View Full Version : 7x VHCW Longblade among others

01-01-2008, 05:33 PM
Been away from the lands for awhile, so was wondering if I could get some input as to what some things might be worth nowadays.

a translucent vultite-alloy longblade
-7x very heavily crit weighted, falchion base, 4 pounds, altered with a show and a few actions as well.

a black enruned sylvan longsword that seems to burn with an intense darkness
-8x blessable, 3 pounds. Old alter, was told they couldn't be made like this anymore for some reason, not sure if thats true.

a razor-sharp gleaming silver longsword with a blue dreamstone hilt
-8x lightning flaring, 5 pounds. Has a few actions.

a horse hair crested invar burgonet
-Crush resistant helmet, protects head and neck.

a diamond-edged serrated black vultite falchion
-4x permanent mechanical flares, the type that does crushing damage (rods I believe), 4 pounds.

some dark cuirbouilli leather adorned with an ivory silk sash stitched with an emerald-eyed silver wolf
-7x cuirboilli leather, standard weight and such.

a midnight blue falchion
-5x, somewhat damage weighted, 3 pounds.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

The Ponzzz
01-01-2008, 05:37 PM
I can give a few pricings.

The longblade you could most likely get 55-60mil, possibly more for the actions.

The cuir leathers I would say 7-8mil.

And sadly, the 5x damage weighted fal could only grab like 750k.

01-01-2008, 06:48 PM
Poloneus was having loads of trouble trying to sell an 8x longsword for 10 on the officials the last few weeks. Never saw a bid on it, so he may have pulled it. That alter is illegal, though, so maybe some nutball who likes that sort of thing will buy it.

01-01-2008, 06:53 PM
actually erm lemme throw my hat into this because I deal with these type of wares daily selling/buying em. Go go merchanting.

longblade - 40+, i won't try to specifically set on this, because it's pretty much buyer-to-buyer willingness. but its expensive. :bananahit:

burning longsword - 10mil range. has a forbidden movement *seems to burn*. can't do movement, but at that level, the forbidden movement doesn't tack on much value.

lightning flaring longsword - 12.5mil range. good solid weapon.

burgonet - no clue. sorry. /grin.

mechanical falchion - mechanical flares that are PERMANENT add between 3 and 7 to any standard weapon. 7 is extremely high. But I will give this a 4-8 range, I've sold a few of these and had 1 VERY desperate buyer. again, a very good weapon.

7x cuir - i sell 7x all the time, and i almost NEVER let it go for less than 9. Cuir is not full protection, so you would be able to net 8 for it, at a tops of 10 or above to desperation buyers. Good luck with that. I hate selling non-full coverage armors /grumble! Oh and don't listen to morons trying to work you down saying 7x only goes for 5mil. they're tryin to scam ya =).

damage weighted falchion - THIS...is your hardest item sell. I have had only TWO of these, and got 3mil for 1, and 2mil and 250k in trades for the other. However, I held onto these falchions for a good 4 weeks a piece. 1.5ish is more likely for common sales. Good luck on this.

Glad to toss in my two cents.


Hunter D
01-01-2008, 09:46 PM
LongBlade - 50-55 mil.

Burn Long - 10-12 mil

Light Long - 13 mil

burgonet - 500k

Mech Falch - 3-5 mil

Cuir - 10 mil

5x dam falch - 2-3 mil

01-01-2008, 09:49 PM
You guys are both over-estimating the 7x cuirbouilli on the general market. It'll be the rare person that pays more than 7m for it.

You might, however, get a mil on the helm.

The Ponzzz
01-01-2008, 09:51 PM
I buy most my 7x for 7mil in prime.