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12-29-2007, 09:07 PM
The following items are for trade or sale:

1. some dark grey steel hauberk
a. 7X (+35)
b. Heavily Crit Padded
c. Lightened to 14 pounds
d. Permanent Lightning Resistance
e. 59/495 Forging

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2. a night black steel quiver
a. A series of tiny rivets are set flush into the night black steel surface of the boxy quiver, giving it a solid and simplistic build. A thin hinge parallel to the bottom edge of its front panel allows a wide hatch to swivel open and closed. Subtle slits are raised from its top surface, facing back toward a pair of clips mounted on its rear. The only stray piece on the entire quiver is a single ring, posted in front of the vents.
b. Torkington Quiver, works as follows:

Torkington's explanation of the mechanical quivers.

Torkington says, "The first step is to take a bundle of prepared shafts, either from wood or bone."
Torkington says, "I have some mossbark prepared from earlier."
Torkington removes a bundle of rough mossbark arrow shafts from in his dark spidersilk pack.

Torkington places his arrow shafts into the chute inside the open hatch on the front of his black steel quiver.

Torkington places his arrow shafts into the chute inside the open hatch on the front of his black steel quiver.
Torkington points at a matte black steel quiver.

Torkington says, "If you wish, you can also add a bit of fletchig paint."
Torkington removes some royal blue paint from in his dark spidersilk pack.

Torkington slides his royal blue paint into the compartment fitted into the open hatch on the front of his black steel quiver until it stops with an audible *CLICK*.

Torkington says, "After that, you can cast a spell at the quiver, which will be absorbed into the ring on top, here..."
Torkington ponders.

Torkington gestures at a matte black steel quiver.
A small ring mounted on the top of the black steel quiver frosts over with the cold, drawing the energy toward its center.

Torkington says, "Now, just a little turn of the crank on the side..."
Torkington tries to turn the crank on the side of his black steel quiver, but its front hatch seems to interfere.
Torkington swiftly shuts the hatch on the front of his black steel quiver, the door sliding smoothly along its hinges.
As Torkington begins turning the crank on the side of his black steel quiver, you hear the churning of gears followed by a series of grinding and cutting noises. A shrill, high-pitched whistling sound emanates from within as steam rises from a series of vented slits on the top of the quiver. Finally, the sounds begin to fade as the crank rolls through the last bit of resistance.
Torkington swiftly opens the hatch on the front of his black steel quiver, the door sliding smoothly along its hinges.

Torkington removes a bundle of spiraled royal blue mossbark-shafted arrows from in his black steel quiver.

Torkington says, "These arrows will be imbued with the element of cold from the cast of Major Cold that the quiver absorbed."

Torkington swiftly shuts the hatch on the front of his black steel quiver, the door sliding smoothly along its hinges.
Torkington put a bundle of spiraled royal blue mossbark-shafted arrows in his silver case.

Torkington says, "The quiver can absorb many types of spells, mostly of the elemental or holy nature."
Torkington smiles.

Torkington says, "Do take note that the pieces need to be in proximity of the quiver to keep its influence."

Torkington says, "As the sign states... they are good for a couple hundred pieces or so before they break down."
Torkington says, "That has been a commonality in all of my earlier experiments."

Torkington says, "However, it should be possible for me to fix them, given the proper tools and time."

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3. A leather bola with three stone weights
a. 6X Thrown Weapon (+30)
b. Returner
c. Will bind the legs of the enemy about one in three throws, leaving them immobile and often on the ground.
d. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a leather bola with three stone weights into flight.
You throw a leather bola at a lesser orc!
AS: +60 vs DS: -4 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +30 = +119
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Love tap upside the lesser orc's head!

Your bola wraps around the orc leg and binds it tight. It stumbles wildly attempting to keep its balance and fails miserably, plummetting to the ground in a heap looking dazed.
... 30 points of damage!
Leg jerked violently. The lesser orc is stunned.
The lesser orc is stunned!

You quickly close the distance between you and the bola and then break left and scoop it up.

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4. A Crimson and Silver Vultite Troll-claw
a. 6X (+30)
b. Agility Bonus of +12/+6 Stat/Bonus
c. Fire Flares
d. 2 pounds
e. 5/255 forging

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5. some mottled drakar dice
a. Wizard Dice of Fate
b. Forged from drakar, the large dice are brilliantly white, though the surface reflects no light. Vivid crimson speckles on the six sides of each die serve as pips, sans the single, which is instead depicted by an intricate etching of a roaring inferno bursting from the ground.
c. When rolled, will cast the following spells
2 is Tremors
3 is Boil
4 is Major Cold
5 is Minor Fire
6,7 is Invisibility
8 is Prismatic Guard
9 is Melgorhen's Aura
10 is Major Shock
11 is Sandstorm
12 is Call Wind
d. Positive Spells will last for 2 hours each
e. Can be used 5 times per day
f. Loresong:

Cradling the drakar dice in your hand, you roll them around slowly as you begin to sing. Your eyes flutter shut as images begin to take shape behind them. The faint smell of smoke and liquor tingles your nose, and you see before you a seedy room, the dim light making the smoke swirl like a stale mist around four men seated at a square table. A dark elf sits on one side, rolling a pair of dice around in his palm as he narrows his eyes and studies the others: a sylvan, a halfling, and a human.
The vision grows dim.

Your voice rises, urging the images to remain strong. The scene blurs, then as it clears you see the four men in the midst of a game of dice. The human rolls, scowling as he clearly does not get the roll he had hoped for. He pushes the last of a small pile of coins toward the dark elf.

"You know that's not nearly what you owe me," the elf says somberly.

The human glances at him, his eye twitching nervously. "I'm good for it, Ylzar. I swear I am!" The dark elf scowls, and turns toward the Sylvan. "Roll them." With a shift of his weight, the sylvan rolls the dice, staring as they stop.

The vision grows dim.

Once again the dim, smoky room emerges behind your eyes. The halfling is shaking a pair of dice frantically, his eyes darting to the dark elf again and again. You notice the sylvan, his head on his arms on the table, barely moving, the coins that had been near him gone, while the dark elf's pile of silver towers.

"Roll them!" The halfling gives a startled squeak and tosses the dice onto the table. His eyes grow wide as they tumble, and his face grows pale as they stop. He slides the last of his silvers to Ylzar with a trembling hand.
The vision grows dim.

Unable to stop the barrage of song coming from your lips, you sing louder, coaxing the dice to give up the rest of their tale. The vision returns, but the dark elf is on his feet, his arms raised in the air. He chants cryptic words as the others stare at him in terror, whimpering, imploring him to stop. Their abject pleas fall on deaf ears as Ylzar throws his arms in the air and screams out.

"It is the final time, you miserable wretches! You will never play me for a fool again!"
The vision grows dim.

With the last of your breath, you force your aching voice to continue. You see the dark elf Ylzar standing alone near the table, three sets of dice nonchalantly tumbling over one another in his palm. An almost imperceptible smile, touches his lips. He clenches his fist around the dice, and spectral light oozes from between his fingers.

"Your souls then, if not your silvers," he whispers toward the dice as he laughs softly.
The vision grows dim.

Some mottled drakar dice sit in your hand before twitching slightly, sending a slight shock into your palm. The dice fall still.

You give the drakar dice a hesitant shake for luck before rolling them on the ground.

Ethereal wisps of faint purple smoke begin to rise from the drakar dice before they finally stop to show a 3 and 3. Suddenly...
You become invisible.

The drakar dice then disappear, only to reappear in your hand once again.
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6. A Ruic Heavy Crossbow
a. 6X (+30)
b. Mechanical Crank Installed
c. When cranked, will always cock in three seconds
d. Will not force a stance change when cocking with crank
e. hide
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>turn cross
Your grab the windlass attached to the crossbow and turn it, smoothly cocking it.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>>get 1 bolt
You remove a wooden heavy crossbow bolt from in your black leather longcoat.
>load cross
You load a wooden heavy crossbow bolt into your ruic heavy crossbow.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
You fire a wooden heavy crossbow bolt at a lesser orc!
AS: +381 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +74 = +460
... and hit for 152 points of damage!
Strike through eye, the lesser orc is lobotomized!
A lesser orc screams one last time and dies.
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in a lesser orc's right eye!
Roundtime: 4 sec.

I am willing to accept coins or trades for these items as always. If interested, contact me via email at hogateer@aol.com or on AIM as Hogateer.

12-29-2007, 09:46 PM
I wonder if any sorcerers disintigrated those quivers hoping to put disintigrate in it.