered your questions to the best of my ability. I tried Krakipedia and Nilandia's site to find info on the box, but was unable to. Apologies. Should you have more questions, please feel free to ask.
You answered them in quite a timely fashion and spot on, :thanx:

I'd also like to place the new lowered MB on the box please and I'm also :thinking: of bidding on something else too

Player of Morrff

01-06-2008, 12:35 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items are awaiting payment and delivery.


01-06-2008, 01:44 AM
an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf 400k

01-06-2008, 02:04 AM
425k on the war pack

01-06-2008, 02:42 AM
an invar mesh leather war pack with a diamond chip design depicting a snarling wolf 450k

01-06-2008, 01:21 PM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests
350k on this please

Thanks, Ashuron

01-06-2008, 02:36 PM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests


01-06-2008, 04:43 PM
Recent bids placed.


01-06-2008, 07:13 PM
28) a sleek black wolf hide ankle-sheath embossed with a gold-stitched snarling wolf (100K)
a. Ankle Worn
b. 2 Pounds
c. Held Backsword Above
d. Howling Zests
500k on this please

Thanks, Ashuron

01-07-2008, 01:00 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#26 thefarmer - 250K

Todays Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst - 250K - Payment & Delivery Completed 10:15pm PST
#32 Summertime - 25K
#35 Summertime - 50K (Sub-Total: 75K)
#39 Summertime - 500K (Sub-Total: 575K)


01-07-2008, 02:18 AM
Your having too much fun with your auction! Delivery times and pretty colors?!

01-07-2008, 12:04 PM

Well, I have to keep it interesting for my customers.


01-10-2008, 12:44 AM
Bids placed and updated.

A bid was placed on the altered goat pin, that is NOW "a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin". If you are/were interested, get your bids in!

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#26 thefarmer - 250K
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#39 Summertime


01-10-2008, 02:21 AM
14. 25k
16. 25k
48. 25k
52. 25k

01-10-2008, 02:32 PM
Dangit, was gone a few days moving into my new apt. Missed the chance to bump the bid on #28 :cry:

01-10-2008, 02:55 PM
Sorry Kontii. If they don't come through in a few days, it will be back up at it's high bid. Tonight at 9:30 it will be one day.

Things NOT paid for and picked up by the third day will go back up at their high bid.


01-10-2008, 02:58 PM
Appreciate it Finis, if it doesnt go through in that time, I think I'll just give you a BO for it, as I'm going to be in/out a bit sporadically the next week or two.

01-10-2008, 03:28 PM
They just paid. Sorry.


01-10-2008, 03:43 PM
No worries! Thanks for the update

01-12-2008, 04:57 PM
... Saw your message Morrff ...

Bids placed and updated.

A bid was placed on the altered goat pin, that is NOW "a frosty-blue arctic wolf pin". If you are/were interested, get your bids in! -GOING TWICE

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#26 thefarmer - 250K
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#39 Summertime


01-13-2008, 01:35 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#36 Shimeria - 5M
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#26 thefarmer
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#39 Summertime


01-14-2008, 01:55 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#14 justincredible - 25K
#15 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 50K)
#36 Shimeria - 5M
#48 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 75K)
#52 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 100K)
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#26 thefarmer
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#39 Summertime


01-14-2008, 10:37 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#14 justincredible - 25K
#15 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 50K)
#48 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 75K)
#52 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 100K)
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#26 thefarmer
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#36 Shimeria
#39 Summertime


01-15-2008, 01:00 AM
Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

NOTE: Sold items should be picked up in a timely matter. Please contact for payment and delivery methods and options.

#3 Morrff - 100K
#6 Morrff - 25K (Sub-Total: 125K)
#14 justincredible - 25K
#15 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 50K)
#48 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 75K)
#52 justincredible - 25K (Sub-Total: 100K)
#57 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 225K)
#65 Morrff - 50K (Sub-Total: 275K)
#66 Morrff - 100K (Sub-Total: 375K)
FishSpineSword Morrff - 3M (Sub-Total: 3.375M)

Delivered Items:

#12 Durgrimst
#26 thefarmer
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#36 Shimeria
#39 Summertime


01-15-2008, 11:34 AM
I'll be off and on all week as I don't know my time frames for work and a few chores I need to have taken care of by end of week as well. So If you could let me know when you'll be about I'll try to match a time up and handle this transaction quickly.

Thank you in advance
Player of Morrff

P.S. Sale was handled with utmost professionalism, IMO :spam2:

01-15-2008, 02:29 PM
Replied to you Morrff via PM.


01-16-2008, 11:42 PM
I need these items picked up please.


01-17-2008, 09:30 PM
!!! ALL MB's Have Been Lowered !!!

Bids placed and updated.

Sold items that are awaiting payment and delivery:

NOTE: Sold items should be picked up in a timely matter. Please contact for payment and delivery methods and options.


Delivered Items:

#3 Morrff
#6 Morrff
#12 Durgrimst
#14 justincredible
#15 justincredible
#26 thefarmer
#28 dszabo (Ashuron)
#29 Orp
#32 Summertime
#35 Summertime
#36 Shimeria
#39 Summertime
#48 justincredible
#52 justincredible
#57 Morrff
#65 Morrff
#66 Morrff
FishSpineSword Morrff


!!! ALL MB's Have Been Lowered !!!

02-16-2008, 09:41 PM

02-17-2008, 02:02 PM
Bump ... take another look folks, you may have overlooked something that you would like to barter with me on.


02-17-2008, 03:35 PM
If only everything didn't have a wolf on it.

02-17-2008, 04:33 PM

It would be great if Gemstone would come out with a mechanic that allowed folks to change their item to whatever they want it to look like.

O! Wait, they do have one, it is called altering. My bad.


02-19-2008, 11:40 PM

02-23-2008, 09:26 PM
BID Placed:

42) a diamond wolf-head pommeled razor-sharp vultite dwarven warblade (1M)
a. 4 Pounds
b. Falchion Based
c. +25
d. Enchanted by Cryobolt (one of my old mages)
--CB: 1M slim427 (bid placed at 8:56pm PST)

Apologies for not updating, life came up.

Contact me via AIM Finiswolf
